How to make a query comparing two columns on GAE Datastore? - google-cloud-datastore

I have an Entity Match with two columns gamesP1, gamesP2. How do I query it to return all Entities where gamesP1 > gamesP2?

Datastore query filters must be written in terms of a value provided by the application at the time of the query; they can't refer to the values of other properties.
Depending on your data model, you could define another property, gamesDiff that you set to gamesP1 - gamesP2 whenever you update an entity. Then you can write the query as:
SELECT * FROM Match WHERE gamesDiff > 0
If you're using Python, check out ndb's ComputedProperty which makes this easy.


Querying on Global Secondary indexes with a usage of contains operator

I've been reading a DynamoDB docs and was unable to understand if it does make sense to query on Global Secondary Index with a usage of 'contains' operator.
My problem is as follows: my dynamoDB document has a list of embedded objects, every object has a 'code' field which is unique:
{"code":"entity1Code", "name":"entity1Name"},
{"code":"entity2Code", "name":"entity2Name"}
I want to be able to get all documents that contain entities with entity.code = X.
For this purpose I'm considering adding a Global Secondary Index that would contain all that are present in current db document separated by a comma. So the example above would look like:
{"code":"entity1Code", "name":"entity1Name"},
{"code":"entity2Code", "name":"entity2Name"}
And then I would like to apply filter expression on entitiesGlobalSecondaryIndex something like: entitiesGlobalSecondaryIndex contains entityCode1.
Would this be efficient or using global secondary index does not make sense in this way and DynamoDB will simply check the condition against every document which is similar so scan?
Any help is very appreciated,
The contains operator of a query cannot be run on a partition Key. In order for a query to use any sort of operators (contains, begins with, > < ect...) you must have a range attributes- aka your Sort Key.
You can very well set up a GSI with some value as your PK and this code as your SK. However, GSIs are replication of the table - there is a slight potential for the data ina GSI to lag behind that of the master copy. If the query you're doing against this GSI isn't very often, then you're probably safe from that.
However. If you are trying to do this to the entire table at once then it's no better than a scan.
If what you need is a specific Code to return all its documents at once, then you could do a GSI with that as the PK. If you add a date field as the SK of this GSI it would even be time sorted. If you query against that code in that index, you'll get every single one of them.
Since you may have multiple codes, if they aren't too many per document, you maybe could use a Sparse Index - if you have an entity with code "AAAA" then you also have an attribute named AAAA (or AAAAflag or something.) It is always null/does not exist Unless the entities contains that code. If you do a GSI on this AAAflag attribute, it will only contain documents that contain that entity code, and ignore all where this attribute does not exist on a given document. This may work for you if you can also provide a good PK on this to keep the numbers well partitioned and if you don't have too many codes.
Filter expressions by the way are different than all of the above. Filter expressions are run on tbe data that would be returned, after it is already read out of the table. This is useful I'd you have a multi access pattern setup, but don't want a particular call to get all the documents associated with a particular PK - in the interests of keeping the data your code is working with concise. The query with a filter expression still retrieves everything from that query, but only presents what makes it past the filter.
If are only querying against a particular PK at any given time and you want to know if it contains any entities of x, then a Filter expressions would work perfectly. Of course, this is only per PK and not for your entire table.
If all you need is numbers, then you could do a count attribute on the document, or a meta document on that partition that contains these values and could be queried directly.
Lastly, and I have no idea if this would work or not, if your entities attribute is a map type you might very well be able to filter against entities code - and maybe even with entities.code.contains(value) if it was an SK - but I do not know if this is possible or not

DynamoDB sub item filter using .Net Core API

First of all, I have table structure like this,
As I am new to DynamoDB, so I have couple of questions regarding this as follows:
1. Can I create structure like this?
2. Can we set primary key for subtables?
3. Luckily, I found DynamoDB helper class to do some operations into my DB.
But, don't know how to fetch only perticular subtable
4. Can we fetch only specific columns from my main table? Also need suggestion for subtables
Note: I am using .net core c# language to communicate with DynamoDB.
Can I create structure like this?
Can we set primary key for subtables?
No, hash key can be set on top level scalar attributes only (String, Number etc.)
Luckily, I found DynamoDB helper class to do some operations into my DB.
But, don't know how to fetch only perticular subtable
When you say subtables, I assume that you are referring to Array datatype in the above sample table. In order to fetch the data from DynamoDB table, you need hash key to use Query API. If you don't have hash key, you can use Scan API which scans the entire table. The Scan API is a costly operation.
GSI (Global Secondary Index) can be created to avoid scan operation. However, it can be created on scalar attributes only. GSI can't be created on Array attribute.
Other option is to redesign the table accordingly to match your Query Access Pattern.
Can we fetch only specific columns from my main table? Also need suggestion for subtables
Yes, you can fetch specific columns using ProjectionExpression. This way you get only the required attributes in the result set

filter QSqlRelationalTableModel with setFilter function to show only items that contains a specific tag/tags

