I'm working on a simple application using JavaFX with controller class and FXML and Jssc to control arduino. The arduino is connected to a sg90 servo motor and a LED.
I'm having problem with slider to control the servo motor. i want to use the slider to control the angle of the servo motor and whenever i drag the slider thumb the servo will constantly update its angle.
here is the controller class the code works but the problem is i don't have any idea how to implement the controls for the slider and servo.
public class ServoCtrl implements Initializable {
private Button IncrBtn = new Button();
private Button DecrBtn = new Button();
private ToggleButton toggleConnectSerial = new ToggleButton();
private ToggleButton lightSwitcH = new ToggleButton();
private Slider AngleSlider = new Slider(0, 180, 90);
private TextField tfAngle = new TextField();
private TextField tfSteps = new TextField();
SerialPort ServoSerialPort;
private int tempstr = 0;
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
tfAngle.textProperty().bindBidirectional(AngleSlider.valueProperty(), NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance());
//disable all port when starting the application
/*--------- increase or decrease slider value using buttons---------------------------------*/
public void IncrBtnPress(ActionEvent btnIncr) {
tempstr = Integer.parseInt(tfSteps.getText());
AngleSlider.setValue(Integer.parseInt(tfAngle.getText()) + tempstr);
tfAngle.setText(Integer.toString((int) AngleSlider.getValue()));
public void DecrBtnPress(ActionEvent btnDecr) {
tempstr = Integer.parseInt(tfSteps.getText());
AngleSlider.setValue(Integer.parseInt(tfAngle.getText()) - tempstr);
tfAngle.setText(Integer.toString((int) AngleSlider.getValue()));
/*-----------toggle Switch on light-----------------------------------*/
public void lightSwitch(ActionEvent eve) {
try {
if (lightSwitcH.isSelected() == true) {
* send the following string commands 3 = led number 1 = On, 0 =
* Off / = seperator - = wait for next command
// turn on led
} else {
// turn off led
catch (SerialPortException e) {
/*-------------------- connect or disconnect port-------------------------*/
public void toggleConnect(ActionEvent tgle) {
if (toggleConnectSerial.isSelected() == true) {
// enable control when serial port is connected
// set the port name
ServoSerialPort = new SerialPort("COM8");
try {
// set the toggle button text to disconnect
// open the serial port
// set the port parameters
ServoSerialPort.setParams(SerialPort.BAUDRATE_115200, SerialPort.DATABITS_8, SerialPort.STOPBITS_1,
} catch (SerialPortException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} else {
// disable all control when port is disconnected
try {
} catch (SerialPortException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
You are binding the value bidirectional:
tfAngle.textProperty().bindBidirectional(AngleSlider.valueProperty(), NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance());
which means the property gets already updated if the textfield or the slider changes - the other component gets updated automatically. therefore your methods like IncrBtnPress should not update both values, just one: either the slider OR the textField.
if you want to update the new ankle to your arduino: pick a property (e.g. the textProperty() of your textfield) and add a ChangeListener where you can implement your new ankle-Setter to your arduino.
My controller class has a moveButton method that on button click moves the button to a new location. This works fine and is called by a number of buttons which do the same thing. I want to add a key listener so when a button has been clicked once, until a different button is clicked, the user can use the up arrow to move the button (ie call the same moveButton function). The below is how I have tried to implement it, I also tried putting the key listener in the initialize method but neither seem to be working. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
public void moveButton(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
Button buttonPressed = (Button) actionEvent.getSource();
double newAnchor = getNewAnchor(AnchorPane.getBottomAnchor(buttonPressed)) // separate method that returns new anchor location
AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(buttonPressed, newAnchor);
buttonPressed.getScene().setOnKeyPressed(new EventHandler<KeyEvent>() {
public void handle(KeyEvent event) {
if(event.getCode() == KeyCode.UP){
Don't treat the events like data that you need to pass around. Use them as triggers to do work. Generally, don't write generic event handlers that are called from multiple events and multiple nodes. Write short event handlers that just call methods to do something, and pass them the minimum from the event that they need to do the job.
