Applying CSS to a table using a SharePoint script editor - css

What am I doing wrong with applying CSS to my table (Webpart: WebPartWPQ6) in SharePoint?
I have this script editor CSS (note the Font-size is just trying to see in an instant if what I apply works or not):
<style type="text/css">
#WebPartTitleWPQ6 .ms-viewheadertr
font-size: 100px !important;
I've tried replacing ms-viewheartr with diidSort16RequestID, ms-headerSortTitleLink, ms-viewheadertr .ms-vhltr, ms-vhltrm, ms-vh-div. But none of them seem to be working.
I'm getting the webpart name from inspecting the element:
<div id="MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ6" class="ms-webpartzone-cell ms-webpart-cell-vertical ms-fullWidth s4-wpcell" onkeyup="WpKeyUp(event)" onmouseup="WpClick(event)">
<div class="ms-webpart-chrome ms-webpart-chrome-vertical ms-webpart-chrome-fullWidth ">
<div webpartid="69f4fe83-8a06-4eca-bbb2-fb143cdc2859" haspers="false" id="WebPartWPQ6"
and I'm trying to get the name of the header from:

There isn't any element with an id of WebPartTitleWPQ6 in the HTML you posted. The closest thing is the element with the id WebPartWPQ6.
Try using a CSS selector of #WebPartWPQ6 instead of #WebPartTitleWPQ6.


How do I hide this CSS element?

<section class="mesh_section type-mesh_section status-publish hentry">
How do I hide the above? I've tried the with the post ID at the front
.postid-11319 .mesh_section { display: none}
I've even put the display none code under Inspect element under this and it works fine. {
There's a whole section I need hidden.
Image here of full code:
There is some issue with you example. First .postid-11319 doesn't select something with the id="postid-11319" but class="postid-11319". To select by id you should use the # operator like:
#postid-11319 .mesh_section { display: none; }
For you interest, the inspector propose you to update the styles of an element by using {} but that's only working in the scope of the inspector to easily design something with CSS.
Are you open to using JQuery?
Your JQuery Function would look a little like this
$( ".mesh_section" ).hide();
I've founding using display: none can cause issues like the element appearing and disappearing
Alternatively you can add display: none inline
<section style="display:none" class="mesh_section type-mesh_section status-publish hentry"> </section>

Set child div which has attribute matching parent div attrobite via style sheet

I have this html code here:
<div default_name="RandomName1">
<div name="RandomName1">RandomName1</div>
<div name="RandomName2">RandomName2</div>
<div name="RandomName3">RandomName3</div>
The property default_name on parent div changes from time to time. I would like to set the child div which has name matching default_name to background-color:red.
div > div[name=default_name_of_parent] { background-color: red }
I have no control over what the name values are, users set it. Is this possible via style sheet?
This can be done, if you make a rule containing a selector for each possible “combination”, like so:
div[default_name=RandomName1] > div[name=RandomName1],
div[default_name=RandomName2] > div[name=RandomName2],
div[default_name=RandomName3] > div[name=RandomName3]
{ background-color: red }
But j08691 is totally right with their comment – this should be avoided at all cost if possible, data- attributes would be the way to go.

Set the css property of a class based on its visibility property using CSS only

I have a set of div whose visibility is set to either hidden or visible. Based on this css visibility property i need to add the css property on those div, like
<div class="div-class" style="color:#ff0000; margin: 0px 10px; visibility:hidden;">
[Block of Code]
Now i need to define the following in style.css file.
.div-class:visible {top:10px;left:50px;}
.div-class:hidden {top:0px;left:0px;}
Is this possible???
yes with css attributre selectors you can do it
try the below css:
.div-class[style*="visible"] {
color: green;
.div-class[style*="hidden"] {
color: red;
What you are trying to do is not "really" possible.
I mean it's ill thought by design in the first place.
Even Vamsikrishna's solution might not work as expected.
If you set the overflow property to hidden via javascript or inline styles, the .div-class[style*="hidden"] rule will apply since the style attribute will contain the hidden string.
Moreover , setting inline styles on html elements is bad practice itself in most cases.
I suggest you try and learn css principles a little more.
I'd do the following:
<div class="div-class div-hidden">
[Block of Code]
.div-class {color:#ff0000; margin: 0px 10px; top:10px;left:50px;}
.div-hidden {visibility:hidden;}
.div-class.div-hidden {top:0px;left:0px;}
Then you can use javascript to toggle the "div-hidden" class.
You can do something using attrchange - a jQuery plugin ,
like this:
Add "attrchange" script into HTML page like
In Javascrip catch event
var email_ver_input = $("input#email_ver_input.verifyInput");
trackValues: true,
callback: function (event) {
if (":visible")){

