Submit Qt based app on Windows App - qt

I have already created Qt based application which uses some third-party open source library like OpenCV, I have looked Windows Dev Center and seems the all the reference is using Visual Studios and other Windows tool. I have created my App using Qt creator. Is it possible to submit such an application on Windows App store?
Any help will be appreciated,

Bad news: Microsoft does not support Win32 apps on AppStore yet (but it has been announced, currently under development as "Project Centennial"). It looks like an "old-school" desktop applications cannot be submitted to the Windows App store.
Good news: Qt has support for WinRT (complete in Qt 5.6 which is currently in Beta and will be released in a few weeks). And qmake can generate a Visual Studio solution from your project (in case you need it for deployment or debugging; VS Community edition is free).
Qt WinRT tutorial:
OpenCV in WinRT:


How do I create an msixbundle for a UWP project?

I have two xamarin forms projects that currently only utilize the UWP platform. One creates msixbundles when publishing and the other creates appxbundles when publishing. I can't seem to find any key difference between the Package.appxmanifest or the uwp project files that would cause this. I would like to make them both produce msixbundles. Does anyone know the key to creating msixbundles vs appxbundles?
The apps targeting Windows 1809 and newer are automatically packaged bundled as msix/msixbundle. And here is official release note.
We added support for creating .MSIX packages for both the Universal
Windows Platform projects, as well as in the Windows Application
Packaging Project template. To create an .MSIX package, the minimum
version of your application must be the latest Windows 10 SDK (build

Packaging a Qt/win32 application to post on microsoft store

I have a medium sized C/C++ Qt application that uses some win32 API functions. I compiled for release and created a directory that contains all the needed DLLs and resources files needed. I tested it on other machines and it works fine.
Now my question is.. how to package such application so that I can put it on microsoft store? Note that it is not a UWP app and it uses some functions from win32.
You can use the Professional edition of Advanced Installer (it has Visual Studio integration) and create an MSIX package ready for the Windows Store.
Here is an article that takes you through the MS Store publishing steps
Also, an article that explains how to build and MSIX package using Advanced Installer's VS extension
Disclaimer. I work on the team building Advanced Installer.

Is porting QML based app easy to Windows Phone?

On the qt-project web-site there're available sources as for porting QML to iOS, Android.
It appears to be easy.
Is it so for Windows Phone as well?
Is it so for any other platform?
Qt Project has a Qt for WinRT tutorial providing a step-by-step process to build applications for Windows 8 based devices. Basically to resume the tutorial :
You need the appropriate windows runtime
You may have to build Qt from source for that runtime library
You develop and compile Qt as you would do for a desktop app
You have an additional step for packaging the application.

Qt Digia vs. Qt project

Qt Digia provides cross platform development targeting Mac, PC, Linux and on mobile iOS, Android, Windows mobile.
The Qt project also offers iOS, Android and PC, Mac, Linux builds. What is additionally there on the commercial version (i.e. Qt Digia)?
The core is the same which means the essential modules and some shared extension modules, aka. add-ons. There are a couple of things differing, however, e.g.:
Android injection
Qt Virtual Keyboard
Qt Quick Compiler
Qt Purchasing
... and so on, basically anything that Digia is working on under the Enterprise umbrella. You can follow their blog for further details.
Here you can also find the updates for 5.3.
On the new download page you can find a detailed table with a comparison about the available options.

Qt creator can not create windows app

When installed QT creator on my Ubuntu I was able to create simple console app gui app and so on .
But when I installed it on my windows , and trying to create a project QT asks for
target :
Qt simulator,
But I need a simple win console app.
What im doing wrong ?.
Are you sure you installed the correct version of the Qt SDK? There used to be a separate "Nokia Qt SDK" which only contained the libraries for the mobile targets.
This link should always point you to the latest installer for the complete Windows SDK.