If you do this, then it changes your thinking about how all of this stuff works and then it's just plain old Java, with no magic. And it's simple:
public class MoveButton extends Application {
private Node activeButton;
private Pane pane;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
pane = new Pane();
Scene scene = new Scene(pane, 1200, 800);
Button button1 = new Button("Button 1");
Button button2 = new Button("Button 2");
button1.setOnAction(evt -> buttonClick(button1));
button2.setOnAction(evt -> buttonClick(button2));
pane.getChildren().addAll(button1, button2);
pane.setOnKeyPressed(evt -> moveButton(evt.getCode()));
private void moveButton(KeyCode keyCode) {
switch (keyCode) {
case UP -> activeButton.setTranslateY(activeButton.getTranslateY() - 30);
case RIGHT -> activeButton.setTranslateX(activeButton.getTranslateX() + 30);
case DOWN -> activeButton.setTranslateY(activeButton.getTranslateY() + 30);
case LEFT -> activeButton.setTranslateX(activeButton.getTranslateX() - 30);
private void buttonClick(Node button) {
activeButton = button;
maybe someone will explain. I have a method, that sets label text if login is successful.
private void loginUser(ActionEvent event) throws IOException {
String user = username.getText();
String pass = password.getText();
if(validateFields(user, pass) && validateLogin(user, pass)) {
welcome.setText("Welcome, " + globalUser.getUserName()); //works
infoLine.setText("Redirecting to main dashboard..."); //works
And if I add additional code, which changes the scene after login, the label text is not changing:
private void loginUser(ActionEvent event) throws IOException {
String user = username.getText();
String pass = password.getText();
if(validateFields(user, pass) && validateLogin(user, pass)) {
welcome.setText("Welcome, " + CurrentUser.getCurrentUser().getUserName());//not working
infoLine.setText("Redirecting to main dashboard..."); //not working
//Changing scene after successful login
Parent home = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource(ScenePath.HOME.getPath()));
Scene homeScene = new Scene(home);
Stage appStage = (Stage) ((Node) event.getSource()).getScene().getWindow();
How to solve this problem?
My controller class looks like this. Nothing special. After 2 validations it set texts of labels and changes scenes.
public class LoginController {
private TextField username;
private PasswordField password;
private Label infoLine;
private Label welcome;
private Button exitBtn;
UserDao userDao = new UserDao();
private void initialize() {
private void loginUser(ActionEvent event) throws IOException {
String user = username.getText();
String pass = password.getText();
if(validateFields(user, pass) && validateLogin(user, pass)) {
welcome.setText("Welcome, " + CurrentUser.getCurrentUser().getUserName());
infoLine.setText("Redirecting to main dashboard...");
//Changing scene after successful login
Parent home = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource(ScenePath.HOME.getPath()));
Scene homeScene = new Scene(home);
Stage appStage = (Stage) ((Node) event.getSource()).getScene().getWindow();
private boolean validateFields(String userName, String password) {
if (userName.isEmpty() || password.isEmpty()) {
infoLine.setText("Username and password can't be empty!");
return false;
return true;
private synchronized boolean validateLogin(String userName, String password) {
User user = userDao.getConnectedUser(userName, password);
if (user == null) {
infoLine.setText("User not found!");
return false;
return true;
private void close() {
Basically, the text is changing. The problem is as soon as the text is changed, you load the next view. This is happening really fast. The solution is to slow things down. Mainly, give the user time to see the text change before loading the new view. This can be done using PauseTransition.
After the text change, try the following code. After the text changes, this code gives a two-second delay before loading the new view.
PauseTransition pause = new PauseTransition(Duration.seconds(2));
e -> {
Parent home = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource(ScenePath.HOME.getPath()));
Scene homeScene = new Scene(home);
Stage appStage = (Stage) ((Node) event.getSource()).getScene().getWindow();
I want draw path between two imageview same as picture
this path start from one of these imageview by mouse press, continue by mouse press and move event on pane and must be end in another imageview by mouse press.here is the problem after first mouse press didn't recieve any mouse press event on imageviews, the event just recieves on the pane becuase of that draw line didn't stop. what is wrong in my code ?
