Amazon S3 - Prevent URL Sharing - wordpress

I'm hosting videos on Amazon S3 and was wondering if anyone here could give me any tips to stop people from finding the direct video URL and sharing it around as well as using it on their website.
I'm using WordPress and I have embedded it into a members only page. However, I'm worried people are going to right-click on the page, find the direct URL and share it around that way.
I'm thinking of disabling right-clicking but was wondering if there was a better way.
Also by going to File-->Save Page As and saving the page, it also downloads the .mp4 video embedded into the website.
Any advice?

You can use CloudFront to access s3 object.
When you hit CloudFront url it access object from s3.
it hides the actual url from user.
You can also generate policy statement for restrict access for particular user.


Is it possible to display images from other sources on your wordpress page?

I have a lot of pictures on my homepage. Of course, this also requires a lot of disk space. Now I got the glorious idea that I don't store the images on the website, but on an external source (like Dropbox or Google Drive). There I can then also manage my own folder structure and do not have to use this stupid structure of Wordpress.
So the idea is that I can display images on my wordpress page, that are stored on an external source. Is this possible and how?
Actually you can achieve that but with a little bit different approach. Since you can't get public links to the images in your Dropbox or Google Drive, you might wanna try AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage instead.

Firebase Hosting: Preventing unauthorized access to URL

I am trying to secure some pages behind firebase auth -however every time I try open them - I seem to be able to browse to them. Even when I follow the documentation.
I can't seem to find anyway to restrict the page to be accessible only to authorized users.
Any idea how best to approach this?
Edit: Looks like its not supported directly without building a lot of custom code. It would be brilliant if they can support a simple htaccess file or similar. - Here is a link to post feature request
All static content (HTML, CSS, JS, and other files) published to Firebase Hosting is publicly accessible if you know the URL. There are no authentication controls you can easily configure to change this behavior.
If you need to protect content, you could set up some code via Cloud Functions that checks the user's authentication and serves the content based on its decision.
I suggest saving needed secret part of HTML/JS in Firestore with security rules and dynamically upload it to page after auth.

Prevent PDF link from being shared

There is a pdf on the server that we want users to access only those with the link is there any way we can prevent from being shared as well? So if the users want to share the link it will redirect them to the homepage. I know users can download and share it amongst themselves, that is something we can't prevent but I at least want to prevent them from sharing the URL. I tried to prevent hotlinking but most of the tutorials and resources I found prevent all PDFs from being shared.
I know this is a late response but you can easily use the HTTP REFERER field to prevent access to a link from outside certain pages - SpeedFan does this for their installer download links.

How to get all content of website from google cache?

My gmail account was hacked today, and I can't login or request new password anymore. And I lost all content in my blogspot too.
I looked around and found it was stored in google cache. But I had more than 200 articles, and I need to go through more than 200 urls to copy all content.
Is there any methods can help me retries all content from google cache?
A Web Crawler could help you to retrieve many pages of information.
Also, maybe you could use Internet Archive Wayback Machine to retrieve some lost information.
Another tip: the google advanced search could help you too. In particular, the site or domain param.
Update: Maybe this script can do all work for you: Retrieving Google’s Cache for a Whole Website

wordpress, a download manager for outside URLs

I'm working on a online file library for one of my clients. It's a library for mostly PDFs and office documents. Because they are a huge amount(almost 2gb in files), I'm hosting them on another site(divshare), so that the hosting account we have doesn't get blocked by the excess of files, and also because of excess traffic downloading can generate.
So, my question is if there is a good download manager(even with some search for download categories and so) that can handle instead of local uploaded files, URLs of files hosted somewhere else?
The advice about any plugin or the like is very appreciated.
You ask how to code such manager, right? Otherwise, your are on the wrong site...
I think you need to make a kind of file manager, except that instead of generating HTML pages to view the files and act on them, it exposes a Web API, returning XML or Json data, that a WordPress plugin can manage.
From Divshare:
The DivShare Uploader Plugin for Wordpress replaces your regular
uploading frame with a DivShare upload form, allowing you to easily
upload and add files without ever leaving your "Write a Post" page.
It's a great way to speed up your blogging and take the load off your
servers when hosting big files and images.
It can be found here:
Good Luck!
