Format zero currency value with {0:C} in VB.Net -

I am trying to format a zero currency value as an empty string, so that when the currency value is 0.00 then an empty string gets displayed rather than $0.00.
This code is part of an ASP.Net app that will display currency value to end user.
I have used following code to achieve this goal.
Question : Is it possible to achieve this by just using {0:C} format string or another version of this format string instead of using if then else coding for this? If I use ###,###,###.## as the data format string then an empty string shows for zero currency value and also I get rid of the if then else coding but for non-zero values no currency symbol shows.
If Double.Parse(Decimal.Parse(CDec(currencyValue))) = 0 Then
charValue = Nothing
charValue = String.Format("{0:C}", CDec(currencyValue))
End If
I ended up using the following code, which is working fine. If is better than IIf because it does short-circuiting, which means that IIf will evaluate all expressions whether the condition is true or false but If will evaluate the first expression only if condition is true and evaluate the second expression only if condition is false.
Dim d As Decimal
Decimal.TryParse(currencyValue, d)
charValue = If(d = 0D, Nothing, String.Format("{0:C}", d))

I don't think there is a way using formatting to display an empty string.
But you can write it like:
charValue = If( currencyValue = 0D, "", currencyValue.ToString("C") )
using the If Operator (Visual Basic).
Also this is something I would not do:
If Double.Parse(Decimal.Parse(CDec(currencyValue))) = 0 Then
If currencyValue is Decimal:
If (currencyValue = 0D) Then
If currencyValue is Double:
If (currencyValue = 0R) Then
Also, if you are using a database and this is a Sql Server mind SQL Server Data Type Mappings

I don't think you can when using C or the other similar standard formats, since they are already defining a culture-specific format that will include a format for zero.
But if you specify your own custom format, you can specify three different formats separated by ;s, one each for positive numbers, negative numbers, and zero, respectively.
For example (giving an empty string for the zero format, resulting in blank zeroes):
charValue = String.Format("{0:#,##0.00;-#,##0.00;""""}", CDec(currencyValue))
And from what I can see, omitting the format for negative gives a default that matches the positive, whereas omitting the format for zero gives blank, which is what you're looking for, so this should be sufficient as well:
charValue = String.Format("{0:#,##0.00;;}", CDec(currencyValue))
(Using whichever custom format you wish.)
UPDATE: You can get the current currency symbol and manually put it into your custom format. IE:
Dim symbol = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol
charValue = String.Format("{0}{1:#,##0.00;;}", symbol, CDec(currencyValue))
From the sound of it, though, I think I would actually recommend doing basically what you started with, maybe with an extension method.
Public Function ToCurrencyString(pValue As Decimal) As String
Return IIf(pValue = 0, "", pValue.ToString("C"))
End Function
Dim someValue As Decimal = 1.23
This gives you exactly what you're looking for. The exact same format as C gives, but with blank zeroes.


Numbers greater than 9999.99 causing problems [duplicate]

Pulling 2 decimal values from MySQL and trying to use a very simple if statement:
if subtotal < minval then DO THIS else DO THIS
It always thinks subtotal is smaller even though it might not be. IsNumeric confirms both these values are numeric. If I use minval=19.99 instead of pulling from the database it works.
The code for retrieving minval looks like this:
Set rscontrol = db.Execute("select * from websitecontrol ")
minval = FormatNumber(rscontrol("minordervalue"))
FormatNumber is a function for formatting a value for display. It returns a formatted string.
>>> n = 1.25
>>> WScript.Echo TypeName(n)
>>> WScript.Echo TypeName(FormatNumber(n))
Never use formatting functions unless the result is intended for being displayed.
minval = FormatNumber(rscontrol("minordervalue"))
minval = rscontrol("minordervalue")
If that still doesn't help you can force the value to a double using the CDbl function.
minval = CDbl(rscontrol("minordervalue"))
Beware that the function expects the decimal point as it's configured in your system's regional settings.

