I'm trying to calculate columns in a data.table having the calculation passed by variable. The following is the same as what I'm trying to achieve:
dt <- data.table(mpg)
dt[, list(manufacturer, model, mpg_cyl_cty=cty/cyl, mpg_cyl_hwy=hwy/cyl)]
where I want mpg_cyl_cty=cty/cyl, mpg_cyl_hwy=hwy/cyl to come from a variable like:
var <- c('mpg_cyl_cty=cty/cyl', 'mpg_cyl_hwy=hwy/cyl')
dt[, list(manufacturer, model, var)]
I guess there are more problems to this as what type var should be assigned (c or list) and how dt is called, via list or c.
Hope somebody has a suggestion as I'm not finding anything on the WWW.
dt <- data.table(mpg)
# The original calculation
dt1 <- dt[, list(manufacturer, model, mpg_cyl_cty=cty/cyl, mpg_cyl_hwy=hwy/cyl)]
var <- c('mpg_cyl_cty=cty/cyl', 'mpg_cyl_hwy=hwy/cyl')
# create a string to pass for evaluation
expr <- paste0("`:=`(", paste0(var, collapse = ", "), ")")
dt2 <- dt[,
.(manufacturer, model, cty, cyl, hwy)
][, eval(parse(text = expr)) # evaluate the expression
][, c("cty", "cyl", "hwy") := NULL] # delete unnecessary columns
> print(all.equal(dt1, dt2))
[1] TRUE
Slightly different approach to avoid eval(parse(.)) and operate on language objects.
Instead of c('mpg_cyl_cty=cty/cyl', 'mpg_cyl_hwy=hwy/cyl') it takes just c("cty","hwy") input.
dt = as.data.table(ggplot2::mpg)
r.expected = dt[, list(manufacturer, model, mpg_cyl_cty=cty/cyl, mpg_cyl_hwy=hwy/cyl)]
cyl.ratio.j = function(var){
substitute(lhs := rhs, list(
lhs = as.name(paste0("mpg_cyl_", var)),
rhs = call("/", as.name(var), as.name("cyl"))
r = dt[, eval(cyl.ratio.j("cty"))
][, eval(cyl.ratio.j("hwy"))
][, .SD, .SDcols = c("manufacturer", "model", paste0("mpg_cyl_", c("cty","hwy")))]
all.equal(r.expected, r)
#[1] TRUE
I have example data as follows:
DT <- data.table(panelID = sample(50,50), # Creates a panel ID
Country = c(rep("Albania",30),rep("Belarus",50), rep("Chilipepper",20)),
some_NA = sample(0:5, 6),
some_NA_factor = sample(0:5, 6),
Group = c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20),rep(3,20),rep(4,20),rep(5,20)),
Time = rep(seq(as.Date("2010-01-03"), length=20, by="1 month") - 1,5),
wt = 15*round(runif(100)/10,2),
Income = round(rnorm(10,-5,5),2),
Happiness = sample(10,10),
Sex = round(rnorm(10,0.75,0.3),2),
Age = sample(100,100),
Educ = round(rnorm(10,0.75,0.3),2))
DT [, uniqueID := .I] # Creates a unique ID # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11036989/replace-all-0-values-to-na
DT$some_NA_factor <- factor(DT$some_NA_factor)
DT$Group <- as.character(DT$Group)
The second DT, DT2, is just a copy of DT with one additional change in the Group column, namely a string value.
DT2 <- copy(DT)
DT2[2,5] <- "something"
What I want to do, to convert columns (in this case colum 5 Group) to numeric if that is possible for most values. The (already working) code to do this is as follows:
# Put object names in the environment in a vector
dfs <- ls()
conv_to_num_check <- function(z) is.character(z) && (mean(grepl("^ *-?[\\d.]+(?:e-?\\d+)?$", z, perl = TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)>0.9)
for (i in seq_along(dfs)) {
fetch_cols <- which(sapply(get(dfs[i]), conv_to_num_check))
setDT(get(dfs[i]))[, (fetch_cols) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = fetch_cols]
But because I thought this might go wrong (because of non data.frames in the environment), I put it in a tryCatch. The behaviour of the tryCatch is however not as I expected, because it ends up not changing DT2.
for (i in seq_along(dfs)) {
expr = {
fetch_cols <- which(sapply(get(dfs[i]), conv_to_num_check))
print(paste0("The following columns of ", dfs[i], " will be converted (named interger (0) = no columns converted)"))
setDT(get(dfs[i]))[, (fetch_cols) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = fetch_cols]
}, error = function(e){ #Do this if an error is caught...
}, warning = function(w){ # Do this if an warning is caught...
