SVN credentials from command line..? - wordpress

I've never used SVN except to push updates to my WordPress plugins. All of the plugins I've ever worked with are under the same account at I honestly don't remember how I setup SVN credentials the very first time I ever did one, but ever since then, I've never had to enter them again. Any new plugin I create just works for me.
Now, though, I've got a new plugin that I created on a different account. I was able to check out the new plugin repo from WordPress, but then when I try to check in my plugin files I get an authentication error.
I'm assuming this is because somewhere it has my primary account's credentials saved and that's what it's trying to use here, which won't work of course. It's never asking me for credentials of any kind.
I tried to specify different credentials at the command line like this...
svn ci -m "Adds files for 1.0.0 release" --username myusername --password mypassword
The thing is, my password has some )'s in it, and when I try that command I get this error back:
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
So at this point I'm stuck and I don't know what to do. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
UPDATE: I changed my password to something more basic, and now when I use the --username and --password options it works fine. So I guess one thing that would help is to figure out how I can use passwords with special characters in them from the command line without getting a syntax error..??

You can omit the --password option. Subversion asks you then for the password.
This is also saver as your password is not stored in cleartext in your history


Apache Airflow Webserver Log In Failed

I realise this is a duplicate of thousands of posts across the internet, but I have only found solutions for version <2.0, and those solutions do not apply to >2.0.
Basically, I have installed Apache Airflow on an Ubuntu system. Everything installed fine, as far as I see from command line, and I first create a user:
airflow users create --role Admin --username admin --email admin --firstname admin --lastname admin --password admin
And then from here I start up the webserver and scheduler:
airflow webserver -p 8585 > ${AIRFLOW_HOME}/logs/webserver.log 2>&1 &
airflow scheduler > ${AIRFLOW_HOME}/logs/scheduler.log 2>&1 &
And then I can access the webserver via "http://<HOST_IP>:8585" - This loads to the log in screen no problem.
But when I try to log in using the user details initially created, or by using my OS user (on the off-chance), it just fails with "Invalid login." I've tried restarting the webserver and Ubuntu to no avail.
I've used Airflow <2.0 in the past and never even created a user and just logged in straight away, so I'm really blank on what the answer is here. I absolutely hate Airflow and am loosing my mind just trying to log in, so a massive thanks for any help!
Okay, sooo I managed to get it running with login potential. I think I've discovered the issue, at least, and can re-create the problem, though frankly I have ZERO idea why it IS an issue (software coded issue??).
Basically, I had to run the install processes above as ROOT user. I was trying to run it as my admin user, but it kept resulting in the log in issue above - I did notice however that all install guides appear to use the ROOT user, so I gave it a shot in case it was as annoyingly simple as that, and VOILA!! First time logged in.
I did stop the software running at this point, quickly restart it as my admin user and immediately got the same login issue. There's something odd going on here, and I don't know what it is, but when in doubt: Try ROOT.
Solution- Create user again
I ran into the same issue. I had created an Admin user using the same command and after some changes to my config file, I ran airflow db init. After this when I started the webserver, I tried logging in with my admin credentials, but no luck. When I checked the logs, it showed me -
WARNING - No user yet created, use flask fab command to do it.
So I created the user again and it worked.

Messed Up MariaDB... Cannot Reset It

I had a mariaDB install and I messed up the root password. Now I can't get in. I've tried every tutorial to reset the password and only get ERROR 1045 (access denied for user 'root').
So I purged my install. I ran sudo mysql_secure_installation and I'm still getting this error 1045.
I could really use some help. I don't care if the DB's are gone, I just want to be able to use MariaDB and I'm stuck.
What I did do was super-ultra purge. I purged every mysql/mariadb package i could find. I manually removed the /etc/mysql folder and the var/whatevermariadbfolder I could find. After crash and burn i was able to totally reset and get back in.

How to change user password in karaf console?

