I want to use an Arduino to control an LED on UDOOBbuntu. I'm using Udoo Quad and I'm following this example, but there is something wrong. here is an image. I removed the original Arduino IDE and installed Arduino, but it didn't work. Please help me. Thanks!
Have you attempted to go tools > port and select one of the ports in that menu? It seems like your issue is that the Arduino is looking at the wrong serial port.
Purchased some clone Arduino nanos a while ago and finally got to working with them.
Of the 3 i worked with, 2 of them upload and verify fine.
The third is able to upload (code functions properly), however it fails to read flash data.
this is required to post pastebin
Here is the output from a clone that worked:
Here is the output from the one with the issue:
this is required to post pastebin
What I've done so far:
Reflashed bootloader from working Arduino as ISP
CH340 driver installed
Used (old) bootloader when uploading
Tested on both Linux and OSX
Any suggestions or insight would be much appreciated.
If you have a working UNO or similar board, you could try uploading the bootloader using the Arduino IDE (https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software), and see if you get different results. Sorry, I'm not familiar with using avrdude.
The link on sparkfun gives really good instructions on how to accomplish this task. Scroll about half-way down to where it says Upload Arduino as ISP https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/installing-an-arduino-bootloader/all
Basically, you connect the UNO to your target as shown in the link, then select ArduinoISP in the examples menu, select the COM port and board, and upload the sketch. Then you select your target board in tools, and select Programmer, Arduino as ISP in tools, and finally, Burn Bootloader in tools.
I've had 100% success burning blank Atmega chips using this method.
I'm having a problem with ESP8266 in programming part.
I'm using Arduino Uno and have thousand times run programs.
It's has been my second day in completing my esp8266 simple fully function circuit
My current problem is :
ESPwifi library has many error even I download it from official github source code
So, I decided to use WIFIESP library and it stuck at TIMEOUT/NO WIFI/NO MAC ADDRESS
I cannot use pin 0 & 1 because a wire stuck in it.
I have search everywhere to solve my problem even tough needs alternative ways I will at least doesn't required NEW HARDWARE.
Reupdate : 08:18 PM 4.3.19
I just want steps without need AT firmware & able to post data to websites
I don't want extra boards EXCEPT:
Arduino UNO
ESP8266-01 (small one with 8 pin)
Windows 10 with arduino IDE latest version
I'm not sure what your real problem is, but here is my solutions:
In case you haven't install the esp8266 boards for the arduino IDE yet, then you should install it first. The installation instructions is documented on GitHub. Here is the snippet to install ESP8266 boards on Arduino IDE:
Start Arduino and open Preferences window.
Enter http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json into Additional Board Manager URLs field. You can add multiple URLs, separating them with commas.
Open Boards Manager from Tools > Board menu and install esp8266 platform (and don't forget to select your ESP8266 board from Tools > Board menu after installation).
ESP Libraries needs Arduino Core Library to work. If you haven't install the board yet, then you will get many errors.
hope this help.
Getting this when I upload the blink example from the arduino getting started book. The file compiles but just hangs at this point. I have reset, restarted, reinstalled. Nothing seems to work.
It worked just 1 day ago and there have been no changes since.
System wide configuration file is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf"
Using Port : COM5
Using Programmer : avr109
Overriding Baud Rate : 57600
Most of the problems with uploading sketches to Arduino boards come down to communication problems.
Try using other USB ports, check if you selected the correct COM port in the Arduino IDE, also check that you selected the correct board in the IDE.
If all else fails, please check if you can upload the sketch on another PC.
this error might be caused from a mistake in connecting the wires or a problem in the program.So try to check the connection of the wires and if you uploaded the program just because you still don't know how to write arduino codes, I advise you to learn and experiment with the help of the tutorials on the arduino site and reference.I hope that my answer helped you.
I am trying to download code to my littleBits Arduino module on IDE software. I am not able to find the port whenever I am trying to download the image to the board. Is this an internal issue, or an issue with my Arduino board?
You need to check if the arduino serial driver is properly installed in device manager. If arduino serial port is available in Ports then you can download program through IDE
For visual help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HqXAmV_Ock
Make sure you have proper drivers for your board. In Arduino IDE make sure you are selecting the proper target ie, littleBits Arduino board.
If you are using the Linux system you can use dmesg to see if your system detected the device properly.
If you are using windows system use device manager to make sure your device is properly connected.
Has it ever worked? Did it work for a while then stop?
Reason I ask, I had a problem where the Little Bit suddenly stopped accepting new code. Whenever I tried to download, the Arduino IDE started reporting Unknown USB Device.
Turned out, we had bricked the device. I blogged my steps for recovery here.
Check tools>ports and see if any are available, try them all, (check
while the board is connected)
if none are available check device manager under com ports there should be your device listed if not the you need to reinstall the drivers.
also check if the board is connected correctly (i.e. the connection cord is working properly)
I'm trying to build a midi controller using an Adafruit Trellis and an arduino leonardo. When it comes to run the code, the uploading status freezes and doesn't complete. I've tried to run a hello world using both an arduinoleonardo and a uno but I still had the same problem. I've deleted the IDE, reinstalled it but nothing has changed. I think it's a driver problem but I actually don't know what to do.
Assuming your Uno is good (no defect), try to plug into a different USB port and try different COM #. Also make sure that you are selecting the correct type of Arduino.