Starting TDD on ASP.NET MVC -

I'm currently learning TDD and have finished reading a book. Now that I'm about to start an ASP.NET MVC project, it seems its hard to do the "no code without failing test rule", at least in terms of starting.
Should I add the needed folders at the start like Controllers, and any other infrastructure-related files? Just add them? It seems its hard to start, does everything need to fail a test first? And how do I do it for the front-end? It seems its quite complicated when its not the business logic being tested. Could you guys point me to some resources for employing TDD for Views/Front-end?

In order to have a failing test, the test must be run. In order to be able to run the test, the unit test project must be able to compile. Therefore you should add the Controllers folder and at least a controller and an action. This is, IMHO, the bare minimum.
Write the first action with a single throw new NotImplementedException(); line of code.
Then write a test that exercises the method and asserts that the result is not null or of a given type (for example ViewResult type).
Now run the test and see it fails. The TDD supporters will cheer in the arena.
Next you can replace the single line of code (the not implemented exception) with a bit of actual code and repeat.


How to access methods in forms from a test method in a different solution file?

I have two different projects in two separate solution files. One is a test project containing my unit test methods and other is the main project. I know I need to create an instance of the individual GUI form first in order to access the methods in but not sure how to do this.
Also, I have certain variable values which get initiated only when I run the entire original application. These values are used in many of the methods in the main project. Without them I will just get null values and the test method would just fail. Is there any way to get values for those variables without running the application? I tried to place the logic which fetches the value for those variables in my test method and then call the actual method but this still doesn't work. How do I resolve this problem?
The problems you have run into are quite common for trying to write unit tests for an application that is not well written with regards for testability.
Usually the code you write test for, does not reside in forms or UI classes.
The business logic should be located in separated classes within your main project. The business logic can then be called from your UI and from your unit test too.
So you have to move any business logic to separate classes first.
The next thing you need to do is remove any dependencies from the newly created classes to other classes which prevent you from writing a unit test and replace those dependencies with interfaces.
For instance you can change your application so that every environment variable which you mention in your question, is retrieved by special classes.
If you create interfaces for this classes you can setup a so called Mock ( a fake version of your real class) in you unit test which you can configure in the test to behave as desired for the particular test scenario.
Some general advice:
Often refactoring the code to be tested (i.e. making it better testable) takes more time than writing the unit test itself. There are whole books about refactoring so called "legacy" code.
Refactoring an application for testability often means to de-couple dependencies between concrete classes and to use interfaces instead. In production code you pass your production class for the interface, in a unit test you can create a "mock" class which implements the same interface but behaves in a way like needed in your test
When writing unit tests, you might consider using a mocking framework like Moq. It will save you a lot of time and make the test code smaller. You will find an introduction here: Unit Testing .NET Application with Moq Framework
Ideally you should design you application from the beginning in a way which has testability in mind. The "TDD" (test driven development) approach even goes one step further, here you write your tests before you write the actual code, but this approach is not used very often in my experience.

How to complete an existing phpunit test with a generator

PhpUnit has a generator of skel based on an existing class.
But it's works once.
If later some new method are added (because a dev doesnt work with tdd ), the test file is incomplete.
Is there a tool to generate a skel for uncovered method ?
I don't know any, and I also don't see the need. That skeleton generator generates one test method per function it finds, but you cannot test all use cases of a slightly advanced function within only one test function.
Also, the name of the test function is generated - but better names can and should be created to describe the intended test case or behavior of the tested function. Like "testGetQuoteFromStockMarket" vs. "testGettingMicrosoftQuoteFromStockMarketShouldReturnQuoteObject" and "testGettingUmbrellaCorporationFromStockMarketShouldFailWithException".
Note that you cannot test the throwing of exceptions in combination with cases that do not throw exceptions.
So all in all there simply is no use case to create "one test method per method" at all, and if you add new methods, it is your task to manually add the appropriate number of new tests for that - the generated code coverage statistics will tell you how well you did, or which functions are untested.
AFAIK there is no built-in phpunit functionality to updated the auto-generated test code; that is typical of most code generators.
The good news is that each of the functions is added quite cleanly and independently. So what I would do is rename your existing unit test file to *.old, regenerate a fresh test file, then use meld (or the visual diff tool of your choice) to merge in the new functions.
Aside: automatic test generation is really only needed at the start of a new class anyway; the idea of exactly one unit test per function is more about generating nice coverage stats to please your boss; from the point of view of building good software, some functions will need multiple tests, and some functions (getters and setters come to mind) do not really need any, and sometimes multiple functions are best covered by a single unit test (getters and setters again come to mind).

