What might interfere with Google Analytics pageview tracking? - google-analytics

I'm using Google Analytics to send and track a registration goal, based on a custom pageview.
Basically, every time a user registers and gets redirected to dashboard, I trigger a custom pageview using JS:
ga('send', 'pageview', {page: '/gapv/registration/success'});
The tracking works. However, when I compare the GA tracking with the number of registrations from the database of my website, the GA goal completion always shows around 10% less registrations.
I checked the tracking on various desktop browsers, all seems to be fine. Additionally, I hear that content blocking on mobile browsers gets more and more popular.
Is it possible that browser content blocker plugins might block my custom pageview from being fired? I send the pageview on DOM ready.
What else might explain the difference between my DB results and the GA goal count?
Any ideas are very welcome.

Users can opt-out from Google Analytics
Depending on where your tracking code is placed users may leave the page before the hit registers with GA (i.e. users might leave before the DOM is ready - can you move your tracking to pageload ?)
Some Ad blockers block GA, too (some claim this is especially true if you use the "advertising features")
There might be occasional javascript errors that prevent tracking (or users do not have javascript enabled at all)
As a serverside mechanism your database will be more reliable. While you may be able to bring the discrepancy down to single digits it is not likely that the numbers precisely match (even if you do server-side tracking with GA via the measurement protocol you still have to respect user opt-out).


how can I validate if good analytics is counting review with ajax request

I have installed the google analytics in our e-commerce site using google tag manager. From the product detail page you can click on the colors to see the same product in the different colors. I implemented this using ajax so the page load is not required. I was curious if the google analytics will count as multiple reviews a user clicks on the different colors or do I need to explicitly call something in order for the GA to count as multiple reviews.
First of all, that depends how and what kind of GA you've implemented.
To implement analytics, you have to specify a trigger for the analytics tag. That trigger normally determines if a tag is fired or not.
If you used a page load trigger, then the tag will only be triggered on the real page load. And it won't be triggered on your ajax manipulations.
With only one exception: if you used the GA4 config tag, you had this checkbox there:
The checkbox doesn't only send the pageview on config load, it keeps sending pageviews on every history change. Therefore, if your ajax causes history change and you use the GA4 config tag, then you're getting pageviews.
But this is theory. You can just go and check. Open your network tab, filter the request by collect and see what's sent when. Or alternatively, install the adswerve datalayer debugger and it will log whatever is sent whenever it's sent into the console in a very neat, clean way. This is how it works on this page:

GTM consent mode Google analytics not tracking pageviews without consent

we have recently implemented cookies consent mode in Google tag manager. Pageviews in google analytics (both universal and GA 4) dropped to about 4 % of the original page views.
When I visit the web page without giving any consent some requests to google-analytics.com still appears in network tab. This tells me something is still tracked. No cookies are saved as expected.
Do you have a different experience? Should GA track pageviews anonymously even without consent or it this a correct behavior? Why would analytics script send any requests if it not appears in GA?
It is expected that you see requests to Google Analytics. However in consent mode you should not see _ga cookies being set (or existing _ga cookies being used). That's basically what consent mode is, cookie-free tracking. You should also see a parameter gcs=100 in the GA request to confirm that consent mode is indeed active.
However these requests are not surfaced in the reports (there would be no point, since without user identifier you cannot create sessions). Apparently they are being used for some sort of Machine Learning thing in the background, but I don't think this has much effect on the analytics part of GA (afaik this is more for Google Ads and GA audiences).
So yes, seeing requests in consent mode is normal (if this helps in any way with GDPR compliance etc. in entirely another matter). If you do not run campaigns and do not hope for an uplift via ML models applied to consent mode data, then you probably do not need to bother and can just disable the tags if no consent is given.
It happens because you have to set ad_storage and analytics_storage as denied by default in initialization code, like described in the documentation (in the example only ad_storage is denied, just add analytics_storage too): https://developers.google.com/tag-platform/devguides/consent#implementation_example

Trying to figure out why Google Analyics report more users than our own stack

Comparison is between the Google Analytics script and a "chat widget" loaded in a iframe on the onload event. The iframe is not loaded if the useragentlooks like a crawler. The code in the iframe creates a websocket connection and then a user is upserted in our backend.
I'm looking at one website where we currently get around 2/3 of new users reported by Google Analytics as users in our backend.
With the new Google Analytics UI, it's not clear to me how much crawlers are actually filtered or not (e.g. is Google Analytics always filtering Google Crawler?). That could explain a lot.
Our "tracking id" is saved in localstorage which is a bit more persistent than a cookie, but I can't see it making a big difference.
The extra loading time and the websocket connection can probably explain a bit (old browsers that don't support TLS 1.2, baldy configured proxies, etc) can explain some of it, but 1/3 seems big.
Any insights in Google Analytics metrics or other ideas are welcome.
Bot traffic in Google Analytics is not filtered by default. You can enable it in View Settings.
Also it's possible to pass User Agent strings into Google Analytics as a custom dimension and then create filter to exclude sessions based on User Agents that you know to be bots.
The second reason of difference may be that GA tracker fires when page starts to load, but "chat widget" when window is loaded. Some bounced sessions (and users) are counted by GA, but not counted by "chat widget".

Sending events to 3rd party domains with Google Analytics Universal

We provide an iframe-based embeddable widget to our clients and want to be able to send their Google Analytics account events based on what is happening inside our iframe. We used to be able to do this using the old ga.js with the following code:
_gaq.push(['NAMESPACE._setAccount', CUSTOMER_GA_ACCOUNT_ID]);
_gaq.push(['NAMESPACE._setDomainName', CUSTOMER_DOMAIN]);
_gaq.push(['NAMESPACE._trackEvent',"category", "event", "label"]);
This code would be fired inside our iframe, but would result in an event being pushed to the customer's google analytics account, letting them have some insight into customer behavior inside our embeddable widget. The NAMESPACE in front of the actions would keep these events separate from our GA stuff, and would prevent our GA stuff from going to their GA account. They would provide us with their Google Analytics account ID when they wanted to enable this feature.
Is there a way to do something similar with the new Universal Analytics API?
I don't seem to see a similar way to namespace actions and the cross-domain tracking documentation doesn't indicate how to send events/pageviews to two domains/GA accounts (ie we want to track pageviews on our GA account, and send the events to our customer's GA account).
I suggest going the roundabout way - set a pixel in your widget and make the actual endpoint for that pixel a script on your server that sends the data via the measurement protocol to your clients analytics account.

Google event tracking (background events)

Ok so here is a scenario I would like to get some ideas on:
A user shows up to my site and registers for my service...lets call the service "vaporware".
After registration the user proceeds to view all the glorious features that my cloud based vaporware has to offer. Each feature that they use during their visit is recorded using Event Tracking in Google Analytics and I can effectively track engagement.
Now the problem:
One of the features in my Vapor product has tasks built in. These tasks are important for a number of reasons...they are recurring and do not require any action from the user to execute.
How would I using either "old" google analytics or the new Universal Analytics go about tying these "background events" visitors? I am thinking that the new Measurement Protocol may be have the answer as this perhaps can be considered cross platform tracking...
Regardless this keeps coming up a lot for me and am interested even finding a hack/work around to start recording these types of events in GA.
If they're logged in, you can substitute the autogenerated client ID with your own user/account ID (make sure to anonymize it before sending it to Google).
With the Measurement Protocol it's the cid parameter:
In the Universal Analytics JS code, it would be something like this:
ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-Y', {
'clientId': 'my-user-identifier'
Hope this helps :)
