R: Sample unique X, Y pairs without duplication of Xs and Ys - r

I am having a hard time figuring how to program this in R: Given a number of X and Y pairs, such as
9 1
1 2
12 3
8 4
9 4
4 5
16 6
18 7
5 8
11 9
4 10
6 11
6 12
14 13
18 13
20 13
13 14
20 15
20 16
I need to sample randomly n pairs that fulfil the condition that Xs and Ys are unique. For instance, if n=3 and using the data above, the following combinations (9,1) (4,5) (4,10) or (1,2) (14,13) (20,13) will be invalid because X=4 or Y=13 are duplicated in each of the solutions. However, (9,1) (1,2) and (8,4) will be a valid solution because the Xs and Ys are unique. Any help will be moooooost welcome.

If you start by sampling (randomizing) the rows of your original data, then subset only those rows where X or Y are not duplicated and then select the first, last or any n (=3) number of rows (you could use sample again), you should be fine, I think.
set.seed(1) # for reproducibility
head(subset(df[sample(nrow(df)),], !duplicated(X) & !duplicated(Y)), 3)
# X Y
#6 4 5
#7 16 6
#10 11 9
In response to the comment by #Richo64, saying that this approach will not randomly select the pairs:
It does sample the pairs randomly because the first (inner most) thing I do is
which samples the rows of the data randomly. Now, once we have done that, it's a random process which, say 4, in column X will come first and therefore will remain in the data because the other 4 is removed since it is a duplicated entry in X.
The same applies to values in Y.
It's obvious then, that after the sampling and subsetting, you are free to choose any 3 rows of the remaining data and even if you always selected the first 3 rows, you would still get a random selection that will differ every time you run it (except when it coincidently samples the same rows again).


Is there a way to create a permutation of a vector without using the sample() function in R?

I hope you are having a nice day. I would like to know if there is a way to create a permutation (rearrangement) of the values in a vector in R?
My professor provided with an assignment in which we are supposed create functions for a randomization test, one while using sample() to create a permutation and one not using the sample() function. So far all of my efforts have been fruitless, as any answer that I can find always resorts in the use of the sample() function. I have tried several other methods, such as indexing with runif() and writing my own functions, but to no avail. Alas, I have accepted defeat and come here for salvation.
While using the sample() function, the code looks like:
#create the groups
a <- c(2,5,5,6,6,7,8,9)
b <- c(1,1,2,3,3,4,5,7,7,8)
#create a permutation of the combined vector without replacement using the sample function()
permsample <-sample(c(a,b),replace=FALSE)
[1] 2 5 6 1 7 7 3 8 6 3 5 9 2 7 4 8 1 5
And, for reference, the entire code of my function looks like:
PermutationTtest <- function(a, b, P){
sample.t.value <- t.test(a, b)$statistic
N <-length(a)
M <-length(b)
for (i in 1:P)
permsample <-sample(c(a,b),replace=FALSE)
pgroup1 <- permsample[1:N]
pgroup2 <- permsample[(N+1) : (N+M)]
perm.t.values[i]<- t.test(pgroup1, pgroup2)$statistic
How would I achieve the same thing, but without using the sample() function and within the confines of base R? The only hint my professor gave was "use indices." Thank you very much for your help and have a nice day.
You can use runif() to generate a value between 1.0 and the length of the final array. The floor() function returns the integer part of that number. At each iteration, i decrease the range of the random number to choose, append the element in the rn'th position of the original array to the new one and remove it.
a <- c(2,5,5,6,6,7,8,9)
b <- c(1,1,2,3,3,4,5,7,7,8)
for(i in 1:length(c)){
rn = floor(runif(1, min=1, max=index))
It is easier to see what is going on if we use consecutive numbers:
a <- 1:8
b <- 9:17
ab <- c(a, b)
# [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Now draw 17 (length(ab)) random numbers and use them to order ab:
rnd <- runif(length(ab))
# [1] 5 13 11 12 6 1 17 3 10 2 8 16 7 4 9 15 14
rnd <- runif(length(ab))
# [1] 14 11 5 15 10 7 13 9 17 8 2 6 1 4 16 12 3
For each permutation just draw another 17 random numbers.

TraMineR: Can I get the complete sequence if I give an event sub sequence?

