Remove header (first row) from csv export - woocommerce

The company I work for has bought the amazing plugin "WooCommerce Customer/Order CSV Export" which really works like a charm. The documentation is sublime, I got my extra fields and I get the snippets to customize my export, this all works perfectly!
Now, I have a small problem with the headers. I need to remove them and I found a filter to apply but I don't understand how to make a function out of this. Can you maybe provide me a way to export the data without the headers on the first row?
So basicly, can you help me write a function that removes the first row of the export or hide the header array?
This is the filter I found in the documentation:
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_csv_export_generated_csv', $csv, $this );
Many thanks in advance and with kind regards,

Try this:
//delete headers
function delete_headers_csv($csv){
foreach (explode("\n", $csv) as $line) {
if ($i != 0 ) {
$temp .= $line."\n";
echo $temp;
add_filter( 'wc_customer_order_csv_export_generated_csv','delete_headers_csv');


Wordpress manipulate comment_reply_link() add #nav-comform to the link

I am working on a theme for a friend but get stuck ...
The comments and the comment form are inside a jquery tab.
To toggle the tab on a klick of the reply link i have to add #nav-comform to the link.
I know i have to work with a filter in the functions.php but i have never done it before so i am a little lost and everything i try fail ...
I know it should be something like this filter example to add rel="nofollow" to the reply link:
function add_nofollow_to_reply_link( $link ) {
return str_replace( '")\'>', '")\' rel=\'nofollow\'>', $link );
add_filter( 'comment_reply_link', 'add_nofollow_to_reply_link' );
Maybe some one can lead me a way ?
Thank you very much !!
Try the following
function add_link_hash($args){
$args['respond_id'] = 'nav-comform';
return $args;
add_filter('comment_reply_link_args', 'add_link_hash', 10);

Replace Wordpress URL domain in HTML output (for SEO optimisation) [duplicate]

