one port for multiple applications [network] - networking

Let say I have two processes, both are listening on the port 80 (html) awaiting for an html packet to be unpacked, analyzed and displayed.
Now how does the system know which process is the html packet for ?
For instance, It seems Skype is listening on the port 80 while another application does too. How does Skype know "this packet is for me ?" and on which network layer that process is happening ?

You can "reuse" a port. When application crashes or exits not closing a socket the system can see the port as still "used", so with this feature you can actually reuse it again. As I know if multiple sockets are listening on the same port, packets will be delivered to them in pseudo-random manner. I don't know if this can be used reliably.
Also port is not a unique system-wide thing, only "port + IP address" is. So multiple applications can safely use the same port if they are bound to different network interfaces.


TCP Listening server in 9870 port. Is it possible to configure the clients port?

When we open a TCP Listening, we use a fixed port, like "9870".
But the clients which connect to this listening, use different ports like "1024, 1025" or other. I don't know what is the name of this port, "client port", "dynamic port" or "ephemeral port"... But I need to know if is possible to change this client port.
Because, like in the second image, it shows the error "Port numbers reused", and I think this is related to this port configuration.
I think if I could configure these ports, the connections of the equipments on my network will be stabilized.
TL;TR: there is usually no need to configure the clients source ports and you can definitely not set the clients source port at the server.
The client can bind to a address+port the same way the server can do and this port is then used as the source port for the connection. But usually this is not done and instead the socket is not specifically bound and a free source port is automatically assigned by the system. The client source port can only be set by the client itself and can not be changed by the server.
Usually it is not possible that a port number gets reused by the client since the OS will not let the client do this. But what you see can happen if the client crashes . After the restart the client is not aware of any connections which were established (and never closed) before the reboot so it will happily use the same source port again. In this case it gets a RST from the server since the new data do not match the old connection.
This can also happen if the client is connected with some router doing NAT and the router crashes. After restart the router is not aware of any previous connections and will thus create new translations which might conflict with old connections.

How TCP works from the client point of view

I know how TCP protocols work from the server point of view. NAT is used to know on which local machine is the port number xx reserved.
When I establish a connection with a server, it opens a non-reserved port. How does my livebox, for example, knows I reserved my port and not an other computer ?
Additional questions:
- For the Client/Server, is there one port per socket ? One per processus ? One per Thread ?
- On a server, there is a socket listening on a port, once it accepts a connection, does it open a new port ?
How does my livebox, for example, knows I reserved my port and not an
other computer ?
I assume you are talking if the client is behind a NAT.
Is ever the client to contact the server. So when the client send the first packet to the server through your router(that provide for you NATting). The router save into is NAT table the address and the port of the client, so when i get the answer he know who is the client.
Additional questions: - For the Client/Server, is there one port per
socket ? One per processus ? One per Thread ? - On a server, there is
a socket listening on a port, once it accepts a connection, does it
open a new port ?
I think you are confusing some concepts.
Into the OSI protocol and into TCP/IP protocol there are differents kind of layers.
As you can see TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is under the Application Layer.
When you are talking of socket you are into the application layer. So all decisions:
"Use same port, bind new port for every incoming request" are made by specific application.
A network socket is an endpoint of a connection across a computer
network. Today, most communication between computers is based on the
Internet Protocol; therefore most network sockets are Internet
sockets. More precisely, a socket is a handle (abstract reference)
that a local program can pass to the networking application
programming interface (API) to use the connection, for example "send
this data on this socket". Sockets are internally often simply
integers, which identify which connection to use.
For more about NAT read here.
For more about Port Forwarding read here.

