odbcad32.exe Test Connection passes but program connection fails - odbc

I am trying to get a connection string right, and using odbcad32.exe to test the connection.
The trouble is, I get Connection Established, regardless of what password I enter.
This seems pretty useless.
My .NET program fails with Data source name not found and no default driver specified even though odbcad32.exe has no problem getting the connection.
Data Source Name : Test_Blah
Description: Test_Blah
Host Name: blh-housing
Port Number: 5060
Database name: ih
User ID: administrator
Driver: Progress OpenEdge 10.2b Driver
Password: (space)
This is my connection string:
<add name="BlhConnection" connectionString="DSN=Test_Blah;UID=Administrator;PWD=' ' ;" />
Any ideas how I can get this working?

32 bit ODBC Drivers and connections based on those are only accessible by 32 bit clients.
You are not mentioning your OS - but when your client application is a 64 bit application the 32 bit ODBC driver won't work. I am not 100% sure - but I doubt that there is a 64 bit ODBC driver for OpenEdge in 10.2B. On OpenEdge 11 that's no problem.

I would start by verifying that you have the correct login credentials. Especially since you state that you get the same result no matter what you use.
The easiest way to verify the credentials is to login to the db server and open a "proenv" session. Using proenv ensures that all of the Progress environment is correctly set. If it is a Windows server "proenv" is in the Progress or OpenEdge program group, if the server is UNIX you can run "$DLC/bin/proenv" from the command line. Once you are running a proenv shell you can then use the "sqlexp" tool that Progress provides to verify your connection string and credentials. For example:
sqlexp -user userName -password passWord -db dbName -S portNum


How to get over Keyboard-interactive authentication prompt in batch file for transferring files to SFTP server

I am trying to transfer some text files on SFTP Server using Putty command line option.
I have a batch file with the following commands:
echo cd /inbox
echo mput c:\temp\*.txt
echo bye
echo cd c:\temp\
echo del c:\temp\*.txt
) |echo open <username#ip> <port no> -pw password
However, when I execute the batch file I get stuck at "Keyboard interactive prompt from Server"
Appreciate any suggestions on how to get over this point to avoid manual intervention while executing this batch file?
I have figured out the reason i was experiencing this issue. I my password i had a special character ^ (power symbol), and while i had passed correct password in batch file it was somehow skipping only that ^ character in password. To overcome this I tried to provide password in batch within double quotes "password" and then my issue was resolved.
Just sharing my experience.
enter image description here
Well I had a similar problem when trying to use putty to make an ssh connection, exactly the same warning message "Keyboard interactive prompt from Server". I could write the username but it never accepted the password, also my external ip address did not even made connection, local ip server address worked but password always failed, I was prepared to make a restore from backup, but since I had physical contact with the server, I just plugged an USB Keyboard and "voilá" all problems ended. Maybe Kernel had not loaded the keyboard ascii software or something and somehow it is also needed on remote ssh connection.

MobaXterm Execute Command

To connect from windows desktop to unix host, in order of administration on command line level, I like to use MobaXterm in it's free version
The connection is encrypted ssh, identification to Unix host is using user id, passwd.
There is an issue in I can't resolve:
In the "Session Settings" is a field "Execute Command".
This command there is supposed to be executed in the target host when login has been successful finished. The hosts I have to use are may be not the fastest - Or MobaXterm is too fast.
However, the command is issued in a to early stage, the host feels mortally offended, closes connection and throws me out.
It does not matter what the command is - even a sleep is not accepted.
How to tell MobaXterm to act a bit slower?
MobaXterm default behavior for executing a command is to close the session after execution.
To prevent that there is a setting near the "Execute command" field that states: "Do not exit after command ends". Just check that and it will fix the problem.

oracle sql DEVELOPER ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out

I am using Oracle SQL Developer and I want to debug a PROCEDURE. I am unable to do this as I get the following error message...
ORA-30683: failure establishing connection to debugger
ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP", line 68
ORA-06512: at line 1
Process exited.
Can anyone help me ?
In SQLDeveloper go to 'Tools' -> 'Preferences' -> 'Debugger'
Click the option for 'Prompt for debugger host for database debugging'
I have had the same problem. The source of the problem was the local firewall that block the connection back from the database server (windows 7).
To solve it I authorized SqlDevelopper to communicate through Windows Firewall.
Control Pannel\ Security .. \Firewall\ Authorized programs to communicate ...
The path for Windows French version is
Panneau de configuration\Système et sécurité\Pare-feu Windows\Programmes autorisés
In the programs' list search for sqldeveloper (sqldeveloper64w in my configuration) check on the corresponding network (private and or public).
For further details I suggest to read the following article :failure establishing connection to debugger tips

Solaris tcp_time_wait_interval configuration

In my Solaris server, I have an HTTP Server which handle many incoming connections. In my server logic, it closes connection from client manually so that many TIME_WAIT status appear when I call command netstat -an in my server.
So that I change the tcp_time_wait_interval to 10 second with command:
ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval 10000
But I read from user guide, it says : "Do not set the value lower than 60 seconds".
Does anyone know why Oracle recommend that?
The user guide URL is : http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19455-01/806-6779/chapter4-51/index.html
Was told my Oracle engineer with a very heavy trans load in thousands/sec can set to as low as 10 ms on Solaris 11/11.1

Not receiving events on Asterisk 11 AMI

I'm a veteran of Asterisk 1.4 and am looking to build a new application on Asterisk 11 (which is currently beta, but is planned to be LTS release some time before I need it.)
I can't get Asterisk Manager Interface on 11 to send me any events. (Now, obviously, in production, I need to cut down these AMI rights drastically, but as I'm exploring I've opened the firehose, if you will.)
manager.conf looks like this:
enabled = yes
port = 5038
bindaddr =
secret = squirrel
deny =
permit =
read = all
write = all
I then use telnet to try to get in and explore the event stream:
$ telnet localhost 5038
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Asterisk Call Manager/1.3
Action: Login
Username: manager
Secret: squirrel
Events: on
Response: Success
Message: Authentication accepted
Event: FullyBooted
Privilege: system,all
Status: Fully Booted
...and there it sits, not moving, no matter what I actually do with the system. I've also tried using the Event manager action with EventMask: on to try to get something out of it; the command is accepted, but nothing changes. It will happily respond to any other actions I send it, though.
Any leads? This sort of thing worked fine under 1.4, and I'm not finding anything in any documentation suggesting I'm doing something wrong. I suppose the next thing to try is 1.8...
(There is little else in /etc/asterisk; I'm using example configs only for reference. This is as minimal as we get...)
It's may be bug in Asteriks / FreePBX. I had same situation, and my API php script didn't receive any events from AMI.
For fix this bug, you must install "Conferences" module and restart Asterisk from SSH: service asterisk restart
I just tested this with the latest 11 from subversion using your configs. I see events being generated. For example, executing this from the CLI:
*CLI> channel originate Local/Foo application Bar
While invalid, will cause some events to be spit out to the manager interface.
