Dynamic Button Icon Windows app - button

I'm trying to do a pause/play button windows 10 app.
So far I know 3 ways to set the button using
button.context = "some segoe code" - works fine when I initialize it with the button but on the code to change the context the button appears as a bunch of squares
Button symbolicon - works fine initializing but no idea how to alter the symbolicon value outside of button declaration
button uri - only thing I could find online about button changing, but I don't have the button libraries that come in windows phone...
what is your recommendations so on clickrelease the button changes to either the pause or the play

I have used SymbolIcon to achieve the toggle play/pause.
<Button Click="play_Click">
<SymbolIcon x:Name="play" Symbol="Play"/>
C# code behind:
private void play_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (play.Symbol.Equals(Symbol.Play))
play.Symbol = Symbol.Pause;
else if (play.Symbol.Equals(Symbol.Pause))
play.Symbol = Symbol.Play;
Comment if you encounter any issues.


DispatchKeyEvent stops firing after Xamarin Forms Entry control IsFocused

I am building a Xamarin Forms mobile app that runs in Android on a Zebra scanner. I flip 2 different StackLayouts to IsVisble true/false to display different stuff in the UI. (StackLayout1 and StackLayout2)
The customer wants the user to be able to use the app entirely from the hardware keyboard on the scanner. So I have used the device Settings so that it never displays the virtual keyboard (I don’t think that matters for the issue I am having.)
I am overriding DispatchKeyEvent in a PageRenderer in the Android project and everything is working great … except.
The problem case:
StackLayout1 is displayed
the user taps an Entry control, putting the focus there
the user taps a button in the UI
the app displays StackLayout2
at this point the DispatchKeyEvent never fires no matter what key I press on the device keyboard
If an Entry box does NOT get the focus (step #2 above) the DispatchKeyEvent always fires in StackLayout2 and the StackLayouts display as expected.
If I programatically put the focus in an Entry box in StackLayout2 at step #3 above the DispatchKeyEvent fires fine.
That is not an OK solution. I have tried to progamatically put the focus on StackLayout2, and that code seems to do what is expected but DispatchKeyEvent does not fire.
Maybe I need to do something in the Android-project PageRenderer so that it is aware of StackLayout2 when it is made IsVisible = true.
Update 2: I found that I did NOT need custom StackLayouts. The solution which I posted below does not include any of this stuff I am describing in Update 1 (sorry, if that's confusing).
Update 1:
I added a ViewRenderer for both StackLayouts, and the code is hitting the OnElementChanged event when StackLayout2's IsVisible property flips to true, just great. Although the problem case is the same: DispatchKeyEvent does not fire once StackLayout2 is displayed, if an EntryBox had the focus in StackLayout1
Here is the OnElementChanged part of the new StackLayout ViewRenders
async void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
switch (e.PropertyName)
case "IsVisible":
if (Element.IsVisible)
if (sender is StackLayout)
this.FocusableViewAvailable(this); // if I comment these 2 lines out I get the same bad result
this.Focusable = true; // if I comment these 2 lines out I get the same bad result
this.FocusableInTouchMode = true;
var dd = this.RequestFocus(); // this is always false
var ee = this.IsFocused; // this is always false
Also, as I am pointing out in the comments ^ there, IsFocused is always false.
My hunch, "Maybe I need to do something in the Android project PageRenderer" was correct. In the DispatchKeyEvent I had to make the MainPage have the focus when the keypress was handled.
Here is what the DispatchKeyEvent looks like now (notice the comments):
public override bool DispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent ke)
// MainPage.ReceiveKeyPress(e); is the method that this method returns to
bool KeyPressWasHandled = false;
KeyPressWasHandled = (Element as MainPage).ReceiveKeyPress(ke);
if (KeyPressWasHandled)
// this next block seems to be needed so that this class
// continues to receive the keypress event after an Entry box has had the focus
this.Focusable = true;
this.FocusableInTouchMode = true;
return true; // returning true tells the parent class that the keypress has been handled
} else
return base.DispatchKeyEvent(ke);
Now the "problem case" in my initial post is no longer a problem.
NOTE: I found that I did NOT need the custom ViewRenderers that I had made for the StackLayouts.

Xamarin virtual keyboard overlaps search component

In my Xamarin project I have a listview with a search box on the bottom. When I go to type in a search value the virtual keyboard overlaps the search box?
I tried to use Content.layout but I can't match the keyboard and search together Is there a way to fix this do I use a popup control?
void InputFocused(object sender, EventArgs args){
Content.LayoutTo(new Rectangle(0,-360, Content.Bounds.Width, Content.Bounds.Height));
void InputUnfocused(object sender, EventArgs args){
Content.LayoutTo(new Rectangle(0,0, Content.Bounds.Width, Content.Bounds.Height));
For ios , you can use this plugin, add to your ios project.
For android, try to add the following code in App.xaml, new App()
If you still have this issue, please provide mode code here, I will try to reproduce your issue at my side.

How to configure ExpressionTextBox bindings / OwnerActivity when used in a dialog?

