Different size facets at x-axis - r

Length of x-axis is important for my plot because it allows one to compare between facets, therefore I want facets to have different x-axis sizes. Here is my example data:
group1 <- seq(1, 10, 2)
group2 <- seq(1, 20, 3)
x = c(group1, group2)
mydf <- data.frame (X =x , Y = rnorm (length (x),5,1),
groups = c(rep(1, length (group1)), rep(2, length(group2))))
And my code:
p1 = ggplot(data=mydf,aes(x=X,y=Y,color=factor(groups)) )+
p1+facet_grid(groups ~ .,scales = "fixed",space="free_x")
And the resulting figure:
Panel-1 has x-axis values less then 10 whereas panel-2 has x-axis value extending to 20. Still both panels and have same size on x-axis. Is there any way to make x-axis panel size different for different panels, so that they correspond to their (x-axis) values?
I found an example from some different package that shows what I am trying to do, here is the figure:

Maybe something like this can get you started. There's still some formatting to do, though.
p1 <- ggplot(data=mydf[mydf$groups==1,],aes(x=X,y=Y))+
p2 <- ggplot(data=mydf[mydf$groups==2,],aes(x=X,y=Y))+
summ <- mydf %>% group_by(groups) %>% summarize(len=diff(range(X)))
summ$p <- summ$len/max(summ$len)
summ$q <- 1-summ$p
ng <- nullGrob()
I'm sure there's a way to make this more general, and the axes don't line up perfectly yet, but it's a beginning.

Here is a solution following OP's clarifying comment ("I guess axis will be same but the boxes will be of variable size. Is it possible by plotting them separately and aligning in grid?").
library(plyr); library(ggplot2)
buffer <- 0.5 # Extra space around the box
#Calculate box parameters
mydf.box <- ddply(mydf, .(groups), summarise,
max.X = max(X) + buffer,
min.X = 0,
max.Y = max(Y) + buffer,
min.Y = 0,
X = mean(X), Y = mean(Y)) #Dummy values for X and Y needed for geom_rect
p2 <- ggplot(data=mydf,aes(x=X, y=Y) )+
geom_rect(data = mydf.box, aes( xmax = max.X, xmin = min.X,
ymax = max.Y, ymin = min.Y),
fill = "white", colour = "black", fill = NA) +
geom_point(size=2) + facet_grid(groups ~ .,scales = "free_y") +
theme_classic() +
#Extra formatting to make your plot like the example
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "grey85"),
strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 0),
strip.background = element_rect(colour = NA, fill = "grey65"))


How can I get the real scale from a facet_grid plot in R?

