How i can send an unsubscribes link into a mail for the user on wordpress site - wordpress

I have an option in the admin section of the site that is built with WordPress from there i can send email for each subscriber with some contents and images or anything that i want. now i want to send an unsubscribe link with email that will sent to the user.Any help on this will be appriciated.

You just want them to unsubscribe so that you can't mail them or you want to delete there account as well. Also, are you using any plugin for the same?


Wordpress ecommerce email

I have to deliver a WordPress eCommerce website but what if I give the role of editor to my client will he still get emails about the orders received on the website? Actually this is my first eCommerce website
The e-commerce email (the address that receives the order notification) should have it's Name and password, it is sure that he can receive the received order notification from the email if you provide him with the credentials of this email address. If he could access the website on the backend he could also access the orders.
You just have to write the email of the client in the Settings section of the WordPress. Your client will still get emails.
He can even get the emails without getting the complete access to the wordpress. This is how I am doing it for my client at maheenandco. You just need to put his email address. You can use multiple emails. You will find the option in woo commerce settings.

Not able to integrate MailChimp with my WordPress Site

I have created a new website using wordpress and elementor pro. Main purpose of building this website is to collect email IDs.
In return on email ID, I’m giving away an opt in.
The problem I’m having is when someone enters their email ID and clicks on “Sign up”, the opt in I have created in templates of mail chimp isn’t going in their mailbox (not even in spam).
I believe the issue to linking the opt in with that form. I’m not sure.
Can someone please guide me how do I fix this?
Thank you
When they click "sign up" the form is not supposed to send an email to you, it is supposed to send that user/email to your MailChimp list on
Therefore first check if the information goes to your MailChimp. If it does, you can then contact MailChimp support to get help on how to configure email notifications once a user is added to a list.
And if it is not sending to your list then the issue may be with your setup/API/plugin. We cannot troubleshoot that without a login access or link.

woocomerce - admin is not received any email when order is placed

I have set all parameters in woocomerce -> settings-> email-> new order , processing etc but email is not sended to admin or email id which i have provided in these option. Yes, email is sending to customer which has purchase items of site. Means email is working for customer but not for admin.. I have tried to change status of order but still mail is sended to customer but not admin. Can you help me to get out of this.
Try deactivating all other plugins besides WooCommerce to see if that helps. WooCommerce uses the wp_mail provided by WordPress. As long as other emails are sent, this one should be sent.
A few things to look for:
Make sure New Order emails are enabled in WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > New Order.
Be sure the order is not placed on Pending Order. Keep in mind those emails are not sent to you since the order hasn't been completed yet thus no email.
A spam blocker might be the cause of the issue. The best way to avoid this try a dedicated SMTP provider like Mandrill which resolves most issues with emails not sending from the host. Mandrill has a free plugin.
Hope that helps!
Is it the WordPress admin email? I've just had this problem on version 4.1; i was not able to use the wordpress admin email as recipient of emails from new orders; but any other email i set for recipient when new orders worked just fine; all except the wordPress admin email. Weird hu? I guess i'll have to deal with that later.

Autoresponder Email goes to spam folder using contact form 7 plugin in Wordpress

I am using contact form plugin to create a form and to send email. When i click on submit button. auto responder email is goes in spam folder.
my domain is
It happens for various reasons. Usually it is solved by using SMTP to send mail.
This plugin will probably help you:

How do I display mails sent from a WP contact form?

actually i am doing contact us form. in there i used one plug in. sending mails to admin...fine. but at the same i want to display at admin side. how to do? i am new to wordpress.
When you send emails to an admin, you can see those in the admins mailbox. They're not "messages" of any special kind. If you want those, you can use comments on posts.