Can i compile without life cycle method in EJB 2.0?

iam begineer in ejb's.I have one doubt in ejb 2.0,In session beans,i will create() with out args in EJBhome.But i didn't define any methods i.e., ejbcreate and ejbremove in the bean.So,Can i compile or run this code without those method in the bean?.
You can compile it but cannot run it. You must have a matching ejbCreate() method in your bean class.
If you are very new to EJB I recommend testing your code with OpenEJB (here's a getting started video). Not because I work on the project (which I do), but because we aggressively check code for mistakes and will print clear errors as to what you might have done wrong.
The output can come in 3 levels of verbosity. On the most verbose level, the output is more email response oriented and error messages include information like "put code like this -code-sample- in your bean." The code samples even try to use your method names and parameter names where possible.
As well it is compiler style. Meaning if you made the same mistake in 10 places, you will see all 10 in the first run and then have the opportunity to fix them all at once. Rather than the traditional style of fix 1 issue, compile, test, get same error elsewhere in code, repeat N times.
And of course you can still deploy into another EJB container. Sounds like you are stuck using a pretty old one if you have to use EJB 2.0.
Here's a list of some of the mistakes that are checked

How to write Use case(s) & Test Driven Development for binding a gridview Example

I'm still trying to understand and use Use Cases and Test Driven Development, but having a hard time crossing the line. I'm hoping someone can provide a good example of how setting a datasource and/or databinding a gridview could be accomplished using Test Driven Development.
Here is my pseudo approach at it.
Create an aspx page and add the gridview control to it.
create a method in the code behind called BindGrid(datacollection,gridview) that passes the collection and gridview to a method in a class outside my website so I can actually write the Unit test for the method, and returns a databound gridview.
On the BindGrid method, I right click and select "Create Unit Test" which creates a new test project for me with an outline test for my BindGrid() method.
Now I guess there are a number of test I could write, for example: testTrueDataCollectionBindstoGridView() to see if the collection datatype actually binds? I'm not sure the other test to write?
This is how I currently understand I would go about TDD and Unit testing my example. It feels very clumsy and I'm hoping for some feedback as to what I'm doing wrong, and ideas for improvement.
I've decided to try to simplify my question in hopes of getting more ideas.
How would you go about writing a test for a collection binding to a control? For example say I wanted to bind a dictionary to a drop down list. What test should I be writing, and how would I go about writing them?
To some extent, your question describes why the ASP.NET MVC frameworks was created. It is very difficult to write tests against the ASP.NET Web Forms model (of which the GridView is part of). Also, you seem to be close to writing tests to test the Framework itself, not the code you are writing. If you go too far down that path you will write tests forever and never release any code. It would be more productive, in this case, to seperate out whatever code you used to generate the collection you are binding to the GridView and thouroughly test the scenarios around creating that (and especially any exception conditions and possible conditional logic) and trust that the framework binds the data to grid correctly. If the data generation method can produce any exceptions that you want to handle at the UI-level, try test how your code handles that, but again, this is where the MVC frameworks are helpful, b/c it is extremely difficult to test code that needs to be run within the Web Forms lifecycle.
Just speaking in general terms, since I'm mostly doing Java these days and not .NET stuff. I find that TDD does feel rather clumsy at first for most people, but give it some time, and see if you like it or not.
As far as writing tests, take this general approach. Create a method that you want to test, but without any body to it. Create a test that exercises some particular behavior, and keep it simple. Run the test, and it should fail (run red, assuming your IDE does that). Then, write the line or couple lines of code that make the test succeed (go green). Now, write another test, and repeat. If you have conditionals, make sure all paths are tested. That is, write one path, then the other, writing the test for each first.
When you have a method that works the way you want, you can now refactor it to your heart's content, since the test will always be there to check your work. Look at the method. Perhaps there's 4-5 lines that go together, and could be pulled out into a method. Give the method a good name, so that when you're reading the calling method, the name tells you what's going to happen without drilling in. There are other possible refactorings, especially inasmuch as you can see design patterns that you can leverage.
Make sure you re-run the tests frequently as you proceed with your refactoring.
TDD is about adding functionality. It encourages minimal logic in UI components - mostly they should be pure delegates to the code that does the real work, that you can test.
I would recommend, for the purposes of learning TDD, don't bother writing tests about UI behaviour (eg binding data to a control).
To learn TDD effectively, I think a good place to start is try a few code katas. A code kata is a small problem which you do repeatedly. The solution you develop is not the important thing - learn from the process of getting to the solution. So do the problem 10 times, and deliberately choose different designs for the solution each time. TDD is about the process.
There is a list of katas here:
The Roman Numerals kata is a good one, but just pick one that appeals to you.

How can I make my Selenium tests less brittle?

