A* Pathfinding with dashing mechanic - path-finding

If I had a 2D environment in which I could move in four directions, but in addition to those directions, I could dash in a direction until I hit a wall, how would I calculate an admissible heuristic for this? Whether a move or dash, each would have a G-cost of 1, so dashing and walking are weighted equally. Should I even use A*? If in some scenario, dashing a number of times would get you to your destination faster than moving, even if at some point you are farther away from your destination after dashing, what kind of pathfinding would be able to calculate an optimal path?

Heuristic: A heuristic is admissible if it never over-estimates the cost of reaching the goal. Since you use the four cardinal directions, an admissible heuristic would be to take the manhattan distance (L1-Norm) between the start and destination, call it dist. Then divide dist by the number of tiles in a single dash. There's no way you'll overestimate using this this heuristic.
Computing Optimal Path: You can use A-Star to compute an optimal path provided you use an admissible heuristic. The key is that your node.getNeighbors() method return the neighbors adjacent to the current node i.e. to the (N)orth, (S)outh, (E)ast, and (W)est, and also those that are reachable by a dash beginning from the current node (i.e. dashDist-tiles to the N/S/E/W). The method might look something like this:
public List<Node> getNeighbors(){
List<Node> neighbors = new LinkedList<Node>();
return neighbors;
private List<Node> getAdjacentNeighbors(){
//implement code to get the adjacent neighbors
private List<Node> getDashableNeighbors(){
//implement code to get the neighbors 1-dash away
One other consideration: I assume a dash happens in a straight line... In that case, I suggest looking into the JumpPointSearch algorithm. It takes advantage of symmetries in the world to reduce the number of nodes in the open set.


Calculate all end points on a graph given n stamina?

I am attempting to create a pathfinding algorithm for a game. Basically, after the player rolls a number, I need to determine all possible locations that the player can end up on a grid. The player cannot move directly backwards after a given step, and the player can only move one grid square per step.
The problem is, right now I am attempting to brute force the solution by recursively navigating along the graph and manually checking each valid move.
// Recursive function for navigating one step at a time.
function navigate($stamina, $coords, $coords_previous)
// If the movement stamina has not been spent.
if ($stamina != 0)
// Note: there may be less than four neighboring
// cells in a given location due to obstacles.
foreach ($neighboring_cells as $coords_neighboring)
// If the coordinates of the neighbor are not the same as the
// coordinates of the previous move (we can't move backwards)
if ($coords_neighboring != $coords_previous)
// Recurse.
navigate($stamina, $coords_neighboring, $coords);
// No more stamina.
// Add $coords to our array of endpoints.
This works for small rolls (low $stamina values). However, as $stamina increases, this methodology starts to become super redundant. This is due to the fact that the player can move in circles over and over again, exponentially increasing the number of potential endpoints.
My question is, what can be done to decrease redundancy in the above function?
Define a state as a combination of a grid position and a facing (i.e., the direction the player moved in to get there). This is useful because we can define successors of a given state: in particular, those at adjacent grid positions (with appropriate facings) other than the one the player just came from.
Then compute the set of states reachable in n steps. For n=0, this is just the player's initial position (with a special "no facing" value if the first move can be in any direction). To compute it for n+1, generate all valid moves from each of the states in the previous set, discarding any duplicates. When you reach the set for $stamina steps, just discard the facings (and any duplicate positions).
In terms of graph algorithms
This is similar to a breadth-first search on a graph whose vertices are the states and whose edges connect a state to its successor states. However, here we don't disregard new (longer) paths to a state, since some positions might be reachable (in exactly $stamina steps!) only via looping back. One could also include the remaining stamina in the state (and define no edges away from a state with 0 moves left); then you would perform a normal graph search and collect all the leaves.
In either case these would probably be implicit graphs, but the algorithm is clearer implemented directly rather than in terms of a graph.

A* with manhattan distance or euclidean distance for maze solving?