WordPress has great filter support for getting at all sorts of specific bits of content and modifying it before output. Like the_content filter, which lets you access the markup for a post before it's output to the screen.
I'm trying to find a catch-all filter that gives me one last crack at modifying the final markup in its entirety before output.
I've browsed the list of filters a number of times, but nothing jumps out at me:
Anyone know of one?
WordPress doesn't have a "final output" filter, but you can hack together one. The below example resides within a "Must Use" plugin I've created for a project.
Note: I haven't tested with any plugins that might make use of the "shutdown" action.
The plugin works by iterating through all the open buffer levels, closing them and capturing their output. It then fires off the "final_output" filter, echoing the filtered content.
Sadly, WordPress performs almost the exact same process (closing the open buffers), but doesn't actually capture the buffer for filtering (just flushes it), so additional "shutdown" actions won't have access to it. Because of this, the below action is prioritized above WordPress's.
* Output Buffering
* Buffers the entire WP process, capturing the final output for manipulation.
add_action('shutdown', function() {
$final = '';
// We'll need to get the number of ob levels we're in, so that we can iterate over each, collecting
// that buffer's output into the final output.
$levels = ob_get_level();
for ($i = 0; $i < $levels; $i++) {
$final .= ob_get_clean();
// Apply any filters to the final output
echo apply_filters('final_output', $final);
}, 0);
An example of hooking into the final_output filter:
add_filter('final_output', function($output) {
return str_replace('foo', 'bar', $output);
This code uses anonymous functions, which are only supported in PHP 5.3 or newer. If you're running a website using PHP 5.2 or older, you're doing yourself a disservice. PHP 5.2 was released in 2006, and even though Wordpress (edit: in WP version < 5.2) STILL supports it, you should not use it.
The question is may be old, but I have found a better way to do it:
function callback($buffer) {
// modify buffer here, and then return the updated code
return $buffer;
function buffer_start() { ob_start("callback"); }
function buffer_end() { ob_end_flush(); }
add_action('wp_head', 'buffer_start');
add_action('wp_footer', 'buffer_end');
This plugin code registers two actions – buffer_start and buffer_end.
buffer_start is executed at the end of the header section of the html. The parameter, the callback function, is called at the end of the output buffering. This occurs at the footer of the page, when the second registered action, buffer_end, executes.
The callback function is where you add your code to change the value of the output (the $buffer variable). Then you simply return the modified code and the page will be displayed.
Be sure to use unique function names for buffer_start, buffer_end, and callback, so they do not conflict with other functions you may have in plugins.
AFAIK, there is no hook for this, since the themes uses HTML which won't be processed by WordPress.
You could, however, use output buffering to catch the final HTML:
// example from
function callback($buffer) {
// replace all the apples with oranges
return (str_replace("apples", "oranges", $buffer));
<p>It's like comparing apples to oranges.</p>
<?php ob_end_flush(); ?>
/* output:
<p>It's like comparing oranges to oranges.</p>
#jacer, if you use the following hooks, the header.php also gets included.
function callback($buffer) {
$buffer = str_replace('replacing','width',$buffer);
return $buffer;
function buffer_start() { ob_start("callback"); }
function buffer_end() { ob_end_flush(); }
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'buffer_start');
add_action('shutdown', 'buffer_end');
I was using the top solution of this post (by kfriend) for a while. It uses an mu-plugin to buffer the whole output.
But this solution breaks the caching of wp-super-cache and no supercache-files are generated when i upload the mu-plugin.
So: If you are using wp-super-cache, you can use the filter of this plugin like this:
add_filter('wp_cache_ob_callback_filter', function($buffer) {
$buffer = str_replace('foo', 'bar', $buffer);
return $buffer;
Modified answer.
All code will be on functions.php. You can do whatever you want with the html on the "final_output" filter.
On your theme's 'functions.php'
//we use 'init' action to use ob_start()
add_action( 'init', 'process_post' );
function process_post() {
add_action('shutdown', function() {
$final = '';
// We'll need to get the number of ob levels we're in, so that we can iterate over each, collecting
// that buffer's output into the final output.
$levels = ob_get_level();
for ($i = 0; $i < $levels; $i++) {
$final .= ob_get_clean();
// Apply any filters to the final output
echo apply_filters('final_output', $final);
}, 0);
add_filter('final_output', function($output) {
//this is where changes should be made
return str_replace('foo', 'bar', $output);
You might try looking in the wp-includes/formatting.php file. For example, the wpautop function.
If you are looking for doing something with the entire page, look at the Super Cache plugin. That writes the final web page to a file for caching. Seeing how that plug-in works may give you some ideas.
Indeed there was a discusussion recently on the WP-Hackers mailing list about the topic of full page modification and it seems the consensus was that output buffering with ob_start() etc was the only real solution. There was also some discussion about the upsides and downsides of it:
To summarize: It works and is the best solution when necessary (like in the WP-Supercache plugin) but slows down overall speeds because your content isn't allowed to be sent to the browser as its ready, but instead has to wait for the full document to be rendered (for ob_end() ) before it can be processed by you and sent to the browser.
To simplify previous answers, just use this in functions.php:
add_action('shutdown', function () {
$html = ob_get_clean();
// ... modify $html here
echo $html;
}, 0);
I've been testing the answers here now for a while, and since the cache breaking thing is still an issue, I came up with a slightly different solution. In my tests no page cache broke. This solution has been implemented into my WordPress plugin OMGF (which has 50k+ users right now) and no issues with page cache breaking has been reported.
First, we start an output buffer on template redirect:
add_action('template_redirect', 'maybe_buffer_output', 3);
function maybe_buffer_output()
* You can run all sorts of checks here, (e.g. if (is_admin()) if you don't want the buffer to start in certain situations.
Then, we apply our own filter to the HTML.
function return_buffer($html)
if (!$html) {
return $html;
return apply_filters('buffer_output', $html);
And then we can hook into the output by adding a filter:
add_filter('buffer_output', 'parse_output');
function parse_output($html)
// Do what you want. Just don't forget to return the $html.
return $html;
Hope it helps anyone.
I have run into problems with this code, as I end up with what seems to be the original source for the page so that some plugins has no effect on the page. I am trying to solve this now - I haven't found much info regarding best practises for collecting the output from WordPress.
Update and solution:
The code from KFRIEND didnt work for me as this captures unprocessed source from WordPress, not the same output that ends up in the browser in fact. My solution is probably not elegant using a globals variable to buffer up the contents - but at least I know get the same collected HTML as is delivered to the browser. Could be that different setups of plugins creates problems but thanks to code example by Jacer Omri above I ended up with this.
This code is in my case located typically in functions.php in theme folder.
$GLOBALS['oldschool_buffer_variable'] = '';
function sc_callback($data){
$GLOBALS['final_html'] .= $data;
return $data;
function sc_buffer_start(){
function sc_buffer_end(){
// Nothing makes a difference in my setup here, ob_get_flush() ob_end_clean() or whatever
// function I try - nothing happens they all result in empty string. Strange since the
// different functions supposedly have very different behaviours. Im guessing there are
// buffering all over the place from different plugins and such - which makes it so
// unpredictable. But that's why we can do it old school :D
// Your final HTML is here, Yeeha!
$output = $GLOBALS['oldschool_buffer_variable'];
add_action('wp_loaded', 'sc_buffer_start');
add_action('shutdown', 'sc_buffer_end');
If you want to modify the output, you can use template_include:
add_filter( 'template_include', static function ( $template ) {
if ( basename( $template ) === 'foo-template.php' ) {
echo str_replace( 'foo', 'bar', file_get_contents( $template ) );
return null;
} );
If instead you want to override the output completely, you can use the action template_redirect.
add_action( 'template_redirect', static function () {
echo 'My output.';
} );

Where exactly is the "Before Header Content hook" in Wordpress?

