Fail- ICI_INVALID_HANDLE(0) - geneos

I see this error in my Geneos active console quite often whenever we use "SQL Toolkit" plugin, This error gets corrected whenever we restart the probe but reappears again. There is no pattern by which these error shows up.
Has anybody come across such error in Geneos and does anyone have nay solution to this?

This looks like an Oracle related error. Check that you can execute the SQL statement on command line from the server that the netprobe is running on using the account that the netprobe is running under.
Supplementary checks would be around the Environment variables like ORACLE_HOME etc.
Might be beneficial to see what SQL you are running and tagging this with ORACLE and SQL


BizTalk CU2 update giving error and not complete properly

Can anyone tell me why I'm getting the following error when installing BizTalk 2013 R2 CU2:
BtsDeploySystemAssemblyTask has stopped working
I might have had this same problem recently and the solution was to run the update as a different user that had more permissions and it worked.
Since the error is coming up through the SqlClient, you need to make sure the running user has high level permissions to all the databases or even the entire SQL Server Instance.
Sorry :( but since it was a single event, we had no opportunity to repro or investigate though the successful user was a fully sysadmin on SQL Server and Domain Administrator.

CFWheels DataSource Not Found

I had to change my web application on cfwheels-1.1.8 to a UNIX server with ColdFusion-10.
Now cfwheels can't find the specified data source (mysql-5) in config/settings.cfm.
The error message is: Wheels.DataSourceNotFound - The data source could not be reached. Suggested action - Make sure your database is reachable and that your data source settings are correct. You either need to setup a data source with the name db_source in the CFML Administrator or tell Wheels to use a different data source in config/settings.cfm
It worked fine on ColdFusion-9 and Windows Server 2003. I heard that this may have something to do with case sensitivity. I tried some different cases but that didn't solve the problem.
Does anyone have any ideas or know of a solution?

crystal reports error when hosting on server

I have a web application which I developed which uses crystal reports for VS 2010. The reports work fine on my machine, but when I publish the web application, I get the following error when loading the report:
This group section cannot be printed because its condition field is nonexistent or invalid. Format the section to choose another condition field. Error in File temp_9b46c401-8cdb-45a6-bade-4d3e37dda1fb {572D2B99-425A-4EC5-A758-6497001368A3}.rpt: Invalid group condition.
I've searched for this and from what I can understand it's a connection issue. But I've checked and the database connection string is fine. Other parts of web application work fine with it. Is there anything else I should be checking for?
I've resolved the issue. It was very frustrating and so I thought I should put this here in case anyone runs into this:
Make sure you have the same version of Crystal Reports Runtime installed on your server as on your development machine. I had 13.0.3 on my development machine and 13.0.1. on my server. Of course crystal reports gave an obscure error which makes it very difficult to know where to look.
After I did this, I kept getting a blank page. This linked help me resolve this issue: Apparently visual studio doesn't copy all the necessary files for it to render the reports.
I'm not so sure that the error is because of a database connection issue. If I were you I would look into a few things first:
Make sure that the database fields haven't changed. Is the application accessing the same database when deployed as it does in the development environment?
What about Null values? Have you checked the "Convert Database Null Values" in the Report Options?
What about the groups? Are there any formulas in them or are any of them based on groups? Browse the data to see if you get any errors.
Just because it runs on your development machine doesn't mean the problem isn't in the datasource. Maybe one of your report's formulas is expecting a field to be non-null, and there is a single null entry. Or a date somehow got entered as #01/01/9999# and a formula in the report is expecting a realistic date.
That should get you started and maybe even solve your issue. Give us some more info about the report and the datasource if you can.

Websphere Application Server - Oracle 11g DB compatibility issue

I have been given an ad hoc reporting tool from another individual that has successfully deployed it to the field. He uses Web Logic servers and an Oracle database.
I tried to deploy the same application in my local environment (WAS 7 and Oracle). The first report runs flawlessly. However, when I run the second (or third or fourth) report, I get a very strange error: the second report is appended to the first report.
There is nothing in the code to account for this. This problem can be temporarily solved by stopping and starting the servers every time a report is run (obviously not a real solution). I think this has something to do with data sources and cached information. I then took a step back and tried to deploy it to a Tomcat server. It works perfectly, just like it does in the field. So my question is: are there any known issues between WAS 7 and Oracle 11g that could be causing this kind of problem? Any information would be very helpful.
Please ask about any specifics you may want to know and I will do my best to provide that information.
Thank you for your time.
EDIT: For anyone else looking into this, the problem was due to an incompatibility with the proprietary Oracle calls and Websphere. Once the application was edited to use only JDBC calls, everything works perfectly. Thanks.
This ended up being a incompatibility with using proprietary Oracle calls and Websphere. It was fixed by changing all of proprietary call to normal JDBC calls.

Problem of SQLite3::SQLException: SQL logic error or missing database

SQLite3::SQLException: SQL logic error
or missing database
error when do insert, update and delete operation to tables from browser( that means the create, update and destroy action is failed but the show action is fine ), the same operation in console is OK. I googled this problem and found most of the solutions is to remove duplication in the fixtures, so I removed all the test data from the fixture and restart the server, and it failed again:(
Any advise is appreciated.
It turned out that I forget use "sudo script/server" to get write permission to the database :)
I don't mean to resurrect the dead, but I just encountered this problem, and the popular answers I found did not apply.
My problem turned out to be the SQLite Manager add-on for Firefox. I used the SysInternals "handle" program to determine that a) Firefox/SQLiteManager had (I assume) an open transaction, and b) every time I used the add-on to connect to the database, it did not destroy the previous one, which was no longer accessible.
I exited Firefox, and my code ran fine. I loaded Firefox and SQLite Manager again, but did not begin a transaction; again, my code ran fine. My code was Python, not RoR.
I would recommend this answer, and the original question be tagged for [sqlite3]. It's definitely not specific to RoR.
This might not be the right place for my observation, but:
I spent some hours to find a problem having two C++ threads connected to one database.
For some stupid reason I was executing a COMMIT from one thread being meant to be executed on the other side.
The commit worked well, but the other thread immediately had AUTO COMMIT being set to true.
