WordPress images and pages broken after host migration - wordpress

I have created a WordPress site (my first) but since moving the site to a new domain all the images and pages/posts are broken and return a 404 error. Ive ran search and replace but it doesn't seem to have worked.

Manual website migration is very difficult to do. So you can transfer your website in few minutes without any issues using duplicator plugin. you just need to installed the plugin and followed the installation wizard.
you can read or watch step by step video tutorial HOW TO CLONE WEBSITE TO NEW HOST USING WORDPRESS DUPLICATOR

Go to your dashboard, log in, go to settings.
Change the following:
Site Address
Wordpress Address
Save. That should work.

did you try save permalinks some times the problem happen because permalinks need update
other point if you can go to old site and use this plugin to move your site agin

It turns out there were some issues with the httpd.conf file and httpaccess files. The permalinks and database details were correct. I got this outsourced in the end so not 100% sure what the issue was but I shall update this post with more info when I get it :)


How do I copy a woocommerce application from live server to localhost

I am new to WordPress. I have a WordPress woocommerce application, which I want to copy to local server.
But all the links still point to the same server. E.g. when I login it takes me to live website as the action target is sth like : www.example.com/wp-login.php.
How to change all links to point to local servers so that I can develop locally.
I have done the same with WP CLONE Plugin.
Try this.
WordPress has absolute links inside its database, i.e. http://yoursite.org. To make site functional on another domain or localserver you have to change all links inside database. Any manual manipulation with database may corrupt it.
The robust way to move your site is usage of Duplicator plugin.
Easiest way is to use WP All in One plugin, you export whole wordpress and woocommerce, and only thing you need to change when you set it to localhost are permalinks

WordPress website pages are redirecting to adult site pages

I have a website built on WordPress platform. Today, when I opened the website and when I clicked anywhere on the website, adult site pages are opening up continuously.
Can anyone please suggest what could be done to resolve the issue?
Your site is hacked by someone and some script injected in your WordPress installation or database which causing to load this video your website need to scan your website using plugin like SECURI You can get this on Securi.net
Here are some solutions that you can try(Remember to take a backup before using this)
Check and clean all your recently modified files
Contact your hosting provider if you are not using dedicated server.
If you have some inactive themes and plugins which you don't need more remove them.Hackers can hide script there.
-You can upload new word-press core files which you haven't customised.
Install fresh copy of themes and plugins if you not customised them.
Change your secret keys in your wp-config file.
Check users in your word-press and delete suspected ones.
Check permission of your installation directory .if not secure them make changes.
Change you WordPress password
If this all not works to solve problem let me i will look into it.

WordPress Woocommerce 'view basket' link points to old website

I have developed a WordPress webstore using Woocommerce which works fine on my dev server (e.g. dev.foo.com). However when I migrate the site to my live production webserver (e.g. livefoo.com) and point the live domain to the site the 'view basket' button which appears once you have added an item to your basket still links to the dev server (e.g. dev.foo.com/basket, instead of livefoo.com/basket). I have run a couple of search and replace plugins to update the mysql database to change any instances to the new domain but the problem still remains. Any ideas?
Thanks for everyone's help. I ran through and checked permalinks, database etc. I finally found some hard coded lines in a woo commerce template page called 'footer-woo.php' which I replaced and everything now is working fine.
That sounds like you need to go to your wordpress setting and save your permalinks so it can be rewritten. if this does not solve the issue please export the database again and open it in wordpad and do a search for the link on your dev site to ensure that the database on the live server no longer has any of these links left in it. wordpad is very useful to use to check ur database file for these bad links. Good Luck

Wordpress clone on Dreamhost

So I created a new subdomain on Dreamhost. One-click installed Wordpress. Fresh Copied the olddomain.com to newdomain.com exported all the tables with the drop attribute to the new wordpress database via phpmyadmin. Then followed this post to update the urls.
The site doesn't load, giving me this error message:
The page isn't redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.
I would make sure to check the 'www' rules in Fully Hosted (from the web panel: Manage Domains > Web Hosting > Edit), compared with your site URL settings in the WordPress dashboard. Make sure those aren't conflicting first.
If you need further assistance, just let me know the domain name and I can take a look. Please also feel free to start a LiveChat from the panel or submit a ticket; our support team is here to help 24/7!
Ellice S
DreamHost Staff
I finally ended up creating an empty site and then using the WP Duplicator plugin. Worked like a charm!

wordpress page permalink is not working on local

I have wordpress website on server, created pages and that's working fine, but when I download wordpress files and DB on local and want to run with localhost, permalinks for pages are not working.
It seems this is an old post, but this might help others that encounter same error.
Apache –> Apache Modules –> and that will display the lists of available modules.
Now just check rewrite_module.
source from WordPress Custom Permalink not Working in Localhost
Hope that helps.
Sometimes when copying from one server to another, wordpress' permalinks goes a little screwy, try setting them back to default (using the admin panel) and then setting them again to your desired permalink structure (being sure to apply the changes each time).
you need to go into the database and change a few options.
Goto your phpmyadmin installation and navigate to wp-options table. Change the siteurl and home options to your localhost address.
Wordpress needs these database tries to build your permalinks. If they are wrong, then it will direct your links to incorrect locations.
You can simply fix this by doing the following:
Go to settings in your WordPress site.
click on permalinks ( You will see the URL structures of your newly configured WP site. (if it shows your original website values, go to settings-> general and set your local site URLs
Don't do any changes, just click on the Save button.
Refresh your local site and click on your page link or post.
