LinkedIn People Search API - linkedin

I integrated LinkedIn People Search API in my iOS app. I am sening requests to this API, but I am getting access denials from LinkedIn. In the documentation, LinkedIn says that this API requires the developer to be registered as a LinkedIn Partner, in order to be able to access it.
I filled in the LinkedIn Partnership Program form ( in order to get access to LinkedIn People Search API. I did that several times during a period of 2-3 months, and I get this time of rejection every time: Can anybody help me with an answer about how I can become a LinkedIn Partner?
This image will help:


How to get previous versions of accounts, campaigns, creatives etc from the LinkedIn marketing API

I have an app with LinkedIn developer solutions (marketing data) and am working through extracting accounts, campaigns, and creatives from the API as well as marketing metrics.
However, since campaigns change over time I want to be able to see what a campaign was like at some point in time
When I query the api I get a version tag. And if I query again I can see if the version has updated. But sometimes it might have updated a few times. And I can't see how to access past versions.
I can get metrics for the last 6mo, but how to know what a campaign was like at some point in time?
That is how I search for campaigns, given a LinkedIn marketing account ID.

LinkedIn API Partner program

We have an app that wants to save users time when they create their profile. Ideally this would happen by tapping into LinkedIn's API and get the work experience and education background.We heard the LinkedIn partner program might offer that.
Anyone out there who has done so?
What information does LinkedIn allow partners to get?
What is the annual cost to sign up?

Users can sign-up on our portal using linkedin but we are unable to access their linkedin ID. How do track the linkedin ID with email address?

We are a platform that facilitates companies to hire analytics talent on demand. We only allow users to login to our platform with their Linkedin IDs so that we can validate their profile details and score them. Currently, the Linkedin API doesnot give us even the Linkedin-id of the user to help us manually check the profile. How can we correct this?
Ask for the r_liteprofile and r_emailaddress scopes as part of the OAuth flow. Then make GET calls to and*(handle~))
to gather this information. See the documentation for more details.
However, please read LinkedIn's API Terms of Use to ensure your application is an acceptable use case. Also, the profile data you can receive is quite limits, so it may not give you the fields you want.

LinkedIn Sign In API recently intermittently failing

I'm having intermittent issues with signing in to LinkedIn with the LinkedIn Sign In API.
By intermittent I mean, I have two LinkedIn accounts, and as of this week one of them is unable to use the API to sign in to external services, such as the LinkedIn application I develop.
I'm authenticating via Auth0, whose engineers have confirmed there is an issue:
Over the last few weeks, the current version of the LinkedIn API for
has been intermittently failing when fetching the user
profile, causing a small number of users to fail to log in. The cause
of this issue is currently unknown, and is coming from LinkedIn
The Auth0 response i'm getting is the following (I've replaced senstivie response values with 'XX'):
{"name":"a0.response.invalid","message":"unknown error","json":{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"InternalOAuthError: failed to fetch user profile (status: 500 data: {\n \"errorCode\": 0,\n \"message\": \"Internal API server error\",\n \"requestId\": \"XX\",\n \"status\": 500,\n \"timestamp\": 1550474289966\n})","state":"XX"},"status":0}
I know this API is being depreciated in March, but it's imperative that this API continues to work until the decommission date. I'm wondering if anyone has found a work around or solution to this issue, as it's impacting my ability to run real-world trials of my application scheduled in this week.
I've contacted LinkedIn support who directed me here.
Auth0 recently released a change to LinkedIn social connection, allowing you to use the new LinkedIn API (Version 2). You can change this by going to Connections-->Social-->LinkedIn-->Strategy Version dropdown and select Version 2. This should fix most of the login issues with the old deprecated version of LinkedIn API. More information post.

LinkedIn API returns 500 Internal Error when posting updates

Our application allow our users to post updates on Linkedin profiles and company pages and for this we use LinkedIn API v1
Since Friday LinkedIn API sometime returns 500 Internal Error when posting updates. It affects approx. 20% of our users.
For some other users, the updates is posted correctly but the links are displayed with a small thumbnail.
All updates are posted the same way (code and server), the only difference being the LinkedIn account used.
Any help much appreciated.
