autoform won't render select option field - meteor

I have an issue regarding collection2 with relationships and autoform.
I try to implement an 1:n relationship, where each object has exactly 1 objectType, while to each objectType multiple objects can be referred to.
My schema looks as follows:
// register collections
Objects = new Mongo.Collection('objects');
ObjectTypes = new Mongo.Collection('objectTypes');
// define schema
var Schemas = {};
Schemas.ObjectType = new SimpleSchema({ // object type schema
name: {
type: String
Schemas.Object = new SimpleSchema({ // object schema
type: {
type: ObjectTypes.Schema,
optional: true
title: {
type: String
// attach schemas
My autoform looks like this:
{{> quickForm collection="Objects" id="insertTestForm" type="insert"}}
I actually would expect a select option field for my type attribute, however, a text input appears. Anyone knows why?
According to the documentation [1], it should be a select option field:
If you use a field that has a type that is a Mongo.Collection instance, autoform will automatically provide select options based on _id and name fields from the related Mongo.Collection. You may override with your own options to use a field other than name or to show a limited subset of all documents. You can also use allowedValues to limit which _ids should be shown in the options list.
If I use
type: ObjectTypes,
instead of
type: ObjectTypes.Schema,
my app crashes, throwing the following error:
Your app is crashing. Here's the latest log.
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Exited with code: 8
Your application is crashing. Waiting for file change.

Your type isn't "a Mongo.Collection instance" like the documentation says; it's a Schema. Try this:
Schemas.Object = new SimpleSchema({
type: {
type: ObjectTypes,
optional: true

Since nobody could help me solve this incident, I came up with an alternate solution:
// register collections
Objects = new Mongo.Collection('objects');
ObjectTypes = new Mongo.Collection('objectTypes');
// define schema
var Schemas = {};
Schemas.Object = new SimpleSchema({ // object schema
type: {
type: String,
optional: true,
autoform: {
return ObjectTypes.find().map(function(c) {
return{label:, value: c._id}
// ...
// attach schema
As u can see, I manually map the attributes I need from the objectTypes collection into the autoform attribute. Since it returns an array of objects, containing the label and value attributes, autoform will automatically render a select option.


How do I reference another collection as a field in a Meteor Schema

I'm using meteor simple schema, and autoform. I would like to have a reference to one type of object in the schema of the other. The two schemas are defined in separate files, I would also like to populate autoform with a dropdown of the possible references, and I'm unclear how to do this.
I've tried
type: Venues,
label: "Venue",
type: SimpleSchema.Venues,
label: "Venue",
and neither works
First you have to define your schema like this:
VenueSchema = new SimpleSchema({
title: {
type: String,
label: "Title",
max: 200
Than you can in another schema declare an attribute Venue
CustomerSchema = new SimpleSchema({
venue: {
type: VenueSchema
//an array of venues
venues: {
type: [VenueSchema],
minCount: 1
Take a look on basic usage of simpleSchema docs ->
I hope that helps.

Simple Schema and multiple forms

I have a user profile schema that looks sort of like this:
Schema.UserProfile = new SimpleSchema({
name: {
type: String,
optional: false
gender: {
type: String,
optional: false,
allowedValues: ['Male', 'Female']
location: {
type: String,
optional: false
age: {
type: Number,
optional: false
My registration form requires the user to select their gender on it. Once registered, the user is presented with another form to fill out the rest of the data: name, location, and age.
Here's the problem: When the user tries to register, I get the error: Name is required. The user isn't suppose to enter their name until they register.
What is the proper approach to only validating data that is actually being saved on a specific form?
Here is my registration script:
var data = {};
var profile = {}; = $('#email').val();
data.password = $('#password').val();
profile.gender = $('#gender').val();
data.profile = profile;
Accounts.createUser(data, function (error) {
// do
// ERROR: Name is required
When the user actually registers, they're presented with a form to fill the other data in. The form submit calls a method that the tries to update the profile object.
By using the option optional: false you are making it mandatory whenever creating the object.
One solution could be to use myCollection.insert(); with the flag validate: false instead of createUser().
myCollection.insert(doc, {validate: false});
This will not trigger the error, since is skipping the validation.
I would personally not use this way, but it might be a solution.
You can use SimpleSchema's pick command to select certain elements from a schema. That way you can have multiple schemas derived from the same original schema definition.
Schemas.UserProfileRegistration1 = Schemas.UserProfile.pick(['gender']);
Schemas.UserProfileRegistration2 = Schemas.UserProfile.pick(['name', 'location', 'age']);