I have a sequence dataset like below:
customerid flag 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
abc234 1 3 4 3 4 5 8 4 3 3 2 14 14
abc233 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
qpr81 0 9 8 7 8 8 7 8 8 7 8 8 7
qnr94 0 14 14 14 2 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Values in column 0 to 11 are the sequences. There are two sets of customers with flag=1 and flag=0, I have differentiating event sequences for both sets. ( Only frequencies and residuals for 2 groups are shown here)
Subsequence Freq.0 Freq.1 Resid.0 Resid.1
(3>4) 0.19208177 0.0753386 5.540793 -21.43304
(4>5) 0.15752553 0.059960497 5.115241 -19.78691
(5>4) 0.15950556 0.062782167 5.037413 -19.48586
I want to find the customer ids and the flags for which the event sequences match.
Should I write a python script to traverse the transactions or is there some direct method in R to do this?
custid=c(a1,a2,a3,b4,b5,c6,c7,d8,d9)#sample customer ids
df=data.frame(custid,flag,col1,col2,col3,col4)#dataframe generation
#Defining sequence from col1 to col4
#finding the transitions
#converting to TSE format
df.tse=seqformat(df.s,from='SPS',to='TSE',tevent = transition)
#Event sequence generation
fsubseq <- seqefsub(df.seqe, pMinSupport = 0.01)
groups <- factor(df$flag>0,labels=c(1,0))
#finding differentiating event sequences based on flag using ChiSquare test
diff <- seqecmpgroup(fsubseq, group = df$flag, method = "chisq")
#Using seqeapplysub for finding the presence of subsequences?
From what I understand, you have state sequences and have transformed them into event sequences using the seqecreate function of TraMineR. The events you are considering are the state changes. Thus (3>4) stands for a subsequence with only one event, namely the event 3>4 (switching from 3 to 4). Then, you identify the event subsequences that best discriminate your two flags using the seqefsub and seqecmpgroup functions.
If this is correct, then you can identify the sequences containing each subsequence with the seqeapplysub function. I cannot illustrate here because you do not provide any code in your question. Look at the online help of the seqeapplysub function.
======= update referring to your added code =======
Here is how you get the ids of the sequences that contain the most discriminating subsequence.
First we extract the first three most discriminating sequences from your diff object. Second, we compute the presence matrix that provides a column for each extracted subsequence with a 1 in regard of the sequences that contain the subsequence and 0 otherwise.
diffseq <- seqefsub(df.seqe, strsubseq = paste(diff$subseq[1:3]))
(presence=seqeapplysub(diffseq, method="presence"))
Now you get the ids for the first subsequence with
For the second it would be custid[presence[,2]==1] etc.
Likewise you get the flag with
Hope this helps.

Searching the closest value in other column

Suppose we have a data frame of two columns
10 14
12 16
14 17
15 19
21 19
The first element of Y that is 14, the nearest value (or same) to it is 14 (which is 3rd element of X). Similarly, next element of Y is closest to 15 that is 4th element of X
So, the output I would like should be
As my data is large, Can you give me some advice on the systemic/proper code for doing it?
You can try this piece of code:
apply(abs(outer(d$X,d$Y,FUN = '-')),2,which.min)
# [1] 3 4 4 5 5
Here, abs(outer(d$X,d$Y,FUN = '-')) returns a matrix of unsigned differences between d$X and d$Y, and apply(...,2,which.min) will return position of the minimum by row.

Filter between threshold

I am working with a large dataset and I am trying to first identify clusters of values that meet specific threshold values. My aim then is to only keep clusters of a minimum length. Below is some example data and my progress thus far:
Test = c("A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B")
Sequence = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
Value = c(3,2,3,4,3,4,4,5,5,2,2,4,5,6,4,4,6,2,3,2)
Data <- data.frame(Test, Sequence, Value)
Using package evd, I have identified clusters of values >3
C1 <- clusters(Data$Value, u = 3, r = 1, cmax = F, plot = T)
Which produces
6 7 8 9
4 4 5 5
12 13 14 15 16 17
4 5 6 4 4 6
My problem is twofold:
1) I don't know how to relate this back to the original dataframe (for example to Test A & B)
2) How can I only keep clusters with a minimum size of 3 (thus excluding Cluster 1)
I have looked into various filtering options etc. however they do not cluster data according to a desired threshold, with no options for the minimum size of the cluster either.
Any help is much appreciated.
Q1: relate back to original dataframe: Have a look at Carl Witthoft's answer. He wrote a variant of rle() (seqle() because it allows one to look for integer sequences rather than repetitions): detect intervals of the consequent integer sequences
Q2: only keep clusters of certain length:
C1[sapply(C1, length) > 3]
yields the 2 clusters that are long enough:
6 7 8 9
4 4 5 5
12 13 14 15 16 17
4 5 6 4 4 6

Re-sample a data frame with panel dimension

I have a data set consisting of 2000 individuals. For each individual, i:2000 , the data set contains n repeated situations. Letting d denote this data set, each row of dis indexed by i and n. Among other variables, d has a variable pid which takes on identical value for an individual across different (situations) rows.
Taking into consideration the panel nature of the data, I want to re-sample d (as in bootstrap):
with replacement,
store each re-sample data as a data frame
I considered using the sample function but could not make it work. I am a new user of r and have no programming skills.
The data set consists of many variables, but all the variables have numeric values. The data set is as follows.
pid x y z
1 10 2 -5
1 12 3 -4.5
1 14 4 -4
1 16 5 -3.5
1 18 6 -3
1 20 7 -2.5
2 22 8 -2
2 24 9 -1.5
2 26 10 -1
2 28 11 -0.5
2 30 12 0
2 32 13 0.5
The first six rows are for the first person, for which pid=1, and the next sex rows, pid=2 are different observations for the second person.
This should work for you:
z <- replicate(100,
d[d$pid %in% sample(unique(d$pid), 2000, replace=TRUE),],
simplify = FALSE)
The result z will be a list of dataframes you can do whatever with.
EDIT: this is a little wordy, but will deal with duplicated rows. replicate has its obvious use of performing a set operation a given number of times (in the example below, 4). I then sample the unique values of pid (in this case 3 of those values, with replacement) and extract the rows of d corresponding to each sampled value. The combination of a do.call to rbind and lapply deal with the duplicates that are not handled well by the above code. Thus, instead of generating dataframes with potentially different lengths, this code generates a dataframe for each sampled pid and then uses do.call("rbind",...) to stick them back together within each iteration of replicate.
z <- replicate(4, do.call("rbind", lapply(sample(unique(d$pid),3,replace=TRUE),
function(x) d[d$pid==x,])),
