Publish dll with website to Azure using Visual Studio -

My (C# website works locally, but when I publish it to Azure, it is missing a dll (OpenXML SDK).
After extensive googling, I found that I should set the Copy Local property to True. The thing is though, there is no references node in my solution explorer. Even if I create a new project, and add a few references, there is no references node there. (MS Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web)
Here is the error:
Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly [...] The
system cannot find the file specified.
The error is caused by this line (in my Web.config file):
<add assembly="DocumentFormat.OpenXml, Version=2.5.5631.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>
Please help me to either:
display the references node
or manually upload the needed dll (feels odd)
or add some magic command to my Web.config to make it automatically upload the used dll-s.

The references node was missing from my Solution Explorer because I chose to create a Web Site, not a Web Application. For Web Sites, the actual physical folder structure is what gets synced to the server. It doesn't have a References node (and, by the looks of it, many other things are missing, since the basic idea is bit different - see this discussion for more details).
There were two solutions for the problem:
Converting my Web Site project into a Web Application project (instructions here)
Adding a Bin folder in my project folder (that is the folder with the project name, the on that has my .aspx files in it), and including the necessary dll in that folder
I chose the latter. After publishing the site again, Visual Studio automatically uploaded the Bin folder with the dll inside it, and it worked like a charm.


Partial deployment issue - "Could not load assembly "App_Web_xxx.dll", make sure that it is compiled before accessing the page"

I am using Visual Studio 2017, and the application target .net framework is 4.5.2.
This application ABC (to which I am providing an enhancement) is already deployed and functioning pretty well.
Now that I have to only perform changes on 1 page (a simple condition change), I am planning to deploy only App_Web_xxxx in the ".\bin" folder.
After publishing the application using the "Precompiled" configuration, I was able to identify the respective App_web_xxx.dll file and copied in App. Server bin folder. Renamed it according to existing requestEdit.aspx file. All looks good till now, and interestingly, this App_Web_xxx.dll is common for multiple aspx files available under a common folder (users/request).
Once I try executing this code by accessing the website (respective aspx.cs UI file), it gives the error:
"Could not load assembly "App_Web_xxx.dll", make sure that it is compiled before accessing the page".
But the issue is This dll file doesn't break for any other aspx page available under the User/request folder, it is failing only for feature I modified.
What I have done apart from above mentioned way (considering usual way of partial deployment process):
Replaced requestEdit.aspx page and added new dll, by keeping old dll as is (which can be used by other aspx pages in deployment folder)
Error changed to:
Could not load assembly 'App_Web_xxx.dll, version=, Culture=neutral, Publickey Token=null' or one of its dependencies.The system cannot find the file specified.
Replaced requestEdit.aspx page and added new dll, by removing old dll and renaming App_Web_xxx.dll in "Imports = Default.aspx, App_Web_xxx.dll" in all required aspx files (for which the old dll was removed)
If I am replacing the whole solution (except web.config) the solution works fine with no issues, the only problem comes when I am replacing only 1 .dll file.
All the solutions I found are providing information of IIS version or dll copying from Server to Dev, but my problem is I'm publishing on dev env (local machine) and partially deploying on the server.
Need help to resolve this issue as this is really inconvenient to deploy the whole solution just for 1 condition change!
Additional Info:
Page Properties --> MSBuild Options --> Allow this Precompiled site to be updatable (checked)

ASP.NET failing to call a dll

My question may have already been asked but any of the answers match my case.
I need to do a website (ASP.NET MVC 4) with some features of a software. I have finished to developed my website and wanted to test it in a test environment (Windows server 2008 - 64bits).
It works perfectly fine with my dev computer(windows 7 - 64bits). But after I deployed it on IIS, one of my features doesn't work.
This feature is a bit particular. It need a 32 bits COM written in VB6 (this dll can't be change) that call an other dll. When I test the website deployed on IIS, the first ddl is called fine but the 2nd seemed to be not called at all.
This dll are in the installed file of the software. I have the same version of on both computer.
I authorize my app pool to use 32bits application. I tried to give some access to my dll (the COM and interop) like IUSR, IIS_IUSRS. But nothing seems to work.
I have checked both of my dll are registered properly.
I'm a bit lost. Can someone help me ?
PS: Sorry for my English, I can speak but I'm really weak with syntax.
Some suggestion here:
You need to figure out which managed dll, native dll and lib files are referenced by your application (directly or indirectly).
For managed dll, make sure they are in the web's bin folder.
For native dll and .lib files, check out whether those .dll and .lib files are in the PATH. If not, you can either copy them to there; or, you can put them into a folder and add that folder into the PATH. Then restart VS and IIS (command "iisreset") to make sure the setting is picked up.
By the way, putting all of the files in the web's bin folder won't help. The reason is CLR copies the files into a temporary folder under framework directory and run the web there, but CLR only copies away managed dll (not the native ones), so you still get "module not found" error.
I have reproduced this error using the following sample solution
Web1 references a managed c++ project say "MCpp1.dll". The project further references two unmanaged c++ projects with the output say "Lib1.lib" and "Lib2.lib"
If I copy all of those files into web's bin folder, I get the exception of "module not found error".
I create a folder say "C:\Lib" and copy "Lib1.lib" and "Lib2.lib" into it and add this folder into PATH. I restart VS, and also run "IISReset" since I have a IIS web
Open VS and request a page and it works now
I have also contacted the CLR/Fusion team for suggestion of how to get the related module name when this exception happens, which should be very helpful to make diagnosis.
Hope this helps ,

