Fortran 90 setting up a directory - directory

I'm working on a Fortran 90 based program called GULP and I'm trying to edit a .F file by having it direct to my Force 2.0 compiler. I want to know if I'm using the right syntax. I inserted what I thought the directory was in the Darwin section (I'm using Windows 7). Windows said the file path was:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Force 2.0
if [ ! -d "$dir" ]
mkdir "$dir"
cd $dir
if [ "$1" = "-debug" ]
os=`uname -s`
case $os in
# Mac OS-X using Absoft compiler
Darwin) dir="\Program Files (x86)\Force 2.0"
if [ "$debug" = "" ]
echo 'OPT=-O' > makefile
echo 'OPT1=-O' >> makefile
echo 'BAGGER=' >> makefile
echo 'OPT=' > makefile
echo 'BAGGER=-g ' >> makefile
echo 'RUNF90=force 2.0' >> makefile
echo 'FFLAGS=-I.. -DLINUX ' >> makefile
echo 'LIBS=' >> makefile
echo 'GULPENV=' >> makefile
echo 'DEFS=-DLINUX' >> makefile


/Users/username/.jenv/jenv.version: Permission denied

macOS Catalina, installed jenv 0.5.4 using homebrew, using zsh, followed all the steps listed in
In terminal I have the following error
Last login: Tue Dec 22 10:10:15 on ttys002
/usr/local/Cellar/jenv/0.5.4/libexec/libexec/jenv-refresh-plugins: line 14: /Users/username/.jenv/jenv.version: Permission denied
The below is the code from jenv-refresh-plugins
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Summary: Refresh plugins links
resolve_link() {
$(type -p greadlink readlink | head -1) "$1"
set -e
[ -n "$JENV_DEBUG" ] && set -x
if [ ! -f "${JENV_ROOT}/jenv.version" ]; then
echo "NONE" > ${JENV_ROOT}/jenv.version
if [ "$1" = "--complete" ]; then
echo "--force"
if [ "$1" = "--force" ]; then
lastVersion=$(cat "${JENV_ROOT}/jenv.version" || echo "none")
currentVersion=$(jenv --version)
if [ ! "$lastVersion" == "$currentVersion" ] || [ $FORCE_REFRESH == "1" ]; then
echo "jenv has been updated, process to refresh plugin links"
for path in "${JENV_ROOT}/plugins/"*; do
if [ -L "$path" ]; then
pluginName=$(basename $path)
echo "Refresh plugin $pluginName"
ln -sfn "${JENV_INSTALL_DIR}/available-plugins/$pluginName" "${JENV_ROOT}/plugins/$pluginName"
echo "$currentVersion" > "${JENV_ROOT}/jenv.version"
jenv doctor
[OK] Java binaries in path are jenv shims
[OK] Jenv is correctly loaded
Any help, much appreciated.
I just experienced this same issue on mac- it was caused because for some reason the folder /Users/username/.jenv had become locked.
I couldn't find a way to unlock it, so i just copied it to another directory, then ran sudo rm -rf /Users/username/.jenv , copied it back, and that has solved the problem.

How to tell script to look only into a specific folder

I'm trying to make a recycle bin for UNIX, so I have two scripts. 1 to delete the file and move it to the bin, the other script to restore the file back to its original location.
my restore script only works if the person gives the path to the deleted file.
ex: sh restore ~/trashbin/filename
How do I hardcode into my script so that I don't need to give the path to the deleted file it should already know to look in the trashbin for the file. My restore script works only when someone calls in the path to the file.
rlink=$(readlink -e "$1")
rname=$(basename "$rlink")
function restoreFile() {
rlink=$(readlink -e "$1")
rname=$(basename "$rlink")
rorgpath=$(grep "$rname" ~/ | cut -d":" -f2)
rdirect=$(dirname "$rorgpath")
#echo $orgpath
if [ ! -d "$rdirect" ]
mkdir -p $rdirect
#echo $var
mv $rlink $rorgpath
mv $rlink $rorgpath
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Error no filename provided."
exit 1
elif [ ! -f "$1" ]
echo "Error file does not exist."
exit 1
elif [ -f "$rorgpath" ]
echo "File already exists in original path."
read -p "Would you like to overwrite it? (y/n)" ovr
if [[ $ovr = y || $ovr = Y || $ovr = yes ]]
echo "Restoring File and overwriting."
restoreFile $1
grep -v "$rname" ~/ > ~/
mv ~/ ~/
echo "Restoring file into original path."
restoreFile $1
grep -v "$rname" ~/ > ~/
mv ~/ ~/
When you "remove" the file from the file-system to your trash-bin, move it so that its path is remembered. Example: removing file /home/user/file.txt should mean moving this file to ~/.trash/home/user/file.txt. That way, you'll be able to restore files to the original location, and you'll have auto-complete work, since you can do: sh restore ~/.trash/<TAB><TAB>

