Qt Installer Framework: Auto Update - qt

I'm currently using the Qt Installer Framework and managed to set up an online repository. What I want to know is:
Does the Framework provide some kind of "auto-update" mechanism, e.g. a plugin/service that checks for updates every time the program/system starts?
Check for updates would be enough, since the installation itself can be done using the maintanance tool.
All I could find about this topic was this small sentence:
End users can use the maintenance tool to install additional components from the server after the initial installation, as well as to receive automatic updates to content as soon as the updates are published on the server.
from here: http://doc.qt.io/qtinstallerframework/ifw-overview.html#choosing-installer-type
Thanks for your help!
Edit: Suggestion
Based on this question's accepted answere I created a small library to automatically check for updates using the installer framework - https://github.com/Skycoder42/QtAutoUpdater

What I do, is run the maintenance tool using QProcess, and then check the output. It has a mode where it doesn't run the GUI but only outputs update information if available.
Note that I set the working directory to the application's path when the applications starts, so I can just run maintenancetool.
QProcess process;
process.start("maintenancetool --checkupdates");
// Wait until the update tool is finished
if(process.error() != QProcess::UnknownError)
qDebug() << "Error checking for updates";
return false;
// Read the output
QByteArray data = process.readAllStandardOutput();
// No output means no updates available
// Note that the exit code will also be 1, but we don't use that
// Also note that we should parse the output instead of just checking if it is empty if we want specific update info
qDebug() << "No updates available";
return false;
// Call the maintenance tool binary
// Note: we start it detached because this application need to close for the update
QStringList args("--updater");
bool success = QProcess::startDetached("maintenancetool", args);
// Close the application

In the latest Qt Installer Framework 4.1 --checkupdates returns nothing, use ch or check-updates instead.
in, install - install default or selected packages - <pkg ...>
ch, check-updates - show available updates information on maintenance tool
up, update - update all or selected packages - <pkg ...>
rm, remove - uninstall packages and their child components - <pkg ...>
li, list - list currently installed packages - <regexp>
se, search - search available packages - <regexp>
co, create-offline - create offline installer from selected packages - <pkg ...>
pr, purge - uninstall all packages and remove entire program directory

I just found a pretty nice implementation on GitHub:
It takes care of handling Windows, MacOS and Linux. + It is written to use in QML / Qt Quick bindings (+ example).
It has some Japanese comments, but is Apache 2.0 licensed, so freely to use (following Apache 2.0 requirement).

There's a section in the guide about how to do it, but they call it promoting updates rather than auto updates, IFW Updates on doc.qt.io.


Issue: Audit usage of navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform

I started a new project in vue.js. I added navbar. At one point, I noticed issue in the console:
Audit usage of navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform
I don't understand this, because I don't use any navigator in the project.
Why am I seeing this issue? How can I change it?
The reason one sees the message is well explained in the description of the very same message (audit).
The real question is who/what is the source of it. There is a hint to the file extended-css.js.
Here is an example with another file (as I do not have the extended-css.js):
Right click on the file and then choose Open in new tab.
So there you can see that the reason for the audit message is the hook.js file from the Vue.js devtools extension.
In your case it would be another extension or library you are using - direct or indirect (for example a part of vuetify, etc.).
From there you have 3 choices:
ignore it
wait for the authors of the library to fix the issue and update it
disable the extension/remove the library causing it.
Is helpful to read. Some key points:
"Beginning in M92, we plan to start sending deprecation notices for the navigator.userAgent,
navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform getters in the DevTools Issues tab."
"If your site, service, library or application relies on certain bits of information being present in the User Agent string such as Chrome minor version, OS version number, or Android device model, you will need to begin the migration to use the User Agent Client Hints API instead."
I know I am not using the navigator getters in question so at this point, it seems I can only wait for an update to the library's .js
(in my case, bootstrap 4) to make the warning go away.