I have obtained all the possible paths of maze through image processing. Now, I want to use A* algorithm in order to find shortest path of maze. However, I am confused as to whether euclidean distance will be a better heuristic or manhattan distance. Does it depend upon maze type or is the choice of heuristic independent of maze type? Which distance (manhattan or euclidean) will be a good choice for the following possible paths and why? Please suggest.
PS. (Please add your reference too, if your have any. It will be helpful)
The objective of a Heuristic is to provide contextual information to the pathfinder. The more accurate this information is, the more efficient the pathfinder can be.
You have two contradicting requirements to get a good heuristic, which is good because it means there is a sweet spot. Here they are:
An Heuristic must be admissible, which means it shall never overestimate the distance. Otherwise, the algorithm will be broken and may return paths that are not even optimal.
An heuristic must return the largest distance possible. An heuristic that underestimates the remaining path from a cell, will favour that cell when another might have been better.
Of course the optimal Heuristic would return the exact, correct length (which generally is not achievable or defeats the purpose) because it cannot return a longer path without ceasing to be admissible.
In your case, it looks like you're dealing with 4-connected grids. In that case the manhattan distance will be a better metric than euclidian distance, because the Euclidian will under-estimate the cost of all displacements compared to Manhattan (due to the Pythagorean Theorem).
Whithout any further knowledge than 'the graph is a 4-connected Grid', there is no better metric than Manhattan. If however you manage to obtain more data (obstacle density, 'highways', etc.) then you might be able to devise a better heuristic - though keeping it admissible would be a very hard problem in itself.
EDIT Having a closer look, it looks like you have angled vertices in the bottom left. If that is so, you're not in a 4-connected graph, then you MUST use Euclidian distance, because Manhattan would not be admissible.
Its not clear what moves are available to your hero. Does you graph make up a rectangular grid like chess board and can you go diagonally in one step like king in chess? If yes then Chebyshev distance is the best https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chebyshev_distance.
Otherwise use Euclidian distance.
You cant use Manhattan here if you want an optimal path because Manhattan heuristic is not admissible on diagonal routes (it overestimates them) so it can lead to suboptimal pathes

Pathfinding - A* with least turns

Is it possible to modify A* to return the shortest path with the least number of turns?
One complication: Nodes can no longer be distinguished solely by their location, because their parent node is relevant in determining future turns, so they have to have a direction associated with them as well.
But the main problem I'm having, is how to work number of turns into the partial path cost (g). If I multiply g by the number of turns taken (t), weird things are happening like: A longer path with N turns near the end is favored over a shorter path with N turns near the beginning.
Another less optimal solution I'm considering is: After calculating the shortest path, I could run a second A* iteration (with a different path cost formula), this time bounded within the x/y range of the shortest path, and return the path with the least turns. Any other ideas?
The current "state" of the search is actually represented by two things: The node you're in, and the direction you're facing. What you want is to separate each of those states into different nodes.
So, for each node in the initial graph, split it into E separate nodes, where E is the number of incoming edges. Each of these new nodes represents the old node, but facing in different directions. The outgoing edges of these new nodes will all be the same as the old outgoing edges, but with a different weight. If the old weight was w, then...
If the edge doesn't represent a turn, make the new weight w as well
If the edge does represent a turn, make the new weight w + ε, where ε is some number significantly smaller than the smallest weight.
Then just do a normal A* search. Since none of the weights have decreased, your heuristic will still be admissible, so you can still use the same heuristic.
If you really want to minimize the number of turns (as opposed to finding a nice tradeoff between turns and path length), why not transform your problem space by adding an edge for every pair of nodes connected by an unobstructed straight line; these are the pairs you can travel between without a turn. There are O(n) such edges per node, so the new graph is O(n3) in terms of edges. That makes A* solutions as much as O(n3) in terms of time.
Manhattan distance might be a good heuristic for A*.
Is it possible to modify A* to return the shortest path with the least number of turns?
It is most likely not possible. The reason being that it is an example of the weight-constrained shortest path problem. It is therefore NP-Complete and cannot be solved efficiently.
You can find papers that discuss solving this problem e.g. http://web.stanford.edu/~shushman/math15_report.pdf

