Can I add elements to the aps payload sent by the Bluemix IBM Push Notifications service? - push-notification

I'm successfully using Bluemix Push to send notifications via the REST interface to an iOS app with a simple string alert message. That works fine.
Now I would like to send a more complex message where alert is a dictionary and has a sibling "category" element per The Remote Notification Payload.
Is this possible with Bluemix Push? Whenever I try to deviate from the basic structure, I get "Bad Request - Invalid JSON".

After much head-scratching, I finally picked up a hint from and figured out that since the category field is unique to APNS, what I needed to send is
"settings" : {
"apns" : {
"category" : "myCategory"

#DSchultz_mo I was having issues to find the documentation but I finally found it, so if you go to you can use swagger to register your device and send notification and the magic button is in model there is more details for sendMessageBody


Firebase messaging failing on flutter after some time

I'm having an issue with FCM on flutter. I have implemented messaging from my server so I'm storing my phone token for each user.
The thing is that when a user logs in for the very first time everything works properly, messages are being sent and user gets notified.
If I do not use the app during the weekend, on Monday I try to send a message by doing some actions on my app but messages are not being sent. I can see my token stored properly in my database.
I'm using firebase_messaging 2.1.0 for flutter.
This is how I get my token
_myPhoneToken = token;
1-I know token may change when:
App deletes Instance ID
App is restored on a new device
User uninstalls/reinstall the app
User clears app data
But none of this happens.
Any advice on how to handle this scenario? thanks in advance.
Provided you have setup the FCM sdk the right way (but you said that it works the fist time you install the app, so I guess so).
Provided that you are sure that the device_token you are using is the one of the device on which you are expecting to receive the notification (check if it's still the same), you should get on this device your notification quite soon if you use "priority" : "high".
"to" : "device_token",
"priority" : "high",
"notification" : {
"sound": "default",
"body" : "Test Notification body",
"title": "Test Notification title"
This method call
_firebaseMessaging.getToken().then((String token)
return always the new token even if it has been updated. So if you print this out on your device and you send a notification on this token without error, there's no reason why you should not get the token if the device has a valid internet connection active.
It's true that the device token can change during time. If you uninstall and reinstall the app, you can see the token will change and if you try to send a notification on the old one, you will get an error.
If instead the token will change during application lifetime, you can be notify on your server side by listening:
_firebaseMessaging.onTokenRefresh.listen((newToken) {
_fcm_token = newToken;
// send the new fcm to your server
So first of all I suggest you to be able to send a notification to a device with Postman. Check if the token you are using is still the one on the device. Then you can try to uninstall and reinstall the application and try to use the old token. You will get an error. Then try to send to the new one, and you should get your notification.
Then wait for some days and try again, check if the token has changed or not and if it's not changed you should be able to send the notification without problems with the same token.
Also be aware that data message on Android if the app is terminated are still not supported.
Some networks/router/mobile can cut the connection between firebase library and firebase server due to inactivity (5min without message). This cut may be detected by the library up to 30min (FCM heatbeat interval).
These are some links discussing this issue:
Android: Delay in Receiving message in FCM(onMessageReceived)
I contacted firebase support but they told that since the issue is caused by external part they cannot fix it (I suggest decreasing heartbeat interval ...)
I fixed it in android using an interval job which apply these instructions:
context.sendBroadcast(new Intent(""));
context.sendBroadcast(new Intent(""));
You may write this specific code for Android side and should find something similar for ios side.

Can you expire / remove a message remotely on FCM?