Firebase dynamic link is not resolving in Xamarin Forms iOS

I am using Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.DynamicLinks for dynamic links, Earlier it was working fine but recently it is not working. While trying to extract the short link, long link getting null. Is anyone knows why it is not working?
I have updated to the latest version (4.0.1) and its working fine. It not working any of the previous version of NuGet packages.
To answer your question. The Dynamic links are not working either on Firebase's end who choose to discontinue their old library or due to the newest IOS update 13.3. I say this because my app that is in production had its links working fine then they suddenly stopped working.
My current solution was to update Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.DynamicLinks to (4.0.1) and I was able to once again process the long url with its parameters.
A few things to note if you have other libraries such as Firestore, Analytics, Notifications etc.
You might run into linker failed exceptions. They occur because
Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.DynamicLinks ( and prior depended on
Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.Core (>= 5.1.3) and the working
Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.DynamicLinks ( references
Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.Core (>= Somehow they reference methods that are no longer available.
The linking failed is fixed by checking each of your nuGets and manually installing their respective nuGets that reference ...iOS.Core (>= : For example:
if you use Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.Storage (2.0.0) manually install
Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.Storage ( because
Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.Storage (2.0.0) references
Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.Storage (>= 3.0.2) which in turn references:
Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.Core (>= 5.1.3) and it will cause native linking failed
And lastly, in my case Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.DynamicLinks ( will make your method for generating ShortLinks, stop working too:
In Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.DynamicLinks ( you would build your
DynamicLinkComponents with:
var shareLink = DynamicLinkComponents.FromLink(linkParameters,
Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.DynamicLinks ( recomends you use
DynamicLinkComponents.Create(YOURlinkParameters, "YOUR_DOMAIN.page.link");
but it would return a null DynamicLinkComponents so i fixed by doing:
var shareLink = new DynamicLinkComponents();
shareLink.Link = YOURlinkParameters;
shareLink.Domain = "https://YOUR_DOMAIN.page.link";
I spent a week trying to troubleshoot this error and really hope others are able to see this and save you valuable time.
A work around to get Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.DynamicLinks working (should work on as well) is to have the IOS device open the link in the browser which will then redirect them back to the app.
The flow is Dynamic link > App [short link] > Browser > App with [long link].
Dynamic links are formatted "domain.page.link/ShortSequence" and long links parameters have "domain.page.link/?". You can look for the '?' to decide weather to process url or to redirect user as follows:
public override bool ContinueUserActivity(UIApplication application,
NSUserActivity userActivity, UIApplicationRestorationHandler completionHandler)
if (userActivity.ActivityType == NSUserActivityType.BrowsingWeb)
var sharedLink = userActivity.WebPageUrl;
if (!sharedLink.ToString().Contains("domain.page.link/?")){
await Launcher.OpenAsync(new Uri(sharedLink.ToString()));
var handled = DynamicLinks.SharedInstance.FromUniversalLinkUrl(sharedLink);
//Process your DynamicLink parameters
return true;

SBT - watch different sources depending on Task

In a cross Scala JS server / client project, I want changes of some sources to restart the server and other sources to trigger the packaging process, but without the restart. Different tasks will not help because they will simply do one or the other and I want both at the same time.
In more detail:
I've got a Scala.js crossProject. I'm using the following to ensure the server can serve the built JavScript:
val app = crossProject.settings(...)
lazy val appJS = app.js
lazy val jsFile = fastOptJS in(appJS, Compile)
lazy val appJVM = app.jvm.settings(
(resources in Compile) += jsFile.value.data,
(resources in Compile) += jsFile.value.data.toPath.resolveSibling(jsFile.value.data.name+".map").toFile,
(resources in Compile) += (packageJSDependencies in(appJS, Compile)).value
If I run ~ appJVM/compile:packageBin::packageConfiguration then changes to the JavaScript source are immediately compiled and placed in the appJVM target/classes dir, so a refresh of the browser gets my new code - brilliant.
However, I would also like to use the sbt-revolver plugin to restart the server if I edit server-side code. But there's the rub - if I use ~ ;appJVM/compile:packageBin::packageConfiguration;appJVM/reStart then changes to the client side source restart the server, which I don't want. But if I remove the client side project from the transitive watch then it no longer notices if I change the client side project.
Is there a way to define watchTransitiveSources differently per task?
~ is actually a command that watches the transitive sources of the base project and then synchronously runs everything passed as an argument to it when those change, before re-running the original input (including ~). It does not make any information about what has changed available to those command line inputs (difficult to see how it could).
Consequently the solution I came to is to write a new watch command. It also needs to watch all sources, but then conditionally choose what to do based on which files have changed.
I've hacked something ugly as anything together that does this, but will look at making it more legible, general, tested and a Plugin. However, in the meantime anyone trying to follow my path can use this public gist: https://gist.github.com/LeisureMonitoringAdmin/0eb2e775e47b40f07d9e6d58d17b6d52
Are you sure you are using sbt-resolver not sbt-revolver ?
Because the second one allows controlling the triggered resources using
watchSources - defines the files for a single project that are
monitored for changes. By default, a project watches resources and
Scala and Java sources.
watchTransitiveSources - then combines the
watchSources for the current project and all execution and classpath
dependencies (see .scala build definition for details on interProject
Source: http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/docs/Triggered-Execution.html