Using Trap in Unix Scripts

I have written a script to transfer files from one server to another.
Firstly i am creating a tar of all the zipped files on one server and then i am transferring tar to another server.
Upon successful transfer i am doing Untar of files on both the sever.
I need to know one thing that how can i use Unix TRAP functionality in handling Restartability and Errors if anyhow tar file got corrupt of transfer got failed.
If any error exists i need to bring the execution back to its initial state.
Below mentioned is the small piece of code from my script
tar -cvf files_to_send.tar *.txt -C ${1}
if [ ${RC} -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Unable to Create Tar files of received files" >> ${LOG_FILE}
rm -f *_end >> ${LOG_FILE}
return 1
cd ${1}
gzip files_to_send.tar
if [ ${RC} -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Unable to Create Zip of tar files" >> ${LOG_FILE}
echo "Deleting End Files" >> ${LOG_FILE}
rm -f *_end >> ${LOG_FILE}
echo "Deleting tar file" >> ${LOG_FILE}
rm -f ${1}/files_to_send.tar >> ${LOG_FILE}
return 1
cd ${1}
chmod 775 files_to_send.tar.gz >> ${LOG_FILE}
if [ ${RC} -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Unable to change permissions of tar and end files" > ${LOG_FILE}
echo "Deleting End Files" >> ${LOG_FILE}
rm -f *_end >> ${LOG_FILE}
echo "Deleting Zipped tar file" >> ${LOG_FILE}
rm -f ${SOURCE_DIR}/files_to_send.tar.gz >> ${LOG_FILE}
return 1
You can do something like this :
trap 'do_something' ERR # start special error handling
tar ... # if the command fails, do_something will be executed
trap - ERR # stopping special error handling
do_something can be a function, a command or a script.
But you don't even need trap if you handle error cases properly. I wrote a version of your script with boolean logic, no need to store the return code in a variable, see :
if tar -cvf files_to_send.tar *.txt -C ${1}; then
echo "Unable to Create Tar files of received files" >> ${LOG_FILE}
rm -f *_end >> ${LOG_FILE}
return 1
cd ${1}
if gzip files_to_send.tar; then
echo "Unable to Create Zip of tar files" >> ${LOG_FILE}
echo "Deleting End Files" >> ${LOG_FILE}
rm -f *_end >> ${LOG_FILE}
echo "Deleting tar file" >> ${LOG_FILE}
rm -f ${1}/files_to_send.tar >> ${LOG_FILE}
return 1
cd ${1}
if chmod 775 files_to_send.tar.gz >> ${LOG_FILE}; then
echo "Unable to change permissions of tar and end files" > ${LOG_FILE}
echo "Deleting End Files" >> ${LOG_FILE}
rm -f *_end >> ${LOG_FILE}
echo "Deleting Zipped tar file" >> ${LOG_FILE}
rm -f ${SOURCE_DIR}/files_to_send.tar.gz >> ${LOG_FILE}
return 1

Remove duplicate jars in a directory

I have a script to remove lower version jars files in a directory.
#Script to remove lower version jar files.
for PREFIX in `ls *.jar|sed 's/-[0-9\.\0-9\.a-zA-Z]*\.jar//g'|uniq -d`; do
for FILE in `ls -r ${PREFIX}*|sed '1d'`; do
echo " $FILE"
rm $FILE
It has a bug.
I have below list of Duplicate jar files in a directory.
The bug is with xyz pattern jar files.
Script is removing xyz-1.1.1.jar file instead of xyz-1.1.jar
Script is removing xyz-tom-20120423.jar and xyz-tom-20120410.jar files.
if [ $# == 0 ]; then
elif [ $# == 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 [dir]";
exit 1;
for lib in `find $dir -name '*.jar'`; do
for class in `unzip -l $lib | egrep -o '[^ ]*.class$'`; do
class=`echo $class | sed s/\\\\.class// | sed s/[-.\\/$]/_/g`
existing=$( eval "echo \$CLS_${class}" )
if [ -n "$existing" ]; then echo "$lib $existing"; fi
eval CLS_${class}="\"${lib} ${existing}\""
done | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
I find this code here