}, finally = {# Do this at the end before quitting the tryCatch structure.
Could someone explain to me why this is the case?
Is there a better way to make sure that my code does not crash?
I am trying to use an lapply that takes two lists of columns into account (all are numeric type) in what would seem to be a simple line of code, but the output is not as expected.
This is my code :
measure <- c("haz", "waz", "whz", "htcm", "wtkg", "bmi")
new_measure_1.5 <- paste(measure, "1.5", sep = "_")
new_temp_cols<-paste("temp", new_measure_1.5, sep = "_")
new_columns<-paste(new_measure_1.5, "1", sep="_")
newcols_1.5_months<-function(x, agedays, new_temp_cols, y){
ifelse(agedays==x, new_temp_cols, y)
DT[, (new_columns) := lapply(.SD, function(y) newcols_1.5_months(x, agedays, new_temp_cols, y)), .SDcols = new_columns ]
The above code results in new_columns (haz_1.5_1, waz_1.5_1, whz_1.5_1, wtkg_1.5_1, htcm_1.5_1, bmi_1.5_1) holding the names of the columns in the list new_temp_cols (temp_haz_1.5, temp_waz_1.5, temp_whz_1.5, temp_wtkg_1.5, temp_htcm_1.5, temp_bmi_1.5) as opposed to the values they hold in my data table. It seems that R is reading the list as a vector of strings rather than a vector of columns. Why is this?
I've tried using multiple .SDcols, but this doesn't work :
DT[, (new_columns) := lapply(.SD, function(y) newcols_1.5_months(x, agedays, new_temp_cols, y)), .SDcols = c(new_columns, new_temp_cols) ]
Is there a simple fix to this?
**** Editing to add a small subset of dummy data similar to my data table
measure<-c("haz", "waz")
new_measure_1.5 <- paste(measure, "1.5", sep = "_")
new_temp_cols<-paste("temp", new_measure_1.5, sep = "_")
new_columns<-paste(new_measure_1.5, "1", sep="_")
anthro <- data.table
(agedays = c(25,50,53,22,37,50,12,45,50,15,33,50),
temp_haz_1.5 = c(1.2,1.5,1.7,2.0,4.5,6.7,6.8,6.7,4.5,6.6,8.9,6.7),
temp_waz_1.5 = c(3.2,1.8,6.7,2.8,3.5,7.7,9.8,1.7,6.9,3.8,0.9,4.7),
haz_1.5_1 = c(1.2,2.5,4.7,7.0,4.7,6.8,6.3,2.7,5.5,8.6,3.9,6.7),
waz_1.5_1 =c(6.2,2.5,5.7,7.0,2.5,7.7,8.8,9.7,2.5,4.6,5.9,6.7))
If we have multiple columns, then use Map to loop over each of the corresponding sets of columns and apply the function.
x <- 50
DT[, (new_columns) := Map(function(u, y)
newcols_1.5_months(u, DT[['agedays']], x, y),
.SD[, new_columns, with = FALSE],
.SD[, new_temp_cols, with = FALSE]) ]
Perhaps the function can be
newcols_1.5_months<- function(u, agedays, x, y){
ifelse(agedays==x, u, y)
DT <- data.table(agedays = c(25,50,53,22,37,50,12,45,50,15,33,50),
temp_haz_1.5 = c(1.2,1.5,1.7,2.0,4.5,6.7,6.8,6.7,4.5,6.6,8.9,6.7),
temp_waz_1.5 = c(3.2,1.8,6.7,2.8,3.5,7.7,9.8,1.7,6.9,3.8,0.9,4.7),
haz_1.5_1 = c(1.2,2.5,4.7,7.0,4.7,6.8,6.3,2.7,5.5,8.6,3.9,6.7),
waz_1.5_1 =c(6.2,2.5,5.7,7.0,2.5,7.7,8.8,9.7,2.5,4.6,5.9,6.7))
The problem is as follows: I have a data.table with columns A and B. A summary is required and its name is passed as a character vector in variable var1.
I have tried to find an answer for some time now, see e.g. this and this SO posts. Being unable to find a proper solution, I feel forced to ask this myself.
Now what I want to do is (using data.frame)
tmp[, var1] <- rep(1, nrow(tmp))
tmp <- aggregate(formula(paste(var1, "~ A + B")), tmp, sum)
but I fail to do so with data.table with my last and best effort being
tmp <- tmp[, list(..var1 = .N), by = list(A, B)]
Now, what is wrong with my code and how do I fix it?
And note that I do NOT want to use the := operator, because I want the result to be exactly as it would be from aggregate().
