How to run symfony via docker-composer - symfony

I git cloned this repository: docker-symfony and followed the installation instructions.
When I visited, I saw kibana 4.
My problem is, I don't understand where I should put the Symfony project.
My OS is Ubuntu 14.04

The instructions mention:
put your Symfony application into symfony folder and do not forget to add in your /etc/hosts file.
Then, run:
$ docker-compose up
You are done, you can visite your Symfony application on the following URL: (and access Kibana on
That "symfony folder" comes from docker-compose.yml#L4
- ./symfony:/var/www/symfony
It means you should create a symfony folder in your docker-symfony cloned repo, which will be mounted as /var/www/symfony in the application container.
symfony <====== Add your folder there
That folder can be a symbolic link to wherever you have your symfony project.


Running composer installation in a Symfony 3.2 project on a machine that shares 2 environments

I have in the same server in 2 differents directories, like this:
/var/www/ is a full copy from production
When I am trying to run the command composer install inside the folder /var/www/ with this:
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
I see the following errors:
Cannot create cache directory /var/www/, or directory is not writable. Proceeding without cache
Cannot create cache directory /var/www/, or directory is not writable.Proceeding without cache
Why is it trying to make changes in if I am currently at
What files should I change in my folder to enable a new environment in Symfony3? And so the composer can install correctly for this environment and within this directory?
What you trying to do is having a new installation of an existing Symfony project with an existing composer.json file containing all your dependencies.
What you should do is not composer install but composer update as the composer.json file should already exist, it'll just read it and download the dependencies packages
composer update :
The update command reads the composer.json file from the current
directory, processes it, and updates, removes or installs all the
This is what I am using on my production server when I import a new feature from my development branch.
You should add --no-cache option to bypass the cache.

Why is webpack encore required only in dev

I'm currently configuring some docker images for a symfony 5 project and trying to deal with the production build. Doing so, I noticed that webpack encore is installed only on dev mode, as advised on this official documentation : :
yarn add #symfony/webpack-encore --dev
However, this doesn't make sense to me, since even in production, we are supposed to build the assets :
yarn encore production
Does anyone have clues about this ?
Thank you
The Symfony docs on How Do I Deploy My Encore Assets? provide two important things to remember when deploying assets:
1) Compile Assets for Production:
$ ./node_modules/.bin/encore production
Now the important part:
But, what server should you run this command on? That depends on how you deploy. For example, you could execute this locally (or on a build server), and use rsync or something else to transfer the generated files to your production server. Or, you could put your files on your production server first (e.g. via git pull) and then run this command on production (ideally, before traffic hits your code). In this case, you’ll need to install Node.js on your production server.
And the second important thing:
2) Only Deploy the Built Assets
The only files that need to be deployed to your production servers are the final, built assets (e.g. the public/build directory). You do not need to install Node.js, deploy webpack.config.js, the node_modules directory or even your source asset files, unless you plan on running encore production on your production machine. Once your assets are built, these are the only thing that need to live on the production server.
Simply put, in the production environment you only need the generated assets (usually /public/build directory content). In a simple scenario when you only need to load compiled Javascript and CSS files the Webpack is not used at runtime.
A possible solution how to deploy a Symfony application & assets
When deploying a Symfony app manually (without CI/CD) the following steps can be performed on the local machine or in a Docker container (assumes Symfony 4/5):
Export the source code from GIT repository with git-archive, e.g.: git archive --prefix=myApp/ HEAD | tar -xC /tmp/¹
Go to exported source code: cd /tmp/myApp
Install Symfony & other PHP vendors (see also the Symfony docs): composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
Install YARN/NPM vendors (they'll be required to generate assets with Webpack): yarn install
Create production assets: yarn build (or yarn encore production)
(Install Symfony assets if needed: bin/console assets:install)
Now the code is ready to rsync it to the production server. You may exclude or delete the /node_modules, /var and even /assets directories and webpack.config.js (probably package.json & yarn.lock won't be needed either -- didn't tested it!) and run e.g.: rsync --archive --compress --delete . <myProductionServer>:<app/target/path/>
Resources on Symfony deployment:
How to Deploy a Symfony Application (Symfony docs)
How Do I Deploy My Encore Assets? (Symfony Frontend FAQ)
Do I Need to Install Node.js on My Production Server? (Symfony Frontend FAQ)
Production Build & Deployment (SymfonyCast)
¹ Untars on the fly the archived GIT repository into the /tmp/myApp directory instead of into a TAR archive. Don't miss the leading / in the --prefix flag! git-archive docs.

Can't create a new Symfony project

I can't create a new Symfony project as described in the Symfony Documentation:
This is the command I use: symfony new --full my_project
$ symfony new --full my_project
WARNING The current directory seems configured for as a SymfonyCloud project, but it is not linked yet.
You can link this directory to an existing project: symfony link [project-id] (get project IDs via symfony projects)
* Creating a new Symfony project with Composer
unable to find composer, get it at exec: "composer": executable file not found in
I don't understand why the command can't find the composer executable.
When I just enter $ composer in my terminal, composer is executed.
This is my Symfony CLI version: Symfony CLI version v4.6.1
In my .bash_profile file, I have an alias for composer:
alias composer="php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar"
My /etc/paths:
What is wrong in my config?
Most likely, it's because you didn't rename composer.phar.
First, do this:
mv /usr/local/bin/composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
It will rename composer.phar to composer.
Then you can also delete your alias.
Alias are for connected users. Executable and installer don't read your aliases, which is why symfony installer isn't finding composer.
If it doesn't solve your problem, you can try to install your Symfony project with composer directly:
composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton my_project
You can also check what php version is that your symfony is using
In my case it was linked to php 5 and by changing to php 7 problem has been resolved
To check php version linked use :
symfony local:php:list
And then to edit your php version create a .php-version file then write the version that you want to use

Bitbucket pipelines: The type or namespace name could not be found

I'm hoping someone can help me out. Thanks!
I'm trying to deploy my dotnet core 2.0 API
When I try and build the project with bitbucket pipelines I get multiple errors finding references. It does restore the project successfully.
However the project builds successfully on my laptop.
folder structure:
- step:
image: microsoft/dotnet
name: Check if it builds
- cd API
- dotnet build
example error:
Services/MyService.cs(18,29): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'IRepository<>' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/API/API.csproj]
Note I have the latest version of dotnet, same as I'm using in bitbucket pipelines. I have checked via running dotnet --info
Finally i've figured out what was the cause of this issue. I feel really silly for not figuring this out sooner.
My git repository was somehow setup with ignorecase = true.
I have switched it to false (which will prevent this issue in the future).
This means that I can have two of the same files or folders.
I had renamed a folder to a different case.
My repo had
My Mac couldn't allow for both so I only saw one folder and one project on my local machine.
To fix this, I had to git rm -r --cached api
This deleted the duplicate folder
I had the project file as a duplicate as well so used git rm -f api.csproj to remove the file from the repository.
Then git pull to bring those changes into my local master branch.

How to install symfony2 project existing in github repository to local instance

I'm having a symfony2 project in github repository. I want to install it to my local instance. I'm using Xampp on Windows 7. How can I achieve it?
if your using xampp the easiest way is to use symfony build in server.
clone or download the symfony project to your xampp htdocs.
start your xampp and open the shell, (shell button on the right)
locate yourself in the root symfony dir. and type:
php app/console server:run
a local php server should start on http://localhost:8000
i recomment using this because (dev mode is loaded by default).
its faster then a VM because you dont sync files.
you can also add verbose arguments
php app/console server:run -vvv
that way you get more output info when debugging.