I am trying to add captions as it appears in this post.
For that reason, I need the real scale of the plot (x and y axis) when I am using facet_grid. I know that I can use layer_data, since it saves everything from the plot... However, it is not really accurate, because when I try to establish the limits using min and max from that output, the plot changes.
Here you have an example:
val1 <- c(2.1490626,2.2035281,1.5927854,3.1399245,2.3967338,3.7915825,4.6691277,3.0727319,2.9230937,2.6239759,3.7664386,4.0160378,1.2500835,4.7648343,0.0000000,5.6740227,2.7510256,3.0709322,2.7998003,4.0809085,2.5178086,5.9713330,2.7779843,3.6724801,4.2648527,3.6841084,2.5597235,3.8477471,2.6587736,2.2742209,4.5862788,6.1989269,4.1167091,3.1769325,4.2404515,5.3627032,4.1576810,4.3387921,1.4024381,0.0000000,4.3999099,3.4381837,4.8269218,2.6308474,5.3481382,4.9549753,4.5389650,1.3002293,2.8648220,2.4015338,2.0962332,2.6774765,3.0581759,2.5786137,5.0539080,3.8545796,4.3429043,4.2233248,2.0434363,4.5980727)
val2 <- c(3.7691229,3.6478055,0.5435826,1.9665861,3.0802654,1.2248374,1.7311236,2.2492826,2.2365337,1.5726119,2.0147144,2.3550348,1.9527204,3.3689502,1.7847986,3.5901329,1.6833872,3.4240479,1.8372175,0.0000000,2.5701453,3.6551315,4.0327091,3.8781182)
df1 <- data.frame(value = val1)
df2 <- data.frame(value = val2)
data <- bind_rows(lst(df1, df2), .id = 'id')
data$Sex <- rep(c("Male", "Female"), times=84/2)
p <- data %>%
ggplot(aes(value)) +
geom_density(lwd = 1.2, colour="red", show.legend = FALSE) +
geom_histogram(aes(y=..density.., fill = id), bins=10, col="black", alpha=0.2) +
facet_grid(id ~ Sex ) +
xlab("type_data") +
ylab("Density") +
ggtitle("title") +
guides(fill=guide_legend(title="legend_title")) +
theme(strip.text.y = element_blank())
plot_info <- layer_data(p)
> min(plot_info$density)
[1] 7.166349e-09
> max(plot_info$density)
[1] 0.5738021
As you can see in the plot, the y-axis starts at 0 and if finishes around 0.7 more less. However, the maximum density is 0.57.
If I try to use the info from layer_data:
p + coord_cartesian(clip="off", ylim=c(min(plot_info$density), max(plot_info$density)),
xlim = c(min(plot_info$x), max(plot_info$x)))
The plot changes completely.
Does anyone know how can I get the scales that ggplot2 and facet_grid are using? I need the information of the density (y_axis) and the info from the x_axis.
Yes, to get the scales directly, use layer_scales(p), which gives you the range of the axes rather than just the range of the data, which is what you get from layer_data(p)
p + coord_cartesian(clip = "off",
ylim = layer_scales(p)$y$range$range,
xlim = layer_scales(p)$x$range$range)
Or, to combine this question with your last, where you add the text labels outside of the plotting panels, your result might be something like:
p + coord_cartesian(clip = "off",
ylim = layer_scales(p)$y$range$range,
xlim = layer_scales(p)$x$range$range) +
geom_text(data = data.frame(value = c(0, 6), id = c("df2", "df2"),
Sex = c('Female', 'Male')),
aes(y = -0.15, label = c('Female', 'Male')))
Does this help?
summary(layer_data(p, i = 2))
i is the layer you want to return
Can min the xmin and max the xmax etc

Add a gradient of intensiy to an interference plot

I want to plot the gradient plot of intensities, something like this:
I though myself about creating a gradient grid whose distribution was my "I" function, but I have no idea how to do it or if there is an explicit package in R to accomplish this task.
Thank you so much for even thinking about this.
a <- 5*10^(-6)
d <- 0.5*0.005
l <- 500*10^(-9)
n <- pi
theta <- seq(-n,n,length=3500)
I <- function(x){(cos((pi*d*sin(x))/l))^2*(sin((pi*a*sin(x))/l)/((pi*a*sin(x))/l))^2}
y1 <- lapply(theta,I)
y <- unlist(y1)
df <- data.frame(theta,y)
I2 <- function(x){(sin((pi*a*sin(x))/l)/((pi*a*sin(x))/l))^2}
y12 <- lapply(theta,I2)
y2 <- unlist(y12)
df2 <- data.frame(theta,y2)
p = ggplot()
p +
geom_line(data = df, aes(theta,y)) +
xlim(-0.3,0.3) +
geom_line(data = df2, aes(theta,y2))
Making use of patchwork this could be achieved like so:
For the gradient make a second ggplot of rectangles using e.g. geom_rect where you map intensity on color and/or fill
This gradient plot could then be glued to the main plot via patchwork
To get a nice gradient plot
I tripled the number of grid points for the gradient plot,
mapped the cubic root of intensity on color and
get rid of all unnecessary elemnts like y-axis, color guide, ...
As your functions are vectorized you don't need lapply to compute the intensities.
Instead of adjusting the limits via xlim() (which removes rows falling outside of the range), set them using coord_cartesian.
a <- 5*10^(-6)
d <- 0.5*0.005
l <- 500*10^(-9)
n <- pi
theta <- seq(-n,n,length=3500)
I <- function(x){(cos((pi*d*sin(x))/l))^2*(sin((pi*a*sin(x))/l)/((pi*a*sin(x))/l))^2}
y <- I(theta)
df <- data.frame(theta,y)
I2 <- function(x){(sin((pi*a*sin(x))/l)/((pi*a*sin(x))/l))^2}
y2 <- I2(theta)
df2 <- data.frame(theta,y2)
p1 = ggplot() +
geom_line(data = df, aes(theta,y)) +
geom_line(data = df2, aes(theta,y2)) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-0.3,0.3))
g <- tibble(
xmin = seq(-n, n, length = 3 * 3500),
xmax = dplyr::lead(xmin),
y = I(xmin)
p2 <- ggplot(g, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = 0, ymax = 1, color = y^(1/3))) +
geom_rect() +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-0.3,0.3)) +
guides(color = FALSE) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank())
p1 / p2 + plot_layout(heights = c(10, 1))
#> Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_rect).

