Carry bit in msp430 - msp430

I am writing simulator to microcontroller msp430. I cant understand when i should set carry bit. For example in add instruction:
1+0x7FFF setting carry bit or 1+0xFFFF?

For the ADD instruction, the carry bit is set on unsigned overflow.
You can deduce that from the examples in TI documents. In particular, the second example in the documentation of ADD instruction (page 3-22) says that carry occurs on ADD.B if the result is greater than 0xff (and for ADD and ADDA the limits are 0xffff and 0xfffff respectively - 8, 16 and 20 bits):
ADD.B #10,R5 ; Add 10 to Lowbyte of R5
JC TONI ; Carry occurred, if (R5) ≥ 246 [0Ah+0F6h]
...... ; No carry
The fact that there is a NEGATIVE bit in the msp430 status register in addition to the carry bit confirms this.
There are at least a couple of existing open-source MSP430 emulators, namely mspsim and Avrora. I suggest to use them as reference implementations.

There a two different instructions that implement <, JL (jump if less) and JLO (jump if lower).
The documentation of JL says that it
allows comparison of signed integers.
The documentation of JLO says that it
is used for the comparison of unsigned numbers.
JLO is the same as JNC, therefore, C is unsigned carry.


Vector Add Scalar Single Precision

I was reading Avx Scalar Floating-Point Instructions and in them, I faced some doubt. Consider this instruction.
See that we are adding the lower 32 bits of xmm1 and xmm2 registers and storing them in the xmm0 register. Now I have a doubt here. Say all the lower 31 bits is 0 and the MSB(of the lower 32 bits) is 1 in both the registers. Like 1000..00 for xmm1 as well as 1000..00 for xmm2 for 32 bits. Now if we add them the value of the from xmm0[31:0] becomes all zero but xmm0[32] bit becomes 1. But here in the addition, we are not storing that 1, we are just replacing the xmm0[127:32] with xmm1[127:32]. Isn't it wrong?
Moreover when we are adding bits in parallel how is carry propagated? Do we use carry look ahead adder in these cases?

Dereference pointers in XMM register (gather)

If I have some pointer or pointer-like values packed into an SSE or AVX register, is there any particularly efficient way to dereference them, into another such register? ("Particularly efficient" meaning "more efficient than just using memory for the values".) Is there any way to dereference them all without writing an intermediate copy of the register out to memory?
Edit for clarification: that means, assuming 32-bit pointers and SSE, to index into four arbitrary memory areas at once with the four sections of an XMM register and return four results at once to another register. Or as close to "at once" as possible. (/edit)
Edit2: thanks to PaulR's answer I guess the terminology I'm looking for is "gather", and the question therefore is "what's the best way to implement gather for systems pre-AVX2?".
I assume there isn't an instruction for this since ...well, one doesn't appear to exist as far as I can tell and anyway it doesn't seem to be what SSE is designed for at all.
("Pointer-like value" meaning something like an integer index into an array pretending to be the heap; mechanically very different but conceptually the same thing. If, say, one wanted to use 32-bit or even 16-bit values regardless of the native pointer size, to fit more values in a register.)
Two possible reason I can think of why one might want to do this:
thought it might be interesting to explore using the SSE registers for general-purpose... stuff, perhaps to have four identical 'threads' processing potentially completely unrelated/non-contiguous data, slicing through the registers "vertically" rather than "horizontally" (i.e. instead of the way they were designed to be used).
to build something like romcc if for some reason (probably not a good one), one didn't want to write anything to memory, and therefore would need more register storage.
This might sound like an XY problem, but it isn't, it's just curiosity/stupidity. I'll go looking for nails once I have my hammer.
The question is not entirely clear, but if you want to dereference vector register elements then the only instructions which might help you here are AVX2's gathered loads, e.g. _mm256_i32gather_epi32 et al. See the AVX2 section of the Intel Intrinsics Guide.
__m256i _mm256_i32gather_epi32 (int const* base_addr, __m256i vindex, const int scale)
#include "immintrin.h"
Instruction: vpgatherdd ymm, vm32x, ymm
Gather 32-bit integers from memory using 32-bit indices. 32-bit elements are loaded from addresses starting at base_addr and offset by each 32-bit element in vindex (each index is scaled by the factor in scale). Gathered elements are merged into dst. scale should be 1, 2, 4 or 8.
FOR j := 0 to 7
i := j*32
dst[i+31:i] := MEM[base_addr + SignExtend(vindex[i+31:i])*scale]
dst[MAX:256] := 0
So if I understood this correctly, your title is misleading and you really want to:
index into the concatenation of all XMM registers
with an index held in a part of an XMM register
That's hard. And a little weird, but I'm OK with that.
Assuming crazy tricks are allowed, I propose self-modifying code: (not tested)
pextrb eax, xmm?, ? // question marks are the position of the pointer
mov edx, eax
shr eax, 1
and eax, 0x38
add eax, 0xC0 // C0 makes "hack" put its result in eax
mov [hack+4], al // xmm{al}
and edx, 15
mov [hack+5], dl // byte [dl] of xmm reg
call hack
pinsrb xmm?, eax, ? // put value back somewhere
db 66 0F 3A 14 00 00 // pextrb ?, ? ,?
As far as I know, you can't do that with full ymm registers (yet?). With some more effort, you could extend it to xmm8-xmm15. It's easily adjustable to other "pointer" sizes and other element sizes.

