How do I export dependencies along with source code into a single .jar file in Android Studio (gradle)? - apache-flex

Different flavors of this question have been asked and I would like to state for starters that none of them solve my particular use-case.
I know this is not particularly straightforward in Android Studio, but here's what I need:
I want a (gradle?) task in Android Studio to build a .jar which contains only the compiled .class files from my source code along with the .class files from the dependencies I define in my build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.*'])
compile ''
compile 'com.brightcove.player:android-sdk:4.+'
compile ''
I do not need it to contain other files like the manifest or anything else in the configurations.compile directory. Basically, it needs to contain all the classes that would be found in the classes.dex of the decompiled .apk file.


Gradle project dependency does not reference SNAPSHOT jar

I am trying to create a fat jar file in a multi-project Gradle build, something like the following:
+-- project1
+-- project2
project1 provides the basic functionality, which is then used by project2 to create an executable jar. The executable JAR needs to contain all of the code from the dependencies so that it can be run standalone.
For external dependencies this works fine. In project2 I create a new configuration:
apply plugin: 'maven'
apply plugin: 'java'
configurations {
// configuration for JARs that need to be included in the final packaging
and then add the dependencies:
dependencies {
includeInJar 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.2.3'
The packaging then looks like this:
jar {
manifest {
attributes "Main-Class": "com.acme.project1.MyTest"
// import all dependencies into the Jar so that it can be run easily
from {
configurations.includeInJar.collect {
it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it)
The jar is correctly built with all of the files from the external dependencies. The problem comes with the project dependency to project1:
includeInJar project(':project1')
When this is present, I get an error when it tries to assemble the JAR that it can't find the jar (e.g. project1-0.4.0.jar) in the project1 build/libs directory as it does not exist. The message is correct, as project1 builds a SNAPSHOT jar (e.g. project1-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar).
The question is, why does the configuration refer to the non-SNAPSHOT jar when the project is building SNAPSHOT jars? What can I change so that it finds the correct jar?
As a comment :
In my opinion, fatjar is not a great pattern. Maybe Gradle application plugin would fit your need ?
I found the answer to my own question.
The problem was that we have some additional scripting at the project level which is apparantly making a change to the version at the end of the configuration phase.
When the fat jar configuration is assembled, the 'plain' version is used. This is then changed to the -SNAPSHOT version before the jars are built.
Moving the from { ... } code into the build phase by wrapping it in doFirst { ... } is enough to fix the problem, although the real fix is obviously to avoid changing the version in the middle of the in the first place.

How to deploy audio/video files together with iOS/Android app? Using Qt 5.3

I have learned that I can not bundle audio/video files within resource file in order to play them in my qml.
So, I have tried to use DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS in .pro file it does not copy the files.
It seems that QtCreator does not generate necessary code contents using DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS in .pri file.
Is there an easy way to say copy these files into build output location?
Visual studio C# has this option just saying one true/false to do this.
It should not be this hard. :-)
"Is there an easy way to say copy these files into build output location?" - this is a different task. You may achieve that with QMAKE_POST_LINK and writing a Makefile rule to copy the required files to the the output directory.
To copy the required file into the iOS bundle use QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA. See
To copy the required file into the Andoid APK you need to write INSTALLS rules like that:
android {
assets.path = /assets
assets.files += LIST_OF_FILES
INSTALLS += assets

How to use Gradle to download JAR dependencies on production site?

In the hope of finding the solution on Google as it seems a very general task, I've been trying to do this past few weeks but strangely I couldn't find anything!
What I'm doing:
I am writing an small application, It will be at most a 20KB JAR file in the end. However it has many dependencies, Hibernate and SLF4J to name a few. Directly including these dependencies with the jar file will make it 9Mb.
What is used:
Gradle is used as the build tool. the custom task fatJar creates the jar including all required dependency jar files from (the original) maven repository.
The problem
with my slow internet connection I'd rather not to directly include dependencies, but download these them on the server and not my local production site. What would be the Gradle task like to:
Read the dependencies from jar file
Download them (I know how to do it during Gradle build task).
Add them to class path
Add classpath defined in too
run the jar, by main class defined in
I've read gradle documentation over and over, but no help.

What are key differences between sbt-pack and sbt-assembly?

