Hi I am not a Scripter but trying to learn.Trying to find out why this script won't work I found it on here but I am unable to identify how to fix the issues it has.
PS C:\windows> Param (
[array]$Users = #(Get-Content "C:\Temp\Users.txt"),
[string]$oldserver = srvmanfiler
[string]$Newserver = SrvmanArchive
$Users | ForEach { Robocopy "\\$oldserver\Users\Homedrives\$_" "\\$newserver\Archive\\Homedrives\" /COPY:DAT /v }
At line:3 char:22
+ [string]$oldserver = srvmanfiler
+ ~
Missing expression after '='.
At line:3 char:20
+ [string]$oldserver = srvmanfiler
+ ~
Missing ')' in function parameter list.
At line:5 char:1
+ )
+ ~
Unexpected token ')' in expression or statement.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingExpressionAfterToken
PS C:\windows> enter code here
Fixed it now does what I require which is Move the folders using SamAccount Names to the Destination the full syntax is :
Param (
[array]$Users = #(Get-Content "C:\Temp\Aliases.txt"),
[string]$oldserver = "srvmanFiler",
[string]$Newserver = "SrvmanArchive"
$Users | ForEach { Robocopy "\\$oldserver\Users\Homedrives\$_" "\\$newserver\Archive\\Homedrives\$_" /COPY:DAT /E /Move /V }
I am trying to restrict the output here to a specific account type, but I'm not sure how I add that AND clause. The Retool has a search for account name, and a selector for country - but I only want to pull out Type = 'Indirect Reseller' - just struggling to make that work as my SQL knowledge isn't good enough.
FROM Account
{{search.value == "" ? (select_industry.value['0'] == null ? '' : " WHERE ( BillingCountryCode LIKE " + "'" + select_industry.value.join("' OR BillingCountryCode LIKE '") + "')") : " WHERE ( Name LIKE " + "'%" + search.value + "%'" + " OR Website LIKE " + "'%" + search.value + "%'" + ")" + (select_industry.value['0'] == null ? '' : " AND ( BillingCountryCode LIKE " + "'" + select_industry.value.join("' OR BillingCountryCode LIKE '") + "')")}}
This works, but I want to limit to Indirect Reseller account types
So I am kinda new with Pyrogram and I want to create my own Genshin Bot. After using the command redeem code, I want the message to be taken and stored as variable. so can anyone help me with that
after taking the code as input from user I would be able to use genshin.py api wrapper to redeem code. Just need help with getting message and storing it as variable.
import genshin
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pyrogram import Client, filters
global chatid
chatid = 842544591
global uid
uid = os.getenv("uid")
ltuid = os.getenv("ltuid")
ltoken = os.getenv("ltoken")
cookie_token = os.getenv("cookie_token")
api_id = os.getenv("api_id")
api_hash = os.getenv("api_hash")
bot_token = os.getenv("bot_token")
cookies = {"ltuid": ltuid,
"ltoken": ltoken,
"cookie_token": cookie_token,
"uid": uid}
client = genshin.Client(cookies)
bot = Client(
"Genshin Bot",
def start_command(bot, message):
"Welcome to Genshin Auto Tasks Bot.\nFor Getting Started Use /help command.")