Change Currency Format

I Have a field that should consist a currency, which is according to my Region is Indonesia which is IDR or Rp.
and i build it with string.format like this :
Dim price As Single = Single.Parse(Convert.ToSingle(lblAmountGV.Text))
lblAmount.Text = String.Format("{0,C}", price)
but it give me a dollar sign. and i Change the code :
lblAmount.Text = String.Format("Rp{0}", price)
but i didn't get the dot (.) and Comma(,) . so I change the code again by using FormatCurrency :
lblAmount.Text = FormatCurrency(lblAmountGV.Text, , , TriState.True, TriState.True)
but it still give me a Dollar sign, later i found how to change the CultureInfo :
by imports :
Imports System.Globalization
and on my code :
Dim culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(" id-ID")
Dim format = DirectCast(culture.NumberFormat.Clone(), NumberFormatInfo)
format.CurrencySymbol = "Rp."
var number = Decimal.Parse(lblAmountGV.Text, NumberStyles.Currency, format);
lblAmount.Text = number
but it still give me an $ sign, how to change the $ programatically?
I see a couple issues with what you posted -
this line is incorrect
String.Format("{0,C}", price)
You need to use a colon to add additional formatting arguments. If you want to format currency with decimal places than you also need to indicate the number of decimal digits. It should be something like this
String.Format("{0:C2}", price)
And this line has an extra space that causes it to fail with a CultureNotFoundException
CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(" id-ID")
Should be
This code worked for me:
Dim culture As CultureInfo = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("id-ID")
Dim price As Double = 10.05
Dim result As String = String.Format(culture, "{0:C2}", price)
You can see it in action here
If you are familiar with LINQPad, you can paste the following into LINQPad and see the proper formatting without the dollar sign -
String.Format(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("id-ID"), "{0:C2}", 10.05).Dump() mvc razor view string.format does not seems to work

I am using string.format to format my model value inside razor view but it does not gives desired result
#string.Format("{0:00}", Model.Range == null ? "" : Model.Range.ToString())
It should result as 05
if i am using below it gives me result but not from model
#string.Format("{0:00}", 5)
Someone have any idea or same experience ?
If Model.Range is a number type then you need to write:
#string.Format("{0:00}", Model.Range == null ? "" : Model.Range)
because with the Model.Range.ToString() you have converted your Range to string so the number formatting cannot be applied because it is not a number anymore.
By the way string.Format handles null arguments so it is enough to write:
#string.Format("{0:00}", Model.Range)
If Model.Range is not a number but with Model.Range.ToString() you get a number in a string representation then you need to first convert it to a number (like using int.Parse or its other variants) then you can pass the number to string.Format which can now apply the correct formatting.

EntityFunction.TruncateTime not working in my query

I am using Linq to entityframework to query some infomration. I am trying to use entityfunction.truncatetime and it doesnt seem to work as expected. here is my sample query
From d In Request
Where d.Requestor= "XXXX" And d.ProcessedFlag = "N"
Select d.RequestID, RequestReason = d.RequestReason.ItemValue, RequestType = d.RequestType.ItemValue, RequestedDate = EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(d.RequestedMoveDate)
The requesteddate doesnt seem to truncate the time part and I am still getting the both Date and time.
Am I missing something here?
In .NET, the DateTime class actually represents both a date and a time. Internally, this is stored as a numeric value represented by the number of 100-nanosecond "ticks" since Midnight, January 1, 1001 AD. This number gets "converted" when it's displayed (either in output or in a debugger). This conversion is done via a format string.
Even if you truncate a DateTime's time portion, it still has a time... it's just 00:00:00, and if you don't want to see that time, you need to adjust your format string to not convert that.
Thus, if you do something like this: DateTime.Now.Date it will display `10/15/2012 00:00:00" if you use the default date conversion string (or whatever is the default format for your culture).
If you want to only display the Date portion, then you must do something like myDate.ToShortDateString() or myDate.ToString("d").
EntityFunctions is a set of tools designed to be used in Linq to Entities queries, because doing DateTime formatting is not normally allowed in a query.
For example, this code does not work:
var q = from x in dc where x.BirthDate == DateTime.Now.AddYears(-15).Date select x;
You have to do it like this:
var q = from x in dc
where x.Birthdate == EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now.AddYears(-15))
select x;
This will then generate the correct SQL to do date comparisons in SQL code. This is what the EntityFunctions are designed for, not truncating dates in the select portion (although it does work). But, even though the date is truncated, it will still have a Time component, it will just be 00:00:00, and you must use a date format string to present it to your users in the manner you intend.
cant you use ToShortDateString() like below?
List<DateTime> time = new List<DateTime>();
var WhatDate = from date in time
select new { Date = date.ToShortDateString() };
In your case try this
From d In Request
Where d.Requestor= "XXXX" And d.ProcessedFlag = "N"
Select new{ RequestID = d.RequestID, RequestReason = d.RequestReason.ItemValue, RequestType = d.RequestType.ItemValue, RequestedDate = d.RequestedMoveDate.ToShortDateString()};

Flex: Converting DateField text to seconds?

Is there anything wrong with following snippet of code?
var d:Date = DateField.dateToString(myDateField.text,"DD/MM/YYYY");
testTextArea.text = d.getSeconds().toString();
Error: Implicit coercion of a value of
type String to an unrelated type Date.
Here is your problem: DateField.dateToString's first parameter is supposed to be a date. It then takes that date and returns a string using the second parameter as a format string.
It looks like you're trying to convert the string to a date (the other way around) so you can get the seconds from it and put it in the text area. The DateField control has a selectedDate parameter that will give you the date you need. Then you just run this code to put it in the text area:
testTextArea.text = myDateField.selectedDate.getSeconds().toString();