Using SMO on web server with ASP.NET

Is it required to have anything SQL Server related installed on a web server in order to make use of SMO? I've built a web app that programmatically creates a SQL Agent job, adds a step (which ultimately fires of dtexec to run an SSIS package), and executes.
This works fine on my local machine which has SQL client tools installed, however when I move to a web server, I get reference issues and I'm starting to think it's due to something not being installed.
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlClrProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies.
This is a rat hole.
The problem is that once you locate that assembly and copy it to the bin folder of your application it will complain about a completely different one.. or even the same file simply due to missing dependencies.
For more information read this:
That site lists the files you need and the fact you need to register and gac a few files. Quite frankly, you are much better off just biting the bullet and install the client tools on your web server.
Yes, your application requires this assembly in its bin directory to function. This error means that the server doesn't have the SMO (and its dependant) assemblies.
Back in your solution in Visual Studio, right click on the assembly above, and select/change the "Copy Local" to "True". Copy this for each SMO assembly that you've referenced.
When you publish your application, this will bring those .DLLs on your development machine along in your published bin directory.
Check your web.config file for any references as well
search your code for SqlClrProvider

Updating a DLL in a Production ASP.NET Web Site bin folder

I want to update a class library (a single DLL file) in a production web application. This web app is pre-compiled (published). I read an answer on StackOverflow (sorry, can't seem to find it anymore because the Search function does not work very well), that led me to believe that I could just paste the new DLL in the bin folder and it would be picked up without problems (this would cause the WP to recycle, which is fine with me because we do not use InProc session state).
However, when I tried this, my site blows up and gives a FileLoadException saying that the assembly manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. What in the world is this?! Updating the DLL in Visual Studio and re-deploying the entire site works just fine, but it is a huge pain in the rear. What is the point of having a separate DLL if you have to re-deploy the entire site to implement any changes?
Here's the question: How can I update a DLL on a production web site without breaking the app and without re-deploying all of the files?
The thing to remember is that there are web sites and web applications as far as Visual Studio and ASPNET is considered.
Web Sites typically have all of the aspx and vb files published to the live server and ASPNET Worker Process recompiles the app every time before presentation.
On the other end is the web application, where all of your code behind files get compiled down to a single DLL file and you simply deploy your aspx pages and you bin folder with the DLL file to production.
There is also a "hybrid" known as "Precompiled Web Sites" (see the link for the official MSDN overview) where you don't have the single DLL layout of a web application, but all the compile work of the website is done for you. There are several "modes" to this depending on your needs.
It seems to me that your error is caused because your site is set up as a web site with some kind of precompilation in place. Using the pre-compiled model is a little more "strict" in that is assumes certain files/signatures are in place. Having an updated version of the DLL file causes a break since the precompilation wants a name and a version of the file.
If possible, your best bet would be to convert to a web application, since you can add the additional DLLs into production without a problem. Otherwise, take a look at this matrix to see what form of precompilation you need for your application.
Look at this SO post, might be what you are referring to. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference
Have a look at your reference. Does it say "specific version = true" ? Set it to false, republish your app (you have to do it once, because now your app is still looking for an assembly with a specific manifest) and try it again.

VS2008 Web Deployment Project Section Replacement with Elmah

I'm using a web deployment project and want to do some section replacement with the emlah/errorMail section. I don't want to send emails in debug build mode.
I have created the custom section and put it in an errorMail.config. In the properties of web deploy project under replacements, I have elmah/errorMail=errorMail.config.
The error I'm getting is An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for elmah/errorMail: Could not load file or assembly 'Elmah' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
I'm guessing this is happening because Elmah is not in the GAC or it's not one of my projects. The Elmah.dll file does copy to the output\bin folder just fine though.
Is there a way to have section replacements work with 3rd party dlls?
I found that if I drop the dll in question into the project folder for the web deployment project, that it will work fine. This is less than optimal.
So now my question is, how can I get this to work without having to put the dll in the GAC or having to copy the dll into the web deployment project folder?
If you add a reference to the elmah dll from your webproject, then it will automatically copy the dll to the output folder when you build it.
Those are the only 2 options though: to have the dll copied to the output directory or to put it in the GAC
A technique proposed here dynamically loads an assembly during the web deployment build process so that it doesn't have to be in the GAC. I tried, but was unable to get it to work, though.
