#Security annotation and user parameter - symfony

In a controller, I have an action meant to display a user. The argument is the user to be displayed and is automatically fetched through a parameter converter.
Now I want to secure this action (displaying a user profile) so that only users with the USER_VIEW permission (currently implemented as a custom Voter) have access.
Using an #Security annotation it would look like:
* #Security("is_granted('USER_VIEW', user)")
public function showAction(User $user) {...}
This doesn't work because the user variable in the expression refers to the authenticated user rather than the action argument.
The documentation mentions that, but this is rather unfortunate.
How can I fix this issue and get my $user argument passed to the security expression? I could rename it, but perhaps there's something better to do.
I was also wondering if this should be considered a bug in Symfony, since 'user' is a rather common word, perhaps it should be renamed to something more specific such as 'authenticated_user' or 'security_user' or something. The same goes for the other 3 variables that are passed to the expression by Symfony: 'token', 'request', 'roles'.


how to make a dynamic roles in Symfony

I am a begginer, I would like to know if is possible to transform a roles in dynamic role like the #Route model.
* #IsGranted("ROLE_{dance}_{level}")
* #Route("/{dance}/{level}", name="danceLevel")
I have a project to make a website with some restrictions to accees to the content and I would like to throught by a interface like "easy Admin" to create a new category of dance and level that will be transform in role automaticaly
thanks by advance for your help
The security annotations would be for statically named roles and other permissions (checked by Voters).
You would be able to do more dynamic checks with:
$this->denyAccessUnlessGranted("ROLE_{$dance}_{$level}", $user, 'No access');
It's possible that a Security voter would be able to simplify the checks to what would be a static name and so used in #IsGranted (Or, it could for example, get the current $request, via the RequestStack service, to get dance and level parameters, if required).

Symfony2 best way of removing business logic from controller and correct usage of model

I'm in searching of the best way of removing business logic from controller and correct usage of model(and maybe services).
Some details below.
Actually, my project is more complicated, but as example I will use Simple Blog application.
I have created my application (Simple Blog) in next steps:
created bundle
generated entities(Topic, Post, Comment)
generated controller for each entity, using doctrine:generate:crud
installed FOSUserBundle and generated User entity
So, I have all needed methods and forms in my controllers. But now I have some troubles:
Admin need to be able see all topics and posts, when simple User can only see
topic and posts where he is owner.
Currently there are indexAction, that return findAll common for any user. As solution, I can check in action, if ROLE_USER or ADMIN and return find result for each condition. But this variant keep some logic at action.
I also can generate action for each role, but what happened if roles amount will increase?
What is the best way to solve this problem with result for each role?
I need to edit some parameters before saving.
For example, I have some scheduler, where I create date in some steps, using features of DateTime.
Before saving I need to do some calculations with date.
I can do it in controller using service or simple $request->params edit.
What is the best way to edit some $request parameters before saving?
My questions I have marked with bold.
Thanks a lot for any help!
What I would do is to create a query which fetches the topics. Afterwards I would have a method argument which specifies if the query should select only the topics for a certain user or all topics. Something like this should do the work in your TopicRepository:
public function findTopics($userId = false)
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('topic');
if($userId) {
$query->join('topic.user', 'user')
->where('user.id = :user_id')
->setParameter(':user_id', $userId)
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
So, whenever you need to get the topics only by a user, you would pass a $userId to the method and it would return the results only for that user. In your controller you'd have something similar to this code (Symfony 2.6+):
$authorizationChecker = $this->get('security.authorization_checker');
$results = $this->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager')->getRepository('TopicRepository')->findTopics();
} else {
$results = $this->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager')->getRepository('TopicRepository')->findTopics($this->getUser()->getId());
You can try using Doctrine Events and create a PreUpdate depending on your case. See the documentation for more information. If you have a TopicFormType, you could also try the form events.
You are not supposed to "edit" a $request, which is why you can't directly do that. You can, however, retrieve a value, save it as a $variable and then do whatever you want with it. You can always create a new Request if you really need it. Could you be more specific what you want to do here and why is this necessary?

Doctrine2 , generate on a fly the value of a Entity's attribute that depends on symfony2 container

I have an API, with an API call GET /users which returns me a list of users that all have a avatar_url field
in database this field is just the image name, and in the controller i'm then putting the base URL of my static domain serving images. So that it's only one URL to change in my conf , so the code works in staging/production etc.
but things start to get tricky with GET /comments etc. that all have sub-resource users that needs to have the url, so it means that currently every single point using users needs to have this logic, which is not very DRY
I would like to have something like that
// in my entity
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation as Serializer;
* #Serializer\VirtualProperty
* #Serializer\SerializedName("url")
public function getUrl()
return $this->container->getParameter('IMG_URL').$this->imgName;
so that regardless on how deeply nested my entity is, I will be able to seralize it with the property.
It seems to me it is possible to achieve something like as there's a bundle
which seems to achieve something similar
Check this out. http://jmsyst.com/libs/serializer/master/handlers
From what I understand you could create your own handler for the url serializer. By having the handler as a service written by you, then you can inject anything you want in it.
More info can be found at Creating a JMS Serializer handler in symfony2

Symfony2: Access Request object in Entity

I'd like to know how to access the Request object in an entity (Symfony2) to modify the user locale.
If someone has found a solution for my problem, please let me know.
It's not possible. This is by design: the entity is just a simple object that should know nothing about the request - it's the responsibility of the controller to interpret the request, and manipulate the entity based on that.
Something like:
//inside your controller:
public function fooBarAction(Request $request)
$entity = // get entity
The above is just example code, it won't work if you just copy and paste it. It's just to demonstrate the general idea. The entity should just be a very simple object, who's only responsibility is to hold some data. It shouldn't know where the data is coming from - that keeps it flexible (if you want to set the locale based on something else, you only have to change your controller, not all your entities).
It is possible, but...
What you can but never should do is inject the Request object into the entity (Practically turning your entity into service, see here). Also, even worse idea (but which people still do), you could inject the whole container and get Request from there. The reason why you shouldn't do it is you never should have any code that deals with business rules or any system code in your entities.
You can switch your locale directly in your routes by using _locale custom variable (accessible also from the Request). Or you can create a kernel listener, which will do the required functionality for you. This way you keep your code testable and decoupled.

How to update the value of a single field invoking appropriate validation

I'm making a module to allow users to update single fields on in this case, their user entity.
The code below is an example of the method I have initially been using to get it working and test other elements of the module
global $user;
$account = user_load($user->uid);
$edit = (array) $account;
$edit['field_lastname']['und'][0]['value'] = 'test';
user_save($account, $edit);
However this bypasses any field validation defined elsewhere in Drupal. I don't want to reproduce any validation written elsewhere - it's not the Drupal way!
My question is: Is there a function in Drupal 7 that can be called to update the value of a single field. I imagine such a function would clear the appropriate caches, invoke the fields validation etc.
I am aware the solution will be totally different to my current user object based one. I just can't for the life of me find the appropriate function in the API. I wander whether the fact I am looking for a save function alone is the problem - and that there are some other necessary steps that come before.
Any help gratefully appreciated.
Check out the drupal_form_submit function. It lets you submit forms from code. In this case, you could use it to the user edit form, which would then fire the appropriate validation.
