Attempting to implement share action intent on webpage - material-design-lite

As stated in title. MDL cards/templates etc come with fancy looking share buttons. How exactly do we make them work how we see they do on phones apps? I want a user to be able to press the share button and have the list of apps to share via to show up.
Is this possible?

This is not possible with current web technology. The only API that was in progress to allow it was Web Intents but this has since been abandoned.
The share button could open up a dialog or something that has a Reddit share, Digg button, Facebook share, Google Plus shares, etc within them. That way they are only initialized when called. But you need to specifically program what you want to share out to.


How can I track button clicks on a site that can't use Google Analytics?

I will start by saying that I have fair experience in HTML, but please keep the technical terms to a bare minimum. Pretend you're explaining it to a child. :-)
I used to make my site (Wix is a place to easily design websites and has little HTML capabilities, since it's all based on being able to easily design a site with no HTML knowledge). You can add a Google Analytics tracking code, so i can see the number of clicks on the site, but that's about all. Apparently you can't change the code to be able to see button clicks on the site etc. (or maybe you can?...)
This is what I need above anything else:
On the site are a few "sign up now" buttons. When someone clicks it, they go to a signup page on an external site. I need to be able to track who clicks these buttons and when.
Ideally it's all tracked within google but apparently it doesn't work on wix.
Somehow it works with Google Analytics on Wix. It would have to be if somehow I can track it with Analytics without putting a code on the site itself. Don't know if or how that would work.
If not Google, is there a simple 3rd party Analytics site that could track the number of clicks on these buttons to external pages? It would be best if I can get the IP addresses of the clickers as well.
this is fairly easy, try which can directly help you to send data about the users when they click event tracking.
Wix supports 3 types of goal tracking for your site: Destination, Duration and Pages/Screens per session. Currently, Wix doesn't support an Event tracking goal.

How to add a bespoke social sharing message to a specific page

I've used services like 'Add This' for a while but now I need to add a couple of specific bits of functionality to an ecommerce order completion page. It's to work like Amazon's order thank you page where it allows you to post a message to Facebook saying something like 'I just bought a widget on Amazon'.
Equally I'm looking for the equivalent in Twitter.
I've added a bunch of OG tags and share buttons but can't get it to do what I need. From further reading it sounds like I might need to create a Facebook app of some sort and use FB ui to create the link to post to the user's wall. I was hoping to do this without getting tangled up in that level of permissions etc but maybe that's not possible any more?
This is being developed on C#, in case there's a library that I haven't found in my searching.
Can anyone familiar with this type of development point me in the right direction?
For Twitter, the simplest way is to use Web Intents.
For example, if you want to share the text
I love
URL encode the text to and use the Twitter Web Intent URI. E.g.
When the user clicks on that link (try it!) or is directed there by your service, they'll be prompted to share that text.

Change icon of app

I want to change the application icon using button to change it.
I've seen apps like Whatsapp Plus and Audio Manager does this.
In Audio manager the apps name, title and even the launch screen(may be Main Activity) can be changed.
I want to implement this facility in my App. I'm developing a secret/hacking app.
I've searched in this site many times. Similar questions are very less and those say it's not possible. Then how come the above two apps.
This is the only similar question I've come across.
Please help

Create a button like the Facebook "like" button in Drupal

I would like to create a button with the name "Participate" that works like the "like" button on facebook.
I have an contenttype called Event, which should show the participate button, that logged in users can click, and add themselves to the event.
When looking at the content for Event I would also like to display a list of the users which have clicked the Participate button.
Is there someone who can help me with how it can be solved or what i should look into?
take a look at this module with some php knowledge you can make it , it's not what you really want but this guys pushed the hard part
The Activity module keeps track of the
things people do on your site and
provides mini-feeds of these
activities in blocks, in a specialized
table, and via RSS. The module is
extensible so that any other module
can integrate with it. The messages
that are produced are customizable via
the admin interface and are context
sensitive. Some theoretical example
messages include:
You wrote a comment in response to "example comment title"
Jim wants to be your friend. Approve this friendship here
Nancy is Phil's latest fan

How to add Facebook Like button to a Flex app?

I am working on a Flex AS3 application and wanted to add the Facebook Like button inside the app. I am unable to find any API or anything apart from the code generator.
Any ideas on how this might be accomplished? I am quite new to the recent changes in the Facebook Platform, so any info would be appreciated.
A direct "like" button should not be possible, since Facebook needs to sandbox the whole thing. Both like button formats (iframe and xfbml) use a sandboxed iframe, so nobody but facebook can set "likes" or know anything about the user.
For that to work with Flash, I think facebook would have to provide the button itself as a SWF file so you can load it in Flash. Then it can create a sandbox within itself and thus load the user information safely. Very much like the Chromeless Youtube Player, where it's almost impossible for Flash to access the actual FLV URL (even through introspection).
But even so, I don't think this would provide enough security... realize that you are dealing with very private user information and credentials here.
The only way I know you can "like" stuff through Flash is first doing the whole Facebook Connect thing (several popup windows asking the user for permissions) and then using the API of your choice to do the actual "liking", for instance, with the Graph API:
The closest information I could find are these 2 items so far. Hope it helps you in your journey.
Facebook Developer Site: Source
Facebook like button in flash
I hate answering "no" to a question because what I really mean is "I don't know and I can't find a way". I'm sure your Google-fu is as good as mine. All I can see are Facebook forum posts like this where people are asking the same question and no one is answering.
The examples they give of the like button are either embedded in iFrames or using XFBML <fb:like ../> tag. There are no examples of how to like something using their new graph api or either of their old APIs (FQL and REST API).
I had to get a Facebook like button in a html page (looked like a header on the top) and get the swf embedded below. As its a complete flex app in my case, this work around was possible and plausible