here's my controller code :
public class DrawLine {
ImageView imageView1 ;
ImageView imageView2 ;
AnchorPane pane ;
private Line currentLine ;
private String state ;
private DoubleProperty mouseX = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
private DoubleProperty mouseY = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
private void initialize(){
state = "dfkl" ;
imageView1.setPreserveRatio( false);
imageView2.setPreserveRatio( false);
imageView1.setOnMousePressed( event -> {
imageMousePress( event);
imageView2.setOnMousePressed( event -> {
imageMousePress( event);
pane.setOnMousePressed( event -> {
paneMousePress( event) ;
pane.setOnMouseMoved( event -> {
paneMouseMove( event);
public void paneMouseMove( MouseEvent e) {
if( this.state.equals("DRAWLINE") && this.currentLine != null) {
makeLine( e);
public void paneMousePress( MouseEvent e) {
if( this.state.equals("DRAWLINE") && this.currentLine != null) {
private void startLine( MouseEvent e ){
currentLine = new Line();
currentLine.setStyle( "-fx-stroke: #a86a6a ; -fx-stroke-width: 5");
currentLine.setStartX( e.getSceneX());
mouseX.set( e.getSceneX()) ;
mouseY.set( e.getSceneY());
private void endLine ( MouseEvent e){
currentLine = null;
private void makeLine( MouseEvent e){
private void imageMousePress( MouseEvent event){
if( currentLine == null){
state = "DRAWLINE" ;
}else if( currentLine != null & state.equals("DRAWLINE")){
endLine( event);
help me please.
When dragging the end point of the line around, the end is positioned below the mouse cursor. This way the target of the mouse event is the Line, not the ImageView and since there is no event handler for the event for the Line that consumes it, the event is delivered to the parent of the Line which is the AnchorPane, not the ImageView.
To fix this set the mouseTransparent property of the Line to true:
private void startLine(MouseEvent e) {
currentLine = new Line();
Also you should consume the events for the ImageViews to not trigger the event handler for the AnchorPane too:
imageView1.setOnMousePressed(event -> {
imageView2.setOnMousePressed(event -> {
Also note that x and y properties of the MouseEvent are relative to the coordinate system of the Node where the handler is added.
private void endLine(MouseEvent e) {
currentLine = null;
needs to be changed to
private void endLine(MouseEvent e) {
currentLine = null;
Furthermore if there are a limited number of states, I recommend using a enum instead since this way you get compile time checks for typos. Using strings for this purpose you could accidentally add bugs, e.g. if you accidentally use "DRAWLlNE" instead of "DRAWLINE" which can be hard to spot. Additionally enum constants can be compared using ==.
private enum States {
apologies for the length of my code. I realized last night that I was on the wrong path and now have gotten stuck on an issue that I think relates to JavaFX event handling. Initially I had the logic functioning outside a GUI in a basic loop that depended on interaction through the console. Everything was working great. I've now tried to get this to work in a GUI with interaction from the user.
I have two main problems with the code below.
The first is that the text in textArea is not updating with additional text after the startButton executes the start of my main logic sequence. The first append starts right under the first while loop. I was hoping to have this show up in the GUI as the logic executes. I'm not sure if I need to tell the GUI to update at certain intervals or if there's something else wrong.
Second, I'm not sure how to get the program to wait for the user to type in something into textField before hitting the textButton I created to continue on. I used to have a scanner created which caused the program to wait in the console for input. I realize I need some way of telling it to wait for a button press when it's running inside JavaFX.
I chose not to include the rest of the code to make things easier to read, but I can add it on if it will help resolve this issue.
Thank you everyone for your help!
public class FxApp extends Application {
//Creates FileParser object with methods that alter the incoming Array of Strings into the format we need
FileParser fileParser = new FileParser();
Configure configure = new Configure();
private String text;
private String initialState;
private ArrayList<Machine> machines = new ArrayList<Machine>();
private Map<String, String> initialStates = new HashMap<String, String>();
private Map<String, String> states = new HashMap<String, String>();
private Map<String, ArrayDeque<String>> queues = new HashMap<String, ArrayDeque<String>>();
private Map<Integer, ArrayList<String>> parsedData = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>();
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
primaryStage.setTitle("File Chooser");
FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser();
fileChooser.getExtensionFilters().addAll(new ExtensionFilter("Text Files", "*.txt"));
Button startButton = new Button("Start");
Button openButton = new Button("Click to open a file...");
openButton.setPrefSize(200, 80);
Button textButton = new Button("Enter");
TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
TextField textField = new TextField();
Label lbl = new Label();
VBox vbox = new VBox(lbl, openButton, startButton, textArea, textField, textButton);
vbox.setPadding(new Insets(15));
lbl.setText("This tool creates virtual automata based \ron the file.");
Scene scene = new Scene(vbox, 640, 480);
new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent e) {
File file = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(primaryStage);
if (file != null) {
//Execute the method to convert to string array before sending to file parser
try {
} catch (IOException e1) {
textButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
text = textField.getText();
startButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>()
public void handle(ActionEvent event)
String exit = "no";
String nextLine = null;
ArrayList<String> listOfCurrentTransitions = new ArrayList<String>();
int nextInt = 0;
states = initialStates;
while(!(exit.toLowerCase().equals("yes"))) {
textArea.appendText("Choose a state to load");
//Print out the states possible for each machine
ArrayList<String> tempTrans = machines.get(nextInt).getTransitions();
//This loops through the list of transitions of the machine and pulls possible transitions from its current state
for(int i = 0; i < tempTrans.size(); i++) {
String pull = tempTrans.get(i);
String[] apart = pull.split(" ");
pull = apart[0];
if(states.get(Integer.toString(nextInt)).equals(pull)) {
if(!(listOfCurrentTransitions.isEmpty())) {
textArea.appendText("The following transitions are possible. Choose one: " + listOfCurrentTransitions);
else {
textArea.appendText("No transitions for this machine exist from its current state");
//Tell GUI to wait for user input in textField and execute textButton which assigns to String text. Resume on button click.
