How can i use same header and footer in every reportviewer? -

I am developing an ASP.NET application and i need to create a lot of report with same header and footer "skeleton". There is a way to create a custom component to solve this?

It is easier to make one Report with coresponding header/footer and then use it a s template. I have few of those. When I need new report, I just open Template and then use "Save As" and name it as I like.


Appending header and footer to pdf add on in Plone

I am using the aws.pdfbook add on in plone. This add on uses htmldoc and converts a page to pdf which can be printed or downloaded. I would like to append a header and a footer to the pdf-ed content. How can i do this?. I am fairly new to plone and do not know where the code for add ons is stored. I would also be grateful if anyone can give me the code to append a header and a footer to the pdf. I am using plone 4.2 on a linux box.Thanks.
Fixed. This is quite straightforward. Go to ZMI> portal_view_customizations> printlayout (aws.pdfbook.interfaces.IAWSPDFBOOKLayer) and add the header in tag.
Well, you could actually check the HTMLDOC documentation yourself.
Headers and Footers are configurable using HTML comments.
Since aws.pdfbook uses custom templates per content-types
you should be able to customize the related template by using z3c.jbot inside your own policy package in order to override one of these templates.

Easiest way to create a Module in DotNetNuke 6 and to debug

Can I avoid all the packaging and just create a Web application with a .ascx file and use that? The closest thing I can find is this article which is for 5.1 and does not completely work for v6.
So if there is a more up to date tutorial for v6 let me know please.
You should be able to choose Create New Module from the Host -> Extensions page, and then choose the control (which, I think, is what the blog post said). What specifically isn't working?
One thing that may be an issue you're running into is that the control needs to inherit from IModuleBase (probably via PortalModuleBase). You can't just drop a control that knows nothing about DNN in the website and get DNN to make it into a module (though you can make a thin wrapper around a control like that).
Yes you can.
If you go to Host > Module Definitions and click on Create New..., you will find there are there ways to create a new module:
New : That will allow you to create a simple module with single view control. You have to provide module information and create parent folder to do this.
Control: This will allow you to create new module from a control. If you don't want to create a new module folder and control at UI, you can just add a new folder to desktopmodules folder and drop an ascx control which inherits from DotNetNuke.Entities.PortalModuleBase and then use this option to provide correct folder and control that you have created and you are done.
Last option is to create it using manifest and generally useful when you want to split single module with multiple definition to different modules.
Please let me know if you have more questions.
In DNN 6.0 you have to go to Host - Extensions...
then hover over the semi-transparent "Manage" button, which you can barely see (hidden behind the word EXTENSIONS, perhaps), and wait for the popup dialog, and THEN click "Create New Module".

How to apply customized css to SSRS report

I am new to SSRS. I have created a report and was able to deploy it on the server. I am calling the report from ASP.NET application. How can I change the CSS of the report? I want to change the styles for individual data cells of the table deing displayed also. How is it possible? Thanks in advance.
You can customize the CSS at <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.n\Reporting Services\ReportServer\Stylesor you can specify your own Stylesheet.
See this MSDN article for complete reference: Customizing Style Sheets for HTML Viewer and Report Manager
There is a relatively simple way to do this (report by report) when using SSRS URL access to display the reports.
You create custom stylesheets on the report server for whatever different options you want to show or hide (or anything else in the Report Toolbar that you want to customize) and save them to: :\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.n\Reporting Services\ReportServer\Styles
Then, you simply add an &rc:Stylesheet= parameter to the URL you use to display the report, and spec whichever stylesheet you want. Your code can determine what the value of the rc:Stylesheet is:
So as you can see, it can be dynamic, and (as far as I can tell), is the only straightforward way of controlling the ReportViewer styles in SSRS.
Source (same as the above answers, I just wanted to explain how to style on report by report basis):

Drupal views add form to add record

I have some view which lists my module table entries.
What is the most elegant way to attach a form below the view to add record?
Waht I am trying to do know is:
I created dedicated form in my module:
function my_module_form_add_record($form_state) {
form fields.....
I added to the view theme file:
$add_form = drupal_get_form('my_module_form_add_record');
print $add_form;
But I do not like this solution for at least 2 reasons:
I does not work ...
2. Even if it worked - it is depended on the theme file! So if I change the theme - functionality is crashed.
I would like to find more elegant solution to attach form from custom module to the view.
I know of the existence of the "Views Attach" module but it has no option of adding custom forms.
I know also of the existence of the Views Embedded form (and I am usig it) but it is only useful if you want to add form to the every row.
Seems the must be some solution to add record from the view page!
Thanks you for help.
you could use hook_views_pre_render:
This hook is called right before the render process. The query has been executed, and the pre_render() phase has already happened for handlers, so all data should be available.
Adding output to the view can be accomplished by placing text on $view->attachment_before and $view->attachment_after. Altering the content can be achieved by editing the items of $view->result.

How do I use Google Analytics with Sitecore 6?

I know that I need to add the tracking code snippet at the bottom of all my pages, but is there a central location to do this?
Or do I need to add this tracking code to all of my templates?
I guess that I could wrap the snippet in a user control, or external .js file, and reference it on each page, but is there a global footer somewhere? The site I'm working on has about 30-40 layouts, and adding it to each one would be a pain!
Thanks in advance!
Actually, the role of a Sitecore layout is exactly this; to act as a global file that all individual page templates "derive" from.
Normally you'd stick the analytics code into the master layout, and use Sitecore sublayout/placeholder techniques to construct the various page templates you need. You would not normally need more than perhaps one or two layouts for any device you are serving content to. And I guess for most sites, the only device in use is regular web content delivery.
That being said, what you could do, is have all the layouts inherit their codebase from a common base class (inheriting from Page), and inject the google code centrally from here. Would still require you to go through all layout files however.
I have not tried the module, I think that is codebehind version. I have made this in XSLT, its pretty fast and easy to make. I have footer.xslt where I put the code that simply checks if page you are standing on uses template that I want to index and does not belong to page names that I want to exclude. Then I have an item with a custom template for Google Analytics with following memo fields.
IncludeTemplates -field contains list of templates that I want to include for analytics :
ExcludeItemsNames -field for excluding pages by item name
contains($includeTemplates, concat('|',./#template,'|')) and not(contains($excludeItemNames, concat('|',./#template,'|')))
Remember #key and #template is always in small letters
If you run many domains don't forget to add pageTracker._setDomainName(""); in analytics script so you can separate sub-domains etc. if they use same footer.xslt
Normally we consider the actual Google code as content. Within Sitecore we normally have a settings folder, something like /sitecore/content/settings. This exists outside the root of the site. Beneath this have a settings item with a plain multi-line text field, I think the field type is memo or something similar.
Afterwards create an XSLT that renders out the content of this settings item. Something like (assuming the field is called value in the setting item):
<xsl:value-of select="sc:fld('Value','/sitecore/content/settings/footerJavaScript')" />
You may or may not need to set the disable-output-escaping attribute.
Then on the aspx page that your pages use as the template add a control that looks at the xslt rendering:
<sc:XslFile runat="server" Path="/xsl/footerJavaScript" />
The reason that we normally keep the javascript as content is this allows the client to change the analytics code without having to contact us.