Find out if a command exists on POSIX system

I want to be able to tell if a command exists on any POSIX system from a shell script.
On Linux, I can do the following:
if which <command>; then
However, Solaris and MacOS which do not give an exit failure code when the command does not exist, they just print an error message to STDOUT.
Also, I recently discovered that the which command itself is not POSIX (see
Any ideas?
command -v is a POSIX specified command that does what which does.
It is defined to to return >0 when the command is not found or an error occurs.
You could read the stdout/stderr of "which" into a variable or an array (using backticks) rather than checking for an exit code.
If the system does not have a "which" or "where" command, you could also grab the contents of the $PATH variable, then loop over all the directories and search for the given executable. That's essentially what which does (although it might use some caching/optimization of $PATH results).
One which utility is available as shell script in the Git repository of debianutils package of Debian Linux. The script seems to be POSIX compatible and you could use it, if you take into account copyright and license. Note that there have been some controversy whether or not and how the which utility should be deprecated; (at time of writing) current version in Git shows deprecation message whereas an earlier version added later removed -s option to enable silent operation.
command -v as such is problematic as it may output a shell function name, an alias definition, a keyword, a builtin or a non-executable file path. On the other hand some path(s) output by which would not be executed by shell if you run the respective argument as such or as an argument for command. As an alternative for using the which script, a POSIX shell function using command -v could be something like
# Argument $1 should be the basename of the command to be searched for.
# Outputs the absolute path of the command with that name found first in
# a directory listed in PATH environment variable, if the name is not
# shadowed by a special built-in utility, a regular built-in utility not
# associated with a PATH search, or a shell reserved word; otherwise
# outputs nothing and returns 1. If this function prints something for
# an argument, it is the path of the same executable as what 'command'
# would execute for the same argument.
executable() {
if cmd=$(unset -f -- "$1"; command -v -- "$1") \
&& [ -z "${cmd##/*}" ] && [ -x "$cmd" ]; then
printf '%s\n' "$cmd"
return 1
Disclaimer: Note that the script using command -v above does not find an executable whose name equals a name of a special built-in utility, a regular built-in utility not associated with a PATH search, or a shell reserved word. It might not find an executable either in case if there is non-executable file and executable file available in PATH search.
A function_command_exists for checking if a command exists:
set -eu
function_command_exists() {
local command="$1"
local IFS=":" # paths are delimited with a colon in $PATH
# iterate over dir paths having executables
for search_dir in $PATH
# seek only in dir (excluding subdirs) for a file with an exact (case sensitive) name
found_path="$(find "$search_dir" -maxdepth 1 -name "$command" -type f 2>/dev/null)"
# (positive) if a path to a command was found and it was executable
test -n "$found_path" && \
test -x "$found_path" && \
return 0
# (negative) if a path to an executable of a command was not found
return 1
# example usage
echo "example 1";
if function_command_exists "$command"; then
echo "Command: "\'$command\'" exists"
echo "Command: "\'$command\'" does not exist"
if function_command_exists "$command"; then
echo "Command: "\'$command\'" exists"
echo "Command: "\'$command\'" does not exist"
echo "example 2";
function_command_exists "$command" && echo "Command: "\'$command\'" exists"
function_command_exists "$command" && echo "Command: "\'$command\'" does not exist"
echo "End of the script"
example 1
Command: 'ls' exists
Command: 'notpresent' does not exist
example 2
Command: 'ls' exists
End of the script
Note that even the set -eu that turns -e option for the script was used the script was executed to the last line "End of the script"
There is no Command: 'notpresent' does not exist in the example 2 because of the && operator so the execution of echo "Command: "\'$command\'" does not exist" is skipped but the execution of the script continues till the end.
Note that the function_command_exists does not check if you have a right to execute the command. This needs to be done separately.
Solution with command -v <command-to-check>
set -eu;
# check if a command exists (Yes)
command -v echo > /dev/null && status="$?" || status="$?"
if [ "${status}" = 127 ]; then
echo "<handle not found 1>"
# check if a command exists (No)
command -v command-that-does-not-exists > /dev/null && status="$?" || status="$?"
if [ "${status}" = 127 ]; then
echo "<handle not found 2>"
<handle not found 2>
because echo was found at the first example.
Solution with running a command and handling errors including command not found.
set -eu;
# check if a command exists (No)
command -v command-that-does-not-exist > /dev/null && status="$?" || status="$?"
if [ "${status}" = 127 ]; then
echo "<handle not found 2>"
# run command and handle errors (no problem expected, echo exist)
echo "three" && status="$?" || status="$?"
if [ "${status}" = 127 ]; then
echo "<handle not found 3>"
elif [ "${status}" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "<handle other error 3>"
# run command and handle errors (<handle not found 4> expected)
command-that-does-not-exist && status="$?" || status="$?"
if [ "${status}" = 127 ]; then
echo "<handle not found 4>"
elif [ "${status}" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "<handle other error 4>"
# run command and handle errors (command exists but <handle other error 5> expected)
ls non-existing-path && status="$?" || status="$?"
if [ "${status}" = 127 ]; then
echo "<handle not found 5>"
elif [ "${status}" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "<handle other error 5>"
<handle not found 2>
./ 34: ./ command-that-does-not-exist: not found
<handle not found 4>
ls: cannot access 'non-existing-path': No such file or directory
<handle other error 5>
The following works in both bash and zsh and avoids both functions and aliases.
It returns 1 if the binary is not found.
bin_path () {
if [[ -n ${ZSH_VERSION:-} ]]; then
builtin whence -cp "$1" 2> /dev/null
builtin type -P "$1"