I'm following the security guide for apache karaf:
I've learned how to add a new user or remove existing one. However, I've failed to find out, how to change the password of existing user. How it can be done?
Please mention which bundle version you are using.
Try this.Hope this works
There's a webconsole feature in this file, where you can reset username/password.

vTiger doesn't recognize any user

I having a problem using vTiger.
Actually i had no problems but we had to format one of our servers and as the SQL has been backup'ed i had no worries about vTiger.
Just got vTiger folder backup'ed too, but when i had my server back and put the folder of vTiger into www and restored the database i had a few errors, mostly resolved by re-configuring because paths had changes. But after all the configuration is done again i can't login to my vTiger. He reachs the database but does not recognize any of the users. I alway get username or password is wrong. Have anyone experienced this? Is there any possible solution?
Had a similar problem a few days ago, it turns out my cookies were corrupt (Firefox). I cleared all related cookies, problem solved. Try first using some other browser to confirm. hth.
First I would check if the db is reached and populated with your data. Try connecting from the command line.
If you are working on Windows and have changed Vtiger's path, and you are using the bundled version, MySql path changes as well, but the Windows service can still be alive on the old path: in this case you must manually cancel the service and afterwards use the "Start Vtiger" button in order to create the new service.
Second, I would turn on the php debugging as explained here. In most cases, these steps should help you.
Have you checked user_privileges folder? in that you must have 2 files for particular user. eg. your user admin having id 1 in database then you must have user_privileges/sharing_privileges_1.php and user_privileges/user_privileges_1.php file
and open user_privileges_1.php file and check username/password in that file, if it's not same with your DB then change it manually.
Try this solution and let me know if it works.

Help with potential trojan passed through site

So I'm pretty sure my site's been infected with some kind of trojan or virus that attached itself to the scripting within the site. Every time I try and update my Drupal-based site, I get a white screen with this stupid "i'mhere" message. Upon reload, the changes will take affect but I don't know what this is doing once changes are saved. This only pops up while adminstering the site, I.E. posting new content, activating/deactivating modules etc.
Problem is, I haven't the faintest idea how or where to go to remove this. The source code doesn't make reference to any malicious code. It isn't the iFrame link kind of trojan that I've seen brought up through trying to find an answer to this problem.
Things I've tried:
-Scanned computer multiple times for virus (supposedly these things attack insecure FTP data & hijack your client to upload malicious code)
-Changed FTP credentials
-Changed admin user passwords to the backend of the site (Drupal login)
-Updated Drupal
Nothing's worked so far and I'm at my wit's end trying to figure this out. Any tips in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Assuming the problem is really Drupal, first check to see if there's some code in a module somewhere firing during a form submit. If you have shell access and it's a Unix/Linux/etc.-based server, navigate to the Drupal directory and run:
grep -r "i\'mhere" *
This will tell you if it exists in code and what file contains it. If it's a module (likely), disable it and either see if there's an update or modify it yourself.
If it's not in code, check your database. Create a dump of your database, and run:
cat databasedump.sql | grep "i\'mhere"
Where databasedump.sql is the name of the database dump you just created. This should at least give you a general idea of what table the data exists in. Then, you can decide how you want to proceed: restore from a previous backup, delete the offending data, etc.
If it's not in either, it might be local. Check with others to see if it's occurring for them.
If it's not local, you've got something really nasty and hopefully someone else has some other ideas on what you can check. :)
Here are a list of potentially useful tools which can help you alleviate, reduce or prevent a virus infection:
bdcored chkrootkit clamd drwebd ipfw iptables kav lidsadm
logcheck logwatch ninja nod32 ossec portsentry rkhunter
sav sawmill shieldcc snort sxid sysmask tcplodg tripwire
uvscan wormscan zmbscap
It is coming straight out of an infamous backdoor malicious software, described on this stackoverflow article.
You may want to manually search for other instances of the virus by running this simple command:
[~] grep -r "base64_decode" .
as suggested in this RAT infection article on
