CSS select element which not have TWO criteria - css

#cp_sidebar_contents .cp_sb_subform input:not([type=submit] && [type=button]){
As you can see the code above, I want to select an element which DO NOT HAVE TWO criteria.
It is working if I only put one criteria in the not() function..
But how to not(two criteria) ?

You need to chain the :not selectors, like #cp_sidebar_contents .cp_sb_subform input:not([type=submit]):not([type=button])


Unable to find xpath list trying to use wild card contains text or style

I am trying to find an XPATH for this site the XPath under “Main Lists”. I have so far:
//div[starts-with(#class, ('sm-CouponLink_Label'))]
However this finds 32 matches…
`//div[starts-with(#class, ('sm-CouponLink_Label'))]`[contains(text(),'*')or[contains(Style(),'*')]
Unfortunately in this case I am wanting to use XPaths and not CSS.
It is for this site, my code is here and here's an image of XPATH I am after.
I have also tried:
CSS: div:nth-child(1) > .sm-MarketContainer_NumColumns3 > div > div
Xpath equiv...: //div[1]//div[starts-with(#class, ('sm-MarketContainer_NumColumns3'))]//div//div
Though it does not appear to work.
WORKING CSS: div.sm-Market:has(div >div:contains('Main Lists')) * > .sm-CouponLink_Label
Xpath: //div[Contains(#class, ('sm-Market'))]//preceding::('Main Lists')//div[Contains(#class, ('sm-CouponLink_Label'))]
Not working as of yet..
Though I am unsure Selenium have equivalent for :has
Something like:
//div[contains(text(),"Main Lists")]//following::div[contains(#class,"sm-Market")]//div[contains(#class,"sm-CouponLink_Label")]//preceding::div[contains(#class,"sm-Market_HeaderOpen ")]
(wrong area)
You can get all required elements with below piece of code:
league_names = [league for league in driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//div[normalize-space(#class)="sm-Market" and .//div="Main Lists"]//div[normalize-space(#class)="sm-CouponLink_Label"]') if league.text]
This should return you list of only non-empty nodes
If I understand this correctly, you want to narrow down further the result of your first XPath to return only div that has inner text or has attribute style. In this case you can use the following XPath :
//div[starts-with(#class, ('sm-CouponLink_Label'))][#style or text()]
As you clarified further, you want to get div with class 'sm-CouponLink_Label' that resides in the 'Main Lists' section. For this purpose, you should try to incorporate the 'Main Lists' in the XPath somehow. This is one possible way (formatted for readability) :
div/div/text()='Main Lists'
starts-with(#class, 'sm-CouponLink_Label')
Notice how normalize-space() is used to filter out empty div from the result. This should return 5 elements as expected, here is the result when I tested in Chrome :

How to convert complex xpath to css

I have a complex html structure. New to CSS. Want to change my xpath to css as there could be some performance impact in IE
Xpath by firebug: .//*[#id='T_I:3']/span/a
I finetuned to : //div[#id='Overview']/descendant::*[#id='T_I:3']/span/a
Now I need corresponding CSS for the same. Is it possible or not?
First of all, I don't think your "finetuning" did the best possible job. An element id should be unique in the document and is therefore usually cached by modern browsers (which means that id lookup is instant). You can help the XPath engine by using the id() function.
Therefore, the XPath expression would be: id('T_I:3')/span/a (yes, that's a valid XPath 1.0 expression).
Anyway, to convert this to CSS, you'd use: #T_I:3 > span > a
Your "finetuned" expression converted would be: div#Overview #T_I:3 > span > a, but seriously, you only need one id selection.
The hashtag # is an id selector.
The space () is a descendant combinator.
The > sign is a child combinator.
EDIT based on a good comment by Fréderic Hamidi:
I don't think #T_I:3 is valid (the colon would be confused with the
start of a pseudo-class). You would have to find a way to escape it.
It turns out you also need to escape the underscore. For this, use the techniques mentioned in this SO question: Handling a colon in an element ID in a CSS selector.
The final CSS selector would be:
#T\5FI\3A3 > span > a

What is caret symbol ^ used for in css when selecting elements?

I encountered a css selector in a file like this:
#contactDetails ul li a, a[href^=tel] {....}
The circumflex character “^” as such has no defined meaning in CSS. The two-character operator “^=” can be used in attribute selectors. Generally, [attr^=val] refers to those elements that have the attribute attr with a value that starts with val.
Thus, a[href^=tel] refers to such a elements that have the attribute href with a value that starts with tel. It is probably meant to distinguish telephone number links from other links; it’s not quite adequate for that, since the selector also matches e.g. ... but it is probably meant to match only links with tel: as the protocol part. So a[href^="tel:"] would be safer.
(^) means it selects elements that have the specified attribute with a value beginning/starting exactly with a given string.
Here it selects all the 'anchor' elements the value of href attribute starting exactly with a string 'tel'
The carat "^" used like that will match a tags where the href starts with "tel" ( http://csscreator.com/content/attribute-selector-starts )
It means a tags whose href attribute begins with "tel"
This is a link
will match.

CSS, someClass:not(.foo):not(.bar)

In CSS I have to specify a specific class (e.g., .myClass) but exclude instances that have either one of two classes (e.g., not .foo nor .bar).
I looked into CSS3 new :not() syntax, but I am not sure how to specify the two classes that I don't want to use. I believe this is incorrect (it did not work for me). However, it seems like a concise way to show what I am trying to do:
.myClass:not(.foo):not(.bar) {
Just separate them with a comma:
.myClass:not(.foo, .bar){
Use a comma in-between them:
.myClass:not(.foo, .bar) {
Source: http://devsnippets.com/article/5-advanced-css-pseudo-class.html

select IDs with different names

I know there's a way to select different ids with css to apply the same style., but i can't remember how.
What i mean is apply the same style to the divs below:
Any idea about this?
You can just use multiple ID selectors:
#content-target1, #content-target2, #content-target3, #content-target4
If you don't want to repeat the ID selectors, and/or you want to match them only by their common prefix, you can use an attribute selector instead (losing a bit of specificity, as ID selectors don't have wildcard matching capabilities like attribute selectors do):
"#id" is how you select an id, and "sel1, sel2" is how you select either sel1 or sel2 for a rule:
#content-target1, #content-target2 { background: red; }
Could you just do
#content-target1, #content-target2, #content-target3, #content-target4 {
edit: forgot my #s