I want to add a little code to the "Before Header Content hook" but I don't know where that is... Can you please help me?
add_action('init', 'process_post');
function process_post()
echo "test";
this is a modified version of #ajay 's solution
if you are going to use this, then you have to make sure that the current user is not an admin using is_admin() function.. and only display it if he is not an admin ...
why !?
because if you didn't, it may mess up the wp-admin of your website..
add_action('init', 'process_post');
function process_post()
if (!is_admin()) {
echo "test";
This could be tricky simply because every theme differs with how the loop is displayed, however you could create a plugin to use the loop_start action, which is called before the first post of the standard WP loop:
add_action( 'loop_start', 'test_loop_start' );
function test_loop_start( $query ){
echo 'this is my inserted text';
Now using this would display it every single time the loop is called (whether on a page, a post, category page, search page, etc.), which you may not want.
add_action( 'loop_start', 'test_loop_start' );
function test_loop_start( $query ){
if(is_category() OR is_singular()) {
echo 'this is my inserted text';

Remove a div with ID from the_content WordPress

I was trying to remove a div having some ID from the_content WordPress.
I am trying to achieve something like this
jQuery( "#some_id" ).remove();
but on server side,
I don't have a clue how I can do this on server side within the_content filter hook.
This is something I like to achieve,
add_filter( 'the_content', 'my_the_content_filter', 20 );
function my_the_content_filter( $content ) {
return $content;
I think this is the answer for your problem:
In your case this would look like:
add_filter( 'the_content', 'my_the_content_filter', 20 );
function my_the_content_filter( $content ) {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$element = $doc->getElementById('some_id');
$content = $doc->saveHTML();
return $content;
hth, let us know if this will work.
cheers, joel
The code is not tested. Just wrote for you... check this code... if this gives any syntactical error plz fix and let me know. But inside the content hook HTML/jsscripts are not running so you can try something like the following --
add_filter( 'the_content', 'my_the_content_filter', 20 );
function my_the_content_filter( $content ) {
$content = preg_replace("(<([a-z]+id=\"some_id\")>.*?</\\1>)is","",$content);
return $content;
Sorry for the previous answer.
I saw to late that what I answered was not what you were after.
Here something that might work.
$str = "<html><head></head><body><span id='remove_this'>This is one
text</span><br /><span>this is a text after that</span></body></html>";
$id_pos = strpos($str, 'remove_this');
$tmp_str = substr($str, ($id_pos-10), (strpos(substr($str, ($id_pos-10)), '</span>' )+7));
$str = str_replace($tmp_str, '', $str);
echo $str;
in the example above I start with searching for where the id is located in the string.
Than I do a substring function to get the start of the html element, in this case being the span.
Than in the same substring call I search for the first closing span tag and add 7 to the position to include the closing span tag.
than I replace the result of the substring in the original string and you get the result you are looking for.
I know there are always better ways but this is one :)
NOTE: This example of mine does use set amount of distance between the id position and the start of the tag as it directly after the start.
So there are most likely much better ways to get to the first instance of the < in php but I don't know it yet.
Hope this might get you a bit further.
I could also have gone into regular expressions but this is easier although all but the best way.
Regular expressions on the other hand are a lot more complex and I'm not really familiar with that stuff.
and again sorry for the wrong answer at first.

Woocommerce Filter Hooks

I'm hoping to get a little insite for using filters in Woocommerce. My main question is, what am I looking for in the template files? or what are the variables that can be targeted using filters? If we look at the filters list I see filter name and files. Using this filter
Files - product-thumbnail.php and woocommerce-template.php
What am I looking for in those files that can be targeted and changed? Would you give me a simple example? Maybe something like change thumbnail size?
add_filter('filter_name', 'your_function_name');
function your_function_name( $variable ) {
// Your code
return $variable;
I understand what each part of the function and filter are, but I'm not sure what code to write for "Your code." What variable am I grabbing from the file? How do I apply the change? I can't completely wrap my mind around this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As you can see in e.g. woocommerce-template.php you can filter the shop_catalog string:
$small_thumbnail_size = apply_filters( 'single_product_small_thumbnail_size', 'shop_catalog' );
That string is used in the subsequent code to determine the image size to be used:
$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $thumbnail_id, $small_thumbnail_size );
So, if you would like to use another image size, you can filter the string like e.g.:
add_filter( 'single_product_small_thumbnail_size', 'my_single_product_small_thumbnail_size', 25, 1 );
function my_single_product_small_thumbnail_size( $size ) {
$size = 'large';
return $size;
