Google Closure Compiler Externs and Function Arguments - google-closure-compiler

Consider a typical function extern:
var func = function(arg1, arg2) {};
Question: When declaring function externs like this, does the Google Closure Compiler care if we get the correct number of arguments? For example, we could replace the above with the following:
var func = function() {};
As an aside, I tried making my externs without any arguments, and the GCC didn't seem to care; however, I'm just making sure I'm not going to run into an unforseen problem going about things this way.

An extern function without any annotation is assumed to take a variable number of arguments of any type and can return any type. As soon as a single annotation is added, the behavior changes and the compiler will warn about the number and type of arguments.
/** #return {undefined} */
var func = function() {} ;
The compiler team will only accept externs that are completely typed because of this.


Use QTest macros (QVERIFY, QCOMPARE, etc.) in function other than the test function

In general, the macros QVERIFY, QCOMPARE, etc. shall not be used outside a test function. The reason is, that in case of a failure, they interrupt the test with a return.
If I want to do tests in a function, I should do them by hand and return false if one of them fails. Then call the function with QVERIFY. But when I do this, I miss out the detailed output of the macros like the line where the error occurred.
So I'm looking for a way to use the macros outside of a test function. One solution is to create my own macro that interrupts the test when a macro call in the underlying function fails. The main problem here is to detect when a test has failed. Looking into Qt's code, in case of a fail the variable QTest::failed is set to true. But I don't have access to this variable.
Is there a way to find out if a QtTest macro has failed?
Yeah, Qt does not really offer anything here because the test will not really get interrupted within your own function. The control flow cannot be as easily disturbed. You would need to throw an exception and make sure it's correctly caught.
What I'm doing now is just returning a const char* (works when using a string literal). If the function actually returns something, std::variant can be used, e.g.:
std::variant<MyObject, const char*> createObject() {
// do some preparations
if(preparationsFail) {
return "Error occurred";
// all worked
// ...: create some myObject
return myObject;
void MyTest::testFunction() {
auto result = createObject();
if(const char** error = std::get_if<const char*>(&result)) {
QVERIFY2(false, *error); // we get pointer to value, so type is **
// else, work with myObject by std::get<MyObject>(result);
Not as concise as would be desired, but it works.
It can be made more beautiful by wrapping const char* and, depending on your style, by using std::visit etc. but that's up to you and your style.

How can advance google closure compilation be used with ES6 classes and arbitrary defineProperty?

I maintain a data flow library that allows programmers to define new properties during instantiation, then does neat things at run-time with both property reads and writes, all transparently thanks to JS defineProperty. Sample usage, where TagSession is defined with the ES6 class keyword:
const sithApp = new TagSession( null, 'SithTrakSession',
obiTrakker: cF( c => new WebSocket('ws://localhost:4000')
.onmessage = msg => = JSON.parse(,
obiLoc: cI( null),
sithIds: cI([-1,-2,3616,-3,-4])
I can now write code where the map keywords are transparent accessors:
function SithTrak () {
return div({class: "app-container"},
class: "css-planet-monitor",
content: cF(c => "Obi-Wan currently on " +
(sithApp.obiLoc ? : "...dunno"))
This works great uncompiled and with Google Closure SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATION, but ADVANCED_COMPILATION warns (and the output fails) about, eg:
WARNING - Property obiLoc never defined on TagSession
withObi: cF( c=> && sithApp.obiLoc
I have looked at all the annotations that might apply, but nothing seems suited to such a dynamic capability.
Am I missing something obvious, or is this combo of dynamism and optimization asking too much?
Dynamic properties added with this method would require using a bracket access for ADVANCED mode: sithApp['obiLoc']. In ADVANCED mode, the compiler must know about all properties accessed via the dot nation at compile time.
Since it isn't known that these properties are defined on the class you are going to get type warnings, bit it shouldn't break your code.
You can add declarations to silence the type warnings:
/** #type {?} */
In other cases, you might be able to use #lends but I don't think this will work here as the types provided might not match the expected type of the property value. But there isn't enough context to be sure:
/** #lends {TagSession.prototype} */ ({
obiTrakker: ...,
obiLoc: ...,
sithIds: ...