def help_command(bot, message):
message.reply_text("This is Bot's Help Section")
async def get_notes(bot, message):
data = await client.get_full_genshin_user(uid)
notes = await client.get_notes(uid)
active_days = (data.stats.days_active)
total_characters = (data.stats.characters)
abyss_total_stars = (data.abyss.previous.total_stars)
resin_count = notes.current_resin
resin_recovery_time = notes.remaining_resin_recovery_time
await message.reply_text("Pranay Asia" + "\n" +
"uid : " + str(uid) + "\n" +
"-----------------------------------------------------------------" + "\n" +
"Resin Count: " + str(resin_count) + "/" + str(notes.max_resin) + "\n" +
"Countdown to next resin recovery: " + str(resin_recovery_time) + "\n" +
"Total No. of Active Days: " + str(active_days) + "\n" +
"Total No. of Characters: " + str(total_characters) + "\n" +
"Total Stars in Abyss: " + str(abyss_total_stars)
def redeem_code(bot, message):
message.reply_text("Send the Code to Redeem")
try message.text
I use it as a userbot but nothing changes so much. This piece of code saves the sent message to a variable and filters out the command itself. For a bot it will be easier: answer = message.text
#app.on_message(filters.command("ns", prefixes=".") & filters.text)
async def EXAMPLE(_,msg):
orig_text = msg.text.split(".ns ", maxsplit=1)[1]
text = orig_text
I'm using tSqlt to unit test a stored procedure. This stored proc joins to a table-valued function, the function takes no parameters and the results are filtered via the join on clause.
I'm writing multiple tests for the stored proc. Is there a way to to fake the function in such a way that I could return different results based on the test that is being run.
The only solution I can think of is to create a fake per test, which is possible but a little more than clunky.
I imagine an ideal solution would be some sort of variable exposed in tsqlt that would allow me to determine which test I'm in and use some sort of case statement or something.
I use following procedure for that. It is not ideal, but working:
CREATE PROCEDURE [tSQLt].[FakeFunction2]
#FunctionName VARCHAR(200)
, #SchemaName VARCHAR(200) = 'dbo'
, #tmpTableName VARCHAR(200)
DECLARE #Params VARCHAR(2000);
DECLARE #NewName VARCHAR(MAX) = #FunctionName + REPLACE(CAST(NEWID() AS VARCHAR(100)), '-', '');
DECLARE #FunctionNameWithSchema VARCHAR(MAX) = #SchemaName + '.' + #FunctionName;
DECLARE #RenameCmd VARCHAR(MAX) = 'EXEC sp_rename ''' + #FunctionNameWithSchema + ''', ''' + #NewName + ''';';
DECLARE #newTbleName VARCHAR(200) = #SchemaName + '.tmp' + REPLACE(CAST(NEWID() AS VARCHAR(100)), '-', '');
DECLARE #newTblStmt VARCHAR(2000) = 'SELECT * INTO ' + #newTbleName + ' FROM ' + #tmpTableName;
EXEC tSQLt.SuppressOutput #command = #newTblStmt;
SELECT #Params = p.params
( SELECT DISTINCT ( SELECT p1.name + ' ' + type1.name + b.brk + ',' AS [text()]
FROM sys.types type1
JOIN sys.parameters p1 ON p1.system_type_id = type1.system_type_id
( SELECT CASE WHEN type1.name LIKE '%char' OR type1.name = 'varbinary' THEN
'(' + CAST(p1.max_length AS VARCHAR(5)) + ')', '-1', 'MAX')
WHEN type1.name IN ('decimal', 'numeric') THEN
'(' + CAST(p1.precision AS VARCHAR(5)) + ', '
+ CAST(p1.scale AS VARCHAR(5)) + ')'
WHEN type1.name IN ('datetime2') THEN
'(' + CAST(p1.scale AS VARCHAR(5)) + ')'
END AS brk) b
WHERE p1.object_id = p.object_id
ORDER BY p1.parameter_id
FOR XML PATH('')) [parameters]
FROM sys.objects AS o
LEFT JOIN sys.parameters AS p ON p.object_id = o.object_id
LEFT JOIN sys.types AS t ON t.system_type_id = p.system_type_id
WHERE o.name = #FunctionName AND o.schema_id = SCHEMA_ID(#SchemaName)) [Main]
(SELECT LEFT(Main.[parameters], LEN(Main.[parameters]) - 1) params) AS p;
EXEC tSQLt.SuppressOutput #command = #RenameCmd;
DECLARE #newFunctionStmt VARCHAR(MAX) = '';
SET #newFunctionStmt = 'CREATE FUNCTION [' + #SchemaName + '].[' + #FunctionName + '](' + COALESCE(#Params,'') + ')';
SET #newFunctionStmt = #newFunctionStmt + ' RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN (SELECT * FROM ' + #newTbleName + ');';
EXEC tSQLt.SuppressOutput #command = #newFunctionStmt;
and usage:
, col2
, col3)
('a', 'b', 'c'),
('d', 'e', 'f');
EXEC tSQLt.FakeFunction2 #FunctionName = 'function_name'
, #SchemaName = 'dbo'
, #tmpTableName = '#table';
now with any passed parameter to that function it will always return the values from #table temp table
I thought of one potential solution.
