Is this a redux middleware anti-pattern? How to properly build async actions with middleware - redux

Just built my first API Middleware and was just wondering where I'm suppose to chain promises for action creators that dispatch multiple actions. Is what I did an anti-pattern:
export const fetchChuck = () => {
return {
endpoint: `jokes/random`
export const saveJoke = (joke) => {
return { type: SAVE_JOKE, joke: joke }
export const fetchAndSaveJoke = () => {
return dispatch => {
dispatch(fetchChuck()).then((response) => {
Should fetchAndSaveJoke dispatch the section action in my react component or is it okay to have it as its own action creator?

I would say that at this point in the Redux world, it's not super clear what's best practice and what the anti-patterns are. It's a very unopinionated tool. While that's been great for a diverse ecosystem to flourish, it does present challenges for people looking for ways to organize their apps without running into pitfalls or excessive boilerplate. From what I can tell, your approach seems to be roughly in line with the advice from the Redux guide. The one thing that looks funny to me is that it seems like CHUCK_SUCCESS should probably make SAVE_JOKE unnecessary.
I personally find it rather awkward to have action creators dispatch more actions, and so I worked out the approach behind react-redux-controller. It's brand new, so it's certainly not a "best practice", but I'll throw it out there in case you or someone else wants to give it a try. In that workflow, you'd have a controller method that looks something like:
// actions/index.js
export const chuckRequest = () => { type: CHUCK_REQUEST };
export const chuckSuccess = (joke) => { type: CHUCK_SUCCESS, joke };
export const chuckFailure = (err) => { type: CHUCK_FAILURE, err };
// controllers/index.js
import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'; // or whatever
import * as actions from '../actions';
const controllerGenerators = {
// ... other controller methods
*fetchAndSaveJoke() {
const { dispatch } = yield getProps;
// Trigger a reducer to set a loading state in your store, which the UI can key off of
try {
const response = yield fetch('jokes/random');
} catch(err) {


Getting this error "Invariant failed: A state mutation was detected inside a dispatch, in the path: todoReducer.1."

I tried everything like spread operator but nothing works.
Here is my reducer
//state is an array of objects.
const initialState = [
{taskName: "kkkkk", isEdit: false},
export const todoReducer = (state=initialState, action) =>{
case 'add' :
const temp=
taskName: action.payload.taskName,
isEdit: action.payload.isEdit
return {state}
default: return state
The error message indicates that you are using Redux Toolkit - that is very good. The problem is that you are not using createSlice or createReducer and outside of those, in Redux you are never allowed to assign something to old state properties with = or call something like .push as it would modify the existing state.
Use createSlice instead:
const initialState = [
{taskName: "kkkkk", isEdit: false},
const slice = createSlice({
name: 'todos',
reducers: {
add(state, action) {
export const todoReducer = slice.reducer;
// this exports the auto-generated `add` action creator.
export const { add } = slice.actions;
Since the tutorial you are currently following seems to be incorporating both modern and completely outdated practices, I would highly recommend you to read the official Redux Tutorial instead, which shows modern concepts.

how do I migrate from redux to redux toolkit

I managed to write reducer using createSlice but the action seems to be confusing.
My old reducer :
function listPeopleReducer(state = {
}, action){
switch (action.type) {
return {
, getPeople:action.payload
return state
By using createSlice from the redux toolkit, I migrated the reducer to this,
const listPeopleReducer = createSlice({
return {
getPeople : action.payload
My old action, makes an api call inside it, with the help of a helper function makeApiRequest (which takes in parameters and returns the response of the api),
export function listPeople(config: any) {
return function (dispatch: any) {
.then((resp) => {
payload :
.catch((error) => {
payload : error
With reduxtool kit, we could do something like,
const listPeople = listPeopleReducer.actions.listPeople;
But, how will I write my custom action that contains the helper function makeApiRequest ?
i.e The old Action should be migrated to reduxtoolkit type.
It's definitely tricky when migrating, since there are some major conceptual changes that you must eventually wrap your head around. I had to do it a couple of times before it clicked.
First, when you are creating const listPeopleReducer with createSlice(), that is not actually what you are creating. A slice is a higher level object that can generate action creators and action types for you, and allows you to export reducers and actions FROM it.
Here are the changes I would make to your code:
const peopleSlice = createSlice({
// uses immer under the hood so you can
// safely mutate state here
state.getPeople = action.payload
// each thunk you create with `createAsyncThunk()` will
// automatically have: pending/fulfilled/rejected action types
// and you can listen for them here
builder =>
builder.addCase(listPeople.pending, (state,action) => {
// e.g. state.isFetching = true
builder.addCase(listPeople.fulfilled, (state,action) => {
// e.g. state.isFetching = false
// result will be in action.payload
builder.addCase(listPeople.rejected, (state,action) => {
// e.g. state.isFetching = false
// error will be in action.payload
Then, outside of your slice definition, you can create actions by using createAsyncThunk(), and do like:
export const listPeople = createAsyncThunk(
async (config, thunkAPI) => {
try {
return makeApiRequest(config)
} catch(error) {
return thunkAPI.rejectWithError(error)
// thunkAPI has access to state and includes
// helper functions like this one
The "Modern Redux with Redux Toolkit" page in the Redux Fundamentals docs tutorial shows how to migrate from hand-written Redux logic to Redux Toolkit.
Your makeApiRequest function would likely be used with Redux Toolkit's createAsyncThunk, except that you should return the result and let createAsyncThunk dispatch the right actions instead of dispatching actions yourself.

