sipml5 client one side not hanging up - sipml

I have a sipml5 web client and I can successfully make a call to it. But when a caller hangs up, the web client is not hanging the call. I think I missed an event for this in the sipml5 API. I got this error in chrome console,
this.o_local_stream.stop is not a function
But I'm not sure how to fix this.

This happens in chrome versions > 45 due to certain mediastream deprecations. In newer versions of chrome MediaStream.stop() is deprecated and replaced by MediaStreamTrack.stop(). sipML5 API has not yet been modified to accept these changes.
Just checkout this link for more info.

My problem solved when I updated the library.
I used:


Chrome ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR + Firefox Secure Connection Failed

I'm hosting a website serves global regions, and recently there's a weird issue came up.
Already checked other posts on the Internet including the one in stackoverflow with a lot of discussions:Chrome net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR 200 after a reconnect , but none of the answers helped.
Website is building on ASP.NET webform legacy "website" (not web application).
There's a important function which performs several process once user click a button on website.
Let's say there are 100 lines of code in that function, and I've added some flags to log which steps have been hit and processed.
Weird situation is:
Only China users are facing the issue. (website is not hosted in China)
Some users are using firefox and it returned below, in English it is "Secure Connection Failed"
But checked several posts including firefox documents, there should be error code on screen like
ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap but there is nothing.
Firefox error
Some users are using other browsers which is Chrome based, it returns:
Chrome error
In additionally, I checked the process log in these user feedbacks, most of them does not finish all the code, in other words, if there are 100 lines of codes and some of them just stopped in line 50.
Website has TLS 1.2 enabled, also http2 protocol (h2) is applied when I checked via Chrome-Network tab.
I'm wondering if it is possible if client browser shut down the connection in some reasons, it will end with the result I see (stopped at the middle of entire code flow), from my opinion if a request is posted to server then no matter what client does, the process should finish entire flow.
Any ideas or thoughts will be appreciated!
I was just dealing with that exact situation.
From what I read in various posts on the HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, I think what happens is the response is started but code problem(s) prevent the server from completing the response. The incomplete response gives the protocol error in Chrome, and, because it's over TLS, Firefox sees it as a security error. (I'd share links, but I've already closed all those windows - sorry.)
Somehow my code was preventing the server from completing the response without causing an exception.
I was able to track down the offending code by commenting out the body of every code-behind procedure on the page and then bringing them back one at a time.
Good luck to you!
I can't give you a concrete example, but in my case, there was no problem on the application side.
Have you recently added settings to your in-house infrastructure engineer?
For example, have you added WAF settings? You may want to check.

Webhooks randomly stopped working. Integromat servers responding with 400 code. Custom Integromat app

I was developing Instant triggers for my Integromat app. I finished 2 of them, and when I started the third one, all webhooks stopped working.
I wrote a mail to the support of about the situation and received the answer:
We can see in logs that webhooks fired from our end but your system
returned us error 400 - it means that webhook works on our side but
was not properly received on your servers side.
So why Integromat can answer 400 code? Is it a bug or my mistake? From that moment, I have tried with the new account, but the issue is still there.
Any suggestions?
Judging by the response you received from the 3rd-party tech support, there's an error somewhere in your webhook code.
The first thing I'd check is of course the code directly inside your webhook's Communication tab, but also, if this code is calling any IML functions you wrote, you'll need to double-check that the IML code is not failing as well.
You could create an IML test using the Integromat Apps SDK VS Code plugin to simulate the function call with incoming JSON data (according to the documentation of the service you are implementing) and see if this call results in some kind of an unexpected error.

Receiving 400 Bad Request error with Google Api Batch Request

I'm having an issue with an Analytics API batch request that I am doing, it was working and now it isn't without me changing anything. I know Google are making changes to their batch endpoints and I believe this is what is causing my errors.
I am using the .NET client library with the AnalyticsService. Having read through the link above I'm fairly certain I've done what is needed for my batching to continue to work.
Here is a screenshot of the .NET instructions
I've upgraded all Google libraries to the latest versions, I've checked the AnalyticsService object and can confirm the BatchURI is no longer the Global HTTP Batch endpoint, it is showing as, but I am still getting 400 Bad Requests. Is there something else that I am missing, or do I have to wait until the 12th of August when Google say the switch will be complete?
Update: I created an issue on GitHub, apparently it is an internal issue, currently waiting for a fix, see here to keep updated:
GitHub Issue on .NET client library

How to keep the browser open after test execution when using selenium web driver

My script searches for different strings in different tabs of a browser. Is there a way to keep the browser open after test execution is over so that results can be checked at a later time? Currently the browser closes automatically after 5 mins even though i am not using driver.quit().
Selenium: 2.33, Win 7, FF and Chrome
I don't know if you can let the browser open. But may I suggest you to use the TakeScreenshot functionality of Selenium in order to save the state of the browser when you want. That could help you to debug or to check that the page is as expected.
If this solution doesn't help you, could you please explain us exactly why you want to keep the browser open?
I was able to get the fix at least for my problem. I am using Remote Web Driver class and there is an option to provide timeout and browser_timeout parameters on the command line when the hub is started. Setting the value to 0 means the hub will wait indefinitely. For this scenario i wanted that only.
while 1==1:
This will put your code into a loop, browser will stay responsive, and you ultimately kill the python program with control C. Just did this for the scripting of logging on to an application with encrypted credentials stored locally. This keeps plain text user ids and passwords out of the scripting code.

Comet/iFrame Streaming Firefox issue

I am testing a comet app using the forever frame technique. The problem I am having in Firefox is that when an update command issued from firefox (using an AJAX post updating a DB which in turn triggers a DB listener to raise an event which prints the script tags to the iframes of listening clients) if there are multiple script prints, only 1 or a few of them gets processed, never all. But I can see that they are all in the iframe.
Chrome and even IE6 do not suffer from this.
But here is the real puzzler: If the update is triggered from another browser, firefox will work, even though it is the exact same content that has been printed out into the iFrame.
So to sum up: if firefox issues the ajax query causing the update, it does not process all of the script tags.
If another browser issues the ajax query, the firefox browser will process all of the tags as it should.
Any ideas?
Hope I was clear enough.
I ran into the same issue implementing our comet solution. It apeared that firefox would only execute one script at a time. In the end I went with two iframes, one for the long polling/server push and a second one for commands being sent to the server.
