Material-Design-Lite auto full screen on browser scroll - material-design-lite

I have created a simple page with "mdl-layout__header" and other components .Unlike other web pages like google search, etc the browser address bar does not auto show/hide when user scrolls up/down. This could be easily seen in templates too.
Open following links in 2 tabs and try scrolling down
(I'm testing on latest Chrome,Firefox,Opera in Android 5.1.1 mobile phone)

If you searched the issue tracker on Github for the project, you would have found the existing issue about just this and why it exists.


Can't Unmute YouTube Videos with Revolution Slider on Mobile

I'm using Revolution Slider in WordPress and I'm running into an issue where on mobile devices, I cannot unmute YouTube videos. I have videos in the slider to be muted on load in and to autoplay. I have interaction and controls both allowed. However, when I try to click the unmute button on the screen, it simply pauses/plays the video. I'm not sure if the pause/play button that appears somehow overlaps and the YT controls are underneath or something. It actually doesn't look like the controls generated from YouTube but instead the RS native controls. I tried turning controls and interaction both off but unsurprisingly, this causes absolutely zero action to happen when you click/press on the video, not even pause/play it.
You can view the issue in action at The slide in issue is slide #2 out of 3.
Being an issue related to mobile and iframes makes it relatively difficult to diagnose with 100% efficacy. I used Browerstack to open a connection on a Galaxy S20 and noticed the issue as you described.
Using the Dev Tools, I was able to get it to allow the mute button to be clicked by changing the &enablejsapi=1 to &enablejsapi=0. You can see in this screenshot below that after doing that, it allowed it to be clicked. You also have a JavaScript parse error showing in the console - that could potentially be preventing a JS API controller (built into Revolution Slider?) from functioning correctly.
So it looks like your options (for the moment) are to fix that JS error and see if it works, or disable the JS API in the url of the videos

Facebook Pixel doesn't work on mobile browser (but works on desktop browser)

I'm implementing Facebook Pixel on my WordPress website. Everything works fine on the desktop. The pixel is activated is and working fine.
I installed the Facebook Pixel Helper plug in for Chrome, and it detects the pixel on my page
I test the events by opening my website on desktop browser, the page view event is detected on the dashboard. The pixel can also detect other events I set, like contact, content view, etc. All works fine.
Problem: when I open my website from mobile browser (I tried mobile Chrome, Kiwi Browser, Samsung Browser), the dashboard didn't detect the page view event, as well as other events. I tried to open from another mobile phones, same result. I tried to deactivate all my WordPress plug-in to check if one of them is conflicting, but still same result. I inspected my website from mobile browser, it has the Facebook pixel script on the header part, just like on desktop browser, so it should be working fine.
Anyone knows the solution? I don't know what causes this problem. I use Hestia theme and Elementor for my WordPress website.
Try this steps:
1 ° Mobile usually has cache (I don't think so), but try to clear the caches and try again.
2 ° If there are cache plugins please clear all caches please (I don't think so)
3 ° Some themes are available in several headers and some of them are different for mobile and desktop, check if the headers are different and insert the tag manually if necessary in each header.
4 ° To check if everything is ok, with google chrome if you press f12 you have the option to choose a device for testing. Choose an Android or IOS phone from the emulators and reload the screen to test. In cell phones can be false / positive information received sometimes.
Try these options and update your question with new information to try to help you.

upload image on mobile device for drupal site

I have a drupal site with the media module installed. When I click 'select media' and try to upload an image on a mobile device I get a blank box instead of the popup box with the upload option. I've checked the console and there are no error. How do I debug this and make it work on mobile.
You can add images to Drupal, but mobile devices don't allow you to upload any photos to image fields. (Android allows it as I remember.)
HTML5 allows this, but sadly that's mostly a no go with Drupal 7 at the moment. However, it turns out the fix is nice and easy via the HTML Media Capture method. Add the following snippet of jQuery, so it runs when pages load:
$('div.image-widget-data input[type="file"]').each(function(idx, item) {
$(item).attr('accept', 'image/*;capture=camera');
That will look for items inside image widgets and add the accept attribute This then tells mobile devices they can upload image data and are allowed to grab that from their on-board camera.
To make that a spot simpler on Drupal, you can grab the Image Mobile Camera module from its sandbox on
Now hit your blog via your tablet or phone (using a browser that supports this - Chrome is fine) and try it out.
Hope that helps

Xpages Mobile CSS: iOS7

I have an Xpages app and I want to surface some pages from that app into my iPhone App. I want the Xpages pages to look like iOS7 so the users have the same experience in the app and don't know they are not in a native app.
IBM has not updated their mobile CSS yet.
But there is some CSS that goes a long way to fixing this:
I was able to make script library in my app and then I was able to get the CSS into a page, all using the instructions on the site.
What I don't get is how to make my app use the css theme? When I view the page on my iPhone some of the page is rendered like ios7, but much is not. Do I have to match up each individual element on the page to the class in the custom css?
It depends on your page I guess. Not every control has a "mobile renderer". DataView does for instance but viewPanel does not. So that could be why you're seeing it fine for some things but not others.
I believe in 9.01 with the latest extension pack it's easier to override the mobile them. It had been pretty difficult before. I think that's why your linked article mentions that the iOS7 theme can't be in the Head tag.
You might need to override styles for anything that doesn't look like iOS7.

How to make standard app store link on top of mobile webpage similar to other sites like youtube

When you browse to sites like youtube, decide, and many others on your iphone's safari, their mobile web show a link to their app on the top of the page with x button to close and status of app (like if it's already installed to have open button instead of install).
This looks pretty standard to many sites. Is there a script of these code that I can copy for my mobile site link to app?
You just need to add this meta tag (with the relevant details filled in accordingly) to the head of the page on your mobile site that you want it to show up on:
<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=myAppStoreID, affiliate-data=myAffiliateData, app-argument=myURL">
Apple's Developer site has documentation on it
Note that this is an iOS6+ feature though.
