unable to add a primary key to MS Access table - ms-access-2010

I am trying to make the "BRFID" field the primary key in this table but I get the following error. (see screenshot). I don't see any other indexed field in the table. I am new to access, what am I doing wrong?
screenshot here

A primary key cannot have any duplicate values. Your problem is that there are duplicates entries in the BRFID field. You need to correct that and make every value in that field unique before it can be a Primary Key field.
In the Query Wizard, there is a way to generate a query that identifies duplicate values. Use that to find the duplicates. You'll have to come up with the way to correct the problem.


Tying table records together in SQLite3

I am currently working on a database structure in SQLite Studio (not sure whether that's in itself important, but might as well mention), and error messages are making me wonder whether I'm just going at it the wrong way or there's some subtlety I'm missing.
Assume two tables, people-basics (person-ID, person-NAME, person-GENDER) and people-stats (person-ID, person-NAME, person-SIZE). What I'm looking into achieving is "Every record in people-basics corresponds to a single record in people-stats.", ideally with the added property that person-ID and person-NAME in people-stats reflect the associated person-ID and person-NAME in people-basics.
I've been assuming up to now that one would achieve this with Foreign Keys, but I've also been unable to get this to work.
When I add a person in people-basics, it works fine, but then when I go over to people-stats no corresponding record exists and if I try to create one and fill the Foreign Key column with corresponding data, I get this message: "Cannot edit this cell. Details: Error while executing SQL query on database 'People': no such column: people-basics.person" (I think the message is truncated).
The DDL I currently have for my tables (auto-generated by SQLite Studio based on my GUI operations):
CREATE TABLE [people-basics] (
[person-GENDER] TEXT
CREATE TABLE [people-stats] (
[person-NAME] TEXT REFERENCES [people-basics] ([person-NAME]),
(I've removed the person-ID column from people-stats for now as it seemed like I should only have one foreign key at a time, not sure whether that's true.)
Alright, that was a little silly.
The entire problem was solved by removing hyphens from table names and column names. (So: charBasics instead of char-basics, etc.)
Ah well.

Conditionally add columns in SQLite

I've seen enough answers to know you can't easily check for columns in SQLITE before adding. I'm trying to make a lazy person's node in Node-Red where you pass a message to SQLITE which is the query. Adding a table if it does not exist is easy.
msg.topic='create table IF NOT EXISTS fred (id PRIMARY KEY);'; node.send(msg);
it occurred to me that adding a table which had the names of the fields would be easy - and if the field name is not in the table.... then add the field. BUT you can't add multiple fields at once - so I can't do this...
msg.topic='create table IF NOT EXISTS fred (id PRIMARY KEY, myfields TEXT);'; node.send(msg);
The problem with THAT is that I can't add this in later, there's no way to check before adding a field it the table exists!
This is what I WANT
msg.topic='create table IF NOT EXISTS fred (id PRIMARY KEY, myfields TEXT);'; node.send(msg);
msg.topic='if not (select address from myfields) alter table fred add column address text';
I just cannot think of any way to do this - any ideas anyone (the idea is that the node-red node would input a table, field and value and if the table didn't exist it would be created, if the field didn't exist it would be created, all before trying to add in the value).
You won't be able to make the ALTER TABLE conditional in the SQL itself. You'll need to handle that from your calling script.
Alternately, simply attempt to add the column to the table and accept failure as an outcome. Assuming the table exists, the only failure reason you could encounter is that the column already exists.
If you'd like to do something more graceful, you can check if the column exists in advance, then conditionally run the SQL from your calling application.

Why two column created of same name in angular + ionic

I am creating a table inside the DB.I am a successfully created a table and able to insert data on table my issue is that in my table I have two "ID" columns but I only created one .why two ID column generate in table.
Follow this step to generate issue :-
Click the bottom right button (enter the text in pop up screen ).Press "add" button .It generate the row in a "cases" table but when you inspect it show two column of "ID" why ?
Here is my code
db.transaction(function(tx) {
It appears that this is the expected behaviour for SQLite, the technology underpinning Web SQL (which is a deprecated technology, btw).
From the docs:
If a table contains a column of type INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, then that column becomes an alias for the ROWID. You can then access the ROWID using any of four different names, the original three names described above or the name given to the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column. All these names are aliases for one another and work equally well in any context.
Therefore, my guess is that the Chrome devtools are showing the rowid column using its alias (ID), in addition to the alias column explicitly added (ID).
It seems like you don't actually need to explicitly add an ID column with Web SQL/SQLite. It will add one for you, which you can refer to using rowid, _rowid_ or oid in any statement.
EDIT: Here is a fork of your CodePen, with updates and deletes all correctly working.
Totally new to webSQL, so this answer is very useful to me as well. You can't expect primary keys to work properly with webSQL because internally it tracks something called "rowid" as the primary key. Use unique instead, as seen in a useful example here. You can also use this error code from the spec to figure out if a non-unique column value was inserted.

How should I go about making sure the value pairs in this table are unique?

I am using Visual Web Developer and Microsoft SQL server. I have a tag table "Entry_Tag" which is as follows:
I want to make the entry_id and tag_id pairing unique. A particular tag can only be applied to an entry once in the table. I made the two columns a primary key. They are also both foreign keys referencing the ids in their respective tables. When I dragged the tables into the Object Relationship Designer it only showed a relationship line between either "Entry_Tag" and "Entry" or when I tried again between "Entry_tag" and "Tag".
The "Entry_tag" table should have a relationship with both "Tag" and "Entry".
How do I go about doing this?
In general, you can add a unique constraint on the table that includes both columns. In this case, including both of the columns in the primary key should have already done this. If you have relationships set up for each field to other tables, then I believe those relationships should be displayed in the query designer... I see no cause for this given the information you've provided - perhaps you need to post more information.
Create an UNIQUE INDEX to for entry_id and tag_id.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table (entry_id, tag_id)

SQLITE: Unable to remove an unnamed primary key

I have a sqlite table that was originally created with:
PRIMARY KEY (`column`);
I now need to remove that primary key and create a new one. Creating a new one is easy, but removing the original seems to be the hard part. If I do
.indices tablename
I don't get the primary key. Some programs show the primary key as
Indexes: 1
The index name is typically in the [].
Any ideas?
You can't.
will give you a list of indices. This will include the automatically generated index for the primary key which will be called something like 'sqlite_autoindex_MyTable_1'.
But unfortunately you cannot drop this index...
sqlite> drop index sqlite_autoindex_MyTable_1;
SQL error: index associated with UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint cannot be dropped
All you can do is re-create the table without the primary key.
I the database glossary; a primary-key is a type of index where the index order is typically results in the physical ordering of the raw database records. That said any database engine that allows the primary key to be changed is likely reordering the database... so most do not and the operation is up to the programmer to create a script to rename the table and create a new one. So if you want to change the PK there is no magic SQL.
select * from sqlite_master;
table|x|x|2|CREATE TABLE x (a text, b text, primary key (`a`))
You'll see that the second row returned from my quick hack has the index name in the second column, and the table name in the third. Try seeing if that name is anything useful.
