Unable to do switching from Rose to rhapsody - rhapsody

I am very very new to this rose/rhapsody model.
I have a .mdl file(belonging to rose) which I need to convert to Rhapsody.
For this I followed the below mentioned steps:
In IBM rational rhapsody from Tools menu I did a Import form rose->Import model and gave the .mdl file.
then from Tools menu I clicked on State Machine Export.
This gave me a .txt file. But when I compare this .txt with the one from Rose .txt, lot of differences are there.E.g. the name of state in rose is SUBSYSTEM_COMPLETE_SHUTDOWN but in rhapsody it is terminationstate_3.
I am not getting any info regarding this in any website.
Need help for resolving this.


RoboHelp is missing ouput preset for CHM generation

Adobe RoboHelp 2020 Trial Version:
The list of available output presets is also missing Responsive HTML5, and Mobile App.
I did have a problem with the PDF output geneation. Error message advised to install Java runtime, as it was missing. After Java installation, PDF genearated. But its bookmarks did not work at all.
I have worked laboriously at learning how to use the RoboHelp; and also took several days to create my project. I desperately need to generate CHM output for a Windows program that I developed. I was devastated when I finally went to generate CHM output/Microsoft HTML Help, it was not on thelist of presets.
That said, I am at wits end, having searched for potential solutions. Can someone please suggest a solution?
Also the Adobe RoboHelp 2020 Trial Version contains the functionality to generate CHM help files.
To add and output the Microsoft HTML Help (CHM) in your presets, click the + icon in the Outputs panel as shown in the screenshot below.
Select Type Microsoft HTML Help
Enter a short Name like CHM
After that it is available for permanent use, e.g. in the Quick Generate window.
I updated RH 2020.
I selected the Microsoft HTML Help preset
I configured the preset: I selected the TOC file. I specified the output folder, which is on a different drive than the project folder. (I knew that it could not be in the location whose parent folder was the project folder.)
Then I clicked the command button to generate the CHM. The progress display continuously indicated the various task that were being performed during the generation process.
Ultimately, I clicked the View Output button. The program displayed an error message indicating that the CHM filed could not be opened. I checked the output designation folder; and, the file existed. However, it was only 1 KB. I double-clicked the CHM file; but, the same error message appeared as when I attempted to open the file from within RoboHelp.
As an aside, I tried he same process with RoboHelp’s sample project, i.e., Compass Travel. And, wouldn’t you know it? The CHM file did properly generate and display; even the bookmarks functioned as expected.
That said, I had mentioned in the original post that I had generated a PDF output. But, the bookmarks did not worked.
The H 1 bookmarks display. However, clicking anyone of the them results in nothing. Whereas most of the H 1 folders have several H 2 subfolders; and there existed two H-3 level items.

Bookmarks in Power BI Desktop

I am failing to make bookmarks work in my Power BI model. Basically I have three charts namely Fixed Format, Measure Comparison and Actuals by Business Unit which I need to visualize on the first report page through the use of bookmarks.
I have attached the PBIX file through a link.
Power BI Desktop File
Kindly assist with troubleshooting the problem and advise accordingly.
Best regards
Note: Never share your original data. You may affected by GDPR.
Please check the attached report file from the link. I have implemented the Bookmarks for you as per my understanding.
Report File Here

Converting Excel math to SQL in VBNet, ASP.NET web application

I am trying to automate a process that is currently done mainly with excel files. These files have been used for a while and are customized just how the user likes them. I am turning this into a data driven VB NEt application and now and at the task of configuring all the computed columns to do the equations the user's excel spread sheets are doing currently.
The main ones needed that I can't find information on are STANDARDIZE, PERCENTRANK and STDEVA (atleast for computed columns- I have seen STEVA used in select queries)
Excuse me if there is documentation on this I can refer to, I searched google and stackoverflow and wasn't able to find anything. If you could point me to any documentation like this that might exist- that would be a huge help!

Directory structure in a project of computational physics

Current situation
My scientific project contains mainly different analytical and numerical calculations with physics purpose, i.e. I work with Mathematica, MATLAB, Fortran. Of course it is a good idea to commit the progress with a version control program like git.
I was asking some friends what would be the best way to structure my files. Beside the simple and well-known programmer's file structure (/bin/,/dat/,/doc/,/src/,...), I found no satisfying but similar answers:
What is the best project structure for a Python application?
Directory structure for a C++ library
Web Application (Django) typical project folder structure
Proper folder structure for lots of source files
I hope this issue is not getting closed as it is asked by a physicist ;) as I guess many scientists are facing the same question at some point in more or less extension. By knowing that programmers have faced such issues before, I do not ask this question at Physics Stack Exchange, where it could probably be marked as off-topic or too broad.
In my last project I had the following global structure where I had some interaction between the different project items:
In this project I divided the files according their functionality (external contribution, exp. data, numerics, documentation,...) and then subdivided them according to their issue (what was calculated at that step) where each issue again contained subissues (e.g. for analogous calculations with a different data set) with source code, binaries and processed data (for simplicity all in the same directory).
Unfortunately in this approach I ether had to:
refer to the source code in the corresponding issue (danger of changing anything can lead to incompatibilities), or
copy the source code to each new issue (each source code file with same name but in a different folder could be different).
Who faced this issue of structuring projects in directories? Please tell me your approach and the arguments that brought you to this structure!
(Possible addition: What should I keep in mind when I set up a file structure for a project as described above?)
If you do not completely understand the answer, please do not hesitate to ask instead of flagging. Thank you!

How to open non .rda files in R

I am trying to do some work for my thesis which has me using the R programming language (and the R app on Mac OS Lion) for the first time. I had to download the files from here to work with but none of the files comes in .rda or .r they all come in different file extensions. Can someone please tell me how to either convert or use these files?
This page might be relevant to your interests. Also note that if you click on the link on that page that says "Analyze with GEO2R" you can get an R script created for you that will do some of the legwork for you. I would highly suggest reading the instructions on that page in order to get things prepared the way you want them to be.