I'm using FCM for my push messages. Its great, however I've a client that needs to be able to remove a push message once its sent - (in case of mistakes / typos etc).
I know you can get the message id from when the Topic is queued to send messages, just wondering if there is a way to then use that ID to expire those messages remotely. i.e. to delete the message.
There is currently no way to delete/remove a message from the server side/console. The message_id is just an identifier that the message was sent successfully to the FCM server.
What is usually used for this scenario is the tag parameter (see my answer here) where an existing notification with the same tag gets replaced with the newer one.
There are scenarios where you might want a replacing notification to notify the user rather than silently update. Chat applications are a good example. In this case you should set tag and renotify to true.
write this code on your sw.js
const title = 'Notification 2 of 2';
const options = {
tag: 'renotify',
renotify: true
registration.showNotification(title, options);
You can test demo on here by clicking in renotify button

Push Notifications on iPhone without alerts to the user

I have searched the web on my question but did not find anyone answering it. This looks weird as I am sure other people face similar issue.
At the moment my app is receiving push notification fine. I have a chat module where user can speak and whenever a new message is being sent, the other phone receive a push notification to update the chat.
You could say no issue there, but the problem is when the user is out of the application: he is still receiving those notifications showing a banner on the screen, and I want to dis-activate this. Basically I want push notification without alerts to the user. Is there a way to do that?
Just leave the sound property of your push notification payload empty, omit the alert/text property and add "content-available":1 and your notification will be silent. This is often referred to as silent push notification or "push-to-sync".
See documentation here:
For a push notification to trigger a download operation, the
notification’s payload must include the content-available key with its
value set to 1. When that key is present, the system wakes the app in
the background (or launches it into the background) and calls the app
method. Your implementation of that method should download the
relevant content and integrate it into your app
So your payload should least look like this:
"aps" : {
"content-available" : 1,
"sound" : ""
"chat-message" : "Hello World!"

How to receive & process data when I subscribe to youtube api v3 push notification?

According to this
I can subscribe to a youtube channel & receive push notification for any new video.
My callback server is a php script which interprets POST/GET data:
if (isset($_GET['hub_challenge'])) {
print $_GET['hub_challenge'];
else {
But $xml is empty. In the docs it says:
The YouTube Data API (v3) supports push notifications via
PubSubHubbub, a server-to-server publish/subscribe protocol for
Web-accessible resources. Notifications are pushed out to subscribers
via HTTP webhooks, which is much more efficient than polling-based
But it does not specify how does it send the data....whether in POST body or in somewhere else.
So How do I get the atom feed in my script?
EDIT: I should probably ask a new question for this...but anyway....I tried this channel (; but when I try to subscribe it says "restricted topic" (I did not provide token as it is a public channel). Same for any other channel ID. Is something wrong with my callback server? I also tried runscope url as a callback server for testing. But it did not help.
Others are having similar problems. Here is the issue log:
and related StackOverflow question:
Youtube API - Subscribing to Push Notifications
Unfortunately, no one seem to provide a solution although you can follow the issue and track any progress.
Yes it send data on the POST body . If you are using Express Nodejs add app.use(bodyParser.xml()) middleware to parse xml data

Invalid tag for push notifications in Windows Azure

I am building a Windows Phone 8.1 application and want to add push notifications from Windows Azure. I am creating the channel by using CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync, after which I take the resulting URI and store it in the Azure database. When trying to send a push notification by using push.wns.sendToastText01, I get the following error in the Azure logs:
Error in script '/table/Message.insert.js'. Error: 400 - An invalid tag '' was supplied. Valid tag characters are alphanumeric, _, #, -, ., : and #.
I noticed that the channel URI contains the '%' which does not appear among the valid characters, yet that is the URI that gets generated in the client application. Am I using a wrong method for sending push notifications or is there something else I am missing?
Edit: I am using Node.js for backend in Azure.
success: function() {
push.wns.sendToastText01(channelUri, {
text1: "Google Plus Friend Tracker",
text2: item.content,
param: '/ChatPage.xaml?friendGoogleId=' + item.author_id
Looking at the wns object documentation, the first parameter would be the tags that you are sending to. Since you're providing a channel in the code above, you are getting the error specified.
The backend does not need to provide the channel URI, as this was associated with the Notification Hub via the client-side registration action. If you are broadcasting the message, you would just provide null as the tag value. Otherwise, you can use the tags that were specified when you registered the channel URI.
For more about the process, see the "Get started with push" tutorial. There is also an example of using a tag (user ID) in the "Send push notifications to authenticated users" tutorial. For more on tags in general, the Notification Hubs breaking news tutorial is also good.