Edit 1: A working example:
tmp <- data.table(A=c("R","G","G","B","B","B"), B=c(1,1,1,2,1,2))
var1 <- "C"
tmp[, var1] <- rep(1, nrow(tmp))
tmp2 <- aggregate(formula(paste(var1, "~ A + B")), tmp, sum)
tmp3 <- tmp[, list(..var1 = .N), by = list(A, B)]
Hope that I did not misread your qn. Here are some options:
1) using base::setNames
DT[, setNames(.(.N), var1), by=.(A, B)]
2) using data.table::setnames
setnames(DT[, .N, by=.(A, B)], "N", var1)[]
3) using base::structure followed by base::as.list
DT[, as.list(structure(.N, names=var1)), by=.(A, B)]
DT <- data.table(A=c(1,1,2,2), B=c(1,1,2,3))
var1 <- "myCol"
I want to perform a data.table task over and over in a function call: Reduce number of levels for large categorical variables My problem is similar to Data.table and get() command (R) or pass column name in data.table using variable in R but I can't get it to work
Without a function call this works just fine:
# Load data.table
# Some data
dt <- data.table(type = factor(sample(c("A", "B", "C"), 10e3, replace = T)),
weight = rnorm(n = 10e3, mean = 70, sd = 20))
# Decide the minimum frequency a level needs...
min.freq <- 3350
# Levels that don't meet minumum frequency (using data.table)
fail.min.f <- dt[, .N, type][N < min.freq, type]
# Call all these level "Other"
levels(dt$type)[fail.min.f] <- "Other"
but wrapped like
reduceCategorical <- function(variableName, min.freq){
fail.min.f <- dt[, .N, variableName][N < min.freq, variableName]
levels(dt[, variableName][fail.min.f]) <- "Other"
I only get errors like:
reduceCategorical(dt$x, 3350)
Fehler in levels(df[, variableName][fail.min.f]) <- "Other" :
trying to set attribute of NULL value
And sometimes
Error is: number of levels differs
One possibility is to define your own re-leveling function using data.table::setattr that will modify dt in place. Something like
DTsetlvls <- function(x, newl)
setattr(x, "levels", c(setdiff(levels(x), newl), rep("other", length(newl))))
Then use it within another predefined function
f <- function(variableName, min.freq){
fail.min.f <- dt[, .N, by = variableName][N < min.freq, get(variableName)]
dt[, DTsetlvls(get(variableName), fail.min.f)]
f("type", min.freq)
# [1] "C" "other"
Some other data.table alternatives
f <- function(var, min.freq) {
fail.min.f <- dt[, .N, by = var][N < min.freq, get(var)]
dt[get(var) %in% fail.min.f, (var) := "Other"]
dt[, (var) := factor(get(var))]
Or using set/.I
f <- function(var, min.freq) {
fail.min.f <- dt[, .I[.N < min.freq], by = var]$V1
set(dt, fail.min.f, var, "other")
set(dt, NULL, var, factor(dt[[var]]))
Or combining with base R (doesn't modify original data set)
f <- function(df, variableName, min.freq){
fail.min.f <- df[, .N, by = variableName][N < min.freq, get(variableName)]
levels(df$type)[fail.min.f] <- "Other"
Alternatively, we could stick we characters instead (if type is a character), you could simply do
f <- function(var, min.freq) dt[, (var) := if(.N < min.freq) "other", by = var]
You are referencing things little differently in the wrapper, to get "type" column name you are using the whole variableName which is actually a vector same with getting levels, you are not using variableName directly as done in function
The error is because value of fail.min.f is coming NULL owing to referencing.
I often need to filter out columns with a low variance from a data.table. The column names are not known in advance.
dt = data.table(mtcars)
# calculate standard deviation with arbitrary max value of 1:
mask = dt[,lapply(.SD, function(x) sd(x, na.rm = TRUE) > 1)]
# The columns with the FALSE values in row 1 need to be removed
mask.t = t(mask)
mask.t = which(mask.t)
The approach above is clunky. Is there a more elegant way to filter out columns out of a data.table for which the column statistic evaluates to TRUE?
These work:
dt[, .SD, .SDcols=unlist(mask)]
dt[, .SD, .SDcols=which(unlist(mask))]
All together now:
variance.filter = function(df) {
mask = df[,lapply(.SD, function(x) sd(x,na.rm = TRUE) > 1)]
df = df[, .SD, .SDcols = unlist(mask)]
EDIT in the current development version of data.table (1.12.9), .SDcols accepts a function filter for columns, so this would work:
variance.filter = function(df) {
df[ , .SD, .SDcols = function(x) sd(x, na.rm = TRUE) > 1]