Meteor - Validations on structured data with simple schema / autoform

I'm have some simple schema which I'm using with autoform:
Schemas.studentRecord = new SimpleSchema({
'common.FName': { // note that this field is nested
type: String,
optional: false,
label: "First Name",
max: 50
Inserting a document using this schema works fine. Updating it does too. The problem is that when I'm nesting data the optional: false validation is not running, it's just ignored - meaning I can insert empty documents. However use the following schema without nesting it works:
Schemas.studentRecord = new SimpleSchema({
'commonFName': { // note that this field is no longer nested
type: String,
optional: false,
label: "First Name",
max: 50
So my question is, can I validate nested data or must I keep it unstructured for validation?
Solution was to include 'common' as part of the schema:
'common': {
type: Object

How to create AutoForm field in Meteor to select a record from another collection and save it as a subdocument?

I've been struggling with this for a couple of hours and I can't find a good solution so maybe someone can shed a light on this.
I have a simple schema like this:
var groupschema = new SimpleSchema({
name: {
label: 'Name',
type: String
description: {
label: 'Description',
type: String
And I have another one:
var itemschema = new SimpleSchema({
name: {
label: 'Type:',
type: String
details: {
label: 'Details',
type: String
group: [groupschema] // <--- this is my main interest
If I use the above code sample AutoForm will generate an "inner form" which is quite cool actually for some puporse (e.g. for a contact to have an array of adresses or phone numbers) but for me I would like a drop-down select with the name of the group and when I click on the Insert/Update button (depending on the current form) I would like to add the whole group document to the inserted/updated item document as a subdocument.
Something like this will be inserted to the mongodb:
_id: the generated mongoid,
name: "This is a type",
details: "There are some thing to know about this type",
name: "Cool group",
description: "This is a really cool group"
The actual documents are far more complicated the above example is just an oversimplified version.
I've stopped writing this question yesterday and tried to do my own version.
My - half baked - solution is:
introducing a new field in the schema named groupselect (type string, autoform type: select)
populate it's contents with a Collection.find().map() lookup
groupselect: {
type: String,
label: 'Group',
optional: true,
blackbox: true,
type: "select",
options : function() {
return Issuegroup.find().map(function (c) {
return {label: , value: c._id};
using autoform hooks before insert I assign the subdocument to the real fiel group = Group.find({_id:doc.groupselect}) and I remove the helper field from the doc
using the same technique in the before update hook also for an update form
The problem I seem to be unable to solve in a clean way is to set the default value of the helper field 'groupselect' when the update form displays. I've tried the docToForm hooks but no luck.
Isn't this somehow a very common problem? I imagine there has to be a proper solution for this so I bet that I am missing something very obvious and hopefully someone will point it out for me.

Datatype validation error - MeteorJS/Autoform/SimpleSchema/Embedded Simple Schema

I am using Simple Schema,collection hooks and Autoform packages in Meteor and I am trying to update a Embedded object in my schema in the after update collection hook. I feel I might doing something silly, but was just unable to solve this problem. I am getting the exeption while saving: Exception while invoking method '/providers/update' Error: 0 must be an integer
My schema:
Schemas.Providers = new SimpleSchema({
email: {
type: String,
label: 'Email Address',
autoValue: function() {
if (this.isInsert || this.isUpdate) {
return Meteor.user().emails[0].address;
autoform: {
afFieldInput: {
type: 'email'
officelocation: {
type: String,
label: 'Location of Office',
location: {
type: [LocationSchema],
The collection hook that works:
Providers.after.update(function (userId, doc) {
var oldDoc = this.previous;{_id: doc._id},{$set: {location:{
The collection hook that does not work.. Ideally I should not be updating after the collection update, but wanted to make sure this works:
Providers.after.update(function (userId, doc) {
var oldDoc = this.previous;
var array=[];
var iArray=doc.officelocation.split(",");
array.push(Number(iArray[0])){_id: doc._id},{$set: {location:[{
Looking at what you are trying to store, use parseInt instead of Number that you are using. It will return an integer that mongo can store.
The issue is not with the method that you are using. It is with the way you are storing data in mongo. Show us how your LocationSchema looks like.
Mongo uses a different number format that what javascript uses. In javascript, a Number can be an integer, a float, a decimal or anything that you want. Mongo has very strict demands when it comes to integer or floats.
Overall, what it means is that if you want to store an accurate decimal number in mongo (which I suspect what you are trying to do), you have to either store it as a string (you loose the ability to do direct mongo operation such as $inc $gt etc) or divide it into two parts and store separably. The third option is to store it as a float which isn't accurate an is only useful if you want some kind of approximate value.