I've just stumbled upon the sbt-pack plugin. The development stream seems steady. It's surprising to me as I believed that the only plugin for (quoting sbt-pack's headline) "creating distributable Scala packages." is sbt-assembly (among the other features).
What are the key differences between the plugins? When should I use one over the other?
(Disclaimer: I maintain sbt-assembly)
sbt-assembly creates a fat JAR - a single JAR file containing all class files from your code and libraries. By evolution, it also contains ways of resolving conflicts when multiple JARs provide the same file path (like config or README file). It involves unzipping of all library JARs, so it's a bit slow, but these are heavily cached.
sbt-pack keeps all the library JARs intact, moves them into target/pack directory (as opposed to ivy cache where they would normally live), and makes a shell script for you to run them.
sbt-native-packager is similar to sbt-pack but it was started by a sbt committer Josh Suereth, and now maintained by highly capable Nepomuk Seiler (also known as muuki88). The plugin supports a number of formats like Windows msi file and Debian deb file. The recent addition is a support for Docker images.
All are viable means of creating deployment images. In certain cases like deploying your application to a web framework etc., it might make things easier if you're dealing with one file as opposed to a dozen.
Honorable mention: sbt-progard and sbt-onejar.
Although Eugene Yokota's explanation is complete, I would like to explain the mentioned plugins with package command in the aspect of usages and how different results are generated.
Directory settings and build.sbt
lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
organization := "stackOverFlow",
scalaVersion := "2.11.12",
version := "1.0",
lazy val app = (project in file ("app")).
Above build.sbt file declares project called app and includes all the source files in the app directory. To enable Pack plugins, enablePlugins(PackPlugin) should be included in the sbt file.
Also, I've put the below line in project/plugins.sbt file to use pack plugins in our project
addSbtPlugin("org.xerial.sbt" % "sbt-pack" % "0.9.3")
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.14.5")
The package is already integrated into the sbt by default, so you don't have to explicitly specify the plugins using addSbtPlugins. However, the sbt-pack and sbt-assembly plugins are not included in the sbt by default, so you have to specify that you want to use them. addSbtPlugin is a way to say that "I want to use xxx, yyy plugins in my project" to your sbt.
Also, I implemented two contrived scala files in the ./app/src/main/scala:
class AppBar {
def printDescription() = println(AppBar.getDescription)
object AppBar {
private val getDescription: String = "Hello World, I am AppBar"
def main (args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val appBar = new AppBar
class AppFoo {
def printDescription() = println(AppFoo.getDescription)
object AppFoo {
private val getDescription: String = "Hello World, I am AppFoo"
def main (args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val appFoo = new AppFoo
sbt package
This is very basic sbt command included in the sbt to help you distribute your project through the jar file. The jar file generated by the package command is located in the projectDirectoy/target/scala-2.11/app_2.11-1.0.jar (Here, the specified scalaVersion and version setting keys included in the build.sbt file are used to generate the jar file name).
When you look inside the jar, you can see the class files generated by the sbt tool, which is the result of compiling the sources in the app/src/main/scala. Also, it includes a MANIFEST file.
$vi projectDirectoy/target/scala-2.11/app_2.11-1.0.jar
Note that it only includes the class files generated from the scala files located in the app/src/main/scala directory. The jar file generated by the package command does not include any scala related libraries such as collection in the scala library (e.g., collection.mutable.Map.class). Therefore, to execute the program you may require scala library because the generate jar file only contains the minimal classes generated from the scala sources that I implemented. That is the reason why the jar file contains AppBar.class, AppBar$.class for companion object, etc.
As mentioned by the Eugene Yokota, sbt-assembly also help you distribute your project through generating the jar file; however the generated jar file includes not only the class files generated by your source code, but also all the libraries that you need to execute the program. For example, to execute the main function defined in the AppFoo object, you may need scala libraries. Also, when you add external libraries in your project, which can be included by adding the dependencies to the libraryDependencies key.
libraryDependencies ++= Seq("org.json4s" %% "json4s-jackson" % "3.5.3")
For example, you can include json4s libraries in your project, and jar files related to supporting json4s in your project also will be added to the final jar file generated by the sbt-assembly. In other words, when you invoke assembly in your sbt, it generates one jar file containing all the requirements to execute your program, so that you don't need another dependency to execute yout program.
When you prompt assembly command in your sbt shell, then it will generate one jar file in your target directory. In this case, you may find the app-assembly-1.0.jar in the app/target/scala-2.11 directory. When you look inside the jar file, you can find that it contains lots of classes.
$vi projectDirectoy/target/scala-2.11/app_2.11-1.0.jar
As mentioned before, because the jar file generated by the assembly contains all the dependencies such as scala and external libraries to execute your program in the jar, you may think that you can invoke the main functions defined in the AppFoo object and AppBar object.
jaehyuk#ubuntu:~/work/sbt/app/target/scala-2.11$ java -cp './*' AppFoo
Hello World, I am AppFoo
jaehyuk#ubuntu:~/work/sbt/app/target/scala-2.11$ java -cp './*' AppBar
Hello World, I am AppBar
Yeah~ you can execute the main function using the generated jar file.
sbt-pack is almost same as the sbt-assembly; it saves all the library on which your project depends as jar files required to execute your program. However, sbt-pack doesn't integrate all the dependencies into one jar files, instead, it generates multiple jar files which correspond to one library dependencies and your classes (e.g., AppFoo.class).
Also, interestingly it automatically generates scripts for invoking all the main functions defined in your scala source files and Makefiles to install the program. Let's take a look at the pack directory created after you prompt pack command on your sbt shell.
jaehyuk#ubuntu:~/work/sbt/app/target/pack$ ls
bin lib Makefile VERSION
jaehyuk#ubuntu:~/work/sbt/app/target/pack$ ls bin/
app-bar app-bar.bat app-foo app-foo.bat
jaehyuk#ubuntu:~/work/sbt/app/target/pack$ ls lib/
app_2.11-1.0.jar sbt_2.12-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar scala-library-2.11.12.jar
As shown in the above, two directories and two files are created; bin contains all the script files to execute the functions defined in your sources (each file is a script that helps you execute the main method defined in your scala files); lib contains all the required jar files to execute your program; and lastly Makefile can be used to install your program and dependent libraries in your system.
For the details, please refer the github pages for each plugins.

JRuby Classpath Issue with class dependencies

I have some compiled code inside my_project/java/classes. I also have all the libraries for that code in my_project/java/lib as jars.
For some reason I cannot get the jars inside that lib to be available so the java classes can access them.
As you can see, I can interact with the library I'm trying to import. It definitely there, and it's on the classpath.
I've also tried without success several times now to try and build a 'fat' jar with all the dependencies bundled inside of it, using several ways, primarily Eclipse's Export with dependencies packaged inside the jar, and the jar index shows that it has all the dependencies as matlabcontrol/** included the InvokationException class just as the error shows.
When I imported the class it was giving me trouble with in the file, then upon calling that same Matlab.initialize() function, I got an error for a different class. So I'm wondering if I'm not building the classes correctly, so the "import 'matlabcontrol.*" aren't being resolved properly.