Typescript reflection - required parameters & default values

In short: is there a way to know if a typescript parameter is required and/or has a default value?
Longer version:
Say I have the following file:
class Bar {
foo(required:string,defaultValue:number=0,optional?:boolean) {
I would like to know of each of the parameters:
the name
the type
is it required?
does it have a default value?
I have succesfully used method decorators with the TypeScript reflection API to get the types of the parameters, I've used this method to get their names, but so far I have not found a way to know if a variable is required and/or has a default value.
I know the typescript compiler itself can be used from within typescript. So I'm wondering if there is a way to use the parse tree of the compiler to see if a parameter is required and/or has a default value?
How would that work?
If you want to do this from scratch...
On a high level, one way of doing it is to:
Figure out how to get the SourceFile node using the compiler api of your file. That requires a bit of an explanation in itself.
From there, use the api's forEachChild function to loop over all the nodes in the file and find the node with a kind of SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration and .name property with text Bar.
Then loop over all the children of the class by again using the api's forEachChild function and get the ones that has the kind SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration and .name property with text foo.
To get the parameters, you will need to loop over the method node's parameters property.
Then for each parameter node, to get the name you can call .getText() on the .name property.
You can tell if the parameter is optional by doing:
const parameterDeclaration = parameterNode as ts.ParameterDeclaration;
const isOptional = parameterDeclaration.questionToken != null || parameterDeclaration.initializer != null || parameterDeclaration.dotDotDotToken != null;
Or you could use the TypeChecker's isOptionalParameter method.
To get its default expression, you will just have to check the initializer property:
To get the type use the TypeChecker's getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation method and pass in the symbol of the node... that gets a little bit complicated so I won't bother explaining it (think about how it's different with union types and such).
Don't do it from scratch...
I've created a wrapper around the TypeScript compiler api. Just use this code with ts-simple-ast (edit: Previously this talked about my old ts-type-info library, but ts-simple-ast is much better):
import { Project } from "ts-morph";
// read more about setup here:
const project = new Project({ tsConfigFilePath: "tsconfig.json" });
const sourceFile = project.getSourceFileOrThrow("src/Foo.ts");
const method = sourceFile.getClassOrThrow("Bar").getInstanceMethodOrThrow("foo");
Once you have the method, it's very straightforward to get all the information you need from its parameters:
console.log(method.getName()); // foo
for (const param of method.getParameters()) {
console.log(param.getInitializer() != null);

Using Recursive References in Go

I want to contain all my commands in a map and map from the command to a function doing the job (just a standard dispatch table). I started with the following code:
package main
import "fmt"
func hello() {
fmt.Print("Hello World!")
func list() {
for key, _ := range whatever {
var whatever = map[string](func()) {
"hello": hello,
"list": list,
However, it fails to compile because there is a recursive reference between the function and the structure. Trying to forward-declare the function fails with an error about re-definition when it is defined, and the map is at top-level. How do you define structures like this and initialize them on top level without having to use an init() function.
I see no good explanation in the language definition.
The forward-reference that exists is for "external" functions and it does not compile when I try to forward-declare the function.
I find no way to forward-declare the variable either.
Update: I'm looking for a solution that do not require you to populate the variable explicitly when you start the program nor in an init() function. Not sure if that is possible at all, but it works in all comparable languages I know of.
Update 2: FigmentEngine suggested an approach that I gave as answer below. It can handle recursive types and also allow static initialization of the map of all commands.
As you might already have found, the Go specifications states (my emphasis):
if the initializer of A depends on B, A will be set after B. Dependency analysis does not depend on the actual values of the items being initialized, only on their appearance in the source. A depends on B if the value of A contains a mention of B, contains a value whose initializer mentions B, or mentions a function that mentions B, recursively. It is an error if such dependencies form a cycle.
So, no, it is not possible to do what you are trying to do. Issue 1817 mentions this problem, and Russ Cox does say that the approach in Go might occasionally be over-restrictive. But it is clear and well defined, and workarounds are available.
So, the way to go around it is still by using init(). Sorry.
Based on the suggestion by FigmentEngine above, it is actually possible to create a statically initialized array of commands. You have, however, to pre-declare a type that you pass to the functions. I give the re-written example below, since it is likely to be useful to others.
Let's call the new type Context. It can contain a circular reference as below.
type Context struct {
commands map[string]func(Context)
Once that is done, it is possible to declare the array on top level like this:
var context = Context {
commands: map[string]func(Context) {
"hello": hello,
"list": list,
Note that it is perfectly OK to refer to functions defined later in the file, so we can now introduce the functions:
func hello(ctx Context) {
fmt.Print("Hello World!")
func list(ctx Context) {
for key, _ := range ctx.commands {
With that done, we can create a main function that will call each of the functions in the declared context:
func main() {
for key, fn := range context.commands {
fmt.Printf("Calling %q\n", key)
Just populate the map inside a function before using list(). Like that.
Sry I did not see that you wrote "without init()": that is not possible.

How can I determine a function's argument count at runtime in Flex 3?

I want to pass an optional data parameter to some callbacks, but only to callbacks that support a single parameter; right now, I have a moderately-sized code base of callbacks that cannot accept a parameter at all. How can I check what parameters a Function object supports?
Function is an Object.
Every function has a read-only property named length that stores the number of parameters defined for the function.
Use it.
If your function is declared in a class use the function describeType it will return an XML you can parse and look at your function name with his arguments
The arguments array is an array of all the parameters passed into a function. Maybe that is what you are looking for?
function traceArgArray(x:int):void
for (var i:uint = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
Example taken from
