Change ip issue - ip

I have added a new floating ip to my VPS (digital ocean - CentOs7) and I have added this in WHM and I have bind this ip to a domain. I have point domain's DNS correctly to my new ip.
But when I go in my domain I view this:
error page WHM cPanel

Please try to access your IP through browser and check which page are you getting. if you correctly setup your domain on that IP, then you will your site home page at : http://IP
Also try to rebuild httpd configuration file on your server through following command


Create a subdomain and point it to domain location

So I have a follow up question based on How To Setup Subdomains on iis
I am using IIS 8, and I am looking to point my subdomain to my current default website. Currently we have, and I setup a subdomain in our DNS A Record that is pointing to the same IP address of
I figured the way to create the subdomain is now to go to Site Bindings under the Default Website in IIS and add a site binding with the hostname but I am getting an error that says the server IP address cannot be found. The reason I didn't want to create a new Site in IIS is because we have certain properties and permissions that are setup.
Eventually we will be changing the IP Address of to be pointing to something new, but for the time being we need to point to the same location as
Images for reference -

How to access website using hostname instead of ip address?

I am working on a wordpress website and I'm unable to access my website using the host-name. [However, I'm able to access my website through the ip address. For example, when I enter, I'm directed to]
I am new to hosting and I was just able to update my hosts file and properly link the ip address to hostname by reading through some articles.
I also checked these links are correct using ping command.
For example, my hosts file looks something like this,
#Host file starts here localhost
#End of host file
Now, when I try to access the website using hostname through my web browser, I get this error.
This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.
I am not sure where I am going wrong, or do I need to make some more changes in other files?

How do I point my domain to my website that's hosted on an AWS EC2?

The registrar for my domain is godaddy, I go to their DNS records section and I changed the A name to the elastic IP associated with my instance. Now when I type my domain in the browser, my website appears! However, it forwards it to the IP of my server.
Things I've tried (whether logical or not):
I'm using wordpress multsite so I changed the DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE in wp-config.php to my new domain. No luck. Reverted.
I changed the 'site_url' and 'home' in my database to point to my domain. No luck. Tried one at a time etc. Reverted.
Changed ServerName to my new domain in httpd.conf (apache).
sudo hostname www.... (don't know what that does)
So I'd like to simply have my website open without it showing the IP in the address bar. Can someone help?
Here's the DNS page of godaddy, I've blanked out the ip in the A records, but it's just the ip of my server.
First you need to set Custom NS in godaddy with AWS dedicated IPs then set them as DNS. If you are using Linux instance with cPanel then just add the domain in cpanel's addon-domain.
If you are using Windows instance then you should configure IIS.

Amazon Web Services - EC2: How do I stop my WordPress site showing the ip address as the domain?

I am close to tearing my hair out on this issue as I just cannot seem to get my Wordpress site to not read the Amaazon Public IP address.
I have a domain name in GoDaddy and have changed a host record so that my domain name "" redirects to "".
However once this page loads, the url quickly changes back to the Public IP address.
I have tried changing the Site URL in the Wordpress Settings but this just breaks the site and does not allow me to log in.
What is it I am doing wrong? I just cant figure it out. I just want the domain name from goDaddy to appear as the URL.
First of all attach the Elastic IP to your EC2 Instance so it wont change public IP after you shutdown and restart your machine. Make A Record in your Godaddy DNS Record File that points to the elastic IP.
You have not changed the base URL of your wordpress thats why it is still redirecting to the old Base URL. Connect to your EC2 instance and edit wp-config.php add the following line of code

Not able to browse website through using domain name on IIS server

I have got a strange problem while setting up my .NET website on IIS server on Amazon EC2 instance.
I have created a new website giving its path to my website folder in IIS 7.5.
I have given the ip address and DNS in domain settings.
And configured the host name in bindings section of website with
I am able to browse it through the IP address but not able to browse it using domain. It is showing some service page...
Can any one help me?
You need to configure your host header in IIS. Here's how to do it on IIS 6.0 for example:
Also, does actually resolve to your IP address?
It sounds like the A record for for the domain isn't set to the correct IP address. Have you confirmed that the changes took AND that they've propagated to your computer? If you ping, do you get the correct IP?
