Access Local Host Web Application in another Computer -

We copied a web application in IIS. When I browse using local host the application is working.We would like to access the same application in another computer within the network without Internet.
The hosted PC will act as a dummy server and the client computer should access the application smoothly as localhost surfing.
Please help.If we put the IP Address the application can access.Is there any another option to access the application within the network without IP browsing.

It is really depends from your local network configuration. Do you have a DNS? Anyways, you can try to reach your server by its computer name (Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System).


remote access to iis website by ip addess

I developed an mvc website and deployed it to my local IIS with success. I can access to the website by localhost:8080/site
I wanted to access the website from remote pc, I binded my website to the ip of my pc (windows 10) (the external ip with the routeur), I added a rule to the inbound calls for the port of the website with the windows firewall manager but I can't access the website remotely by the address http://ip-adress:port/website, I get timeout error.
How can I access this website
We made a VS Extension called Conveyor, you can get it from the extensions dialog or it tunnels through firewalls to allow access to your website from outside, even if incoming calls are blocked by your ISP, as mentioned in the comments. Intranet Application in local Networks with out IP

I developed an (2.0) intranet Application for local network in an organisation..
so we have 10 systems every one should access that site by :// name) ...
so now their requirement is not to type total ip adress.they need just by typing ://xyz they have to browse the intranet to solve this issue..?
Go to every one of this 10 computers, and in this directory
find the host file and add the conversion of ip to name as xyz
and then you can access the site as http://xyz
Talk to your network admin about setting up a DNS entry for your application in the local DNS server. If you have multiple web sites running on your web server, look into configuring IIS host headers to ensure the users get directed to the proper web application.
Please do not manually edit the hosts file on each machine unless it is absolutely, positively necessary, and only do so as a last resort. When your 10-machine application expands to 100, or if your server IP ever changes, you will thank me later :) Application Accessible to other machines

I have application..its runnning on my localhost.. i need one more machine to access that application.. but when in tht link i type my IP address instead of localhost.. it showing cannot find server.. can you plz tell me steps what i need to do in orderr to access appplication to other machine.. as such there is no UAT server as of now...
First off, make sure your firewall allows access through port 80.
Then, check if your IIS allows access from outside IP's.
I can help more if you provide this:
Your OS (XP, Windows 7, etc)
the local link to your app. Is there a port number needed to access the app?
LaterEdit: Ok, then you need to do this:
Now, your app will be served by IIS on port 80 (default). Check your firewall to allow traffic through this port.
If you IIS is set for another port, then use that one.
Checking the port in IIS:
I'm going to assume that you are running the application from Visual studio which allows the localhost to run.
In order for your application to be available to other machines on the network, you have to ensure that IIS is installed on your development machine and then a website is set up for that application as well.
The application existing in IIS is what will make it accessible across your network.

Accessing remote web application using LogMeIn Hamachi2

I am trying to remotely access a web application hosted on the office LAN.
I have setup LogMeIN Hamachi and I can connect to an office machine and see shared resources (folders and printers) on that machine.
I selected a Hub-and-spoke network and made the machine with the web app the hub.
While in the office I type in my browser to get access to the web app.
However, when I try to do the same remotely I get the message "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at"
So I see that the IP address to the computer I have VPN-ed to is and so I try to gain access to the web app by replacing the office LAN's IP with the Hamachi IP (I can only post one hyperlink hence the verbose alternative )
I get the same error message as before, only this time with the HAMACHI IP address.
I can access all the shared resources but can not access the web app.
Is it possible to do what am attempting - remotely access a web application on office server?
If so what am I doing wrong / not doing ?
1) Check if your Windows Personal Firewall setting blocks connections from Hamachi's 5.x.x.x IP address ranges.
2) Check if your Web Server listens on 5.x.x.x. You can find it out by this command:
netstat -na
Look for local address of "" which is in the state of "LISTENING".
3) Replace Hamachi with different VPN provider, like
(Disclosure: I work for the Remobo team)

Cannot access web application (Internet Explorer Can Not find this Page) remotely

I have Deployed my web application on IIS 7.0 on localMachine(Server) and it is working fine there.
But when i try to access it from other machine in LAN, It gives me error that, 'Internet Explorer Can Not find this Page.'
I am accessing it on terminals using server name address and also tried using IP address.
Even I have Shared the Application Folder in network.
Check the Windows Firewall on your Vista PC. You need to let TCP port 80 through.
Make sure that you enable the firewall and bind to IP addresses other than localhost.
You don't need to and should not share the application folder.
This is a security risk as people on the network will be able to access the source code of the application. Also, it won't help with the problems you're having because a network share is not accessed over HTTP and so will never hit IIS and your web application. So you can turn off sharing for the folder and be safe in the knowledge that this isn't the issue.
Next, check your windows firewall and make sure incomming web trafic is allowed ("http" or "port 80").
Next I would have a look at the host headers that the site is running on.
Then maybe update your question with more detail.
You may also want to ensure that IIS is listening on the correct IP Address. This problem can occur if you switch from a LAN connection to a wireless connection (for example when taking a work laptop home).
To Check this, open inetmgr and right-click on the 'Default Web Site' node. Verify that the IP Address entry is set to the current IP of your machine.