Question about port numbers in computer networks

Based on my understanding, port numbers are just like telephone extensions. Just as a business telephone switchboard can use a main phone number and assign each employee an extension number (like x100, x101, etc.), so a computer has a main address and a set of port numbers to handle incoming and outgoing connections.
But the question is:
On what basis is a port number assigned? A process or an application?
Based on my experience with firewall, I usually open a port for a specific application. So port number should be assigned on an application's basis. But what if there're multiple instances of the same application running on a single machine. Each of the instances uses the same port number. So if a message is arrived at that port number, how could the system tell which instance should the message go?
And another question also related to port.
If a web server is setup to listen on port 80, client browser should always contact the 80 port. I am not sure if the following illustration of the communication between a web browser and the web server is correct.
Client Browser sent request to Server, the message should contain info like this:
To: < ServerAddress:80 >
From: < ClientAddress:XXX >
Server sent reponse to Client Browser like this:
To: < ClientAddress:XXX >
From: < ServerAddress:80 >
So the question is, will the server pick other port numbers for sending messages to client? Because I think a single 80 port doesn't look enough.
Add - 1 - 21:16 2010/12/19
In my above post, the word "application" represents a static program file that the system knows. Multiple instnaces of this application could be launched, which are multiple "processes"
Each client connection will be represented by a socket on the server. Sockets are uniquely represented by the combination of the following 4 pieces of information:
Peer IP address
Peer port
Local IP address
Local port
The client chooses a random port, so if there are multiple connections from one client to the same server/port, the connections will still differ by the client's port.
If there are multiple web server applications running on the same server, they will have to listen on different ports or the server will need to have multiple IP addresses.
On a computer, only one process can be listening on a specific port number. For example, if an Apache process is listening on port 80, no other application can also listen on port 80.
Apache usually pre-forks several processes, only one of those is listening on port 80. The job of that process is to hand over the processing for any connection to one of the pool of other Apache processes as quickly and efficiently as it can.
Each of many concurrent connections to port 80 is distinguished by it's source IP-address and by the source TCP port number (which the client computer chooses randomly from the set not in use).
I was pretty sure that webservers have one process (or thread) listening which accepts incoming connections and passes corresponding filehandles to the worker processes (or threads). EJP advises that this is not so.
Apache seems to have several different multi-processing modules that affect how it spreads the load of responding to multiple concurrent requests. For example: MPM Prefork and MPM Worker
Jeff Pozkaner wrote an overview of HTTP server design that I found interesting:
The basic operation of a web server is to accept a request and send back a response. The first web servers were probably written to do exactly that. Their users no doubt noticed very quickly that while the server was sending a response to someone else, they couldn't get their own requests serviced. There would have been long annoying pauses.
The second generation of web servers addressed this problem by forking off a child process for each request. …
A slight variant of this type of server uses "lightweight processes" or "threads" instead of full-blown Unix processes. …
The third generation of servers is called "pre-forking". Instead of starting a new subprocess for each request, they have a pool of subprocesses that they keep around and re-use. …
The fourth generation. One process only. No non-portable threads/LWPs. Sends multiple files concurrently using non-blocking I/O, calling select()/poll()/kqueue() to tell which ones are ready for more data. …
Network stack distinguishes TCP connections by triple <source IP,source port,destination port>, so knowing client address and port is enough to work correctly.
What is the application, if it is not a process? In firewalls you open ports for executables. It may be considered as an application, and it is a process when it is running.
Multiple listeners cannot listen to the same port. The same process can listen to multiple ports.
Ports are assigned to the listeners. Depending on the firewall (and its configuration) you can allow the process (executable) to listen several ports, or to create several exceptions for the same process listening to multiple ports.
I'm not sure what you mean by the difference between a "process" and an "application". Everything is just code executing on your box.
Anyway, a process/application will listen/bind to whatever port number the authors of the application have configured. By convention, many port numbers are reserved for particular types of application - that is applications which communicate using a particular protocol. So for example web servers which use HTTP typically run on port 80. SMTP servers run on port 22. HTTPS is 443 and so on.
Of course you can configure your web server (e.g apache httpd) to run on whatever port you like - but your client needs to know else it will assume port 80.
Two processes/applications may not bind to the same port. If you try to start another process/application on a port already in use you'll get an error: cannot bind to port or something to that effect.
will the server pick other port
numbers for sending messages to
No. All the accepted sockets use the same server-side port number as the original listening socket. The identifying tuple mentioned above disambiguates this so as to make each connection unique.

how can an application use port 80/HTTP without conflicting with browsers?

