How to install grunt-template automatically - gruntjs

I start learning grunt for javascript project management. Grunt requires a series of templates in order to run the tasks. All the guide or examples are saying to install the template manually by running git clone *** on ~/.grunt-init directory. I wander whether there is any automatic way to install all the required templates from current project. Just like what maven or gradle are doing.

It's not a direct answer but check out yeoman for scaffolding front end Web apps. It has a whole lot of cool integrations with grunt.js that will automatically run a bunch of grunt tasks on your project for you. You should definitely check it out.


Proper way to remove Gruntjs, package.json and other files from release branch

I am developing a wordpress theme. I am new to using Grunt and composer for packages.
I have also integrated git flows. At the moment I am developing on develop branch and then merge to master once I am satisfied with the code.
The problem I am facing is that my master branch has Gruntfile.js as well as package.json in it. Similarly there are sass files in css folders. I want a clean release branch, in which there are only required theme files and no gruntjs, pacakge.json and sass files.
These all files are being tracked in master, how can I create a clean release branch.
I have followed the Woocommerce repository for making my development environment.
I could not find a build process in it also. Am I missing any proper step?
P.S : I don't know if I should be sharing any code samples here, but if you want anything I can share it here.
As far as I'm aware you can't do what you're trying to do and I don't believe git is meant to work that way. Having your grunt & SASS files in the master branch is the correct way of doing this, those files are also in the Woocommerce repository you've linked to.
I'm guessing what you're trying to do is create a release of a theme that doesn't have any of the 'development only files', for lack of a better term, to give to the the end user installing the theme? If so that release would be a separate 'thing' to git as git is mainly for developer version control. What I think you're after is just creating a stand-alone downloadable zip file by the sounds of things?
For example if you were to submit your theme to they take it as a zip file rather than a link to a git repository.

How to build gulp css files using TFS (Local builds using Task Runner Explorer)

We have the following issue in our build system:
We build an ASP.NET project which has many scss files.. We want to compile them using Gulp.
When working local, no problem, we use the Task Runner Explorer in VS2015 to automate the pre-build event, but, when building using TFS, we don't have access to this tool and thus it leaves us with no css file.
My question is, what would be considered the best way to automate this pre-build event (creating css file using Gulp in TFS2015)?
Thanks a lot!
In both VSTS and TFS 2017 you can just add the out-of-the-box Gulp Task to your build and configure it like any other task.
If you have an old version of TFS then you may need to use PowerShell to achieve the same thing:
You may also want to check the Marketplace for a Build Task for Gulp that you can download:

Bower_components in grunt and Git

Hello all I'm after general opinions here.
My scenario is that when I'm building websites or web apps I tend to use grunt or gulp as a task runner. I drop in my dev dependencies via the help of bower and I'm using GIT for my version control.
In my repo I have a post-receive hook that exports repo to another folder on server that is accessible for previewing via http.
During the development phase I have all files/folders etc split into a nice MVC pattern but these can get compiled/minified into a single file with a task I have listed in my grunt file. I do this at staging/production, but for development /debugging i keep it all separated.
What's the best way to cater for the bower_components folder with GIT. I want them exported onto server but not sure that I need to be tracking them through GIT as they are maintained by their own authors.
Any thoughts or ideas would be great.
There are few opinions about adding bower_components to the git.
To keep in git:
+ "No strange issues with backend-team". I don't know why, but from time to time somebody has problems like "I just do bower install and nothing work". (I think this happens because somebody make bower install -F when others do just without -F flag)
Not to keep:
- There is no point to keep libs history. Seriously.
- Once I'm saw the issue when one guy cannot even pull from git(windows) just because somebody make bower instal jquery --save and bower instal jQuery --save (on linux). There were 2 folders (jquery and jQuery) which windows cannot resolve

Release Symfony2 project to the web

I have almost finished the development of a project developed with Symfony2, and wish to put the project online.
However, I suppose there are a lot of things that need to be done so that everything works ok. I suppose, the dev mode needs to be disabled etc....What needs to be done and how?
What are the most important things to do on a Symfony2 project that will be available to everyone on the web?
I suggest you to use Capifony for deployment. It does a lot of stuff out of the box and you can make it run any custom commands you need. See its documentation for details.
Regarding the dev mode, unless you've removed the IP checks from app_dev.php, you don't have to worry about deploying it. Of course, if you wish, you can tell Capifony to delete it on deployment.
The best way to handle deployment is to create "build" script, which will:
Remove all folders and files with tests from your bundles and vendors.
Remove app_dev.php file
Make sure that app/cache and app/logs are fully writable/readable.
Packs your project into archive (rpm f.e.)
Then, before deployment, you should create tag in your project - so it will mean, that certain version of your application is released (I recommend to follow this git branching model).
Create tag.
Run your build script
Upload archive to host
Enjoy your project
Im currently researching the same thing.
The first thing you have to consider is "how professional" you want to deploy. There are a lot of tools you can use:
Continous Integration Server ( e.g. Hudson, Jenkins)
Build Tools (e.g. Phing, Capistrano --> Capifony, Shell scripts)
Versioning Tools (e.g. Git, SVN)
I think the simplest setup is using only a Build tool and i guess you are already using some kind of versioning.
Depending on which tool you use, the setup is different, but I think there are some things you should consider with your application (maybe not all are applicable to your application)
Creating a Tag in your Versioning
Copying the new Code in an folder on production
--> if you are in a new folder you dont need to clear the cache and logs, since these shouldnt be in your versioning the first time.
loading composer (if youre using it)
installing vendors
updating database schema
install assets from your bundles
move symlink from current version to the folder of the new site
These are the things I currently need for my application for production deployment, if you deploy to an test environment you should load fixtures and run your testscripts as well.
One other option that is very well described here is to deploy the Symfony2 application with Apache Ant. Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other.