Dijkstra's algorithm to find most weighted path

I just want to make sure this would work. Could you find the greatest path using Dijkstra's algorithm? Would you have to initialize the distance to something like -1 first and then change the relax subroutine to check if it's greater?
This is for a problem that will not have any negative weights.
This is actually the problem:
Suppose you are given a diagram of a telephone network, which is a graph
G whose vertices represent switches centers, and whose edges represent communication
lines between two centers. The edges are marked by their bandwidth of its lowest
bandwidth edge. Give an algorithm that, given a diagram and two switches centers a
and b, will output the maximum bandwidth of a path between a and b.
Would this work?
I did find this:
Hint: The basic subroutine will be very similar to the subroutine Relax in Dijkstra.
Assume that we have an edge (u, v). If min{d[u],w(u, v)} > d[v] then we should update
d[v] to min{d[u],w(u, v)} (because the path from a to u and then to v has bandwidth
min{d[u],w(u, v)}, which is more than the one we have currently).
Not exactly sure what that's suppose to mean though since all distance are infinity on initialization. So, i don't know how this would work. any clues?
I'm not sure Djikstra's is the way to go. Negative weights do bad, bad things to Djikstra's.
I'm thinking that you could sort by edge weight, and start removing the lowest weight edge (the worst bottleneck), and seeing if the graph is still connected (or at least your start and end points). The point at which the graph is broken is when you know you took out the bottleneck, and you can look at that edge's value to get the bandwidth. (If I'm not mistaken, each iteration takes O(E) time, and you will need O(E) iterations to find the bottleneck edge, so this is an O(E2) algorithm.
Edit: you have to realize that the greatest path isn't necessarily the highest bandwidth: you're looking to maximize the value of min({edges in path}), not sum({edges in path}).
You can solve this easily by modifying Dijkstra's to calculate maximum bandwidth to all other vertices.
You do not need to initialize the start vertex to -1.
Algorithm: Maximum Bandwidth(G,a)
Input: A simple undirected weighted graph G with non -ve edge weights, and a distinguished vertex a of G
Output: A label D[u], for each vertex u of G, such that D[u] is the maximum bandwidth available from a to u.
Initialize empty queue Q;
Start = a;
for each vertex u of G do,
D[u] = 0;
for all vertices z adjacent to Start do{ ---- 1
If D[Start] => D[z] && w(start, z) > D[z] {
D[z] = min(D[start], D[z]);
If Q!=null {
Start = Q.dequeue;
Jump to 1
This may not be the most efficient way to calculate the bandwidth, but its what I could think of for now.
calculating flow may be more applicable, however flow allows for multiple paths to be used.
Just invert the edge weights. That is, if the edge weight is d, consider it instead as d^-1. Then do Dijkstra's as normal. Initialize all distances to infinity as normal.
You can use Dijkstra's algorithm to find a single longest path but since you only have two switch centers I don't see why you need to visit each node as in Dijkstra's. There is most likes a more optimal way of going this, such as a branch and bound algorithm.
Can you adjust some of the logic in algorithm AllPairsShortestPaths(Floyd-Warshall)?
Initialize unconnected edges to negative infinity and instead of taking the min of the distances take the max?

Optimal Pathfinding

There is a square map with some obstacles on it. Obstacles are represented by polygons. I implemented following path finding algorithm:
1) Choose precision (it'll be denoted by k)
2) Divide map into k x k squares.
3) Make graph from those squares according to the following rules:
- Every node represents one square
- Two nodes are connected if and only if they are adjacent and none of them cosist any obstacle.
4) Find shortest path using A* algorithm (or Dijkstra or some other...)
This algorithm works quite well if map is not dynamic. It means that obstacles can't be moved.
1) Is that efficient approach?
2) What to do if obstacles can be moved?
3) How to treat other agents? Lets consider situation where there 100agents in the room. There are two exists. All agents are in one group, and that group near one of the exits. If all agents go to the nearest exit then it'll cause a bottleneck. Some of them should go to the other exit to minimize time needed to exit. How to get such result?
Use the A* path as a general guideline around static obstacles and perform local Obstacle Avoidance for dynamic (smaller) obstacles. Reynolds also has an algorithm for the bottleneck-problem. He calls it Queueing.