Enterprise Library not logging in setup project

I need your opinion on this: Is it possible to use enterprise library logging dll in the setup project?
Here's what I did:
I created a setup project which will call a windows form to install the database. When I installed the project, it did call the windows form. However, when I click on the "Install" button, it seems that there's a problem and I don't know where it is. Then another popup message is displayed which said that it cannot locate the logging configuration.
But the config file for the windows form is there which includes the configuration for the logging dll. I don't have any idea where to look into.
Please help me with this?
Below is the error message:
I observed that when I run the exe file as is, the enterprise library logging config works. But with the setup project, it does not look for it. Any help on this?
Below is the code for this:
public partial class IPWInstaller : Installer
public IPWInstaller()
public override void Install(IDictionary stateSaver)
string targetPath = Context.Parameters["TargetDir"];
InstallDatabase db = new InstallDatabase(targetPath);
DialogResult dbResult = db.ShowDialog();
if (dbResult != DialogResult.OK)
throw new InstallException("Database is not installed.");
ConfigureFiles config = new ConfigureFiles(targetPath);
DialogResult configResult = config.ShowDialog();
if (configResult != DialogResult.OK)
throw new InstallException("Config files are not saved correctly.");
I tried to set the value of a certain configuration to my messagebox. This is the result of it when I run the install project.
Is there a way to call my app.config in the setup project
There are at least a couple of things that can go wrong.
The app is not running as it would if you ran it as an interactive user. It is being called from an msiexec.exe process that knows nothing about your intended environment, such as working directory. None of the automatic things that happen because you run from an explorer shell will happen. Any paths you use need to be full and explicit. I think you may need to explicitly load your settings file.
Something else that can happen in a per machine install is that custom actions run with the system account so any code which assumes you have access to databases, user profile items like folders can fail.
Another problem is that Windows Forms often don't work well when called from a VS custom action. It's not something that works very well because that environment is not the STA threading model that is required for window messages etc.
In general it's better to run these config programs after the install the first time the app starts because then you are in a normal environment, debugging and testing is straightforward, and if the db gets lost the user could run the program again to recreate it instead of uninstalling and reinstalling the setup.

App crashes when using MagicalRecord in release build

Our app uses MagicalRecord to store data in Core Data. It have worked fine so far, but now, after adding fields to my tables, the app crashes, but only in release builds.
When I upgrade via cable, it works just fine, but when I use Ad-Hoc (Enterprise) distribtion to upgrade the app, the app crashes.
The problem is I don't get any debug data on the crash because of this. The only thing I get is a "exited abnormally with signal 11: Segmentation fault: 11" error.
Crash report:
I assume the issue might be related to needing migration, but I can't find any good documentation on how this is supposed to work. Any pointers in the right direction is welcome.
More info -
Before updating my datamodel, i had a store called PAM.sqlite, and a non-versioned store called PAM.xcdatamodeld. Now i have a versioned store, called PAM & PAM 2.
I use this code to attempt an automigration, but it does not work:
[MagicalRecord setDefaultModelNamed:#"PAM 2.xcdatamodel"];
[MagicalRecord setupCoreDataStackWithAutoMigratingSqliteStoreNamed:#"PAM.sqlite"];
You need to specify the extenstion of the data model (e.g. MyProjectDB.momd)
so, the code syntax would be:
[MagicalRecord setDefaultModelNamed:#"MyProjectDB.momd"];
Found the answer here
I had the same issue. Try to add new version in xcdatamodeld. Then activate it as current. Open it in finder. Choose show package content. You will see two files for both of your versions. Replace the one for old version with non-versioned file from your old build. Use this
[MagicalRecord setupCoreDataStackWithAutoMigratingSqliteStoreNamed:#"PAM.sqlite"];
So your project will have two versions of db. And will have an ability to migrate automatically.
Default settings of MagicalRecord for iOS (https://github.com/magicalpanda/MagicalRecord) is something like this
#ifdef DEBUG
[self setShouldDeleteStoreOnModelMismatch:YES];
[self setShouldDeleteStoreOnModelMismatch:NO];
That means,If there is change in database model in DEBUG mode,they will simply delete older version of data model.I believe this has been fixed in latest version of Magical record.
If not, change it to
#ifdef DEBUG
[self setShouldDeleteStoreOnModelMismatch:NO];
[self setShouldDeleteStoreOnModelMismatch:NO];
and fix migration code