I create a table within the test class schema and populate it with the results I wish to be returned per test.
CREATE TABLE testcalass.fakefunction_Results
Value NUMERIC(12, 5)
CREATE FUNCTION testcalass.fakefunction()
Value NUMERIC(12, 5)
INSERT INTO #results
SELECT ID, Value FROM testcalass.fakefunction_Results
So basically, I can populate is functions results at the top of my tests during the assemble section.
Have a query like this,
select *
from job_profile
where case
when exists (
select 1
from job_profile
where screening_type_id = 2 and job_category_id = 4
then screening_type_id = 2 and job_category_id = 4
else screening_type_id =4
which I need to write this in JPA.
+ " WHEN EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM JobVaccination jobvacc2 WHERE jobvacc2.jobCategoryMast.jobCategoryId=:jobCategoryId AND jobvacc2.screeningTypeMast.screeningTypeId=:screeningTypeId )"
+ " THEN jobvacc.jobCategoryMast.jobCategoryId=4 AND jobvacc.screeningTypeMast.screeningTypeId=2 "
+ " ELSE jobvacc.screeningTypeMast.screeningTypeId=2"
+ " END";
Tried this way which throws exception like "Caused by: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: = near line 1, column 260 [SELECT............."
Cant we write the case queries in JPA ?
Refereed this link https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Java_Persistence/JPQL_BNF#New_in_JPA_2.0 which says yes.
I am using the crystal report, in that i am using code like below to show the SQL data into the crystal report,
string req = "{View_EODPumpTest.ROId} IN " + str + " AND " + "({View_EODPumpTest.RecordCreatedDate}>=date(" + fromDate.Year + " , " + fromDate.Month + " , " + fromDate.Day + ")" + "AND" + "{View_EODPumpTest.RecordCreatedDate}<=date(" + toDate.Year + " , " + toDate.Month + " ," + toDate.Day + " ))";
ReportDocument rep = new ReportDocument();
DateTime fromDate = DateTime.Parse(Request.QueryString["fDate"].ToString());
DateTime toDate = DateTime.Parse(Request.QueryString["tDate"].ToString());
CrystalReportViewer_PumpTest.ReportSource = rep;
//CrystalReportViewer1.SelectionFormula = str;
rep.RecordSelectionFormula = str;
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject from = ((CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)rep.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["txtFrom"]);
from.Text = fromDate.ToShortDateString();
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject to = ((CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)rep.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["txtTO"]);
to.Text = toDate.ToShortDateString();
//Session["Repo"] = rep;
after running my application it executes fine with no exception but such error i am getting,
A number range is required here. Error in File C:\DOCUME~1\Delmon\LOCALS~1\Temp\PumpTestReport {14E557A7-51B3-4791-9C78-B6FBAFFBD87C}.rpt: Error in formula . '{View_EODPumpTest.ROId} IN ['15739410','13465410'] AND ({View_EODPumpTest.RecordCreatedDate}>=date(2010 , 12 , 1)AND{View_EODPumpTest.RecordCreatedDate}<=date(2010 , 12 ,25 ))' A number range is required here.
what i will do for this?
Please help,
Thanks in advance
You've not included the definition of 'str' in your code sample, but I'd guess that it's a comma-separated set of values. For Crystal to interpret this you have to put the value range inside [ and ], not the standard ( and ) you might use in SQL. Eg,
{View_EODPumpTest.ROId} IN [1,2,3,4,5,6]