Our group is working on a Custom Activity Designer around our Email activity. It's a pretty straight forward designer, allow the user to enter settings / creds, but instead of cluttering the activity designer with all the settable options, we thought about putting some settings in a dialog window. (Which opens when you click the button beside the server address box).
Some of our email activity properties are InArguments so we are trying to make use of the ExpressionTextBox to display these values without much luck. The main problem is we aren't sure how to properly set up the binding and the OwnerActivity on the ExpressionTextBox. In the Activity Designer's xaml this is simply done by setting Expression=ModelItem.Property using a converter for the InArgument and setting the OwnerActivity=ModelItem, like this:
<view:ExpressionTextBox HintText="Enter a VB Expression" Expression="{Binding ModelItem.ServerAddress, ConverterParameter=In, Converter={StaticResource ArgumentToExpressionConverter}, Mode=TwoWay}" ExpressionType="{x:Type system:String}" OwnerActivity="{Binding ModelItem}" Margin="2" MaxLines="1" />
If anyone has any ideas on how we could accomplish this in a dialog, please advise.
Well, this is more a WPF\MVVM question than WF4, really.
When developing custom activities designers you just have to keep one thing in mind: any change made on designer\dialog should be reflected on ModelItem. Either through XAML binding expressions or through code on ModelItem.Properties property.
Now, when and how you do it, there are several answers to that but that's really an implementation detail and depends on how you want to do it.
Lets assume you're showing the dialog on button-beside-the-server-address-box click. And lets also assume you've access to dialog textboxes through their name. At that point, you've access to ModelItem so just set its properties as needed:
private void ButtonNextToServerAddressBox_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var dialog = new ServerAddressEditor();
var result = dialog.ShowDialog();
if (result ?? false)
ModelItem.Properties["Server"].SetValue(new InArgument<string>(dialog.ServerTextBox.Text));
ModelItem.Properties["Port"].SetValue(new InArgument<string>(dialog.PortTextBox.Text));
// ... set all other properties
Now, if you are using any other pattern, or you want pure MVVM, it can be a little more tricky because of how ModelItem works. But this is a totally fine approach.
I resolved this by creating a property in the dialog's ViewModel to hold the Activity Designer's ModelItem.
public ModelItem OwnerActivity {
get { return _OwnerActivity; }
set { _OwnerActivity = value; }
vm.OwnerActivity = this.DataContext.ModelItem;
I then set the Xaml for the Expression Text Box in my dialog to binding to this:
<view:ExpressionTextBox HintText="Enter a VB Expression" Expression="
{Binding Path=OwnerActivity.ServerAddress, ConverterParameter=In, Converter=
{StaticResource ArgumentToExpressionConverter}, Mode=TwoWay}" ExpressionType="
{x:Type system:String}" OwnerActivity="{Binding OwnerActivity}" Margin="2"
MaxLines="1" />
Because I'm now binding directly to the ModelItem from the Activity Designer, any change made to the ModelItem property from the dialog is ALWAYS committed, even if you choose to Cancel from the dialog. To wire up the Ok/Cancel buttons so they work accordingly, I did the following in the dialog:
// declare a ModelEditingScope to make changes transactional
private ModelEditingScope _editScope;
// add this to the constructor of the dialog to begin transactional edits on the ModelItem
_editScope = editorViewModel.OwnerActivity.BeginEdit();
// ok & cancel button click event to commit or revert the changes.
private void OK_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
private void Cancel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;

On Asp.net Button click open link in new maximized window

I have a button in Update panel in my page. on button click event dependendant on the text boxes entered i m buliding an url and have to open that url in new window.
i have tried:
i) window open .. but it opens un maximized , not a fully maximized window. i tried setting its height to screen hieght,,but the requirement is full window only, shouldnt need to be maximize every time i open window.
<Asp:button OnClick="Btn1_Click" />
//in code behind
protected void Btn1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//my code to generate url
// In below lines im trying to open window
//Im ont using OnClientClick becoz..the button is in Update panel
Btn1.GetType(), "", "window.open('" + myUrl+ "','','height=' + screen.height + ',width=' + screen.width + ',resizable=yes,scrollbar=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,location=yes,top=0, left=0');", true);
or can i create a hyperlink click event dynamically on button click event.. and how do i try that?
any ideas and samples would be appreciated.
try this: OnClientClick="window.open('url')"
the c# file you write,
in the aspx page,write the below javascript function
function function1()
window.open("pagename",other attributes whose values are to be passed to other page);
Did not understand you the first time. Try this. Im guessing your not using update panels here right? cause if you are you should use scriptmanger.register.. instead of client script
//my code to bulid url
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(),"Redirection","window.open('www.google.com', '_blank')",true);
<Asp:button OnClick="Btn1_Click" />
try this please : window.open(url, '_blank');
EDIT : look at this link dude example for opening new tab
My issue got resolved by adding 'chromemode=yes' in parameters.. like below..
window.open(url, 'chromemode=yes, scrollbars=yes' );
thank you all for your answers :)

How to disable delete button in ASP.NET Dynamic Data?

I need to disable delete button GLOBALLY based on some condition?
The following solutions will not work for me:
Again, I do not want to go into every list and detail page and disable it there.
Why not just extend/inherit from button. You could make your own button that "knows" how to check if it should be hidden:
public class MyButton : Button
public void HiddenCheck()
bool visible = true;
//Check to see if the button should be hidden
this.Visible = visible;
Then, just use this button instead of the "System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button" button wherever you need the delete button functionality.
-Make that "Enabled." I read the post again, and I guess you aren't trying to "hide" the button, but disable it. The idea is the same though.