I have an SQLITE Database with the following tables
I'm using QSqlRelationalTableModel class to for the items table.
this class have this function QSqlTableModel::setFilter(const QString &filter);
The filter is a SQL WHERE clause without the keyword WHERE
for example: setFilter("item_name=arg");
what I want to do is to use the setFilter function to select only items with a specific tag/tags.
since I can only use the setFilter(QString &Filter) function which is basically a WHERE clause
I found this solution which I think is a bad one
I'll use this filter
FilterString="item_id=arg1 or item_id=arg2 or item_id=argX or......"
the IDs will be obtained from this query
Query.prepare("select item_id from items_tags where tag_id=?");
the FilterString will be generated and incremented by a (do while loop) using function that will loop over the resulted Query IDs
and use like 2 if statements to determine when to add the or clause to the FilterString
this solution will definitely work but I think it's stupid because if there are many tagged items(say 5000) the Query string will contain 4999 or clause and another 5000 "id=x" so the Query will be more than 10000 characters long.
QString object can contain a lot more characters but is this Query will have a big impact on performance ?
what are the other alternatives, Even if it requires to switch to another DB like ORACLE or Mysql since SQLITE doesn't have many internal features

DynamoDB - Global Secondary Index on set items

I have a dynamo table with the following attributes :
id (Number - primary key )
title (String)
created_at (Number - long)
tags (StringSet - contains a set of tags say android, ios, etc.,)
I want to be able to query by tags - get me all the items tagged android. How can I do that in DynamoDB? It appears that global secondary index can be built only on ScalarDataTypes (which is Number and String) and not on items inside a set.
If the approach I am taking is wrong, an alternative way for doing it either by creating different tables or changing the attributes is also fine.
DynamoDB is not designed to optimize indexing on set values. Below is a copy of the amazon's relevant documentation (from Improving Data Access with Secondary Indexes in DynamoDB).
The key schema for the index. Every attribute in the index key schema
must be a top-level attribute of type String, Number, or Binary.
Nested attributes and multi-valued sets are not allowed. Other
requirements for the key schema depend on the type of index: For a
global secondary index, the hash attribute can be any scalar table
attribute. A range attribute is optional, and it too can be any scalar
table attribute. For a local secondary index, the hash attribute must
be the same as the table's hash attribute, and the range attribute
must be a non-key table attribute.
Amazon recommends creating a separate one-to-many table for these kind of problems. More info here : Use one to many tables
This is a really old post, sorry to revive it, but I'd take a look at "Single Table Design"
Basically, stop thinking about your data as structured data - embrace denormalization
id (Number - primary key )
title (String)
created_at (Number - long)
tags (StringSet - contains a set of tags say android, ios, etc.,)
Instead of a nosql table with a "header" of this:
think of it like this:
pk|sk |data....
id|id |{title, created_at}
id|id+tag|{id, tag} <- create one record per tag
You can still return everything by querying for pk=id & sk begins with id and join the tags to the id records in your app logic
and you can use a GSI to project id|id+tag into tag|id which will still require you to write two queries against your data to get items of a given tag (get the ids then get the items), but you won't have to duplicate your data, you wont have to scan and you'll still be able to get your items in one query when your access pattern doesn't rely on tags.
FWIW I'd start by thinking about all of your access patterns, and from there think about how you can structure composite keys and/or GSIs
You will need to create a separate table for this query.
If you are interested in fetching all items based on a tag then I suggest keeping a table with a primary key:
hash: tag
range: id
This way you can use a very simple Query to fetch all items by tag.

How to retrieve an entity using a property from datastore

Is it possible to retrieve an entity from gae datastore using a property and not using the key?
I could see I can retrieve entities with key using the below syntax.
quote = mgr.getObjectById(Students.class, id);
Is there an alternative that enables us to use a property instead of key?
Or please suggest any other ways to achieve the requirement.
Of course this is possible. Think of the key of an entity being like the primary key of an SQL row (but please, don't stretch the analogy too far - the point is it's a primary key - the implementations of these two data storage systems are very different and it causes people trouble when they don't keep this in mind).
You should look either here (JDO) to read about JDO queries or here (JPA) to read about JPA queries, depending what kind of mgr your post refers to. For JDO, you would do something like this:
// begin building a new query on the Cat-kind entities (given a properly annotated
// entity model class "Cat" somewhere in your code)
Query q = pm.newQuery(Cat.class);
// set filter on species property to == param
q.setFilter("species == speciesParam");
// set ordering for query results by age property descending
q.setOrdering("age desc");
// declare the parameters for this query (format is "<Type> <name>")
// as referenced above in filter statement
q.declareParameters("String speciesParam");
// run the query
List<Cat> results = (List<Cat>) q.execute ("siamese");
For JPA, you would use JPQL strings to run your queries.