Using Maven to setup a Drupal PHP project

What do I want to achieve?
We are currently working on a PHP project that uses Drupal.
I desperately want to learn how to create a One-step build for the whole project.
Preferably by using something new (for me) that seems very powerful: Maven
Basically I want to automate the following process:
Checkout Drupal from the official CVS repository.
Checkout official 3rd party modules from their respective CVS repositories.
Checkout our custom modules from our mercurial repository.
Copy/move all the modules to the appropriate directory within Drupal.
Checkout and install our custom theme.
Add a custom drupal installation profile.
Create a new MySQL database schema.
If possible, automate the drupal db connection setup.
In the future I would like to run this build on a Hudson (or any other) continues integration server.
Why Maven? (why not Ant or Phing?)
Other than the desire to learn something new (I have used Ant before) I think the dependency management of Maven might work well for the drupal modules.
Do you think this is enough reason to use Maven, even though Maven was not originally intended for PHP projects? I know Ant was not originally used for PHP either, but there are far more examples of people using Ant and PHP together.
BTW I think I will switch to Ant if I can't get Maven to work soon. The procedural style of Ant is just easier for me to understand.
What do I have so far?
I have a pom.xml file, that uses the SCM plugin, to checkout the drupal source.
When I run:
mvn scm:checkout
the source is checked out into a new directory:
When I try:
mvn scm:bootstrap
it complains about the install goal not being defined.
Here is the pom.xml:
<project xmlns=""
Finally, what are my questions?
Is Maven the wrong tool for this?
If no,
How would you do this?
Is it the scm:bootstrap goal that I should be using?
What is the Maven way of moving directories around on the file system?
Should the install goal be used to move the modules into the drupal directory?
Currently all our custom modules are in one mercurial repository. Is it possible to create a pom.xml and checkout each module individually?
Any general advice would be appreciated.
Thanks for your time!
I'm 98% certain that what you really need is Drush Make, which can recursively build Drupal projects, provided they provide their own .make file listing their dependencies. It can download from multiple SCMs, web, patch files, and you can control where they get downloaded. It also support external libs, such as wysiwyg, PHP files, or JS libraries.
See the Open Atrium make file for a sample of what it can do.
Definitely you're not using Maven, here some thoughts:
Maven is a Java build tool and dependency management software with a well-defined lifecycle which goes like this: validate, compile, test, package, integration-test, verify, install, deploy. What you are using is the scm plugin which can stick to any of the phases defined here and perform some actions but unless you make complicated changes in the POM (I haven't heard of anyone doing this) the lifecycle will continue being executed.
Maven also is designed to package JARs, WARs and with the use of some plugins EARs, SARs, RARs (not that RARs) and some other files; you might have to program a new plugin to get the type of packages you expect or use the assembly plugin which will make things more complicated.
Because of the previous points, there is no command for Maven to move the files into an specific directory (not a native one) and you shouldn't invoke install phase to copy the files to any other location than the local repository. What you're doing is like taking a laundry machine and converting it into a blender.
After reading what you want to do with your project I'd suggest you to create a script (shell script or batch script depending on your OS) for doing the job. SVN and CVS has command line tools which can be invoked from inside your build scripts. I guess you opted for Maven, among other reasons, because Hudson and many other Continuous Integration software are well integrated with it but you can use them with scripts too.
If you are comfortable using Ant and you consider using it will ease the building time of your app I think is not as bad ;) (I haven't used Ant for other purposes than Java projects)
The Drush 'module' is a great tool for scripting out things in Drupal. But, beyond that, I think your approach of doing CVS checkouts for each 'build' is a little off base - unless you have -really- good reasons to have every chunk of the project in a separate repository, your best bet is to have fixed checkouts of Drupal core & contributed modules committed to your project's repository. Not only does this take out a dependency on a network connection and the stability of an external server but it allows you to have local modifications of the contributed modules (unfortunately, you're probably going to end up doing this somewhere down the line).
Once you take out the requirement to do checkouts from multiple repositories, you'll probably notice that your task becomes -much- easier, leaving you with some simple MySQL manipulation and writing out a settings.php.
The project know comes with a build plugin enabling the php world to maven (or the maven world for php projects). Version 2 snapshot can be found in our google groups (news thread available at
However this gives you a full control over the project and respects the default maven lifecycle so that the maven commands:
mvn clean
mvn package
mvn deploy
mvn site
will work correctly.
Drupal support may be enabled in version 2.1 where we are focused on frameworks (zend, flow3...) and project types (web, cli, libs...). It would be to much to clearify wha maven is and how it can help you during php development. As Vistor Hugo stated on his early comment Mavens benefits are not only to execute a specific command manually but to embed the whole project structure and the whole project lifecycle via maven.
Since the most php guys did not yet have contact to java and especially maven we are creating tutorials so that everyone has a fairly simple entry in the maven world.
I love maven, although I think it is very java specific as mentioned above.
I had success to handle repeable task with phing. I used in a Zend project to prepare a build or just fasten the normal repetable tasks (eg. clean up db, load db dump).
Phing won't provide you complete lifecycle management as maven, but you can write yourself by hand. You can embed shell script commands to build.xml so you can use everything that you would use in a normal shell script.
I prefer phing over normal shell script because it can handle dependent targets, so if your build.xml contains well designed targets that depend each other, you'll get very useful chains to achive specified goals.
It works for me.
Another great tool for drupal is drush which makes drupal administration scriptable. You can do lots of drupal specific things from console. I think you can call drush commands from phing scripts.
