maximo anywhere mobile app device screen timeout - maximo-anywhere

How can we set device screen timeout in maximo anywhere mobile apps. Please help by providing sample code. Is there any configuration for timeout in seconds to be set for required screen.

This is a device-specific setting, not a Maximo Anywhere setting.


Forcibly bring up a page with continuouse ringing to notify the user (even if the device is locked) in a Flutter app on both Android and iOS platforms

I'm currently developing an app for restaurants that receives orders from a firebase push notification.
I need a way to notify the users of the app by forcibly opening a page with a high volume of ringing (something like an alarm page, where you have a dismiss and a snooze button, or a phone ringing page with accept or decline call button) when an order arrives, so that they can dismiss and go to their current orders page.
My main issue is that I can't seem to be finding a way that opens this piece of UI forcibly on both Android and iOS platforms (since the app is being used on both), and even when the device is locked (though not mandatory, but could be super helpful).
If the issue is insoluble in one dart code, can someone please provide me with a way to implement on both of the platforms? Any workarounds are welcomed too.

ios Push notifications inconsistent

My issue is that I am testing with an iPhone and an iPad, and my iPad is receiving just fine, but my iPhone receives when the app is first installed, and then stops working. I've also seen the reverse, where the ipad stops and the phone works great. Running ios 15.3.1, but not unique to this release. I am using Microsoft Notification Hub to aggregate and push to devices. registrations are properly in the hub and verified through test send. Also using a separate tool to test directly sending to my ios devices using the token I receive from Apple. This tests out just fine as well. I believe that the call to DidReceivedRemoteNotification isn't being called all of the time, but there is no rhyme or reason. The behavior changes in test, when I have the debugger attached and I point my app to the test hub. So it's very difficult to reproduce in a way that I can understand what's happening. Looking for some suggestions on how to diagnose, or why might the method not be called sometimes, on a given device. Thanks in advance.
Ok, so I have things working correctly now. For the benefit of those who are looking at the same issues, and especially those who are inexperienced at ios apps, here goes...
I was using DidReeiveRemoteNotification for both the foreground and background pushes. This seemed to work most of the time, especially in foreground, but not always. In background, it was touch and go. I captured a sysdiagnose log and looked at the push as it was logged from the device, and saw that it was blocked by the OS, because it had too many apps running in the background. It is not guaranteed to wake up your app, and I was relying on it.
So instead, I implemented WillPresentNotification in my appdelegate to deal with foreground pushes, and it works very reliably. For background, all I needed to do was update the app badge and send an alert to the device, and that can be done without waking up the application - the os does it for you. Then, when the app gets woken back up to the foreground, I do a final update to my data so it matches with the badge. Hope this is of use to others.

Get location from IOS device

In the dashboard, I can not add an IOS device yet. I see the message 'coming soon'. Is it possible to get (e.g. every 10 minutes) the location of an IOS device, by using a web app. Even when the phone is stand by.
Or is there maybe another way the get the location of IOS devices?
Use case: from a group of engineers we want to get there current location every 10 minutes.
Or is there maybe another way the get the location of IOS devices?
You can use HERE IOS SDK.
Take a look at NMAPositioningManager and its NMADevicePositionSource dataSource.
Check positioning sample apps on Github.

Multittasking Shows Black screen for apps "UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend is set to TRUE"

I am building an app which exits on going to the background. I have set "UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend" flag to TRUE.
Multitasking feature
Keep the content of your app up-to-date by adopting the new
multitasking APIs in iOS 7. The new services allow your app to update
information and download content in the background without draining
the battery unnecessarily. The updates can happen at opportunistic
times and are intelligently scheduled according to usage, so your app
can update content in the background just when your users need it." to
do this "Double Press the Home Button
My app screen is shown as black screen in multitasking tray/app switcher till it comes into foreground.
Is there a way to show launch graphics/splash screen when the app is in the background during Multitasking tray/ app-switcher?
Can anyone please let me know how to show the launch graphics of my app during multitasking.

Does anyone know how to access *Native* Sound Notifications in Flex Mobile, or the devices "audio" state?

Does anyone know of an AIR Native Extension (ANE) that allows you to access the device's notification sound(s)? OR, a method to query if the device is in "silent" or "vibrate" mode?
I've set up Push Notifications, but no sound plays on my (Android) device.
I know I can play my own sounds, but I want to use the native notification sound (the same as an SMS or email alert sound) and I don't want the sound to play if it shouldn't (viz. silent mode / vibrate mode).
I've been looking for hours and there's a "Vibrate ANE," and others looking for the same type of capability, but I haven't found anything usable for native sound notifications.
I believe that iOS automatically will play a notification sound when it receives a push notification (I think), but Android just flashes the "shade title" & shows the app's icon for the notification.
Maybe someone else has stumbled across a solution??? =)
Many Thanks!
Todd =D
I think you might have to be careful attempt to access the built in sounds on iOS.
We definitely could write an extension that played any of the system sounds. However I believe these sounds are copyrighted, and my understanding of the Apple ToS is that your application may get rejected from the AppStore if you use them directly.
This is why things like a notifications extension only use a "default notification" value to access system sounds that are set by the user. These sounds are played on certain system events.
The sounds are all accessed via undocumented IDs:
So yeah we’ve been very cautious of writing anything that could put developers in trouble with the AppStore. You have enough problems getting apps through as is. But if you read otherwise let me know.