ggplot - Find coordinates of facet spacing

I have, e.g., the following plot:
dat = data.frame(x = rnorm(100), y = rexp(100), grp = factor(sample(1:2, 100, replace = TRUE)))
ggplot(dat, aes(x = x, y = y, color = grp)) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(~grp) +
theme(panel.spacing = unit(2, "lines"))
and want to add a vertical line between the two plots - that is, in the middle of the panel spacing. My problem is, I am not sure of how to get the coordinates of the inner plot edges / the panel spacing in native units.
Both panels have unit 0.5 npc -- and I am not sure how I would convert this. I tried using viewports, but that did not work. Is there a way other than arranging plot 1 - plot of vertical line - plot 2 ?
Is this what you had in mind? You can tweak around with the parameter to change the position where the line will appear.
# loading the libraries
# preparing the data
dat = data.frame(x = rnorm(100),
y = rexp(100),
grp = factor(sample(1:2, 100, replace = TRUE)))
# preparing the plot
plot <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = x, y = y, color = grp)) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap( ~ grp) +
theme(panel.spacing = unit(2, "lines"))
# preparing the line
gline <- grid::linesGrob(x = 0.5)
# plotting both the plot and the line
cowplot::ggdraw() +
cowplot::draw_plot(plot) +
Created on 2018-01-24 by the reprex
package (v0.1.1.9000).
ggplotGrob(p) %>%
gtable_add_grob(segmentsGrob(0.5, 0, 0.5, 1),
t = 4, b = 8, l = 7, r = 7) %>%
enter image description here