Using an existing style for all buttons without specifying it in the class attribute

I am using ASP.NET MVC 3 with the Razor engine together with the newest version of the Telerik MVC controls.
In telerik.webblue.min.css there are 2 styles, namely t-button and t-state-default. It is implemented on a button element like this:
<button class="t-button t-state-default" type="submit">Apply</button>
I don't want to use a class attribute to specify which styles to use, I want to specify it in my own stylesheet that all button elements must use these 2 styles. I tried the folowing in my stylesheet but it doesn't work:
So all that I want to have in my markup is:
<button type="submit">Apply</button>
How would I do this?
When I view source this is what I see:
<link href="/Assets/yui_2.9.0/yui/build/reset-fonts-grids/reset-fonts-grids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="/Assets/telerikaspnetmvc/2011.2.712/Content/telerik.common.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="/Assets/telerikaspnetmvc/2011.2.712/Content/telerik.webblue.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="/Assets/Stylesheets/hbf.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
In Firebug when I select the button it shows the top most style for this button as:
button, .t-button, .t-state-default {
hbf.css (line 26)
This should work.
However, you could place all the styles from
.t-button,.t-state-default {}
into a single rule labeled
button {}
I think I see the problem, based on your update. (If I understand it correctly)
button, .t-button, .t-state-default {
appears in your hbf.css
However, it is styling nothing. button is not able to reference the other styles that way.
The .t-button, .t-state-default are still receiving styles from the telerik.webblue.min.css stylesheet.
In order to make it work, you need to add button to the telerik.webblue.min.css stylesheet.
.t-state-default {
border: 1px solid red;
background: #ccc;
width: 100px;
height: 25px;
See Demo:

apply css to nested divs

I use the following code on my page:
<div id="itemstable" class="item_type1">
...other divs here...
And in my CSS file I have this code:
.item_type1 div {
background-image: url(images/type1.giff);
the problem is there are a lot of different item types so I will need to have a lot of lines in my CSS file. I was wondering how to apply the background-image: url(images/type1.giff); style to the nested divs without assigning it to each one. eg. I want to change the code for the "itemstable" div so that it applies a css rule to the nested divs.
Is this possible?
EDIT: I'm looking for something like this:
<div id="itemstable" style="SET BACKGROUND IMG FOR NESTED DIVS HERE">
...other divs here...
(If I'm understanding the question correctly:)
Think about using a different ID/class scheme. I don't know about the further specifics of your structure, but id="itemstable" class="item_type1" seems slightly redundant to me. Can itemstable be anything else than item_type1? Try to apply more generic class names and keep the specific cases for IDs.
Failing that, you can add another class that is responsible for adding the background image: class="item_type1 item_types".
Since it seems sheer mass is the main problem (not applying the style as the title suggests) it's probably best to dynamically insert a style in the page header. Something along the lines of:
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
<?php echo "#$myelement"; ?> div { background: url(<?php echo $image; ?>) ...; }
Inline styles can only apply to the element directly, not one of its children. I.e.:
<div style="background: ...;">
The background only applies to this one div.
You can't use selectors in inline styles like:
<div style="div { background: ...; }">
I think including a little more of your HTML would make your question easier to understand.
You can certainly include multiple rules in a compound selector:
.item_type1 div.a, .item_type1 div.b, .item_type1 div.c {
background-image: url(xyz.gif);
But since you are pulling images from the database dynamically, you will need to either include them in your dynamic code-- in the divs themselves, or dynamically create CSS as suggested above:
<% for $i in $images { echo "div.image$i div { background-image: url(/path/to/$i) }" %>
