Qt creator doesn't launch in Linux Mint for QT 5.5.1 - qt

I used the offline installer to install QT 5.5.1 (32 bit) in Linux Mint Cinnamon 17.2 (32 bit) in VirtualBox. Install was OK. Then QT creator doesn't launch. QT 5.5.0 works OK. Any ideas anyone?
From the command line it says could not initialize GLX.


qmake not properly recognized in QT Creator under Debian 11 "bullseye"

I have installed QT Creator under Debian 11 "bullseye" (sudo apt-get -y install qtcreator), resulting in QT creator version 4.14.1.
Then I installed qmake (sudo apt install qt5-qmake), resulting in qmake version 5.15.2.
Now I want to add qmake in QT Creator options under Kits->QT versions, but it says
QT version is not properly installed, please run make install
and it refuses to work:
I have also another machine with Debian 12 bookworm, where I have been using this setup without any problem for several months (the yellow triangle in the screenshot below is only warning). On Debian 12 bookworm, the QT Creator is now version 8.0.1 (recently it was 6. something) and qmake version is 5.15.4:
Any idea how to make it work under Debian 11? I need to use the older environment, because I need specific older libraries to be build in the application.
I have tried almost everything that I found over the internet, but nothing helped. Usually the sources say to install qt5-default package, but this is not available in Debian 11.

Build QtWebEngine 5.9.1 with proprietary codecs

We need to support to mp4 file in QtwebengineView. So we are trying to build qtwebengine of Qt 5.9.1 on msvc2015 x64, with proprietary codecs, by using following command at cmd with working directory is qtwebengine in source.
"D:\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.1\qtbase\bin\qmake.exe WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_proprietary_codecs"
we are facing below error.
WinRT is not supported.
QtWebEngine will not be built
We tried to follow following link:
How to compile Qt webengine (5.11) on Windows with proprietary codecs
But that didn't work either.
How can we build qtwebengine of qt 5.9.1 with proprietary codecs?
I just successfully build QtWebEngine 5.9.6
My build environment:
Windows7 x64
Visual Studio 2015 x64
jom 1.1.2
You can refer to my build process.
Before we start building, let's install the tools:
Python 2.7.13 from https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
Perl (Strawberry vesion) from http://strawberryperl.com/
Bison and flex from https://sourceforge.net/projects/winflexbison/ (Rename win-bison.exe to bison.exe and win-flex.exe to flex.exe)
Gperf from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/gperf.htm
Download the source code for qt
git clone https://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git
cd qt5
git checkout 5.9.6
perl init-repository --module-subset=qtwebengine,qtwebview
Let's start the formal build
cd qtwebengine
qmake.exe WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_proprietary_codecs
Then there's the long build process...
The final file will be generated in the qt5/qtwebengine/bin directory after the build is completed

Qwt installation for Qt Creator on windows 7

I installed Qt Creator. I would like to use Qwt. I downloaded and unzipped to "C:\qwt-6.1.0" folder. I performed the following instructions:
qmake qwt.pro
mingw32-make install
There is no error. Everything is fine. But I don't know how I can integrate with Qt creator. I would like to use Qt via form editor. How can I install plugin?
Windows 7
Qt Creator 2.7.2
Qt 5.1.0(32 bit)
Qwt 6.1.0
check this.Its works also on win8 64 bit.

Qt 4.8 compiling from ubuntu to windows

I have a simple app that I can compile on the desktop for Ubuntu 12.04, but not for Windows. I installed the MinGW toolchain, both from synaptic, and the QT 64-bit package from here.
I went to Tools-->Options-->Build, and manually added both the /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-g++, as well as the g++.exe from the link above (in the bin folder) as MANUAL_1 and MANUAL_2.
When I go to create a custom target however I am unable to select either Manual toolchain and it reverts back the standard GCC x86_64 linux.
What am I doing wrong?
I doubted the g++.exe file would work since that is a windows binary, but why does it not select the system mingw binaries?
Few things you should check
Your gcc version number
Is your gcc path added to environmental variable?
I too found it very difficult to compile my MINGW Qt application in Windows, and after lot of research on net I found that qt4 works with gcc 4.4.0 MINGW. I downloaded qtcreator 2.1 from qt website and copy MINGW folder from qtcreator directory, copy that folder into my windows root directory then installed latest qt creator and qt4 sdk,
Add path of gcc
and finally qt creator compiles my code.

Qt can't find openssl

I installed Qt 4.8 from developer.nokia website which is a .run file. Because it's from nokia i assume the libraries are compiled with openssl...
I use ubuntu 11.10 and it has openssl already installed.
I can't make the QSsl classes working because of this, what am i doing wrong?
Anyone know a proper Qt SDK 4.8 that works fine?
export QTDIR=/home/user/qtsdk-2010.05/
export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$QTDIR/qt/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/qtsdk-2010.05/lib/:/home/user/qtsdk-2010.05/qt/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
please change qtsdk-2010.05 to your sdk path
and make sure the binary path and lib is correct, then qmake ,make clean , make
Solved the problem installing qt-sdk from the repositories.
sudo apt-get install qt-sdk
A newer version of the Qt Creator can be found on qt-project.org
However for Ubuntu 11.10 Qt 4.7 will be installed and not 4.7. Qt 4.8 is available on the newer Ubuntu versions' repositories.