If I understand right, applications sometimes use HTTP to send messages, since using other ports is liable to cause firewall problems. But how does that work without conflicting with other applications such as web-browsers? In fact how do multiple browsers running at once not conflict? Do they all monitor the port and get notified... can you share a port in this way?
I have a feeling this is a dumb question, but not something I ever thought of before, and in other cases I've seen problems when 2 apps are configured to use the same port.
There are 2 ports: a source port (browser) and a destination port (server). The browser asks the OS for an available source port (let's say it receives 33123) then makes a socket connection to the destination port (usually 80/HTTP, 443/HTTPS).
When the web server receives the answer, it sends a response that has 80 as source port and 33123 as destination port.
So if you have 2 browsers concurrently accessing, you'd have something like this:
Firefox (localhost:33123) <-----------> (
Chrome (localhost:33124) <-----------> (
Outgoing HTTP requests don't happen on port 80. When an application requests a socket, it usually receives one at random. This is the Source port.
Port 80 is for serving HTTP content (by the server, not the client). This is the Destination port.
Each browser uses a different Source to generate requests. That way, the packets make it back to the correct application.
It is the 5-tuple of (IP protocol, local IP address, local port, remote IP address, remote port) that identifies a connection. Multiple browsers (or in fact a single browser loading multiple pages simultaneously) will each use destination port 80, but the local port (which is allocated by the O/S) is distinct in each case. Therefore there is no conflict.
Clients usually pick a port between 1024 and 65535.
It depends on the operating system how to handle this. I think Windows Clients increment the value for each new connection, Unix Clients pick a random port no.
Some services rely on a static client port like NTP (123 UDP)
A browser is a client application that you use in order to see content on a web server which is usually on a different machine.
The web server is the one listening on port 80, not the browser on the client.
You need to be careful in making the distinction between "listening on port 80" and "connecting to port 80".
When you say "applications sometimes use HTTP to send messages, since using other ports is liable to cause firewall problems", you actually mean "applications sometimes send messages to port 80".
The server is listening on port 80, and can accept multiple connections on that port.
Port 80 you're talking about here is the remote port on the server, locally browser opens high port for each connection established.
Each connection has port numbers on both ends, one is called local port, other remote port.
Firewall will allow traffic to high port for browser, because it knows that connection has been established from you computer.

How are different TCP connections in HTTP requests identified?

From what I understand, each HTTP request uses its own TCP connection (please correct me if i'm wrong). So, let's say that there are two current connections to the same server. For example, client side javascript code triggering a couple of AJAX POST requests using the XMLHttpRequest object, one right after the other, before getting the response to the first one. So we're talking about two connections to the same server, each waiting for a response in order to route it to each separate callback function.
Now here's the thing that I don't understand: The TCP packet includes source and destination ip and port, but won't both of these connections have the same src and dest ip addresses, and port 80? How can the packets be differentiated and routed to appropriately? Does it have anything to do with the packet sequence number which is different for each connection?
When your browser creates a new connection to the HTTP server, it uses a different source port.
For example, say your browser creates two connections to a server and that your IP address is The first connection might originate from source port 60123 and the second from 60127. This is embedded in the TCP header of each packet sent to the server. When the server replies to each connection, it uses the appropriate port (e.g. 60123 or 60127) so that the packet makes it back to the right spot.
One of the best ways to learn about this is to download Wireshark and just observe traffic on your own network. It will show you this and much more.
Additionally, this gives insight into how Network Address Translation (NAT) works on a router. You can have many computers share the same IP address and the router will rewrite the request to use a different port so that two computers can simultaneously connect to places like AOL Instant Messenger.
They're differentiated by the source port.
The main reason for each HTTP request to not generate a separate TCP connection is called keepalives, incidentally.
A socket, in packet network communications, is considered to be the combination of 4 elements: server IP, server port, client IP, client port. The second one is usually fixed in a protocol, e.g. http usually listen in port 80, but the client port is a random number usually in the range 1024-65535. This is because the operating system could use those ports for known server protocols (e.g. 21 for FTP, 22 for SSH, etc.). The same network device can not use the same client port to open two different connections even to different servers and if two different clients use the same port, the server can tell them apart by their IP addresses. If a port is being used in a system either to listen for connection or to establish a connection, it can not be used for anything else. That's how the operating system can dispatch packets to the correct process once received by the network card.