We use Selenium to test the UI layer of our ASP.NET application. Many of the test cases test longer flows that span several pages.
I've found that the tests are very brittle, broken not just by code changes that actually change the pages but also by innocuous refactorings such as renaming a control (since I need to pass the control's clientID to Selenium's Click method, etc) or replacing a gridview with a repeater. As a result I find myself "wasting" time updating string values in my test cases in order to fix broken tests.
Is there a way to write more maintainable Selenium tests? Or a better web UI testing tool?
Edited to add:
Generally the first draft is created by recording a test in the IDE. (This first step may be performed by QA staff.) Then I refactor the generated C# code (extract constants, extract methods for repeated code, maybe repeat the test case with different data, etc). But the general flow of code for each test case remains reasonably close to the originally generated code.
I've found PageObject pattern very helpful.
more info:
- What's the Point of Selenium?
- Selenium Critique
maybe a good way to start is to incrementally refactor your test cases.
I use the same scenario you have selenium + c#
Here is how my code looks like:
A test method will look like somethink like this
public void RegisterSpecialist(UserInfo usrInfo, CompanyInfo companyInfo)
var RegistrationPage = new PublicRegistrationPage(selenium)
paypal.LoginSandboxPage(usrInfo.sandboxaccount, usrInfo.sandboxpwd);
var bphome = new BPHomePage(selenium, string.Format(Resources.GlobalResources.LoginBPHomePage, usrInfo.AccountName, usrInfo.Password));
A page Object will be something like this
public class PublicRegistrationPage
public ISelenium selenium { get; set; }
#region Constructors
public PublicRegistrationPage(ISelenium sel)
selenium = sel;
#region Methods
public PublicRegistrationPage FillUserInfo(UserInfo usr)
selenium.Type("ctl00_cphComponent_ctlContent_wizRegister_tUserFirstName", usr.FirstName);
selenium.Type("ctl00_cphComponent_ctlContent_wizRegister_tUserLastName", usr.LastName);
selenium.Select("ctl00_cphComponent_ctlContent_wizRegister_ddlUserCountry", string.Format("label={0}",usr.Country ));
selenium.Type("ctl00_cphComponent_ctlContent_wizRegister_tUserEmail", usr.Email );
selenium.Type("ctl00_cphComponent_ctlContent_wizRegister_tUserDirectTel", usr.DirectTel);
selenium.Type("ctl00_cphComponent_ctlContent_wizRegister_tUserMobile", usr.Mobile);
return this;
Hope this helps.
How are you creating your Selenium tests, by recording them and playing them back? What we have done is build an object model around pages so that you call a method like "clickSubmit()" rather than clicking on an id (with a naming convention for these ids), which allows selenium tests to survive many changes.
You may or may not be able to write tests that are resilient to refactoring. Here's how to make the refactoring less painful: Continuous integration is essential.
Run them every day or every build. The sooner it's fixed, the easier.
Ensure devs can run the tests themselves. Again, the sooner it's seen and fixed, the easier.
Keep selenium tests few. They should focus on critical path / pri 1 test scenarios. Deep testing should be done at unit test level (or jsunit tests). Integration tests are always expensive and less valuable.
Hooking up on any low-level concepts like XPaths, CSS Selectors or IDs for end-to-end tests is a recipe for unstable tests.
I advise using testRigor to produce tests that won't break any time you run/change/improve your application a little bit.
The code analogous to the page object one above would look like this:
enter "Peter" into "First Name"
enter "Pen" into "Last Name"
enter "US" into "Country" below "User Data"
enter stored value "email" into "Email"
enter stored value "password" into "Password"
enter "415-123-4567" into "Direct Telephone"
enter "415-123-4568" into "Mobile Number"
click "Submit"
testRigor would associate texts that look like labels with the inputs so that as soon as from an end-user's perspective your page would look the same then the testRigor scripts will be green. Here is the doc.
disclaimer: I'm a co-founder of testRigor. I co-founded it because we had those exact issues ourselves.
Hope this helps.
There are no innocuous changes when it comes to test automation ;)
We use the SAFS framework with Rational Robot (RRAFS) to minimize impact to our automation scripts. There's still work to maintain the application map, but the scripts remain stable for the most part. The SAFS framework sounds very similar to the method cynicalman mentions, but already packages up the generic methods you would use in your scripts.
The SAFS site says there's partial support for Selenium, so this may work for you.
I've found that using XPath expressions in Selenuium-RC adds alot to the robustness of a test.
I write my tests in a similar manner. The first pass is often written via the IDE/Record to get most of my page-flow and click operations. Once I've got that, I begin stepping through the test via Selenium-RC adding assertions and changing absolute widget locators to more readable and friendly Xpath expressions. (as well as documenting the test! :) )
One thing to be aware of.. if your tests are xpath-heavy, they may run a little slower in IE6 due to its poor javascript execution abilities. (I have some test suites that take almost an hour longer to execute under IE than under FF. It's managable, but just something to keep in mind when you're writing the tests.)
Selenium in theory has an abstraction called UI Element (the documentation is here).
The features would be
abstract locators, indipendent on the very html implementation; this would map well to the concept of component or widget of a web framework,
rollup rules, allowing to merge several commands into a single more abstract command.
I've struggled a couple of days to leverage this feature but in the end I decided to abandon it, for the following reasons:
some concepts, such as that of offset locators (think of them as parts of a component) are not fully or usefully developed;
the feature is not fully supported in formatters and the more recent the formatter the less the feature is supported, hinting that the core Selenium evolution is leaving this feature behind;
it's not fully integrated in Selenium 2.0 (WebDriver).
I think Xpath is the best way to ensure robust selenium tests.
I am currently working on a library to help writing xpath expressions easier.
If interested, you can check it out here:
