Grammar Checkers: is there any *standard* API and protocol? - standards

I would like to know if there exist any standard API and protocol for grammar checking. I don't mean a library, I mean a standard API specification, to which various checkers from different vendors could conform.
Update 2015-12-18
The closest I can find, is Enchant. Unfortunately, it's for spell check only, not grammar check. The standard API in Windows, and MacOS, are also only for spell check, not grammar check.


TOTP defaults and extensibility

Recently, I was implementing 2FA using TOTP according to RFC 6238. What caught my attention were the default values: 30s time step, epoch as the start time of counting, and especially the widely used parameters (not directly recommended by the RFC): secret represented in Base32, codes of lengths 6 and HMAC-SHA1 as the underlying algorithm. My questions:
Is it reasonable to assume changes in widely used implementations, using the parameters above? This implies implementing a way to customize the parameters instead of hard coding the default values.
Are there any known plans to "upgrade" the used parameters by widely used client implementations, e.g. Authy, 1Password, Google Authenticator etc.?
Answer on the first question depends on your needs. If you have implemented 2FA on your server and looking for some app to generate codes on a client side - you just need to choose an app which already supports working with different parameters, so in this way you can be sure that next app update won't broke your auth system.
As for the common realization: most of the auth servers use 6-digits codes using 32-symbols seeds in Base32 and SHA1 as a hashing function, but I've met some systems with SHA-256 and 52-symbols seeds.

Is there a public HTTP 1.1 reference implementation?

While learning more about HTTP 1.1 and reading the spec, it strikes me that it could be helpful to have a public reference implementation which can demonstrate the protocol. I imagine it would provide ideal, basic examples, as well as working examples of those parts of the protocol which are often disabled on public servers (e.g., TRACE).
I'm talking about a running, publicly accessible server(s). The idea would be to show how HTTP (should) works via an actual running webserver(s) (and the source). A user could build arbitrary requests using fiddler or the like, to see how the server responds. I'm assuming it would be open source. It would likely be based on an existing webserver implmentation (e.g., Apache), perhaps with extensions to support the entire protocol where the existing impl. doesn't (Transfer-Encoding compression, etc.). I know this last part is a pipe dream, I'm just putting it here by way of explanation.
I understand that HTTP is a very broad protocol, so that a reference implementation would not be comprehensive. I can imagine many, many reasons why something like this would not exist, and I know I can start up my own local server and play around with it (I've done that sort of thing for years). I know I can poke around against well-known existing public servers (Google, etc.). But, I'm wondering if anything like a public reference implementation exists.
As an IETF spec, HTTP/1.1 does not have a reference implementation. Instead,
"at least two independent interoperating implementations
with widespread deployment and successful operational experience"
were required.
From the Implementation report for HTTP/1.1 to Draft Standard, you can see there were substantially more than that:
We have implementation & testing reports from 26 implementations
You say:
I can imagine many, many reasons why something like this would not exist
Here's one: for a reasonably complex specification, you don't want people designing to a specific implementation. Any "reference" implementation would have bugs, which would then be picked up by subsequent code built against that reference.
The specification is authoritative; in the case that an implementation diverges, you should consult the specification (and its errata) for the correct behaviour.
I know I can poke around against well-known existing public servers
Exactly. Per The Tao of IETF:
"We believe in rough consensus and running code"

appropriate user-agent header value

I'm using HttpBuilder (a Groovy HTTP library built on top of apache's httpclient) to sent requests to the API. The docs for this API say you should set the user-agent header to "something appropriate" in order to reduce your chances of getting blocked.
Any idea what kind of values would be deemed appropriate?
The name of your application including a version number?
I work for "Appropriate" means something which will identify your app in a helpful way to us when we're looking at our logs. Examples of when we use this information:
investigating bugs or odd behaviour; for example if you've found an edge case we don't handle, or are accidentally causing unusual load on a system
investigating behaviour that we think is inappropriate; we might want to get in touch to help your application work better with our services
we might use this information to judge which API methods are used, how often, and by whom, in order to do capacity planning or to get general statistics on the API eco-system.
A helpful (appropriate) User-Agent:
tells us the name and version of your application (preferably something unique and easy to find on Google!)
tells us the specific version of your application
might also contain a URL at which to find out more, e.g. your application's homepage
Examples of unhelpful (inappropriate) User-Agents:
the same as any of the popular web browsers
the default user-agent for your HTTP Client library (e.g. curl/7.10.6 or PEAR HTTP_Request)
We're aware that it's not possible to change the User-Agent sent when your application is browser-based (e.g. Javascript or Flash) and don't expect you to do so. (That shouldn't be a problem in your case.)
If you're using a 3rd party API library, such as one of the ones listed at , then we would prefer it if you added extra information to the User-Agent to identify your application, but left the library name and version in there as well. This is immensely useful when tracking down bugs (in either our service or in the client libraries).

HTTPbis - what does bis mean?

I've often seen "bis" appended to versions of protocols (eg v.34bis or httpbis).
What does "bis" mean or stand for?
A telecom engineer I know thinks it might be French in origin.
As others have already said, "bis" comes from "twice" or "repeat". It's used to indicate a second variant of something (although usually with only minor variations that don't warrant a new name).
In the context of HTTP, HTTPbis is the name of the working group in charge of refining HTTP. According to its charter:
HTTP is one of the most successful and widely-used protocols on the
Internet today. However, its specification has several editorial
issues. Additionally, after years of implementation and extension,
several ambiguities have become evident, impairing interoperability
and the ability to easily implement and use HTTP.
The working group will refine RFC2616 to:
Incorporate errata and updates (e.g., references, IANA registries, ABNF)
Fix editorial problems which have led to misunderstandings of the specification
Clarify conformance requirements
Remove known ambiguities where they affect interoperability
Clarify existing methods of extensibility
Remove or deprecate those features that are not widely implemented and also unduly affect interoperability
Where necessary, add implementation advice
Document the security properties of HTTP and its associated mechanisms (e.g., Basic and Digest authentication, cookies, TLS) for common applications
It will also incorporate the generic authentication framework from RFC
2617, without obsoleting or updating that specification's definition
of the Basic and Digest schemes.
Finally, it will incorporate relevant portions of RFC 2817 (in
particular, the CONNECT method and advice on the use of Upgrade), so
that that specification can be moved to Historic status.
In doing so, it should consider:
Implementer experience
Demonstrated use of HTTP
Impact on existing implementations and deployments
The Working Group must not introduce a new version of HTTP and should
not add new functionality to HTTP. The WG is not tasked with producing
new methods, headers, or extension mechanisms, but may introduce new
protocol elements if necessary as part of revising existing
functionality which has proven to be problematic.
The last paragraph (emphasis mine) explains why they've used "bis" in this context, since they explicitly don't want a new version.
The word (also used as a prefix or suffix) bis , applied to some modem protocol standards, is Old Latin for "repeat" (akin to Old High German "twice"). When a protocol ends with "bis," it means that it's the second version of that protocol.
Similarly, ter is from Old Latin meaning "three times." The suffix terbo in the V.xx modem protocol is an invented word based on the Old Latin ter and the word turbo (Latin for "whirling top" or "whirlwind") meaning "speed." V.32terbo is the third version developed of the V.32 modem protocol..

Best Publish/Subscribe "Middleware" [closed]

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I'm in the market for a good open source network based Pub/Sub (observer pattern) library. I haven't found any I like:
JMS - tied to Java, treats message contents as dumb binary blobs
NDDS - $$, use of IDL
CORBA/ICE - Pub/Sub is built on-top of RPC, CORBA API is non-intuitive
JBOSS/ESB - not too familiar with
It would be nice if such a package could to the following:
Network based
Aware of payload data, users should not have to worry about endian/serialization issues
Multiple language support (C++, ruby, Java, python would be nice)
No auto-generated code (no IDLs!)
Intuitive subscription/topic management
For fun, I've created my own. Thoughts?
You might want to look into RabbitMQ.
As pointed-out by an earlier post in this thread, one of your options is OpenSplice DDS which is an Open Source implementation of the OMG DDS Standard (the same standard implemented by NDDS).
The main advantages of OpenSplice DDS over the other middleware you are considering can be summarized as:
Rich support for QoS (Persistence, Fault-Tolerance, Timeliness, etc.)
Data Centricity (e.g. possibility of querying and filtering data streams)
Something that I'd like to understand is what are your issues with IDL. DDS uses IDL as language-independent way of specifying user data types. However DDS is not limited to IDL, you could be using XML, if you prefer. The advantage of specifying your data types, and decoupling their representation from a specific programming language, is that the middleware can:
(1) take away from you the burden of serializing data,
(2) generate very time/space efficient serialization,
(3) ensure end-to-end type safety,
(4) allow content filtering on the whole data type (not just the header like in JMS), and
(5) enable on-the wire interoperability across programming languages (e.g. Java, C/C++, C#, etc.)
Depending on the system or application you are designing, some of the properties above might not be useful/relevant. In that case, you can simply generate one, a few, "DDS Type" which is the holder of you serialized data.
If you think about JMS, it provides you with 5 different topic types you can use to send your data. With DDS you can do the same, but you have the flexibility to define exactly the topic types.
Finally, you might want to check out this blog entry on Scala and DDS for a longer discussion on why types and static-typing are good especially in distributed systems.
We use the RTI DDS implementation. It costs $$, but it supports many quality of service parameters.
There is a free DDS implementation called OpenDDS, but I've not used it.
I don't see how you can get around the need to predefine your data types if the target language is statically typed.
Look a bit deeper into the various JMS implementations.
Most of them are not Java only, they provide client libraries for other languages too.
Suns OpenMQ have at least a C++ interface, Apache ActiveMQ provides client side libraries for many common languages.
When it comes to message formats, they're usually decoupled from the message middleware itself. You could define your own message format. You could define your own XML schema and send XML messages. You could send BER encoded ASN.1 using some 3. party library if you want.
Or format and parse the data with a JSON library.
You might be interested in the MUSCLE library (disclaimer: I wrote it, so I may be biased). I think it meets all of the criteria you specified.
Three I've used:
IBM MQ Series - Too Expensive, hard to work with.
Tico Rendezvous - (renamed now to EMS?) Was very fast, used UDP, could also be used with no central server. My favorite but expensive and requires a maint fee.
ActiveMQ - I'm using this currently but finding it crashes frequently. Also it's requires some projects ported from Java like It works but I can't recommend it due to stability issues.
Also used MSMQ in an attempt to build my own Pub/Sub, but since it doesn't handle it out of the box your stuck writing a considerable amount of code.
There is also OpenSplice DDS. This one is similar to RTI's DDS, except that it's LGPL!
Check it out:
IBM Webpshere MQ, and the licence is not too expnsive if you work on a corporate level.
You might take a look at PubSubHubbub. It's a extension to Atom/RSS to alow pubsub through webhooks. The interface is HTTP and XML, so it's language-agnostic. It's gaining increasing adoption now that Google Reader, FriendFeed and FeedBurner are using it. The main use case is blogs and stuff, but of course you can have any sort of payload.
The only open source implementation I know of so far is this one for the Google AppEngine. They say support for self-hosting is coming.