Does the 6502 use signed or unsigned 8 bit registers (JAVA)?

I'm writing an emulator for the 6502, and basically, there are some instructions where there's an offset saved in one of the registers (mostly X and Y) and I'm wondering, since branch instructions use signed 8 bit integers, do the registers keep their values as 8 bit signed? Meaning this:
switch(opcode) {
//Bunch of opcodes
case 0xD5:
//Read the memory area with final address being address + x offset
int rempResult = a - readMemory(address + x);
//Comparing some things, setting/disabling flags
//Incrementing program counter and cycles/ticks
//More opcodes
Let's say in this situation that x = 0xEE. In regular binary, this would mean that x = 238. In the 6502 however, the branch instruction uses signed offset for jumping to memory addresses, so I'm wondering, is the 238 interpreted as -18 in this case, or is it just regular unsigned 8 bit value?
It varies.
They're not explicitly signed or unsigned for arithmetic, logical, shift, or load and store operations.
The conditional branches (and the unconditional one on the later 6502 descendants) all take the argument as signed; otherwise loops would be extremely awkward.
zero, x addressing is achieved by performing an 8-bit addition of x to the zero page address, ignoring carry, and reading from the zero page. So e.g.
LDX #-126 ; which is +130 if unsigned
LDA 23, x
Would read from address 23+130 = 153. But had it been 223+130 then the end read would have been from (223 + 130) MOD 256 = 97.
absolute, x/y is unsigned and carry works correctly (but costs an extra cycle)
(zero, x) is much like the direct version in that the offset is signed but the result is always within the zero page. Then the real address is read from there.
(zero), y is unsigned with carry working and costing.
The "sign" is simply the value of the most significant (aka bit 7) in an 8-bit byte.
6502 has support for signed values in these ways:
The N bit in .P - but it really just tells you if the last instruction turned on or off bit 7 of a memory location or register. It was common to use BPL/BMI to do stuff based on bit 7 in a memory location for flag or "boolean" like use.
The V bit of .P which is flipped "when the result of adding two positive numbers overflows and ends up negative, and when the result of adding two negative numbers overflows and ends up positive"
And of course obeying the sign bit for relative branch instructions only, e.g. BEQ with a value with bit 7 set will move to a lower memory location, not a higher one.
Beyond that, whether that bit means anything is completely up to you and your program. What really makes numbers signed or unsigned is how you display the numbers.
The linked article above goes into what one's complement and two's complement is and how it makes the mathematics work without the 6502 having to care too much about the sign.

