Call Transfer to Different Host/IP in Asterisk - asterisk

Is it possible to transfer call to different host in asterisk?
Like I have three asterisk instances in line i.e A, B and C. The scenario is that the call will come from A to B and B will transfer the call to C and after successful transfer, B will not be facilitator and A will directly be communicating with C

Correct setup is have kamailio or opensips proxy infront of asterisk.
For asterisk ff you have on all instances in trunks settings
and if you have SIP protocol, you can do Transfer call. If you do that before call setup will be full transfer,if after setup - only last option will work, so signaling will still go via this host, while media go directly.
Both options may not work if provider NOT support that.
pro-sip*CLI> core show application Transfer
-= Info about application 'Transfer' =-
Transfer caller to remote extension.
Requests the remote caller be transferred to a given destination. If TECH
(SIP, IAX2, LOCAL etc) is used, only an incoming call with the same channel
technology will be transferred. Note that for SIP, if you transfer before
call is setup, a 302 redirect SIP message will be returned to the caller.
The result of the application will be reported in the ${TRANSFERSTATUS}
channel variable:
SUCCESS: Transfer succeeded.
FAILURE: Transfer failed.
UNSUPPORTED: Transfer unsupported by channel driver.


Does the server wait for a response from the client when using server sent events?

SSEs are advertised as a unidirectional communication tool to be used from server to client. I have a requirement to broadcast data to all clients and so i was wondering how SSEs behave on a low level. I cannot seem to find any low level information about SSEs online.
Primarily i would like to know if, after sending the data, does the server wait for a response from the client to confirm it has received the data before finishing the "send". That would mean that doing a broadcast using a for loop would be quiet dangerous and slow in which case websockets might be the better options.
Perhaps the implementation depends entirely on the language and framework? Is it not standardized?
Broadcast usually uses UDP which does not wait for a response. - - Broadcasting ip:port by socket server
.. says
UDP Packet: First four bytes as a magic number, next four bytes an IPv4 address (and you might want to add other things like a server name).
The magic number is just in case there is a collision with another application using the same port. Check both the length of the packet and the magic number.
Server would broadcast the packet at something like 30 second time intervals. (Alternatively you could have the server send a response only when a client sends a request via broadcast.)
So the client app would have to send a request back to the server app.
Different protocols would get different responses according the the underlying technology. eg HTTP uses responses extnsivly.
SSE and WebSockets are both over TCP, so there could be a wait before the socket could be used to send further data.
However, each client is a dedicated socket. So server-side you would be using threads or async coding (depending on the server-side language and its conventions). So looping through all the sockets to send a message to each client would be fine and quick.

How to route call from VoiceBlue Next device to Asterisk Server

I want to setup and IVR Menu i mean if a user calls to a particular GSM Number then the number should be redirected to Asterisk Server and the user needs to Get IVR Menu
I am using VoiceBlue Next firmware version inserted working SIM Card
If i make a call to that particular number i am able to accept call,reject call and other options from VoiceBlueNext Web Interface.
I have made a SIP account in pjsip.conf file and created and extension as 100 in extensions.conf but unable to transfer the call to Asterisk Server
In asterisk server are there any other files to be changed or any settings in VoiceBlue Next
There are not many details to understand your scenario, I have not used VoiceBlue but on Asterisk if you want to receive calls, from your VoiceBlue or any other provider. You have to do two things, one you have to register this peer to allow receive calls, or you can also set allowguest=yes(but very dangerous anyone can send you calls) or add peers at end of pjsip.conf file as little secure way.
Next, you need to add dialplan, suppose if you get any number _X will be any number, now you can put Dial your extension to receive any number from the provider.
As for sip client to call out you have to register peer and both must be in the same context.
Sending outgoing calls, now if you call any number beginning 6 and 7 they will be forwarded to VoiceBlue
for incoming please add following in your pjsip.conf
and in same file on top put following general section
port = 5060
bindaddr =
context = sip
Notice I allowguest = no , so you must provide peer VoiceBlue peer information to receive calls, but if you want to test, make it yes and you will get calls without any security.

How to get call on an extension, which is registered when a call towards it reach Kamailio

