changing the text on the fa-money icon - css

I'm trying to change the number value on font awesome's fa-money icon to 750 (instead of 1). Longer term I'll be setting it dynamically, but I can rely on 3 characters of space being required.
I think the answer might be stacked icons as noted in this font awesome blog post, but I haven't been able to get the formatting right.
The customization from the blog post above looks like this:
<span class="fa-stack fa-3x">
<i class="fa fa-file-o fa-stack-2x"></i>
<strong class="fa-stack-1x fa-stack-text file-text">16</strong>
But again, when I try my best hack-job on the fa-money, it looks like a jumbled mess.

Well the '1' on the money-icon isn't editable, it's 'hard-designed' so you can't just change the number on that one. The other examples on the blog post you posted don't have any numbers in them so it's easy to add with the trick you posted.
There is an 'hack' tough. You can add your own icons to fontawesome, so make a icon like the money icon but remove the inner number. Then once added to fontawesome you can set the number with the trick you tried yourself.
Take a look at to see how to add icons. Best of luck!


FontAwesome text inline on icon

So, I am using Angular and started using FontAwsome. I want to put the text inline, not in 3 lines like in the image above.
The above text is "4 BANJA LUKA".
The other solution would be to make the margins between the lines smaller, so it can fit the icon without making the icon too large (for example 4x or 5x).
Does anybody know the solution?
<span class="fa-stack"> <i class="fas fa-comment-alt fa-3x" style="color:yellow;"></i> <i class="fa-stack-1x" style="font-size:10px;">4 BANJA LUKA</i> </span>
One Way
you are want below manner to add font awesome.

Issue with Awesome Font Icons

I'm stucking on a little issue with awesome fonts icons. I've a wordpress website and I use awesome icons, in particular "battery" icons.
In 1st page I can see the battery icon, but in 2nd page I can't see battery icon, just white space, anyway in 2nd page I can see all icon types, except battery icon...
I can notice that in battery icon I don't see the code ::before in tags...
maybe this could be the issue... ?!
<i class="fa fa-battery-full"></i>
where I see the icon the code is:
<i class="fa fa-plug">::before</i>
Have you tried the last version of FA? try to change the version
Download Here
Maybe the FA that your used is old, Try that.

Up and down arrow unicode font size issue

I have one of the most strangest problems that I have faced till today. I am trying to show up and down arrow in unicode in HTML. However, they are not same in size and color.
This is a small issue yet very irritating and stressful to me
I will be really grateful if somebody could help me. I've already wasted 5 hours behind this.
You're not using the correct pair of arrows. Use ˅ entity for the corresponding down arrow.
See updated fiddle
If you're interested in filled arrows
Well they are different. Its not a font size issue.
You should use bootstraps glyphicons
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down" aria-hidden="true"></span>
They are not the matching pair.
&#708 matches with &#709.
While &#8964 matches with &#8963.

Material Icons vs Material Design Icons

There are two ways to use Materilize Icon:
<i class="mdi-ICON-NAME"></i>
<i class="material-icons">ICON_NAME</i>
In the official site I did not find guide or icon chart for using the font in this way <i class="mdi-ICON-NAME"></i> but there is guide on how to use the icon in this way <i class="material-icons">ICON_NAME</i> here.
So, when official site doesn't have guide on how to use the icon in this way <i class="mdi-ICON-NAME"></i>. Then why is it defined all over the stylesheet (materialize.css).
Also, if I need to call the icon this way <i class="material-icons">ICON_NAME</i> then I need to link one for font file. Eg.<link href="" rel="stylesheet">. Hence, I feel that 2 fonts will be loaded into the DOM which is not needed, right?
My quesiton is: Where can I find Icon chart if I need to use icon in this way <i class="mdi-ICON-NAME"></i>?
I got it answered by Materialize team:
For question: Where can I find Icon chart if I need to use icon in this way <i class="mdi-ICON-NAME"></i>
I got answer: The mdi type icons are being phased out for the official google sources, that's why you won't find the old chart in the documentation. A complete list of the new icons can be found in
For question: Why not just delete all the mdi icons and css defined as new icons are already offered by google, isn't it?
I got answer: Because that would suddenly break all the user implementations, so this way it can be phased out gradually, giving people time to update their icons.
If you really need to check the old implementation, you can go through the commit history from and look at a version before the google icons were added.
You can find the full list of icons here
The naming is mdi-category-iconname.
An example:
<i class="mdi-action-search"></i>

FontAwesome, Bootstrap and screenreader accessibility

I'm wondering about screen reader accessibility using Twitter Bootstrap framework and FontAwesome icon fonts.
I'm looking at 2 different icon situations:
1) The icon has helper text that a screen reader will pick up:
<span class="fa fa-pencil"></span> Edit
2) And a standalone icon without any helper text:
<span class="fa fa-pencil"></span>
Ideally, in both situations, a screen reader will announce that the element is an "Edit" button.
Per FontAwesome's site:
Font Awesome won't trip up screen readers, unlike other icon fonts.
I don't see any speech css tags related to FontAwesome or Bootstrap and not really clear to me how a screen reader will react to each of these situations.
I'm also aware of aria-hidden and Bootstrap's .sr-only and there has to be an ideal way to handle both situations.
Edit: added title="Edit to example 2.
What advantage does using aria-label="Edit" have over the standard title="Edit"?
Edit 2: I came across this article that explains pros and cons of different use implementations.
First of all, you should probably use <button> instead of <a href="#">. Empty links can be confusing for screen readers, but a button is a button. In short, links take you places, buttons perform actions. (;
I would go with a variation of your first code sample, and utilize Bootstraps .sr-only class. If we update your code with button and add in the class, we have:
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default"><span class="fa fa-pencil"></span> <span class="sr-only">Edit</span></button>
We now have a more semantically correct button element; sighted users see the edit pencil icon; and screen reader users will hear "Edit". Everyone wins.
(Note, the button code is straight from Bootstraps CSS Buttons section.)
From my understanding I think it may be useful to also add in:
to the span class that holds the pencil icon. This will prevent the screen reader from trying to read this element.
<span class="fa fa-pencil" aria-hidden="true"></span>