half-carry/half-borrow flag in DAA instruction

Apologies for making this my second Z80 DAA question - I have pretty much implemented this instruction now, but there is one thing I'm not sure about - is the H flag set by this instruction at all? The Z80 manual says 'see instruction', but it only mentions the flag before DAA, not after it is executed.
I set the flags as follows:
S is set if result is negative (0x80 & result equals 0x80)
Z is set if result is zero
H (not sure hence this question)
P/V is set to the parity of the result (1 if even, 0 if odd)
N is left alone
C is set if the higher nibble of the original accumulator value is modified
Other than this, the instruction seems to perform as I expect it to :-) I hope someone can clear this up for me, many thanks.
I could only find here that the half-carry/borrow flag is modified by DAA.
I recommend that this flag be set exactly as the AF (auxiliary carry) flag is set by the DAA and DAS instructions on x86 CPUs. I see no reason why there should be any difference in operation between i8080/i8085/Z80's and i8086's DAA/DAS.
The x86 DAA/DAS sets AF to 1 if it adjusts the lowest 4 bits of the accumulator by 6. If it does not adjust them, it resets AF to 0.
See the pseudo-code for DAA and DAS in the intel's (or AMD's) x86 CPU manuals.
It's a good question. Yes, H flag's behaviour is not clearly documented because it is behaviour is non-standard with DAA.
If lower nibble (least significant four bits) of A is a non base-10 number (greater than 9 like A,B,C,D,E or F) or H flag is set, 6 is added to the register. This means even if lower nibble is in 0-9 range, you can force to add 6 to A register by setting H flag.
When it comes to your question, H flag usually remains untouched in my experience but you cannot depend on that because it is said that "the effect is non-standard" which means H flag may change or may not change depending on the situation. In cases like this, you should always think H flag is affected by the DAA instruction after execution even if you see it is not affected in your tests.

Is there any sense in performing binary AND with a number where all bits are set to 1

Greetings everybody. I have seen examples of such operations for so many times that I begin to think that I am getting something wrong with binary arithmetic. Is there any sense to perform the following:
byte value = someAnotherByteValue & 0xFF;
I don't really understand this, because it does not change anything anyway. Thanks for help.
I was trying to search for information both elsewhere and here, but unsuccessfully.
Well, off course i assume that someAnotherByteValue is 8 bits long, the problem is that i don't get why so many people ( i mean professionals ) use such things in their code. For example in SharpZlib there is:
buffer_ |= (uint)((window_[windowStart_++] & 0xff |
(window_[windowStart_++] & 0xff) << 8) << bitsInBuffer_);
where window_ is a byte buffer.
The most likely reason is to make the code more self-documenting. In your particular example, it is not the size of someAnotherByteValue that matters, but rather the fact that value is a byte. This makes the & redundant in every language I am aware of. But, to give an example of where it would be needed, if this were Java and someAnotherByteValue was a byte, then the line int value = someAnotherByteValue; could give a completely different result than int value = someAnotherByteValue & 0xff. This is because Java's long, int, short, and byte types are signed, and the rules for conversion and sign extension have to be accounted for.
If you always use the idiom value = someAnotherByteValue & 0xFF then, no matter what the types of the variable are, you know that value is receiving the low 8 bits of someAnotherByteValue.
uint s1 = (uint)(initial & 0xffff);
There is a point to this because uint is 32 bits, while 0xffff is 16 bits. The line selects the 16 least significant bits from initial.
Nope.. There is no use in doing this. Should you be using a value that is having its importance more than 8 bits, then the above statement has some meaning. Otherwise, its the same as the input.
If sizeof(someAnotherByteValue) is more than 8 bits and you want to extract the least signficant 8 bits from someAnotherByteValue then it makes sense. Otherwise, there is no use.
No, there is no point so long as you are dealing with a byte. If value was a long then the lower 8 bits would be the lower 8 bits of someAnotherByteValue and the rest would be zero.
In a language like C++ where operators can be overloaded, it's possible but unlikely that the & operator has been overloaded. That would be pretty unusual and bad practice though.
EDIT: Well, off course i assume that
someAnotherByteValue is 8 bits long,
the problem is that i don't get why so
many people ( i mean professionals )
use such things in their code. For
example in Jon Skeet's MiscUtil there
uint s1 = (uint)(initial & 0xffff);
where initial is int.
In this particular case, the author might be trying to convert an int to a uint. The & with 0xffff would ensure that it would still convert Lowest 2 Bytes, even if the system is not one which has a 2 byte int type.
To be picky, there is no guaranty regarding a machine's byte size. There is no reason to assume in a extremely portable program that the architecture byte is 8 bits wide. To the best of my memory, according to the C standard (for example), a char is one byte, short is wider or the same as char, int is wider or the same as short, long is wider or the same as int and so on. Hence, theoretically there can be a compiler where a long is actually one byte wide, and that byte will be, say, 10 bits wide. Now, to ensure your program behaves the same on that machine, you need to use that (seemingly redundant) coding style.
"Byte" # Wikipedia gives examples for such peculiar architectures.