ggplot, nested X-Axis for interaction() factor variables in bar plot

How can I format a faceted, multi-grouped box plot's x axes so that I get something that looks like this (dodgy paint, but shows the idea)...
Here's the code so far.
# Make the dataset
sample(1:5, 10, replace=TRUE),
sample(1:5, 10, replace=TRUE),
sample(1:2, 10, replace=TRUE),
sample(1:2, 10, replace=TRUE)))
names(data)<-c("DV","Grouping_1", "Grouping_2", "Grouping_3", "Grouping_4")
# grab the interaction
# Sort it (to make things neat)
data$groups<-factor(data$groups, levels = sort(levels(data$group)))
# Plot it
ggplot(data = data, aes(x =groups, y = DV, fill = Grouping_3)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge()) + facet_grid(Grouping_4 ~ .)
Which gives...
This doesn't really work well in ggplot2. You can possibly try something like the code below. It's really not pretty, but it kind of works.
gr <- as.numeric(as.character(data$groups))
# additional data for annotation
df_a <- data.frame(y=-Inf,
xmin = factor(sapply(1:5, function(x) min(gr[gr > x]))),
xmax = factor(sapply(2:6, function(x) max(gr[gr < x]))),
nr = -(sapply(1:5, function(x) sum(gr > x & gr < x+1))-1)*2.5+0.5, # change here to get horizontal adjustment right...
Grouping_4 = 2,
text = 1:5)
# Plot it
p <- ggplot(data = data, aes(x =groups, y = DV, fill = Grouping_3)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge()) + facet_grid(Grouping_4 ~ .) +
geom_segment(data = df_a, aes(x=xmin, xend=xmax, y=y, yend=y, fill=NULL)) +
geom_text(data = df_a, aes(x=xmin, y=y+2, label=text, fill=NULL, hjust=nr), vjust = 1.5) +
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,2,1), "lines")) +
scale_x_discrete(name = "\ngroups", labels=paste0("\n\n", round(10 * (sort(gr)-round(sort(gr), 0)), 0)))
# turns clipping off
gt <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p))
gt$layout$clip[gt$layout$name == "panel"] <- "off"
Another option might be ggvis, a package similar to ggplot2 that supports multiple axes. Or you could manually add the grob with grid directly.

Plotting overlapping positions in R

I have a dataframe in R like this:
dat = data.frame(Sample = c(1,1,2,2,3), Start = c(100,300,150,200,160), Stop = c(180,320,190,220,170))
And I would like to plot it such that the x-axis is the position and the y-axis is the number of samples at that position, with each sample in a different colour. So in the above example you would have some positions with height 1, some with height 2 and one area with height 3. The aim being to find regions where there are a large number of samples and what samples are in that region.
i.e. something like:
********- -- **
where * = Sample 1, - = Sample 2 and & = Sample 3
My first try:
dat$Sample = factor(dat$Sample)
ggplot(aes(x = Start, y = Sample, xend = Stop, yend = Sample, color = Sample), data = dat) +
geom_segment(size = 2) +
geom_segment(aes(x = Start, y = 0, xend = Stop, yend = 0), size = 2, alpha = 0.2, color = "black")
I combine two segment geometries here. One draws the colored vertical bars. These show where Samples have been measured. The second geometry draws the grey bar below where the density of the samples is shown. Any comments to improve on this quick hack?
This hack may be what you're looking for, however I've greatly increased the size of the dataframe in order to take advantage of stacking by geom_histogram.
dat = data.frame(Sample = c(1,1,2,2,3),
Start = c(100,300,150,200,160),
Stop = c(180,320,190,220,170))
# Reformat the data for plotting with geom_histogram.
dat2 = matrix(ncol=2, nrow=0, dimnames=list(NULL, c("Sample", "Position")))
for (i in seq(nrow(dat))) {
Position = seq(dat[i, "Start"], dat[i, "Stop"])
Sample = rep(dat[i, "Sample"], length(Position))
dat2 = rbind(dat2, cbind(Sample, Position))
dat2 = as.data.frame(dat2)
dat2$Sample = factor(dat2$Sample)
plot_1 = ggplot(dat2, aes(x=Position, fill=Sample)) +
theme_bw() +
opts(panel.grid.minor=theme_blank(), panel.grid.major=theme_blank()) +
geom_hline(yintercept=seq(0, 20), colour="grey80", size=0.15) +
geom_hline(yintercept=3, linetype=2) +
geom_histogram(binwidth=1) +
ylim(c(0, 20)) +
ylab("Count") +
opts(axis.title.x=theme_text(size=11, vjust=0.5)) +
opts(axis.title.y=theme_text(size=11, angle=90)) +
opts(title="Segment Plot")
png("plot_1.png", height=200, width=650)
Note that the way I've reformatted the dataframe is a bit ugly, and will not scale well (e.g. if you have millions of segments and/or large start and stop positions).