The while loop blocks the JavaFX application thread which prevents updates of the GUI and handling of events.
You need to execute the logic of a single iteration of the loop on each "text commit" instead:
private TextArea textArea;
private void activateState(int nextInt) {
ArrayList<String> listOfCurrentTransitions = new ArrayList<String>();
textArea.appendText("Choose a state to load");
//Print out the states possible for each machine
ArrayList<String> tempTrans = machines.get(nextInt).getTransitions();
//This loops through the list of transitions of the machine and pulls possible transitions from its current state
for(int i = 0; i < tempTrans.size(); i++) {
String pull = tempTrans.get(i);
String[] apart = pull.split(" ");
pull = apart[0];
if(states.get(Integer.toString(nextInt)).equals(pull)) {
if(listOfCurrentTransitions.isEmpty()) {
textArea.appendText("No transitions for this machine exist from its current state");
} else {
textArea.appendText("The following transitions are possible. Choose one: " + listOfCurrentTransitions);
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
textArea = new TextArea();
startButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
textButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
// read input and ask for more input...
int nextState = Integer.parseInt(textField.getText()); // TODO: deal with invalid input
You probably need to fix the logic a bit to verify a transition is valid, change the values of some fields ect...
I have a small javafx application using scene builder which on a button click should read a string from COM port at regular intervals and update in a text field.
But now it only shows the last string if I use a for loop, and nothing if i put the code in infinite loop (That's my temporary requirement).
Can anyone help me so that at each read from COM port the new string is updated in the text field.
Here is the code I used for both the cases :
Note : In both cases in controller class, I'm getting perfect output on console.
public class Main extends Application
public void start(Stage primaryStage)
Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("test.fxml"));
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
catch(Exception e)
public static void main(String[] args)
Here is the Controller class :
// In this case it shows only the last string in the text field.
public class Controller implements Initializable
private Button sayHelloButton;
private TextField helloField;
public void initialize(URL arg0, ResourceBundle arg1)
public void printHello(ActionEvent event)
if(event.getSource() == sayHelloButton)
SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort("COM22");
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
serialPort.setParams(9600, 8, 1, 0);
String str = serialPort.readString(10,3000);
catch(Exception e)
Here is the method with infinite loop :
//this shows nothing in the text field
public void printHello(ActionEvent event)
if(event.getSource() == sayHelloButton)
SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort("COM22");
serialPort.setParams(9600, 8, 1, 0);
String str = serialPort.readString(10,3000);
catch(Exception e)
There are a couple things happening here. In your first example, you state that the console output is correct but the TextField only shows the last result.
This is expected if the loop executes quickly. The TextField is being updated, but it happens so quickly that you can't see it until the loop ends and the last result is still being displayed. Even if you have a delay built into the loop, this could still block the UI from being updated until the loop is completed.
With your infinite loop, the issue is that the loop is being run on the JavaFX Application Thread (JFXAT). This blocks any updates to the GUI until the loop is finished, which is never is.
You will need to move the infinite loop to a new background thread. From there, you can update the GUI using the Platform.runLater() method.
SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort("COM22");
new Thread(() -> {
serialPort.setParams(9600, 8, 1, 0);
String str = serialPort.readString(10,3000);
// Update the UI on the JavaFX Application Thread
Platform.runLater(() -> {
catch(Exception e)
Platform.runLater(() -> helloField.setText(e.toString()));
This allows your UI to continually update as the background thread sends it new information.