IIS Server - website keeps showing default page - asp.net

I currently have a couple of websites setup on an IIS Server. I have setup the Host Headers correctly but whilst testing using the Hosts file (By adding in the URL and public IP address) - it displays the default IIS Start page instead of the actual website, this is the case for all of the websites added to the IIS Server.
Any help would be great.
Many thanks.


browsing with server ip address not loading static content?

I have searched the web i could not find an answer to my problem.
I have windows server 2012 R2.
I deployed a .net website in the server.
browsing the website using the server ip adress does not load the static content (css,images, js) ?
However if I go to IIS and browse the website static contents get loaded.
In the IIS manager, I have binding to the some domain ex.ae.com. but this domain DNS pointing to another server currently. I wanna test my new server first, when things goes fine, i Will point that domain to the new server. But in order for me to do so. I have to first test the current server.
Any reason why browsing with IP address does not load static content ?
Have you tried to open to users access to read your path?
Rights: Read

Can't hit asp.net web on IIS from client

I am trying to hit an asp.net 2.0 site that is sitting on another server on my network.
When I run the test site on the server it works : TomsServer:81
However what is the url to hit the same test site when I run it from a browser on another machine on the same network? I tried TomsServer/test but it returns a 404 File or directory not found. How can I access this test site?
check that IIS has an appropriate host header set up on that site and use that host name or that it is accepting all host names

ASP.NET and IIS 7.5 - HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden

I try to configure IIS 7.5 on a new server (Windows Server 2008 R2), in order to run an ASP.NET 4.0 application. Two "domains" are defined on the server (managed with Parallels Plesk), each one appearing as a site in IIS. One domain is for the public site, the other is used for tests. At the present time, the DNS of the test site points to that new server while the DNS of the public site still points to our old server. We transfer the test site first, to see if everything is OK, before transfering the public site to the new server.
Pointing to the test site in IIS, if I run the Browse command on the folder of the application, I get the HTTP Error 403.14, with the message: The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory. The strange thing is this: if I put the exact same folder structure in the other domain on the same server, and I run the same Browse command, I see the default page of the application (I don't know if everything works after that but, at least, the first page shows up as expected). I should add:
Both sites use the same application pool.
Both sites have the same permissions (I checked one by one, also compared with cacls)
The default page is not set in IIS but is the authentication form specified in Web.config
So, same setup but different results. I don't know if there is something else that I should check. I am on very shaky ground when I talk about server configuration and IIS; so I hope that this description is clear enough and makes sense.
I think I found it. It probably doesn't work for both sites on the new server. When I run the Browse command, it shows the page in IE using the DNS of the site. Since the DNS of the public site still points to the old server, the page displayed in IE is not from the folder that I clicked, but rather from the old server site.
I can now look for standard solutions to the 403.14 problem on the new server...

Bindings in IIS7 when creating a subdomain

I have a domain www.foo.com purchase with NameCheap.
I pointed that domain name to my VPS's static IP address and created a web application in IIS7 and it's working correctly.
Now I created another separate web application and set it's binding to forums.foo.com.
However the browsers doesn't enter the site and it seems the binding isn't doing quite what I expect it to do.
In Firefox, I get:
Server not found
Firefox can't find the server at forums.foo.com.
Is there some sort of special configuration I have to do in order for the subdomain to correctly point to my folder in inetpub?
Don't you have to configure the subdomain with namecheap first?
Who is serving dns for the subdomain?

asp.net setting up subdomain on localhost

I added the following entries in the HOSTS file. abc.localhost.com xyz.localhost.com
Using the VS2010 ASP.NET Development server I am unable to run or execute the website.
When browsing http://localhost:2687/TestProject/ it shows up the default.aspx page. But when accessing http://abc.localhost:2687/TestProject/ it shows a website cannot be found page.
Is there anything else to be done when setting up subdomain on localhost.
EDIT: To make this work I removed the .com and in IE-->Connections-->LAN uncheck everything. Subdomains with port works are correctly getting forwarded. Nothing else need to be configured.
Obvious mistake is that in your hosts file you have abc.localhost.com, whereas you are browsing to http://abc.localhost/folder
Not the same thing.
Not sure this will work as you intend anyhow. I would also recommend IIS Express, part of WebMatrix, which I think is still in beta, or just use IIS. IIS 7+ on Vista, W7, Server 2008 is all really easy to use.
Use IIS or IIS express, rather than Cassini. (For several reasons, which you can google or look for on stackoverflow)
With the IIS you can easily add a hostheader entry to you webapplication with just 2 clicks.
Be aware, that you are assigning both a Url and a port.
So adding abc.localhost won't allow you to browse abc.localhost2687, just the default port (80). If you also want to browse to abc.localhost:2687 you need to a a hostheader entry according to that that Url and port.
This screenshot shows you the dialog to add hostheaders (the picture is from IIS 6, but in IIS 7 or IIS 7.5 it looks very similar)