Catch all Pending or Rejected actions within a redux-toolkit slice

Aight.. so im pretty new with redux toolkit and I want to catch ALL pending actions in one slice to basically show a loading modal. I know we can do this with redux-saga and probably redux-observable
Soooooo instead of
builder.addCase(fetchUsers.pending, (state) => {
state.loading = LoadingState.PENDING;
To Something like this
builder.addCase(allActions.pending, (state) => {
state.loading = LoadingState.PENDING;
I know allActions does not work there but is there anything that will.
You can use the matching utilities included in RTK:
import { createSlice, isPending} from "#reduxjs/toolkit";
const dataSlice = createSlice({
name: "data",
reducers: { /* */ },
extraReducers: builder => {
builder.addMatcher(isPending, (state, action) => {
// logic here
You can also combine the matching utilities in various ways to only handle the pending state for specific thunks, etc.

Redux testing: Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions

I have a Redux app and it is working perfectly without any errors. Now I am trying to test it with Enzyme, Jest and Sinon:
it('calls constructor', () => {
sinon.spy(SavedVariantsComponent.prototype, 'constructor')
const store = configureStore()(STATE1)
wrapper = mount(<SavedVariantsComponent store={store} match={{ params: {} }} />)
expect(SavedVariantsComponent.prototype.constructor).toHaveProperty('callCount', 1)
In SavedVariantsComponent I have mapDispatchToProps:
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => {
return {
onSubmit: (updates) => {
const { match, analysisGroup } = ownProps
const { familyGuid, variantGuid, tagArray, gene } = match.params
const familyGuids = familyGuid ? [familyGuid] : (analysisGroup || {}).familyGuids
const combineVariants = /combined_variants/.test(match.url)
dispatch(loadSavedVariants(combineVariants, familyGuids, variantGuid, tagArray, gene))
loadSavedVariants: (...args) => dispatch(loadSavedVariants(...args)),
And loadSavedVariants look like that:
export const loadSavedVariants = (combineVariants, familyGuids, variantGuid, tagArray, gene = '') => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
and the error while running jest is:
Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions.
Which makes an HTTP Request that may not work in the current case. How to fix this error? I need to test that the constructor was called, but later on will also need to see how the inner Components are rendered, so need to have mount there. I suppose I am doing something wrong in testing and not in the real code since the latter is working without any errors, warnings or issues.
You probably need to configure your mock store to work with redux-thunk. See:
import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
const middlewares = [thunk] // add your middlewares like `redux-thunk`
const mockStore = configureStore(middlewares)

redux-observable use RxJS to emit progress actions for ajax call

I have been wrestling with this problem and feel like I have a fundamental misunderstanding. I am using the redux-observable library in React which glues redux together with RxJS for handling asynchrony. My problem is that I have to handle a large upload and I want to show progress as the file is loaded.
The function uploadFileEpic needs to return an Observable<Action> to work with redux-observable. The uploadObservable represents the workflow that I want to accomplish. If I just return the uploadObservable the upload works but I don't get any handleUploadFileProgress actions from the progressSubscriber in the ajax call. Ideally the progressSubscriber would be adding elements to another observable that I could merge with uploadObservable. You see me trying to use merge here but the TypeScript compiler complains saying the return is not assignable to an ObservableInput.
I keep going in circles so I feel my understanding must be fundamentally off. I feel like I'm missing some simple RxJS magic here. Thanks for the help!
import { Observable, Observer, Subscriber, Subject, of } from 'rxjs';
import { ajax } from 'rxjs/ajax';
import { ofType } from 'redux-observable';
import { catchError, delay, map, mergeMap, tap, merge } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { apis } from '../../config';
export const enum ActionType {
const handleInitialFileUpload = (file: File, timeLimit: number) => ({
type: ActionType.InitialFileUpload,
const handleFileProgress = (file: File, percentComplete: number) => ({
type: ActionType.FileProgress,
const handleUploadFileSuccess = (file: File, timeLimit: number) => ({
type: ActionType.UploadFileSuccess,
const handleUploadFileFail = (file: File, timeLimit: number) => ({
type: ActionType.UploadFileFail,
export const uploadFileEpic= action$ =>
mergeMap((action: any) => {
const { file, timeLimit } = action;
const data = new FormData()
data.append('importFile', file,
data.append('timeLimit', timeLimit)
const progressSubject = new Subject();
const ajaxRequest = {
method: 'POST',
body: data,
headers: {},
progressSubscriber: Subscriber.create(
(e: ProgressEvent) => {
const percentComplete = Math.round((e.loaded / * 100)
console.log("Progress event"), percentComplete))
const uploadObservable = ajax(ajaxRequest)
map(res => handleUploadFileSuccess(file)),
map(() => handleUploadFileRemove(file)),
catchError(error => of(handleUploadFileFail(file, error.response)))
return merge(uploadObservable, progressSubject)
You seem to be importing merge from rxjs/operators. There, merge is treated as an operator and thus returning an OperatorFunction. By importing from simply rxjs you get the static merge that correctly returns an Observable which will be flattened by your mergeMap.