I am using Kamailio 4.4 as the proxy with my Asterisk server. I am trying to develop a scenario where an extension gets registered on asterisk via Kamailio when it receives a push notification. This push notification is sent to the sip extension when a call towards this extension reaches to the Kamailio.
For example, suppose there is two SIP extension( extension 1 and extension 2) registered on Asterisk via Kamailio. When a call from extension 1 reaches the asterisk, it forwards the INVITE request towards extension 2 via Kamailio.Kamailio will try to forward it to extension 2. suppose the extension 2 is not able to receive the INVITE request from Kamailio. When extension two receive a push notification, it will register on asterisk.
So I need to get the call on extension 2 through the new registration.
We are trying to simulate registration of extension to the asterisk when receiving the push notification.
First, we registered extension 2 and disconnected the network. Then we tried to register the same extension when a call from extension 1 reaches to Kamailio. This is a simulation of push-based registration since an extension that receives the push will attempt to register when an incoming call is received.
When asterisk sends INVITE request to Kamailio, it immediately responded with 100 trying provisional response. This 100 response by Kamailio towards asterisk prevents asterisk from re-transmitting the INVITE.
Then Kamailio tried to send and retransmit the packet to extension 2, which does not have network access. This extension 2 was on port number 24071. Even after successful registration(in port 59995) of the extension 2, Kamailio continued to transmit the packets to the old port.
After that, we have configured Kamailio in a way that it won't send an immediate provisional reply(100 trying ) for INVITE request.
Here Kamailio is not immediately sending 100 trying message to Asterisk. This forces Asterisk to re-transmit. Asterisk was found to retransmit the same packets. However, even after the successful registration of extension 2, asterisk continued to send the old invite to Kamailio not the new one to the latest port.
This is the problem for me since push relies on the INVITE reaching the phone at the correct port number.
So, is there other good approaches to solve this issue?
One thing I would like to try is modifying the pending INVITE request towards old registered port with the new port details when new registration reaches to Kamailio. Can I get the ongoing requests from Kamailio?
Please suggest a viable solution.
Almost any kamailio config availible do similar thing.
You have save into location and consult it when do call.
However if you need really scalable platform you SHOULD NOT forward register requests to asterisk at all.
If kamailio send invite to wrong port, likly that mean you have TWO records in location.

How to do MSMQ routing over HTTP?

Ì have a setup where I have a chain of servers that I need to send messages between:
A -> B -> C
On A I have an application which puts a message on a local MSMQ queue (MSMQ-A) on A. This queue needs to forward the message to a MSMQ queue on B (MSMQ-B) which in turn should forward the message to a MSMQ queue on C (MSMQ-C). On C there is an application which listens to messages from MSMQ-C.
The messages do not need to be transactional.
How do I configure MSMQ-A and MSMQ-B for forwarding of messages?
Based on the suggested answer I have done this:
I've enabled HTTP support under the Windows Message Queuing feature.
I've added a mapping file under the System32/msmq/mappings folder looking like this:
<redirections xmlns="msmq-queue-redirections.xml">
and still the messages get stuck on machineA.
I am using powershell to send the messages to the queue on A like this: Get-MsmqQueue -name logger | Send-MsmqQueue -body "asdasd"
The design you are describing is not something that MSMQ provides.
MSMQ delivers a message from sender to receiver and that's it. You can't have a chain where the receiver automatically becomes the sender to the next receiver. You would need to write an application on each machine that receives the message from the queue and creates a NEW copy of it to send to the next.
MSMQ routing is a different concept. Compare it to parcel shipping where a parcel is routed through different depots across the country until it reaches the final destination. Each depot does nothing with the parcel except to pass it on. They don't open up the parcel, use the contents, and then repackage to send to the next depot.
You may instead be wanted to redirect MSMQ messages. For example, if A is an Internet-based PC, B is an Internet-facing server and C is a PC on an internal LAN (and you want to send A->B->C). If you have that sort of scenario then you need to look at Redirections.
Delivering Messages Sent over the Internet
HTTP Message Redirection

Where can I see executed "Originate" command from Asterisk AMI

I'm adjusting simple application that among other things should be able to call another party using Asterisk AMI Originate command.
I'm stuck and I believe that my originate command is wrong.
Where/how can I see log of Originate commands that Asterisk creates when I use regular phone so I can compare it to my hand crafted one?
Use a network sniffer, such as tcpdump or wireshark, and capture the packets that come and go to/from asterisk. By default, it uses 5038/tcp. Check your manager.conf file, and look for the bindaddr and port options to be sure you capture the right traffic.
If you are using ssl (sslenable=yes), then you will have to configure wireshark with your ssl keys, so it can decrypt the traffic or just use normal tcp (without ssl) for debugging and then switch to ssl.
You should see the Action: Originate coming in to asterisk, and the asterisk response and the associated events. Look for the ActionID parameter of the action so you can trace which responses and events correspond to each issued action.
Take into account that an async originate (async: true) will return a response as soon as the action is received by asterisk, but it will then send asynchronous events to inform the call status (once finished). On the other hand, when using async: false, the call will be placed and the response will have the status.
A few more resources on the originate action:
Another question related to the async parameter:
Asterisk originate response says successfully queued but nothing more
Hope it helps!
EDIT: Asterisk does not create the originate command, but will dial a target (a channel) based on an incoming originate action, or call file, so your application (the ami client) will issue an originate action and then asterisk will react to it by doing the call. If your call is originating from a phone, it's more probable that the call is being originated by a dial() command in your dialplan.
